The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, April 21, 1927, Page 6, Image 6

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Fred Floetsr. Jr. 1«. ot St.
* u «hot fatally while oa a hunting
expedition with ihraa other boy«
Tha »hooting took place about a talla
from St. Helena In a wooded section
where tha boys had gone, with s >0
.80 rifle. to haat cougar
Representatives of tha Marlon and
YamhUl court» hald a conference la
Salam e r e c tly and decldad J ™ * * *
with tha remodeling of tha
bridge during tb . «>"•«“ E
coat was
estimated «•
at ▼
w m
■wre-.w.-. which
will ba borna equally by tha two conn
j ties.
th e su b je c t of "Muklag a pint Out of
Nawa Notas
a Man**
A shit from the Boy's Ulaa flu b
negro minstrel to tie presented In tha
Wlnlfrld Tyson. Editor
The last slg weeks of school began
High School auditorium April IS was
Qlrla Intarelaaa Games
Tyaon. vice-president; Melba Mallon, given In the regular aaaembly Tuoa on Monday of this w eak .. There are
quite a iuw activities scheduled for
The Arat girls' baseball «am» In th a 1 Hnd Bertha l*addtx-k. secretary; Jack day.
Brief Resume of Happenings of
thia hom estrstch but after all It Is
Intarelaaa rivalry aariaa, waa played Itaunar. Lawrence Koot and Kathar
Tuaaday after »ohita 1. Tha aophomora» | McPherson. treasurer
Professor Tuttle of the U. of O. these activities which put the pep
the Week Cellected for
playad tha freshmen. with a Anti
Ths election will tabe placa soma sp ik e at (he Tuesday assembly on Into high pchool Ufa
of „ t0 l7
f , Tvr
lima during tha Aral of May.
Our Readers.
r h o r w la » a fte r n o o n th e lun
I moraa.
afternoon tha Jun
N« ‘
Baseball Team Dsfsatsd
Tha main mill of tha Cita« Bay
High School's baseball
Lumbar company announced that op
1 Thursday's
T hursdays game.
. . .
'team seem» doomed to detest. The
.rations ta tha mata mill would ba on
T h . Itne-ups for Thureday . game first two games of
ot the season were
a five-day schedule
Claude V. Davla. 4«. Is dead of la- was as follows: Sophomores—catch«'»
lost. The first game with Junction
Fall-sown wheat is In good condl
Evelyn Jacobson; pitcher. Maxine City was called off because of rata.
lion generally In Oregon, but weather when hit team of horses rsa sway Snodgrass, first base. Maud Brattatn;
condition« have prevented much seed near Roseburg. Mr. Duvla tad been second base. Dora Wagner; third base Also bad weather prevented the learn
loading wood on a steep hillside when Lena F rlte ll; right short stop, Esther meeting Cottage Grove as scheduled
lag ot spring grata.
The game was played at Cottage
McKentie Pass Is bow burled under one of the reins broke, frightening the McPherson; left short stop, Francis
Grove Tuesday
from «even to It feet ot snow for s
Frltell; right fielder. Lucylla Rich-
distance of 13 miles over the summit, from the wagon, whi.h passed over mood; left fielder. Okrla Mooney.
Quarts! To Compete
his body
according to recant reports.
For the Freshmen — C a t c h e r
For the purpose of ascertaining the Ruth Bvtlls; pitcher. Hlldred Wycoff;
The Springfield High school boy's
Fire losses in Oregon, egcluslve of
the people t toward
--------- of •*—
o w a r d the
base, Verns Houk; second base, quartet will go to the annual State
Portland, during March, aggregated sentiment
^..a Divine;
pteing; third
tn iru base.
n ase. Bernice
n e r n ic e Cline;
v n a r ; High School Music Tournament the
$888,889. according to a report pre­ proposal to consolidate Oregon I Ity. K»a
West Linn. Gladstone. P u t k 1*0* - f right short Mop, Rllaan Sehautol; left last week end In April.
pared by the state fire marshal.
The members of the quartet are
Stiults: right field­
The new state highway ateel bridge Canemah and Cl*. kamss Haights into short stop, Audrey --------
er. Nellie Sänky; left fielder. Nellie Paul ['otter, lat tenor; t'hsrjea Nad
over the John Day river at tha Old _ single municipality, there la a
vornlk. 2nd tenor; William Pollard,
Oregon Trail highway crossing near slbillty of a trial ballot being tahau W right
baritone; Alfred Free««, buss
Th. Itallee has been opened to traffic by mall In the several communities
Charles Nad vornlk. who won first
Officers Nominated
A report of the three Baker banks
Garland Ganger. 10. lies la a Pendle­
The list of nominees for next year's place in violin last year will compete
shew s resources amounting to 34 878,-
He will be accom­
T4187 sad deposits of 83.878.784.82. a ton hospital with hie left hand prac­ student-bady officers has been posted again ihla year
gain of 887,452 93 in less than three tically blown off and his right sy s In the assembly. They are as follows: panied by W iliam Popard.
injured to such an extent that he may William Cox and Cart McKtnn!*.
Alfred Frese will compete as ba»s
lose the
sight, following the explo-
The Clatskanie telephone company
sion of a dynamite cap. ten m ile.
has asked the public service commis­
west of Pendleton. His hand was .
sion for permission to increase its blown off with the exception of the b<ds along tue suore
rates la the city of Clatskanie, effac
Marriage la Oregon la losing ground
little finger
five May X.
ths contest with dlvorca. a report
Coos county’s share In the recent
Since tha beginning of the system In
by the department of commerce.
disposition of land-grant moneys made
1>J® to the present date, the Yamhill
Washington. D. C.. authorised for pub­
by the government to Oregon and Cal­
county court has spent a total of
lication. shows. In 193« there were
ifornia under the Stanfield act of 1925
3438.98OC4 on the various market
7085 marriages sad 308« divorces In
is »503.70« »8. It was aanounced by
Used by
roads in that county.
the state, according to figures which
the county treasurer. A check for
Sprague river, small lumbering com that amount has been received aud the government he» assembled from
■ unity 40 miles east of Klamath Falls, the money la being assigned to ths state and federal bureau». Marriages i
Increased 1.« per cent In 192« over
was In a fever of excitement as the various county funds.
1935 and divorces 8 9 per cent.
result of discovery of placer deposits
Portland has grown from a popula­
of gold and platinum.
A telegram rescinding the order to
tion of 347.781 to 354.000 In the past
Struck in the face by a golf club In year, according to the estimate accom­ transfer ths Southern Pacific passen­
the hands of a boy she was teaching panying the new issue of the R. L. ger terminal from Roseburg to Eugene
the rudiments of the game. Mrs. Helen Polk A Co. city directory. Just off the was received I d Roseburg last week
Copeland Kilgore. Culver. Jefferson press. This, say the publishers, is a from William Sproule, president of
county teacher, loet her left eye.
conservative estimate, despite the ths Southern Pacific Last Ths order
will tell you that a little forealgbt and t are of
A heavy hail storm m Clackamas tact that ths 1930 federal census gave checked the preparations of p c! sen-
machine will nave n big repair bill. Apply
ger trainmen who were muklnc. p lan s
county last week slightly damaged Portland only 258.388 people
this advice to your personal affair»». A few
the cherry and peach crop, but the
Miners, assayers and chem ists of
dollar»» aaved now -and constant care to nee
apple blossoms, which are not far central Oregon who have heard much lowing tho putting in operation of the
that more dollar« go Into your Raving« ac-
aaougfa advanced, were not injured.
in recent weeks about the "mystery
every month—will mean Independ­
Members of the state highway com
The directors of the Jackson County metal" of the Grants Paas country,
the future.
Pair association have set the dates of watched this white metal chill into mission held a sueelln.; at I- alls City
the fair earlier this year. August 31 large buttons when It was melted
Every man should plan to have a buataeaa of
large nuyou. - o - o o
proposed FallaClty-Valasta
and September 1 to 3. In hopes of get from rocks brought to Bend from the |
u s e —
hi« own some day. or own hl« home, or have
ting better weather than In the past Golden Cross mine of Gold Hill, owned
some delnite object In life. Constant saving
tied recently under an act of ths 1936
Louis Weber, who has a ranch at principally by Bend residents.
will make It possible, but you must start now
legislature The district proposes to
Long Prairie in Tillamook county, has
The Hawley Pulp A Paper Mill construct a cutoff highway to the
for the tomorrow Is always tomorrow.
a cow that gave birth last week to a company will enlarge Its plant at
coast. The road would be 36 miles
The great rub-down that
calf with two bodies and eight legs Oregon City to a new capacity of 200
In length and would reduce materially
Park your dollars here.
but only one head. It lived only a tons of paper a day. The present ca­
tones you up!
the distance between Wllamette val­
Makes new life l e a p
short time.
pacity is 120 tons a day. Ground will ley points and Taft.
t h r o u g h tired, aching
At a recent meeting of the Lincoln be broken May 1 on the project and
Bonds of ths state of Oregon and
sounty court contracts were awarded It will be completed January 1. 1*28.
itd nuiueroui subdivisions now out-
Prescribed b y Physic­
to Curry A Hamar of Toledo for the at a coat of »1,500.000, according to
standing total the stupendous sum of
ians and used In homes,
construction of bridges across Crab. announcement made recently by Wil­
3202.398,359.61. according to a report
athletic c l u b s . Turkish
Buck and Cascade creeks in the south lard P. Hawley Sr. and his son.
Protected by Electric Burglarly A la rm System
oomplled by State Treasurer T. B.
baths and hospitals every­
end of the county.
A few days ago a large oil barge Kay. la addition to the bonds there
Schools at Richland and Newbridge which was tied up at the oil station are county, school district, city and
In Baker county, which were closed of the Pacific Spruce corporation at other warrants outstanding aggregat­
for some time because of an epidemic Toledo became fouled during the night ing 310.173.704.48. making a total debt
of scarlet fever, have been reopened and the following low tides stranded of 32l».57».o«3.»9
As an offset to
All public meetings were called off her, causing her to tip sideways and thia debt, there are assets. Including
SDrtnrfleld. Oregon
during the epidemic.
spill into the bay some 500 barrels of sinking funds, amounting to 339.888.-
Mr and Mrs. P. P. Underwood cele­
011.01. reducing tha net debt to 3172,-
brated their 54th wedding anniversary mately »1000. Some fear is e i pressée 9K.O62.98.
last Wednesday at their home In Du
far. They came to Wasco county in
1877 ana settled at Dufur, where they
took up a homestead.
Clatsop county will celebrate the j
annual Scotch Broom festival near
Astoria on May 24 this year, at that
time paying tribute to the shrub
which banks the Clatsop plains region
with gold each spring
While oiling a chain on a caterpillar
at Arlington, Bert Kane, the driver
caught his clothes in the machinery
HI» clothing was completely torn
from his body, one arm broken Ini
three places and his chest crushed In I
Governor Patterson announced the '
selection of J. K Weatherford of Al- [
bany, H. J. Elliott of Perrydale. Polk
sounty. and Judge J. Fred Yates of
Cervsllls, as members of the Ixjard of
regents of Oregon Agricultural college -
Veds Miller, 4 year-old daughter of i
Leslie Miller of Silets. was seriously j
burned last Sunday when sparks from
t burne<l-off fern area flew some 15'
leet through the air. catching lo the j
child's clothing and enveloping her In
A check for 31.089,840 50. Lane
county's share In the Oregon A Cali­
fornia land grant tax refund, was re­
ceived recently by Grace Schlska,
r-ouuty treasurer. Ths check was the
largest ever to be presented at a Lane
county bank.
Patrons of the Southern Pacific
cwmpsny at Scio and Crabtree have
filed with the public service commis­
sion a protest against the proposed
action of the railroad corporation in
eliminating dally round trip service
on the Shelburn branch.
Mrs. G. T. Ger linger of Dallas, C.
C. Colt of Portland and William Mc-
Klaney of Baker were reappointed by
Gassruor Patterson as regents of the
Balvsrslty ef Oregon They will serve
Is* term* of II years Their preseni
tersss expire April 18.
High School News
a good
» Flannery’s
Drug Store
Commercial State Bank
Better Traction
Longer Wear
The Goodyear All-Weather Balloon
offers you these distinct advantages
at no higher cost.
See these Prices
Let us quote you on your size
Springfield Garage
Danner Motor Co.
Main St.
5th and A St.