)■ APRIL -‘I. I»27 four THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS THE THREE SISTERS NATIONAL PARK The move to make the Three Sisters area a na­ tional park should receive the support of every Bprtngflald. Lao« Coaaty. Oracoo. by citizen in Lane county and Western and Central Oregon. It is only by this method that the area TH E W IL L A M E T T E PRfctS will ever be developed as It should be and nation­ H. K M AXEY. Editor ally advertised by the park service and the' ruil- aa «»tond risaa mattar Fnbraary SA IM I at th» roads. rontatflc«. Bprtogflakl. Oraana_________ We can never get this area made into a nation­ al park if public sentiment Is uot solidly liack of M A IL tU B a C R lR T IO N R A T E _78n the idea. It behoves anyone to think twice before Tear In Advance------tl.TE rhree Month« expressing any sentiment against this movement _ 5c M o n th *B L O B Single Copy lest he hiuder worthwhile development. e THURSDAY APRIL Í1. 1»S7 The Three Sisters area Is good for nothing else — — —— — — ——— but to look at and for recreation. For those pur­ poses it is the most beautiful, picturesque and ATTACK IS CHEAP PUBLICITY unique mountainous area on the Pacific coast. The action of the head of the Eugene church There is not merchantable timber in the area. brotherhood In condemning the sheriff for liberty I There are few animals except elk and deer and shown a trusty prisoner Is cheap publicity and can at the time of the open season these animals mi­ do the church no good and will do law enforce­ grate to lower grounds. Consequently making ment harm. Naturally the sheriff resents it and of this a national park will not interfere with he counters with what newspaper men have hunting. There are few lakes in the urea proper heard for several months—namely the assertion that are stocked with fish and very few would that the church brotherhood has paid a man to be suitable for fish. Any objection that comes spy on his office in an attempt to get something on this score is ill founded. < on him. it) years when mountaineer parties visit The particular prisoner in question was a Eu­ the Except Sisters usuall not more than lt>0 people gene business mau convicted for driving au auto­ visit Three the area in a season. Under national |>ark mobile while under the influence of liquor. This control it is not unlikely that at least 100,000 peo­ man was made a trusty and worked jail and ple would the Three Sisters every year. It sheriffs office records during the time he was surely has visit more to attract than a great deal of serving sentence. Other prisoners are trusties, and anyone who visits the court house may see area now in national parks. It will redound greatly to the benefit of Spring- them without guards washing windows or work­ ing on the lawn nearly every day of the year. field. Eugene and Bend to be on the highway Thev are also sent on other errands away from leading to a national park. It is the biggest tnd the vicinity of the jail at the discretion of the surest results of any undertaking to attrait tour­ sheriff and county court. Several times this par­ ists we can engage in. • • • ticular prisoner in controversy was allowed to visit his business for a few minutes. Once while Change in plans of the Southern Pacific com­ the sheriff and deputies were all busy in court or pany will keep the terminals In Roseburg accord­ in the field this man was allowed to go to his ing to published dispatches from that city. Indi­ business without guard to sign checks for payroll cations are that the company will not make th»» and store bills. Because of this the head of the southern Oregon line a sideline but retain it as Eugene brotherhood alleges the sheriff is derelict a second main line. in his duty although it cannot be shown he has • • • violated any law. The average cost over the country to educate Surely this particular case does not justify au attack to discredit a public law enforcement of­ high school students is said to be $148 a pupil. ficial, especially from a church brotherhood But those figures are the school board figures. which is supposed to be in support of these offl-' Wait for father’s. • • • cials. It lines the church brotherhood up on the side of the law breakers who are always against A merchants responsibility never was carried the sheriff. It is clear the Eugene church in a salesman’s pack. You never find the peddler brotherhood needs a new head—one that is e n -, at your door today that sold you something yes­ dowed with broader vision and tact and is not terday. a meddlesome busy body. • • • • • • Looks like Volstead also changed our standard A MAIN LINE TOWN measure scale. A quart of gin no|w means a peck While we held no celebration here as did Klam­ ath Falls last Sunday and Monday we are never­ of trouble. • • • theless glad to be a main line town on the new ■ The poor fish who holds a soul mate in his arms Southern Pacific Cascade line. Cutting four hours off the time between Portland and San Francisco and thinks he has found happiness is only hug­ or Springfield and San Pranscisco in other words, ging a delusion. the new crack trains—the Cascade and West • • • Coast, ran through thia city for the first time If women’s skirts keep on getting shorter we Sunday. The Shasta limited will be left on the for one are going to quit worrying about this ever old main line and stopped for local traffic, it is becoming a petticoat government. announced. rubllshad Tkaraday at A third of the telegraph lines of the world are in the United States The Americans send more telegrams than all the people of Euroi>e. i his country has 2.220,002 miles of telegraph wires and 01,718 miles of nautical cable. • • • The knocker is a mortgage on his home town which every other citizen is paying ia‘.2.e^t ou. The great human race is between the churches frv,n_ to convert the world aIld the courts trying t • convjct ¡t ' • • • Iron, wood, concrete, brick and mortar never build a city. They must be mixed with pep, brains, muscle and cooperation. CLAY CHIMNEY TRAIL (Coallnuad trow pa<« • ) that echoed upon ua llku the crack of LK O C AD B H A T S H O P doom, a youug fellow darted from the Between Miner Building and Eu­ gene Hotel. Positively the heat values Une tu gay pursult obtainable. TelephMM ESO II, M il (T e Be Continuad) (Inn* debating over what she tmght I have done had I actually klaaed her i to comfort her. Daniel had boon disposed W. Mon loyo did not deeerve her; I had won her. »ha could laaplrv and guide m e ; If I stayed; and I aaw w yaclf «layin g.1 and I taw myself going homo, and I already regretted a host of thing». as a mau will when at the forking of the trails. When I awakened we were still en shrouded by the fleece of fog. Aa I gnsvd sleepily about 1 could see Kdna'a eyes were opeu. She looked at me. "Sh! ' ahe warned with quick ahuks ot head The same warning hade me listen. In a moment I heard voices. They were Indlstlngulahable except I aa vocal sounds. “I've been hearing them for some i little while,” ahe whispered. "Adam's men trailing ua?” “I hope not,” ahe gasped. In sheer i agony. “If we might only know In | tim e!” Suddenly the fug waa shot with i gold, aa the sun flashed In. Ursduall . , the earth appeared In glimpses "tx>ok! They are Indiana. We must j get away before they see ua.” We worked rapidly, bridling* and ; saddling «title the fog rose with mea aured steadiness. "Hurry!” she hade. The whole desert waa a golden h>*»' i when having packed we climbed aboard. The fog lingered In patches. From patch to patch we threaded, with many a glance over shoulder. At last we came to a rough out-crop of red sand stone, looming ruddlly on , our right. Edna quickly swerved tor It. "The best chance. I sec nothin else.” she muttered. "We can lie th. mules under cover, and wult W > II surely be spied If we keep on.” In a moment we had gained the , refute. The sculptured rock masses, detached one from another, Severn! Jutting ten feet up. received U|. We * tied the mules. In a nook at the rear; 4 and we ourselves crawled In until we lay snug amidst the shadowing but tuesses. with the desert vista opening before us. We bad been Just In time Round a knoll there appeared a flle of mount­ ed Azures. Indians unmistakably. "A war party! Sioux. I tblnk,” she said. "Don’t they carry scalps on that first l.ance? They’re been raiding the stage line. IX> you see any squaws? ’ ”Na'' I haiarded. “All warriors. I should guess " "All warriors. But squaws would be worse.“ On they cantered; Indeed, seemed to be diverging frbm our ambush and making more to the west. And I bad hopes that, after all. we were safe. •T h en her hand clutched mine flrmlv. A woli had leaped from cover In the path of the flle; loped eastward across the deeert. and Instantly, with a whoop BELL THEATRE Springfield F R I.-S A T .-A P R IL 2 2 -2 3 Dependable Eyeglass Service Dr. Rowell Qick O F T O M S T R IS T — E V E S IO H T S P E C IA L IS T 878 Willamette St. Eugene, Ore. JUST ONE THING. BUT I IX) IT RIGHT! W e G ivi «¿3.7/. G reen D isc gun r S pamps Economy T H E B E ST IS A L W A Y S g j i CHEAPEST IN THE END The value of drugs or of n prescription in not in the price you pay It’» lot the good they do. The failure of customers to nemsnd drug quality It often responsible for serious results All drug buyers should know that quality Is the true t. st of cheapness. The same truth also applies to the buying of drug sundries. Compare our prices with those asked elsewhere and carefully note the comparative quality of goods. If you |iay higher prices than we ask. yon pay too much—if you pay less than our prices, you will get Inferior quality. Best quality at lowest cost Is a rare combination — but that is Just what we offer you. Let Us Be Your Regular Druggist Ketel’s Drug Store f ac&ugfr \^ / t X a /L L r D £ M K Ì 100 Women’s New Bungalow House Aprons Amazingly Priced At Harry Carey Is B ack In “The Prairie P>rate” Two Reel Comedy— • G O IN G 79c CRAZY” S U N . - M O N . - A P R IL 24 - 25 —A moat amazing offer of smart wash togs. — They’re cool and dainty in appearance and will make ad­ mirable little house frocks for hounewivea who achieve the art of looking neat at home. This m odem age likes the mellow mildness o f Camels —The Hi.ylea are attractive, allowing a great array of gayly colored print«. —The adornment 1« varied, too —unique pockets, belta, atriped bias tape binding, cretonne and organdie embellishment. T R Y Camel» and you’ll know why they win the modern world. M ild n e n and meUownen. T he smoking wish of thia exacting age is realized in Camel». Such taste and fragrance as never came before from a cigarette. A mellow mildness that can result only from superb blending of the choicest Turkish and Domestic tobaccos. * — " » ' This age demands the best of everything— and it finds its ideal smoke in Camels. Nowhere else can you find such smoothness, such ever-dependable goodness as here— —Collars are apparent on Home model«—round and V-neck«. Small, medium nnd large alaea. IF YOU .WANT TO SAVE CONSIDERABLE, BUY ONE OR SEVERAL OF T H E S E CLEVER THINGS. " H a re a Cam e//” (Second Floor) r..¿jíü3 SEE IT HERE— 74 T IT S ALL HERE! ■