Remember Cleanup Days, Next Weefc, April 25, 26, 27 Don't Hopo For Business — Advertise And Maho C ertain Qf II. — Get Ready Now! THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS SPRINGFIELD. LANE COUNTY. OREGON. THURSDAY APRÍL 21. 1927 TWENTY-FOURTH YEAR CANDIDATES TALKED F GUARD UNIT SHIFTS THREE TO RESERVES IN PLANNING CAMP I Community House Court of Honor Subject of Meeting Will Be Tuesday] jod Job Libr^, Tha Faapio-a »aper- A L IV I N B W B F A F IR IN A L IV C T O W N NUMBER 15 MASONS MAY PUT UP OWLBUILDING Arrangements are being made by Club Committees To Meet With Many Advancements In Line For The Springfield headquarter * com Youths In Impressive Farmers Union Group --------- - j pauj', 162nd Infantry. Oregon National Decision On Matter likely r 9 Ceremonies Here Tonight I. M. Paterson, City Recorder, Guard, for attendance of 16 men at Come Up At Meeting On April Saya Ha Will Not Run For (tamp Catalop, the sammer encamp­ Parents of Boy Scouts especially Plan* for construction of a com ­ 26; Building Sites Are Un* ment to be conducted thia year at a Job; Terme Of Smith And naw groonds between Astoria and munity house In Springfield are eg- are urged to attend the court of honor der Consideration; Free Site pected to aaaume definite shape to­ to be conducted at the Christian Louk To End At Election In Offered. church on Tuesday night at 8 »'clock night when committee* of the Civic Three men, Carl McKInnla. John June. at which many members nt the Am­ club, I.Ion* club, Chamber of Com­ Masons of Springfield are consider­ Tomaeth, and Benjamin Endicott are merce and American Legion meet erican Lelgon and Lions club troop« After aeeeral mont ha of political ing construction of their own build­ to lw transferred to the National tranqullhly. In In Hprlngfleld Is b , with representatives of the Farmers will be advanced to higher standings ing, It was learned today. Whether In Scoutdom . b elio turned ____ _______ i — i. balm; .urneu toward „ .w a r , the u . . coming can» I attend camp Oordon Lee 1. h..|ng being Union to discuta the project. plans which are now In the em bryonic In preparation for Tuesday night’s putgn fur the positions of number* M. L. Wallace of Jasper, Is bead of stage will be further developed and discharged, as he la joining Ute of the achnol board and school clerk the Fanners Union committee which ceremonies, the tropa will hold special carried to fulfillment » ill be decided ¡U n ite d States A m y . to tie decided at the poll« la June. la cooperating with the local group* tests on Monday night to clear t h e , at a meeting of the local lodge to be Despite these change», the com Fred lxiuk, chairman of the board, ! pany I. atlll at It* full -trength of 16 | >» ^ " h'n’ th".., ""UnUn'lr b° tt’ * ’ “ t way for the higher awards. It js Im­ conducted April 20. will end hie term of office thia year, The Farmers Union, It la understood, possible to announce the advance- , A1 Perkins has offered to donate men. aa naw member* had been m w t and must he re-elected If ba remain* ments until after these teste are taken, ered In anticipation of the vacancies. la anxloea that the house he establish­ hla lot at Fourth and A streets for a on the board II W. Smith, given u The ramp dates thia year are June ed. and a definite plan' for financing according to the Scoutmasters. site for the new Masonic hall. This technical victory a year ago after a Members of the Honor Court who la considered a favorable location for 16 to 1». the local company leaving the project la »on to be enveloped. ffffhi p ahold but «arm tint tie. also meet seek A two-story building Is planned, the will sit as officials Tuesday night are such a building. One or two other here June 10. having been la office Î 6 years. He re-eleitlon If ha keeps hla position was deputy from 1671 to 1868. and sites are said to be proposed, also. The Guard company la sponsoring site having been donated by the city, Mayor G. O Bushman. J. F. Ketela, V, for another term sheriff ever tin c a H e is a direct When the lodge m eets April 26 the a show, "Tin Hats." nt the Hell I thia lot , 110 g 6« feet Io dimensions, D. Bain and Dr. W. C. Rebhan. C. R descendant of a Js rs est rwB aolony In an emphatic »tatemenl to The Theatre April 2» and 30. to raise * '» Probably be covered completely Clark. I-ane county executive, and committee wtl| place the results of New*. Ira M Peterson. ■ a . CltjaRecorder. ’ fund. “ > be expended for athletic by the community structure. The others prominent tn Scout work are its Investigation before the group and declared today that he la not a candl ol clerk, camp Regular honor courts are planned R. B. OLDHAM BUYS T h l. money goes entirely to | Tonight's meeting h. at 0 o'clock, go ahead with the project. "v despite rumors to, Uie contrary. Hl* th . enlisted men. none of U to the I Members of the Civic d u b committee from now on. — KINGWELL FLOWER For many years the Masons have oflloe and »ehoel clerk have been held officers Sum m er Camp Plana • wh,rh has been backing the project ] PLANT FROM COURT been renting the Odd Fellows hall for by th« same person* lor a number of Plans are rapidly developing for the The Hprlngfleld company's attend­ are Mrs. Bernice Van Valxah. Mrs their meeting quarters, but during the terms. ance record for March was »4 per Paul Brattala, Mrs. William Donald­ summer camp on Blue River, accord- past several months plane have been R. B. Oldham and his daughter. "Under no clrcuiuatMic«* wouht I ’ Ing to Mr. Clark. He Is especially rent, an unusually high mark, accord- son. shaping in the minds of many for a Mrs. Pearl Schantol, have purchased accept the position.” declared Mr. Pet­ ! anxious to put this matter before the i lug to commander Swarta. Just the old Charles Klngwell greenhouses new Masonic building here. ________________ erson. who la pow city attorney and EUGENE CHOIR SINGS 1 Hprlngflejd youths, and their parents. In West Springfield from the county what the plans are for the building < lty recorder. "1 have m ade no Inti ' HERE SUNDAY NIGHT • • 88 hav® signed up for camp from court which acquired the flower plant have not yet been announced. ■nations that 1 jmld run or would like WEATHER MAN PLAYFUL _____ Eugene and not one from Sortngfleld. to move It from the right-of-way of to. and yen can count me out, l don't VARIETY IS OFFERING The ramp, he said, la not a holiday Stainer’s "Crucifixion," will be pre- the approach to the intercity bridge MINSTREL TO BE GIVEN want the Job." | • but an Instruction period, and aa the Springfield Baptist seated at With the announcement of the pur­ It Is rumored shout the city that Variety aplenty wtts offered Spring- church Sunday night at 8 o'clock by | such will be of great value to the BY HIGH SCHOOL FRIDAY chase came a statement from Mr. friends of Kish» Pollard, who ivaa d e­ field people early thia week by the the Eugene Baptist choir, directed by hoys who go. Mr. Clark bellevea 20 Final rehearsals for the mtnstreL Oldham to the effect that he will feated by a Isohn lrallly In the elect , weather man. Arah Hoyt Rae The cantata at- ( boys should go from here. move the greenhouses immediately to “In Dixie Land." to be given at th» Ions of last June, will aeek to have The week opened with a wet Faster traded many to the Eugene church ' ------ ----------------— — a site facing the new highway from high school tomorrow n igh t Indicate her name on the ballot this year In Sunday, altogether distasteful to those last Sunday night. H. H. BRUMMETTE. OLD the north. He said that one green- that the program will be of unusual the race for school Clerk Mrs. Poll- , wbo displayed for the first time their Soloists who will sing In the can­ TIME RESIDENT, IS DEAD bouse will be moved at a time. In attraction^ The program starts at ard's friends assert that she will be Bpr|na finery. Undaunted, however, tata are W. H. Cook, Ernest Mc-KIn- ' ” ' ’ ” I order that the business may be kept 8 o'clock In the high school auditor* an easy winner, Inasmuch as her [ bonnets of the prevailing spring fash- ney, tenors; Leland Robe. Norton A native of Oregon and a resident moving for the benefit of patrons, lum. poiwlarlty was proved by the major- | lon, were ma,-h In evidence at Spring Pengra, Vincent Hill, baas. Mrs. of this city for more than 10 years. J. | The Klngwell flower plar.t was eat- Ity of ballots given her last year, | rburrhes Sunday. “In Dixie Land", a skit, will be dir­ Norton Pengra of this city Is a mem­ H. Brummette passed away at the abltshed a score of years ago. Three although 1« were throw« out because On Monday the weather changed so ected by Dorothy Abbott. The follow­ ber of the choir. Pacific Christian hospital Tuesday at years ago two n^w green bouses were ing la the cast of characters for thia an X had not been Inserted following ’ raptaiy that alm ost anything might The ir written —, , , ................ — , have dropped uruppeu from ........ the — — ---------- , . . . cantata , trlla the atory of the , •* ' °<* °< «• ’,e>rs BwWea tie wife bullt. Included la the three houaee are part of the program:’ her In name. sky without H W Smith baa a»l yat announced (:au,tng any great surprise In thia city. uk faces some possibility of PARKING AT SECOND AND gan's ................................. Paul Pres« by the Mountain S tates Power com­ rupture. opposition If he seeks re-election rs I court has yet to arrange' for taking Pete, the house se r v a n t------------- MAIN CORNER CURTAILED pany. The new line will extend to member of the school board. Two The funeral services will be held over that part of the route lying on _____ ____________ Everett Squirsg Rocky point, three m iles from Spring- Saturday morning at 10 o'clock at the , Mr. Oldham's property, the Reed pr>- Ixxy Fake, a wandering Jew.....------ - or three names have been mentioned Arrangements wwre made this week field. as ■*>s»lble candidates. However, It Wnlkor chapel, with Rev. E. V. perty, on that side of the river, and __ ___________________Orval EatoB between officials of the Southern Paci­ Residents at the district are pre­ Stivers. Pastor of the Eugene Christ- the Thurman property on this. la remembered that all possibilities Silas Slick, his Yankee pal -------- fic and the city for the prohibiting paring for the wiring c f their houses Ian church. In charge. Internment will | were eliminated last year before th" _______ ____ ___ Thayer McMurray parking at the Intersection of Second and are purchasing electrical equip­ be at I-aurel Hill. ballots were printed and R W. Carl­ David Kennedy, a money lender — and Main street which esnsea Incon­ ment. ton ran for the Job unopposed. __________________Richard Harpola Mr. Brummette waa a member of MOVEMENT TO RECALL venience to the bus patrons of the com­ the Odd Fellows, and the noble grand , SHERIFF IS STARTED Sambo, a cotton p ic k e r ----------- ----- pany. .... .... ...........1____ Freeman Squires CONSTRUCTION TO BEGIN of the local Rebekah lodge announced | According to Manager Rllllngaley of LOCAL COMMITTEE MAY Opposed to Sheriff F. E. Taylor Chorus of Negroes. .. Boys' Glee Club today th at all Rebekahs will be at the : tha bus line, trucks have been parked TALK MILL AT KLAMATH ON W. C. WRIGHT HOUSE because of his refusal to dism iss Van The Intermission will be followed funeral. at the corner at the place where the Representative« of the Springfield Svarverud. chief deputy, residents of by a group of old southern melodies, Construction Is to atari soon on the , dlncharges passengers. He asked Veneta met last night and decided starting with "Carry Me Back to Old new W C. Wright residence at Seven­ that email parking signs he put up Chamber of Commerce may Halt LUCKY BOY MINE IS to push a recall campaign against the Virginia.” . Other numbers are "Levee th and E atreeta. The houaa la to bo there, and the request was granted by Klamath Falla next week to learn TO BE WORKED AGAIN gherlff wlth the hope getting the Song." "141 Llxa Jane," “Mlstreeg what progress Is being made toward modern and attractive In every par­ the city. I matter o n 'th e ballot at the special Shady.'' "I Ain't Goto' Study War no the establishm ent here of the Oregon- ticular, and will he a notable addi­ Re-openlng of the Lucky Boy mine California Cooperative Woolen mille. election June 28. ’ More." "Yankee Doodle." “Arkansas tion to Springfield's residence district. Springfield W omen Invited Is being started this wek with J. S. The basement for the new home All Springfield women belonging tn It was learned today. Men Interested Miller, Portland, engineer of the pro­ The Veneta residents accused Svar­ Traveler." "Old Zip Coon.” "Water­ clubs federated with the state fedrra- In the company live In the Southern . ject, moving to Blue Rlvor to be on verud of running away from danger melon Song." and “Dixie." The ac­ has been fully excavated. companist is Wlnlfrld Tyson. Barber Plans To Build tlon are Invited to attend an Insti­ Oregon city. the ground to handle the work. Law­ at the time of the Veneta pool hall E. R. Danner, formerly In business | Thad Barber has purchased through tute at the Eugene chamber of com­ hold-up. when he was In charge of Members of the Glee Club, which Is rence May and Oeorge Cox of Spring- the Vaehy real estate firm two lota merce April 20 sponsored by the Fed­ at Klamath Falls, and Welby Steven-- i field have claims In that district. the sheriff’s office during Taylor's directed by Mtss Fay Spalding are: head of the chamber's woolen mill ! on D street between Ninth and Tenth. eration Clubs of Iyune county. ahsence from the state. They say William Pollard. Hartford McVey. L»- A petition for re-openlng the road He plana to erect a new house on th.» Mrs. Sadie Orr Dunbar, president committee, have been suggested as I that Svarverud neglected duty In leav­ Roy Nice, Lawrence Roof, Evas from Blue River to the mine has been of the state organisation, will be on the local representatives. property during the summer . ing for Los Angeles to bring back a Hughes, Paul Potter. Orval Eaton, presented to the county court, signed Several local hnuaea are now under the program A luncheon at noon la Paul Frese. Everett Squires, Thayer prisoner. by 37 thxpayers. This road Is about Service Station Opening construction and others are planned, planned. County officers were esp- McMurray. Richard Harpole, Freeman Rodney Roach, game warden: De­ five m iles long, and has fallen Into while In W est Springfield George men attend. L. F. Anderson, formerly proprietor puty Sheriff Earl Luckey. Police Chief Squires. Peyton Oderklrk. Edgaf disuse. Davennrt. whose house was ruined by of a service station in Sprlngfiel I, The mine has been Idle for many Green Pitcher of Cottage Grove, ond Louk. Carl McKinnls. William Cox. the W illamette flood, la building a new Man la Injured announcea he will open his new sta­ Ormell Redding. Andrew Gibson, W ill­ years and re-opcnlng will demand con­ Hapry Bounds, former county Judge August Chunk, employe of the tion at Thirteenth Avenue East and home on the Pacific Highway. were named as poaihle candidates to ard Case and Chester Chase. siderable work. Fischer Lumber company nf Marcela, High St. Eugene next Saturday. He has oppose Taylor In the recall move­ Poles Being Rs>novsd waa brought to a local physician's of­ erected a well equipped station and COUNCIL TO TALK WALKS ment. CLEAN UP DAYS WILL Removal of telephone poles from fice Tuesday for treatment of a bad­ will deal In the same line of gasoline Sheriff Taylor has Issued a state­ AT MEETING ON MONDAY BE APRIL 25, 26, 27 ment to the effect that Svarverud Main street between Second and Slx- ly cut arm. The right forearm came and oils as he did In Springfield. His In contact with a revolving saw. wide acquaintance and popularity the street .long talked of, la actually was merely performing his duty In The city council will hold a special Rubbish is to be made scarce In will undoubltedly draw him a wide being started this week by the Moun­ going to I j OB Angeleef and declaring meeting to consider the spring side­ Springfield during the threfc days set McKinnon Leaves Posllisn trade aa It did In Springfield. tain StAtes Power company In co­ that his deputies handled the hunt walk building program following tha aside by the city council for clean-up D. W. McKinnon, for considerable operation with the city. Merchants for Albert Brownlee and Dewey Rhs- completion of a surrey of the cltÿ'0 days. April 26, 26 and 27. according tn the affected area have been asked time employed In the local office of Attend Crssw/ell M eeting sell, pool hall bandits, with efficiency needed according to the list made by to Recorder I. M. Peterson. to attend to Immediate rewiring nf the Booth-Kelly Lumber company, Several local club women attended 9treet Commissioner Oeorge Valuer. and vigor. Mr. Peterson urged that residents I their places nf business. The move left his position there last Saturday. the dedication thia week of the new Small jobs throughout the city sra Is mode In order to beautify the down­ Chester Aldrich Is taking his place. club house of the Creswell Improve­ throughtout the city do their bit on , Thompson Taken III—L. E. Thomp­ needed, acordlng to the list made by Mr. McKinnon Is at present work­ town section. It has been .held up ment club. Those who went over these days, and that the rubbish I son was taken suddenly 111 while at Mr. Valller, and these will he da- pending the securing of right-of-way ing on his house. from here* were Mrs. Paul Brattaln, gathered up be put Into receptacles a lodge meeting at th<^ Woodmen hall ceded upon at Monday's meeting. from the Southern Pacific company. Mrs. William Donaldson. Mrs. Lydia of some kind and left on the parking. last night. A physician was called There are no especially large jobs, Gordon Lae Writes—Oordon Leo, McGowan, Mrs. Charles Scott and A city vehicle will make the rounds and Mr. Thompson was removed to most of them being connections with who w h s discharged from the locnl and gather up the rubish. Club To M eet Mrs. T. T. Parker. his home, from where he was reported sidewalks already in. National Guard company to Join the The local women were enthusiastic The Civic club will hold Its next army, hns written to Paul Frese, a slightly Improved this morning. Spanks Child, Pays 85 Coglll-M unn Nuptials meeting on the evening of April 20. friend here, from Vancouver Bar­ over the new club of the Creswell 1 W. House paid $5 for the privilege Several matters of Interest are sched­ racks. So far, said, he likes army group. Flossie Munn and Theo Cogtll, both of spanking the 7-year old daughter Conley Visits Springfield— Pat Con- uled for consideration, among them life very much. of this community, gave their friends of Mrs. Mabie G ott The punishment ley, who has spent the past few Perkins Starts School plans for the community club house. George Perkins. Springfield con- was administered when House ca u g h t, months visiting at Silverton, was In a surprise last week when they were Springfield for a short time Saturday. quietly ¡married at Vancouver, Wash. Party Motors to Nossburg-»-Dr. and troactor who waa low bidder tor the the girl hanging to his clothes line. Welcome Baby Son— Mr. and Mrs. MrS COgin was a resident of thia Mrs. Gott brought a complaint In Mr. Conley Is Just recovering from Irll Nelson are the parents of a baby Mrs. Eugene Kester. Mrs. H. F. Zeig­ new Marcóla nchool, la starting work Justice R. W. Smith's court, and ' an attack of Influensa. Mrs. Conley. city for many years, but recently baa on that Stfucture. A modern and son, horn at the Mercy hospital In ler, their guest from San Fraueosco, House, hailed Into court readily who has been In the hospital. Is re- been Hvftiff tth her parents In th« Eugene Monday morning. The new­ and Mra. Clara Fawver, composed a tractor why waa low bidder for the pleaded guilty and offered 86 without ported slightly Improved, although country. Mr. Coglll to employed at Marcóla, replacing the old structure comer tipped the acalea at eight and party that motored to Roseburg, Sun­ the Bnrlncfleld garage she la still confined to bar ba*.' a word. burned down. day. • half pohnda.