The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, April 21, 1927, Page 5, Image 5

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University ut Oregon. Kunrn», April
»1 - A tour or lha world by a Unlvern
In From Wendllng— Ed Keeler,
Ity of Oregon debating Item , the flrat Wandllng. « i a visitor boro Monday.
of Ita kind to be aponaornd by an A mar
Does To Portland— Mra. Carl Web­
Iran Institution. baa baan authorized
by the aludvnt body authorities and er vlalled Portland Friday
plana are w ill under way
Nelson la Improving— N Nelson la
Jack lleinpateud. of (lladatoiie, atil-
dent debater. and J K. Horner, coach, reported to be much Improved after
are preparing tor the tryout Apr I .7 an lllneas,
which la opm to any atudant willing
Mill Residents Visit— Mr. and Mra.
to alay out of collage for one year.
L R. Bollln of Pleasant H ill were
The debatera will work on tha
Hprlngfleld* visitors Monday.
ai'-amahlpa durlnr the tour and do
whatever they can to help earn money
Wendllng Man In Tow»»— W alter
to defer their expenaaa. making tha llogga of Wendllng spent a part nt
project unique. Thia Idea will aymbol- Monday In Springfield.
lie the democratic aplrlt of Oregon.
W alker Visits City— Karl W alker of
Ilempatead aald
few days In
In the United Htatea. the Oregon i Oakridge la upending
men. four In number, will meet leading £ , r |ngfleld.
collage leama. In England and Scot­
land they are planning conteata with
Vlaltors From Notl— Mr and Mrs.
the largest universities, as well ac the Ham Montgomery of Notl
University of Hawaii. University of Hprlngfleld visitors Saturday.
New Zealand, live colleges In Aus
Thurston Man In—George Neer,
,r " "
j Thurston farmer, spent a short time
Hers FromOekrldge— Mra. R W.
Pier of Oakridge was a Hprlngfleld)
visitor Tuesday.
Cslsbratss Birthday — Mra. Kuaa
Goddard will hold a birthday party
for her little aon Saturday.
Marcola Residents In— Mra. Ivan
Miller. Mra. Frank Msiwn, and W alter
llogga were among Marcola residents '
here yesterday.
A man's’ appearance, provided he It
neat and clean, cuts no Ice with t
woman—for that la the least of the
many ways tn which a man can wta
a woman.
Drive To Portland— Jack Oorrle and .
Alex Mdntoah drove to Portland Sun- j
day to aee the Beavera play Holly-1
Undergoes Major Operation— Mias
Addle McCue underwent a major
operation at the Pacific Christian hos­
pital Monday.
Mian Mat. vis ito r—Mien Omen M alsj
Notice, Rebekahs
C^-ruy* Vtir°
He received hta bachelor’*
Hamlin Maksa Portland Trip— F B.
degree at Brown. IHM ; bla A. M at Hamlin, postmaster, made a business
Harvard. In 1»»7. and hta doctor’s de­ trip to Portland over the week-end.
gree at Harvard In 1S»9 I * Savery He returned home Munday night
haa taught In summer sessions at ‘ I
Harvard and the University of Call
Arrive From Canada Home— Mr.
and Mrs W H. Gillette arrived Sat­
"The department of philosophy la urday after an auto trip from Canada
rated highly at the University ot They plan to live here, and Mra. Gil-
Washington, largely because of Prof lette expects to locate on a farm.
eaaor Severy’s skill as a teacher.” ac­ They left Canada during a billiard .
cording to Professor Ralph H. Casey,
Edmlaton’a Move to Eugene— Mr.
associate professor of Journalism at
the University of Oregon, who wea and Mrs. Edmlaton. former residents
graduated from the University of of thia district who have been living
“Besides hla thorough at Lakeview and Marahfleld. have
going knowledge of philosophy • Or moved to Bugene, It was learned by
Savery la a student of peyrholog.-. Ibelr friends here thia week.
Ì y 'yVLutt'F'lo
Dear Mias Flo: —
I am a young man— not at all good
looking, and I am not at all popular
with girls. As a result, I spent most
ot my time alone and never have any
good times like other fellows I know.
Do you think it Is because I am so
lam craiy about a vary
pretty girl— but she Is so lovely and
so attractive to other men that I am
afraid to even make an attempt to
become better acquainted with h er...
L. L.
A ll Rebekahs be at the funeral of
J H. Bummette. to be held at the
W alker chapel Saturday morning at
10 o'clock.
MONDAY — APRIL 2 4 - 25
»rr.ngflcid Monday.
,h . UntoeraUy of Wa.htng.on for 20J * « ■ C. U u .br of M ill n«r~t.
<£«*«• '**»*''
teacher In the Portland schools,
spent her Raster vacation visiting
her parents. Mr. and Mra. M. M. Male
of Springfield.
Buys New Roadster— Sara Mont­
gomery of Notl haa purchased a new
Drive To Drove— Mlaa Pearl Nelson Ford roadster from the Banner Motor
1 accompanied Mr. and Mrs Milo Roach company. Montgomery went to Port­
University of Oregon. Bugene, O re .
Cottage Grove Sunday
land to drive hla new car down.
Aprtl »1.—Courses In philosophy will
Mra. Carlton la Improved— Mrs. B.
be taught thia summer at the Unlver-
lit With Influente— Mian K itti)
alty of Oregon summer aeaalon In Wedapohl la 111 at the home of Rev. W. Carlton, who underwent an opera­
Portland by Hr W illiam Savery. prof and Mra. C H. Blom. She Is auffsr- tion recently at the Pacific Chrfetlan
hosptlal, la Improving rapidly. She
eaaor of philosophy at the University Ing from an attack of Influence
haa been brought back to her home
of Washington. Alfcrd Powers, sum-1
_ .
mer aeaalon. director announced to
Visits From O a k rtd g e -M r. John here.
Isani of Oakridge «pent a«**ral day«
d‘ £ r Savery has been a teacher at here visiting h .r parent., Mr. and
ables him to look well la evening
clothes. Women want something far
more substantial—some charm far
more lasting— than mere good look«.
They don't want husbands so good
looking that they cannot be trusted
out of sight— because they will at-
tract every other woman’s attention
nd especially they don’F want hus­
bands who present a contrast to theta
and makes everybody wonder why In
goodness name that handsome man
marr.ed such a homely woman.
The annual Spring clean-up haa
been set by the council for April 25, i t
and 27. On these days the city free
of charge will have teams haul away
all rubbish put in sacks or boxes and
deposited on the curbs. Put out your
rubbish now.
Teams will start te
work on April 25 and will not come
back on any street that has been
whose only charm Is a face with per- covered once.
feet features and a physique that en- JESS SM ITSON, Chief of Police.
The fact that you are not good look­
ing has absolutely nothing to do with
your unpopularity with women— be­
I cause, ns a matter of fact, few women
admire pretty men. In truth, they
rather resent a man who ts better
looking, because they feel that beauty
H a pe-ogatlve that belongs solely to
the feminine sex, and that man is tn-
trlnging in fhelr own particular field
when he Is good looking They want
to be the picture of their own parti­
cular domicile.
So the man who knows himself to j
literature, and biology, and la a sound
be unattractive physically need tiot j
critic of music and art.’’
retire and live the dlfe of a recluse |
Choose Your Words
He can cultivate other attractions of
One day a man walked Into a
Never Thought or Twelve
manners and conversation and per­
store and salo:
death tentones In Maeeachueetta.
”1 want to gel a set of fura like after J reate I d eourt. haa caused
sonality that enables him to be so
“I say. Tailor, m y bill should be
eemwtaaleea the world ever to pro­
fascinating no fepitnine heart can res­
thirteen dollars, and you’ve made 't the black ones In the window.*’
"Oh. you mean skunkT” aald the tect to the U . S. and tto p t taken in
ist him.
etate awd federal qeartere to provont
He will never attract anybody, how­
"W ell, 1 thought you might be aup- salesman.
violent outbreak». V an tetti and N ic­
ever If he permits himself to feel In­
(Ed N o te— Muy he rest In peace ) ola Sacco have been sentenced to
eiatltloua. air!"
die July J O foe murder.
ferior because of his appearance.
In this respect at least, women
No Such Luck
have more intelligence or a b e tte r,
“A reference, Jane?" exclaimed the
Mlatrcaa: “I saw the milkman kiss VILMA BANKY APPEARS
mlatrcaa. "Why. you have only Ju»t you thia morning. I'll take the m ilk
AS ‘ BARBARA WORTH' sense of value than men have. A
man will marry a girl for no other
In maelf after thia."
reason th in that she has a
------ -------------
’’Yea,’’ admitted Jane, "but you I Janet: ’ it won't do you any good, , Vlnta Banky, one of Europe s recent good
and cream complexion, nat
might not be wanting to give me one mum. He promised me he would kiss
Im'B cinematic world, appears to have urally curly hair, or a willowy figure.,
when I'm leaving, ma'am.”
no one but me.’’
become thoroughly Americanised, for but not snany women want a husband
she appears as "Barbara W orth.” an
Sale It Announced
Study Thia Ona
American girl, in "The Winning of
A basaar. food and rummage sale
, Barban Worth.’’ which plays at the
will b. held at the I. O O F. building
Dignified banker: “Neither my wife Bell Theatre next Sunday and Mon­
by the iJtdlet Aid of the Methodist
myself are Interested In that sort day.
chnrrh. It was announced today The
Misa Bankey has been an English
event will take place Saturday morn­ of th in g .'
girl, a Russian beauty, and a Preach
ing Women have been asked to bring
dancing girl In Arabia. In her three
food for the sale In the morning.
en prices oc plata and other werk. U previous screen appearances in Amer-
ica. with Ronald Colman and Rudolph
29 X 4.40
Btedroem Tragedy
W E S T E R N $ 5 .0 0 H A T CO
Prior to her American lUm debut
Third floor of Miner Building. Eu-
Miss Banky was known as “the most
[ene. Quality and Style equal to hata
beautiful blonde on the European
"The pillow slipped, the bed spread
usually priced double our price of
aereen" appearing In pictures for U.
and he fell Into the spring.”
M 1*
F. A., famous continental production
A Full Oversize
company, »he was working In "Should
I Marry" during the European tour of
30x3’/ a
Mr. Goldwyn, which resulted In her
contract for her American work.
Radio Cord
Goldwyn was enthusiastic over Miss
Hanky's possibilities and persuaded j
her to forsake her continental laurels
for a new start before the cameras of
Hollywood. She left her native Hun
gary and arrived In this country a
942 Willamette St., Eug ene, Oregon.
Road Maps
little over a year ago.
Y O U R V O I C E ...
T h e true reflection o f your personality
L / h b VO IC E is a tie that binds individuals
■A together into o r g a n iz e d s o c ie ty . It has
transformed mere groups o f dwelling places
into communities and has welded these w»d^4
spread communities into a great nation.
Each spoken word—each voice infle&ioo ■
conveys its special meaning. N othing can take
its place.
W hen distance prevents your speak ing face
to face with loved ones, friends, or business
associates, send your voice—che true refleftion
o f your personality—over the voice highways
o f Long Distance.
125* Anniversary]
Choice Coat Styles
Active preparations for the Cltl
sens’ M ilitary Training Camp for In­
fantry to be held at Vancouver bar
racks from June 17 to July 16 are
under way at the present time and a
complete tent camp, equipped with
showers, bath housea, kitchens an.l
mess halls w ill be In place ready for
the 375 boys who are expected to take
advantage of the opportunity for mili­
tary and cltlxenshlp training during
the vacation months.
The camp Is open to boys between
the ages of 17 and 24 Inclusive, for
the basic course. • Expensee of going
to camp and returning home will be
paid by the government .and each
boy w ill be furnished with uniform,
food and shelter, free of charge, while
at camp.
Places have been reserved for 12
boys from l-ane county.
No obligations for future service In
any component of the United States
army attaches to attendance at cltl-
gens' military training camps.
To Meet Every Need
Individual needs— whatever they are
ftre easy to satisfy from our coat stock.
The small woman, particularly, will de­
light in the perfect fit of these Siaes.
Great Variety—A t Thia
Anniversary Price
T w ill costs are (svored for drett— nsvy
blue and tan shades— black and whits com­
binations are especially smarL
Sizes for
Small Women
Accurate, complete
maps; the best ob­
ta in a b le ;
away while supply
lasts. Nearby state
fink new’ season!
Tell your tire troubles good-bye and start
the new driving season with a fresh set
of Siltartowns.
W e feature them this week at special sav­
ings— prices made possible by the fact
that we specialize on this famous brand
and buy in quantity.
The finest Sil vert owns that Goodrich ever
built are waiting to give you extra thou­
sands of miles of care-free driving. Get
them now at money-savings.
Low Prices on Radio Cords
These sturdy tires are also built by
Goodrich— all the experience o f their
tremendous factories built value into
these tires at new low prices.
c -’- - r t o
Service Garage
Phone «S
b e s t
W m - Rodenbough
1 N
S pringfield