SPRINGFIELD BPRINOOTELD. LA N E C O U N T Y , O RBO ON T W E N T Y -F O U R T H Y E A R COUNCIL ORDERS 3 FLOOD PREVENTION IS MILES OF CEMENT ENDORSED BY OHAMRFR WALK CONSTRUCTED AT MONTHLY MEETING no L NUMBER 15 THURSDAY APRIL 28. 1827 Do You Know Her? 150 DELEGATES TO BE HERE FOR CONCLAVE OF METHODIST SOCIETIES At least 180 deleatea are expected to ba bare by tomorrow night to at* land the annual convention of the Epworth league« of the northern hnlf Weinhffrd Building Suggested of thia district. to be conducted here , To C o n c • m t Considering Friday. Saturday and Sunday. Fruit Plant In Lane County; Elaborate plan* for the entertain- ' Survey Completed Showing ment of the vtaltora have been com- j Large Acreage. pleted by member» of the local Lon­ gue, of which Theo Bartholomew la j Utilisation of the Welnhard lee the president The Methodist church plant, located la the eaat end >t will be headquarter» for the conven­ Springfield, aa temporary quarters for tion. , a cannery la being considered by the The conclave will open tomorrow supporters of a new cannery In thia night with a banquet In the Methodist district, who have Just completed a church basement. On Saturday, the survey of Lane county In preparation business of the district will be tran­ for establishing a cannery here. sacted in aeveral aeaalona, and enter­ Thrtw concerns have been inter­ tainment feature» auch as mualc will viewed by supporters of the plan and be Interspersed results of the survey sent to their The devotional phraae of the con­ officials. J. B. Hall. Eugene attonaay vention will be emphasised Sunday. in charge of the Investigation, report­ On that day. Rev. 8 J. Chaney, dis­ ed today that It la not likely that ths trict superintendent, will speak in the companies could put up a cannery morning and In the evening Rev. so late In the summer, but that frnlt- Joseph E. Knott, pastor of the Me taklng stations may be Installed to thodist church at Roseburg, will be handle the fruit here and ship It the speaker. (immediately to plants eleawhere for this year. Suggestions that the local building SPRINGFIELD PEOPLE be used are being seriously consider­ AT I. O. O. F. MEETING ed, This building, built as an lea plant, la well equipped, and located T w o n l E« lo n g n o w U n til y o u on railroad tracks with other conveni­ will a g a in Ee ro o tin g lo r E e r to d e ­ ent facliltlea. It has been out of uso fe n d v . 5 . te n n i« h o n o r* I t is lit t le for many years. " P o k e r-F a c e ' H e le n W ills , w h o »• The survey shows 19.600 acres of re p o r te d to Ee in e x c e lle n t c o n d i­ tio n fo r th e i « *» o i i • c a m p a ig n . fruit and vegetable land which might yield produce for the cannery busi­ ness here. This Includes 60» acre« of cherries. 47» acres of strawberries, 4-L READY FOR RADIO and «92 landowners. It Is said In the 8iuslaw valley. 200 BROADCASTING NIGHT • tons of Evergreen blackberries were OVER EUGENE STATION raised last year, but that fully half of this amount were left on tha The Springfield Loyal Legion of • bushes because of lack of market. Luger» and Lumbermen has com­ I Hall said he believed «0 per cent pleted plans for broadcasting a 4-L I of the fruit and vegetables In tho program over KGBH. Eugene radio i county have been accounted for In th» station, on the night of April 2». . aurveay. The Springfield Chamber Presence of 4-L leaders in Eugene to ■ of Commerce survey covered 2 Ml attend the district board meeting has , landowners and about 3000 acres *1 supplied additional features to the 1 fruit and vegetable lands. program. W D Smith, field officer, and Rob­ EIGHT GRADE EXAMINATIONS ert Jensen, assistant to the president, Uniform State Eighth Grade Ex­ will be the chief speakers. H. E. aminations will be given on Thurs­ VeneeR, another 4-L officer, and C. R. day and Friday. May 12 and 13. 1927, Cleaver, West C oul Life Insurance In districts where pupils have com­ representative, will render vocal num­ pleted all legal requirements and ap­ bers. plication has been made for the ques­ Local talent on the program In­ tions. The schedule will be printed cludes: Harry Fandrum. guitar solo; on the front of the sealed envelop« FACE SERIOUS CHARGES Eunice Parker, piano; Wlnlfrld Ty- containing the questions Two children were accidently' I son. piano; Carlton slaters, vocal duet. SCOUTS ADVANCED AT E. J. MOORE. Co. School 9upt. wounded by guns In this district last Ernold B. Hardesty end Austin , HONOR COURT MEETING King Is Elected Ma. 5: McPherson. Springfield youths, are la ( Friday. John P. King was elected secretary Horace Dempsey, 10 year old boy the county Jail facing serious charges Four Boy Scouts of Troop 11 and prT S of the local unit at Monday night's one of Troop 12 were advanced at CIVIC CLUB SELECTS living at Upper Camp creek, was as an aftermath of an alleged "party meeting to succeed D. W. McKinnon. hunting gophers with companions court of honor ceremonies Tuesday CONVENTION DELEGATE© In a varant house near hers last win­ The latter will serve for two months when a gun carried by one of his ter. which resulted In McPherson. night. Evan Hughes waa given a -------- ' more, however. merit badge for first aid -work, and! Delegates to the state women s club playmates was accidentally dis­ Hardesty, and two other youth», flee ; D. W. Crites was chosen to repres­ Eugene Walker received similar re- convention at Bend late la May were charged. The bullet entered the inr th© city. fleshy part of the leg. He was brought ent Sprlngfled gt the district board cognition for work In personal health choaen at a meeting of the Women » Hardesty and McPherson were ar­ and public health. Earl Walker and ClvHs club at the chamber of co * rested Monday nlghL by Chtaf De Gosslers blovi»«— Mr, and Mrs. to a local physician for medical treat­ meeting April 29. More fire prevention stickers- tor Carrol Adams were advanced to first merce Tuesday night. Mrs. t-srl OP puty Sheriff Van Svarverud and Pol Walter Gossler are moving thia week ment? ' Tex Knight's S-year old boy waa automobiles were ordered purchased clasa scouts, and Dorman Chase. Af son and Mr». Paul Brattajn were ae Ice Chief Jess Smltson. They had re­ to tbalr residence on Tenth between cently returned to Ihe city, supposedly A and B a«reeta. Mr. Ooaale/ pur­ shot in the fingers when he walked after a proclamation on forest week the Legion troop, was made second ected. with Mrs. Bernice /an Valsah I by President Coolidge was read. from California McPherson la charg chased tha place from Vaeby brothers. over a gopher gun. discharging IL class scout. ! as a.t.m ate. At a meeting of the Lions troop Plans for the rose show also war« ed with a statuary offense agatnaL w committee afterward», Evan Hughes dlscuased. and Mrs C E "heatoa 14 year otf girl, »aid to have baetWptM- waa choaen junior assistant scout- wa elected general chair ms r Mr», aent at the "party" and HardeMy la By PAUL ROBINSON PAINT4JP TIME master. Troop hikes for the spring S. R Mppel will have cha-ge of th« accused of contributing to the flellt- were planned The local scout conn- children In the parade. quency of a minor. cil also met. hearing reports of acO-, Mrs. Wheaton was voted »10 for 1 T O S E E \O U STANDING '------ - MrPheraon gave hl» age H» officers Titles of County Executive C. R Hark supplies for Girl Scouts work and 15 aa 17. hut they say he Is »Met thaa TH SC .6 WATCHING ME — ANY- and Deputy Commlseioner W. C. Reb- was voted to Mrs Ora Hemenway for that. Hardesty admitted 21 years The QO l WOULD TH INK YOU HAD use In framing school pictures. Mr». youths allegedly mixed up in the at- _____________________ ' paui Brattaln waa elected memorial NOTHING TP 00 »•i, were suspended1 from the Spring- LOCAL STUDENTS CO TO day representative. r-rto re -r r o n v c r n N T E S T The occasion waa the celebration Of FOREST GROVE CONTEST ann,Ter8ary o, the club. Three miles of sidewalk, some In The Springfield Chamber of Com • very part of town, were ordered merce at Friday's mealing added Its constructed by an ordinance pasaed support to West Springfield residents at tha special meeting of the Spring- Traditional Foaturot To Bo Ra- who are In a campaign to bring about field council Monday evening Notice steps toward flood control of tha Wll- tainad For Thia Yaar’a Ob- will be aent to property owners Im lametta river In that district. The aarvanca; Huntly Again In petition signed by practically all pro­ mediately and a call for bids will be Charge; Club Representa­ perty holders In tha affected district marie. Owners not constructing their own sidewalks will have them put In was presented to the local civic body tive» Moat. by the city and paid for in cash or leaders. by tfie provisions of the Bancroft act. j |>laue for Hprlugfidd s observance The Lane county court Is naked to A request for a deed to the right-of- of Memorial day with Impressive ear-»- make a preliminary survey In accord mony assumed dwfinlls shape tael ance with plans outlined by Simon way of the old street car line on the night when » oomlltaa of represent* Klovdahl. city engineer, looking to­ west side of the road was received ; tlvsa of total civic organisations ward actual work of controlling tho from the county court. Part of th is! formed an organisation to taka charge rlvsr to prevent a recurrence of the rlght-of way la needed for tha ap­ of the observance with Major N. B. damage done during the recent proach to the new Willamette rtvvr bridge. The city wishes to retain freshet. all the right-of-way not needed for j Features of the obaervanca which | The Springfield chamber at Frl- have beaome almost traditional with , ilay’s meeting appointed a committee highway and a conference will be hell Springfield will be retained this year. ' , to cooperate with other civic groups with the county court to work out an •cording to the plana shaped Three In supporting a plan for establish­ agreement. The council agreed to an exchange Include a parade, a service at the mill ment here of a community house. On race for the departed navy (.t turne(1 OTeT to the Hara lllgge. president of the student body and chief proponent of the measure ,rnateea Two eltea. one at Fourth Iton Beeler, Warrenton, was elected, A >tre#u donated by A1 president of the student body, and the fodgemen want to Harold Mangum. Portland, editor of „ >nd anoth„ ^ „ „ g in g to the Oregon Dally Emerald , he c,ly at 9 ,xth and A treets. are — being contldered. SPRINGFIELD MINING CO. Financing th© building 1« th© chlaf ELECTS FRIDAY NIGHT difficulty of the Masons In their balld . log plans, and they will take this Officers of the Hprlngfleld Mining matter up seriously at the next meet- company, local organisation recently : |Bg. Incorporated for the purpose of work I The lodge will go to Eugene tonight Ing a mine In the region of the I-ucky to confer the Master Mason degree at Boy gold mine, will be elected a*, a ceremonies by the county seat lodge, meeting tomorrow night. George Cox _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and Lawrence May. Springfield men TWO CHILDREN SHOT are the leaders In the mining orgsnl HERE ON SAME DAY TWO LOCAL YOUTHS TO Damage totaling approxi was the result of a fire at Jones place on East Main i day afternoon. The bla* fiist to break out here months. The fire caught from th troyed a part of the hull the chimney, and smoke paper In two rooms. It w Ished before the fire reached the place. The new telegraphic station msieii ed by the Southern Pacific at Spring field Junction la now operating, with J. 11 Earnest. Max H. Miller ami Mr. McKItrlrk In charge. All live In Springfield. The atatlon was Installed as a re suit of the opratlon of main line trains ov>r the Cascade line, this he Ing the Junction of the Cascade and Siskiyou I line». A telegraphic sta­ tion »1111 la In operation here. Drives From Q Robinson of Cottagi to vlalt Wednesday. Springfield high school student» . who will compete In the musical con- Needleeraft Meet» tests at Forest Grove will leave to- The Needleeraft club held a 1 night for Salem, where they will be the following women as hostesses: picked up by automobile by Miss ! o'clock luntffieon at the Anchorage Frances Hodge, local high school tea room In Eugene last week, with teacher, for the remainder of the trip. Mrg pari Olson. Mrs. R. P. Morten- They will return Saturday. »en, Mrs. Floyd Thompson. Mrs D. Those who will go are Paul Potter, w c rltes and Mrs. W. N. Long. Tha Paul Freae, William Pollard and table an(i room were decorated with Charles Nadvornlk. Frese will sing a flowerg, and the afternoon was spent ■nk. Nudvnrnlk will give a violin Mmen and conversation. SPRINGFIELD WINNER OF GAME WITH HILL ♦ Springfield high school annexed a 10 to 6 victory over Pleasant HUI high school's baseball nine here yesterday. The local team took the lead when Humpherlea, Pleasant Hill hurler, walked five men In the first fnntn<. Squires and Harper pitched for Spring (laid. Mofflt Signs Contract Teachers of Springfield ere begin- ¡ng to return their signed contract» ! Clerk R. W. Smith. Laurence Mof- t, newly elected principal of the liMvtln school. Is among those signed Mrs. Cook Operated On— Mrs. P. M. Hara From Crsawall— Mr». E. B. PuroeU of CreaweU waa a vielter hare Cook underwent en operation at the Pacific Christian hospital yeaterday. yesterday. I