T H « SPRINGFIELD NEWS THURSDAY APRIL 21. 1»27 PAG® T H R U » Classiti (BUYING r a s a l w OCT RESULTS) F o il SALK—Seed Corn. Mlnuusota PIANO FOR SALE—in Springfield KOIl EXCHANGE No. 13 Yellow Dent. Is years In FOR h l’RLNGFIKLIi HOME vicinity. Beautiful Instrument, a 1-an» county. Klin dried. At Farm A OOOD HOME. In Cottage Grove, bargain, pay 310 month. For par­ er» Union Store, Ktigenn or my ticulars address Western Plano 8 Room«, Poultry llouae, Wood farm on McKensle. O p o . W. N«ff Brokerage Co. 413 North Boren Ave. llouae und Garage combined. Lot A 7 14-21-38: Seattle. A 21 28: Mt. 5 12 It was an impulse well night over­ “Good-night. Please sleep. Is the 60x212. all In good condition. Social CHAPTER XI. mastering; an Impulse that must have morning wo'll reach the stage road Reaaona for exchange. See—J. A A Bargain For a Woman SEPTIC TANKS I jin g Headquarters for Homes, Cot­ At laat Edna spoke In low, even dazed me so that she saw or felt, for and your troubles will be near th* F o il SALK—Standard make plano Heady for you to Install a tinge of pink swept into her skin; end.” tage Grove, Oregon. Phone 78. tones. , vicinity will be sacrificed. Mu«l »«II For family of live ................ ........... 321 Under my own robe I lay for a long A 21 28 Ma. 5 12: “'What do you expect to do whh she wthdrew her hand and settled at one». |1 0 monthly. Writ» Tail- For family of nine ......... _....... .. 328 composedly. (Continued on page4) me. please?” Blank Promlaaory note» and re­ man Plano Morn. Salem Oreana at our plant "We shall have to do whatever Is ceipts printed and In stock at the A 14 21 28: Sewer P ip e-D ra in Tile best for yourself," I managed to an­ Newa office. Chimney Blocks swer. “That will be determined when E U G E N E C O N C R E T E P IP E CO. NOTICE F o il PUBLIIUATION we reach the stage line, I su p p ose.' CALL AND SEE Dr N. W Emery tf. FOIIKHT KXt'HANOK "Thank you! Once at the stage line No. 018828 A high school education plus a EUGENE BUSINESS COL­ on prices on plaie and other work, tf and 1 shall contrive. You must have RO O F R E P A IR IN G LEGE training will put you far along on the highway of Department of the Intarlar, United F o r Roof R epairing call 2326-J no thought of me. I understand very success. 4 L a n d Office, Roaeburg, Ore­ NOTICE TO CREDITORS. gon, April S. 1827. Eugene, and get results. I. T. Loomis, well that we should not travel far In Ask For Our Catalog NOTICK I» hereby given that Dan- experienced and permanently located. company—and you may not wish to IT’S A GOOD SCHOOL AND IS IN SESSION ALL THRU lei Hogan, of W'nal I.Ion, Oregon, flle-l Eatate of Emilia A Smith. Deceased go In my direction. You have plans Notice ts hereby given that Paul I I t THE SUMMER. application No 01(828. under Ih» te> of your own?" Hadley haa been by the County Court i of Mar. h 30. 1822, (42 Slat 4(6) to of the State of Oregon. In and f o r ' "None of any great moment. Every­ »»change the 8WI4. Wl* HE U. and Watch repairing done correctly REI» SE«4. Section 12. Tp 17 H. laine County, appointed executor o f : Work In today—Out tomorrow. Hoyt thing has failed me, to date. There A. E. RobertB, President the last will and («»lament of Einllln Range 11 Went, W M . within the Is only one place left New York State, Smith deceeaaed. 321 Main sL tf Phone 666 992 W illamette Street Eugene, Oregon Rhialaw National Korea!, for the tim­ A All where I came from.” peraona having claim« again»! ' ber on the WVj SKI* REI». Section anld eatate a ,a hereby notified to I "You have one more place than I," »3. Tp. 18 8 Range 12 West. W M within aald Sluslaw National Kor«at. present the aame. duly atated and verl- FOR SALB—Carbon paper tn large she replied. Ml eats, 38x39 Inchaa. suitable for Th» purpoae of thia notice la to fled. nt the law office of A. E Wheeler, Her voice had a quality of definite allow all peraona claiming the landa In Eugene. Oregon, within atx month» making tracings The N ews Offlee estimation which neetled, humbled, aelected. nr having bona fide objec­ from thia 24th day of March, 1927. PAUL HADLBY. Executor. and Isolated me, as if 1 lacked la NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION tion» to »urh application, an opportun­ A E. WHEELER. Attorney. ity. to file their proteata wtth the reg FOREST EXCHANGE some essential to a standard set. M 24 31: A 7-14 21 No. 01(809 later of the United Htatea lutnd Of “Well at home you will live com­ flee at Roaeburg. Oregon Anv auch DEPARTMENT OF THE INTER fortably. You will need to weal no : proteata or objection» tnuat be tiled In IOR UNITED 8TATES LAND OF­ SUMMONS thia office within thlrtv dava from the belt weapon. The police will protect J FICE. Roseburg, Oregon. The slogan “Quality and Service” has been used so date of the flrat publication of thia IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE generally in advertising that it has becom e “old stuff.” Our STATE OF OREOON FOR L AN E’ NOTICE Is hereby glren that Emma you. You can marry the girl next 1 notice which flrat publication I» Apr’l Starkey, of 161 E. 16th. S treet Port­ door—or even take changes of the ; many years in business in Springfield and the hundreds of COUNTY 14 I" , la-la Iona Rayhould. Plaintiff, va. Al­ land. Oregon, died Application No. one across the street, her parentage 1 Non -coal satisfied custom ers we have all over Lane county is suffici­ 016909, under the Act of March 20. HAMILL A CANADAY. Register. fred Raybould. Defendant. ent evidence of the "quality” of our “service.” 1922. (42 Stat. .4651 to exchange the being comme 11 faut. Your children | To Alfred Rayhould. Defendant: A 14 21 28: Ma. 5-12: EH Section 16. and W H. Section 36, 1 will love to bear of the rough m u le-: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE Tp 16 8 . Rang». 11 W est. Will Mer.. whacker trail—yes, you w ill have I Ice cream and candy that is the best to be had. T hat’s OF OREGON: You are hereby direct­ within the Sluslaw National Forest, the kind we sell. NOTICE OF HEARING OF FIN A L ed to appear and answer the com for (he timber on the EH 8E H 8 E \i, great tales but you will not mention ( that you killed a man who tried to 1 plaint filed against you in the above ACCOUNT entitled suit within six weeks from Section 33, Tp. 19 8 . Range 12 West, kill you and then rode for a night with NOTICE IH HEREBY GIVEN: Thnt the date of the first publication of Will. Mer.. also within the Sluslaw a strange woman alone at our stirrup! the undersigned. Joint «»ecutora of this summons, and If you fail to so National Forest. The purpose of this notice is to Your course is the safe course. By the I s s i Will and Testament of appear and answer for want thereof Oeorg» Sanderaon. decenaed. have the plaintiff will take a decree of the allow all persons claiming the lands all means take it, Mr. Beeson." tiled their account for the Anni »etile- court against you for the relief pray­ selected, or having bona fide object­ "That I shall do, madam,” I retorted men! of the eatate of the aald Oeorge ed for In »aid complaint, to-wit: That ions to such application, an opportun­ Sanderson In the County Court of the marriage relation now existing ity to file tnetr protest with the regis­ "The West and I have not agreed. I United States Land Office wish to God I had never seen it— I jjtne County In the State of Oregon, between the plaintiff and the defend­ ter of and that Saturday the 23rd day of ant he dissolved That plaintiff have at Roseburg. Oregon. Any such pro­ did not conceive that I should have April. 1827. at the Court Room of aald the care and custody of their minor, tests of objections must be filed In to take a human life— become like an this office within thirty days from the Court In the County Court House In child. outlaw In the night, riding for re­ Eugene. Oregon, at ten o'clock In the T he order directing service of this date of the first publication of this forenoon, haa been by aald Court flx~d summon» by publti ¡»Mon (hereof la notice, which first publication ts fuge— ” And I chocked passionately. Non-coal. aa the time and place of hearing ob- dated March 29lh 18?f and require» I April 7. 1927. “You deserve much symj>athy,'’ she Jectlona thereto and for Anal settle publication once each week for six ! HAMILL A CANADAY. Reglsterer remarked. A 7-14 21 28: M 0: consecutive weeks and the date of | meni of aald eatate I lapsed into a turbulence of voice­ counts - espec^Uy in the FIRST NATIONAL BANK. Eugene, flrat publication thereof la March 31aL less rage at myself. 1927 Oregon. morning- electric C. A. W1NTERMEIER. Attorney NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT For a time our mules plodded with MARY FRANCIS LONO. Total Price, this exceptional y Notice Is hereby given that Eliza­ sundry snorts and stares as if they for Plaintiff. Residence, Eugene. Or«- , Executor». beth English. Executrix of the Estate percolator will brew L. L. RAY. Attorney for Estate. ’“ » ( « c . c ^ e e ^ of Fred H. English, deceased, has were seeing portents In the moon­ Mr 31: A 7-14 21-28. M 6*12 . M 34-31: A 7-14 21 filed her dual report and account as shine. Eventually their Imaginings you and he » Uie such, and the Court has set Monday, dulled, so that they now moved care­ no lon gerj* u drop May 9th. 1927 at 10:00 A M at the less of where or why. County Court Room In the Court 10 W° k Office TO D A ^ I coukl not but be aware of my com­ House at Eugene. la n e County, Ore­ in to our othce x “ pay only 95c now. gon. as the time and place to hear panion. Her hair glinted palely, for objections to the same, and for ftie she rode bareheaded; her Mormon Anal settlem ent of said Estate. Offllcn I’hone 43 Res. Phone 3 gown, tightened under her as she sat ELIZABETH ENGLISH. Executrix. astride, revealed the lines of her boy­ Carl H. Phetteplace, M. D. , WELLS & WELLS, Attorneys. ish limbs. A 7 14-21-28: M 5: General Practice, Special Attention She was a woman, in any guise; to Obstetric« and D iseases of chil­ and I being a man. protect her I dren. should, as far as necessary! I found Flrat National Rank Ba’WIng myself wishing that we could upturn 328 Main SL Rrsldence 126 C 8t Spring-field. Oregon something pleasant to talk about! - 12 J 32 M The droonlng round of my thoughts revolved over and over, and I dosed, Full Auto Equipment and kept dozing, until she spoke. Lady A ssistant Mrs. Arthur Sayles "Hadn’t we better stop?'1 buy an Teacher of I’lano That was a curious sensation. When I stared about, uncomprehending, my Mrs. Leland Svarverud view was shut off by a whiteness, SPECIALIST WM. G. HUGHES Teacher of Violin veiling th« moon above and the earth In Internal Madiclns for the FIRB ANO AUTO INSURANCE below except Immediately under my past fifteen years 132 - 7th St. E. This coupon and 25c entitle the undersigned NOTARY PUBLIC mule's hoofs. x , / to one 35c can of Acme Quality Enamel-Kote, Otfles at "What's the matter?” I asked. any color, and a special 20c Paint Brush. DOES NOT OPERATE "The fog. I don't know where we FIRST NATIONAL BANK Name.. Spelngfltld, Oregon are.' Will be at GEO,. N, MeLEAN "Oh! I hadtfft noticed.” Osborn Hotel, Monday May 2 Address.. Automobile, Fire and Life "I don't think there's any use In Office Hours: 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. IN S U R A N C E riding on," »he »aid. "We've lost our DR. N. W. EMERY Surety Bonde Phone S17 bearings." ONE DAY ONLY My bueineee It to protect your DENTIST T o acquaint you with Acme Quality, we are "Yes, we'd better stop where we buelneee making a special offer for a short time only. are," I agreed. "Then in the morning Sutton Bldg. Phons 20-J No Charge for Coneultation 8(10 W illamette St. Eugene Oreqon we ran take stock." Residence Phons 153-M I Dr. Melllnthln Is a regular graduate She swung off before I had awk­ Springfield, Oregon In medicine and surgery and Is licen­ wardly dismounted to help her. Her J VASBY BROS. sed by the state of Oregon. He does limbs failed—my own were clamped not operate for chronic appendicitis, by stiffness—and she staggered and Painting & Decorating General Law Practice To prove the remarkable ease with which you can renew • gHll stones, ulsers of stomach, tonsils collapsed with a little laugh. in all its tranche» “I'm tired," she confessed “Walt worn and faded piece of furniture with Acme Quality Enamel» or adenoids. 1. M. PETERSON Kote, we make this special offer for a limited time. haa to his credit wonderful re­ Just a mom ent' 312 Main S trsst Attorney-at-Law "You stay where you are,” 1 order­ Look around you now. What small piece of furniture have sults In diseases of the stomach, liver, you that needs refinishing? Make up your mind, then tear bowels, blood, skin, nerves, heart, kid ed, staggering also as I hastily landed. City Hall Building " Ill make camp." out the coupon above, sign your name and address on it in ney, bladder, bed wetting, catarro, Springfield, Ora. pencil, bring it in and get the special 55c combination of But (he would have none of that; DR. S. RALPH DIPPEL weak lungs, rheumatism, sciatica, leg Enamel-Kote and brush. pleaded my one-handedness and in­ lucers and rectal ailments. DENTIST We make the offer only because we want you to get ae» Below are the names of a few of sisted upon cooperating at the mules. quainted with the wonderful finishing qualities of the world» The animals were staked out, fell to Phons 43 i FRANK A. DE PUE his many satisfied patients In Oregon renowned ’ ATTORNEY AT LAW who have been treated for one of the nibbling. Flret N et’l Bank Bldg., Springfield I sought a spot for our beds: laid ¡.hove named causes.: ALCi-tC I down a buffalo robe for her and pi.. ' n. G. Clark, Troutlake, Wash. her saddle as her pillow. She sat. J. A. Wlbert, Albany. ■ Sutton Springfield, wtth a sigh, tucking her sklr» under Mrs. Yaqulna McClay. Reedsport. M. G. HOGE 1 Building Oregon. her, and I folded the robe over Elmer Rrooker, Cendon. Attorney-at-Law Her face gazed up at me; she ex Mrs. O. Garrison, Warren. Practise U. S. and State tended her hand. Mra. L. D. Beam, St. Johns. Sign the coupon and bring it to oar store. Courts "You are very kid sir.” she said, Mrs. Ellx Yoller, Astoria. in a smile that pathetically curved her Eugene, Oregon Mrs. R. Gustavlson, Westport. lips There, at my knees, she looked Mrs. W. B. Henslee, Marshfield. All kinds of gravel for con­ Remember above date, that consul­ eo worn, so elight, so childish, so in crete or road work. We make a specialty of crushed tation on this trip will be free and need »f encouragement that all was well and that she had a friend to serve rook and'rock eand. Bunk­ that his treatment Is dtfferenL Married women muet he accompan­ her, that with a rush of eudden eyni ers at foot of Main on Mill JEWELER pathy I would—Indeed I could haTe s tr e e t ied by their husbands. Repairing a Specialty kissed her upon the forehead. If not Address: 111 Bradbury Bldg.. Loa HENRY w - CHASE, Prop. Springfield, Oregon Angeles, California. A 14-31-28 upon the Ups them selves. Iti AFTER HIGH SCHOOL WHAT? State» EUGENE BUSINESS COLLEGE “OLD STUFF” EGGIMANN’S the speed Balance *2 a month goti. ¡B U S IN E S S 1H R E C T O R Y $1.00 allowance for your old coffee pot. W. F. Walker Funeral Director Coming to EUGENE Dr. Mellenthin Electric Coffee Percolator SPECIAL OFFER New colors—new beauty for faded furniture He i ACME QUALITY Jaint^Varnish SPRINGFIELD GRAVEL CD. Wright & Son D. W . Roof