The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, April 14, 1927, Page 8, Image 8

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    THURSDAY APRIL 14, n»-’7
i An Incrrawo of SO* ovesr th* <*?««
Bruc* Millard not M *'«"
‘n* ‘ d .
u ration a yaar a*o is shown
With three rowboats lifted an*
* wrong w lU
“ •he -p o r t or tk . r»jl«irar rogarU- whisked away a distance of 50 feet
C u r » road near Ruf»< «** o u t . n d
t ( (rri T hu and other craft turned upside dowr
wh.U hunting . « * * » • » « „ ± | b r . . i <ho toUI Ion. onntsr siud.-nta and hurled Into the water. Oak Grov.
th* wh**l to hold the cnr. It ran
witnessed a miniature cyclone recent
through two fences and then plunged "r ' ' ’ ”*r '
Ninety thousand dollars worth nt
Brief Resume of Happenings of Into the shy«« below. a distance ot
It te thought that children bent on
■ M {m ,
> bond, were sold laat Tuesday by tha
the Week Collected for
d o
city council at Ashland to provide having school dismissed some month--
After a toar of lnspecGon. R. F
,J|h (# p,p„ ,,M m 4 , he ahead of Gme kindled two Area in
Our Readers.
Nswlends, maintenance engiaeer fo. I reconstruction
wrtm„ ruc|tl>n work
werk l>n
on th.
tha w au r the bsaement of school «7. five miles
the atate highway department, an
cast ot Milton
U tile damage was
mains throughout the city.
neunced that a light, preservative
Portland's general cargo exports for dona.
Sixteen hundred baby chlcha wee» coating of oil would ba applied on the
If a committee appointed by the
o - . o , « sw ™
- — March »are valued at 179* 313 and
burned la a fire which destroyed the c Mount
Hood loop highway, oeiweer
W Cohb poultry plant near Roseburg
Hood River and Parkdals. aa soon a . »or “ ».* corre.pondlng month la 19...
nUVU IXi.oa aaaava -
| ______
».^4 _•
were valued
at 3501.203. ark
so ll
It W»4
was vnss farmer* of the valley report*
J. J. Walsh has been appointed rains oeaaa.
is favorably a producers' public market
water master for Wallowa county to
Constructloa of 11 miles of way sued by the Merchants Exchange. will be established in Im Grnnde this
succeed A H Rage, who hat resigned trails to connect with existing trails
Phone 401
Eugene. Ore.
183S J effen on St.
February’s total, however, reached 31. «pring.
Fred Hogg is the new market maw on* the north side of Mount H.xxl has 415.31«.
The Willnmette river closed April
tar for Oregon City Mr. Hogg was bean planned for thia season by 3 C
Gus Holmes. Krncst Krlckson and 1*1 to commercial fishing The sensor
appointed to the office following the Wallers, chief forest ranger for that
Albert Berkraen. laborer«, are In a »ill reopen November 15 Chinook
resignation of H W Kanne
section A forest road to connect the
hospital wlih serious Injuries as a re salmon have been running freely, bin
The first shearing of aheep of any loop road Wilk Dufur will be built suit of a dynamite explosion oa the (he height of the run bed not been
eeasnlerable number started at Pilot thia summer.
Friend extension of ihu Great South reached.
Mock laat week, when the Canning
Orders were given by O Laurgaard ern rullroud. near The Dalles
The moot rain for March since 1932
b a a interests dipped 1500 head.
Portland city engineer, to tha Pacific men were drilling a rock when the fell In Eugene Inal month, according
to the report of the local weather ob
The McCoy A Atwood general mer Bridge company to start work Imme­ blast occurred.
ohandise store at Wasco was de­ diately on the 31.000 099 unit of th«
FOr the first tlipe la yearn the Ham server. Precipitation was 3 87 Inche.,.
stroyed in a spectacular fire that for Laurgagrd walar-front development mond Lumber company mill nt Mill the high set since «18 Inches fell five
project, following the approval hy the City is on tbs verge of being com­ veers ego
a time threatened the entire city.
war department of the changes naked pelled to shut down on account of no
Sam laughlln. cashier of the Tam
Fire broke cat in the boiler room ot
In tbs harbor Uns.
logs. Heavy snows In the mountains hill State beak, waa appointed a mem
the boys’ training school near Salem
The February report of the Clacha this year have prevented logging, and bar of the elate industrial accident
and did 33000 damage before It was
controlled The boy. did most of the mas County Cow Testing association approximately 17.000.000 feet stored commission Io succeed Dillard Klklne
Mr l-au.'ilin will assume his new dll-
shows 331 cows tested, with • total Inst summer has been cut up
fire fighting.
average for all cowa of 751 pounds of
News has just been received in ties May I.
Portland's 1017 Community Cheat
milk containing 31.« pounds of butter- Medford from Washington. D C . that
Ona automobile waa demolished, an
campaign will be staged during the
fat. One hundred cewa produced more the temporary branch office of the other was damaged and Edwin llnrke
week of October 21-38. according to
than 40 pounds of fat. a decided in­ United Stales free employment bureau an employe, narrowly escaped dead-
Take n few dollar» or even one dollar out
a decision of workers at a meeting
crease over the previews report
of your aalary every week, anil put It Into a
when 70 Iona of bundled paper crash
held last week.
Havings account at thia bank. In a few
Appropriation v of a w 335.000
for the pur
or i m so v at the behest of -------
(he ed through the floor of Paul T raglh^
I last
j year
v -a a i
Members of the atate board ot con chase of fairgrounds, erection of y,.ult growers' league of Jackson couo warehouse In Salem
mouth* you will have a bank account created
trol approved the site of the new state
entirely from what would huve been wanted
buildings and holding of a fair has ty. has been made a permanent
----------- office
One man. Bert C. Plchman of Port
tuberculosis hospital at The Dalles been made by the Josephine county
or careleaaly »pent money.
effective May 1 next.
lend, »ustalncd a fatal Injury subject
and said that work would be started
court. A site has been selected for I I Officer« elected by the Columtdn to tha provisions of the state work
You can do It- you would have to live on
as soon as possible.
the fair on the Redwood highway, county fair board for the ensuing year men's compensation act during the
If our »alary W3i cut. Try the plan of
Due to a surplus of receipts at east­ about a mile and a half from Grants
are: President. T. J. Graham of past week, according to a report Is
yourwjlf a »alury at thl* bank. Bring
ern and middle western markets, the Pass. Work will be started at once
Marshfield; vice president. R N Love­ sued by the state accident «omtnl
totlay and »turt . The real will
hroocoli price broke at Roseburg laat
Hickman was a barrel raal.*
Machinery providing the final link lace of Rainier; treasurer. Eliaabeth slon
be easv.
week, salts being reported at $110
in the chain of production from tow ¡Murray. St Helens; secretary. Paul by profession. There were a total < i
and 31 28 t o b Roseburg
to the weaving l.x>ms was placed in C. Adams, Warren. The fair will be «08 accidents reported to the coi.mtl •
Nearly 390 delegates from 13 com operation nt the Oregpn linen mil!» held September 2. 3. t and 5 at the slon during the week.
mutinies of both Oregon and Wash last week. The first spool of the com county fairgrounds near Deer Island
Mrs. B. B. Hurley of Umapine, liv­
ington met in 9t. Helens in a session pleted product was turned over to R
Hearing of the order suspending the ing six mile* from Freewater, was ser- j
chambers ot commerce C. Snelling, manager of tbe plant,
tariff of Oregoa railroads relating to iously burned when gasoline, which
of the lower Columbia river.
who will preserve It as n souvealr. intrastate livestock rat-* w’M be hold she was using for cleaning purposes. ;
Advent of spring in Klamath has The wesvlng looms began tha manu­ In Portlir.d May 24 In connection with exploded The Hurley home was burn
Protected by Electric B urglarly A la rm Sy»tem
been signalised by the return of great facturing of crash toweling immedi a hearing of the interstate comiueros ed and a baby was Injared by tha ex­
flocks of magnificent whits pelicans. ately.
commission, having to le with inter plosion.
The birds bare chosen Klamath lakes
La Grandas building permits for
The dairy industry of Oregon made state rates Tha tariff of the Oregon
as their .prlng and summer habitat a very satisfactory showing In the past railroads was suspended last Thar* the firs» three month* of 1927 total
Road crews on duty in the Des- year In point of production, according day until June le. nl the request et 3545.205. whiuh ta a larger figure than
fur any une year in the rily's history
ehates national forest in the coming to a statistical report Issued by J. D the carrier»
Sprtocfleld. Oregon
season are to be organised into fire­ Mickle. Oregon dairy and food cons
Refusing to great a request looking Permits tor iU rch also set * new reo
fighting units, with experienced for­ mlssioner. The butter output of the toward a referendum of the law under urd. sailing kur 3275.890 worth of new
est flre-flghters serving as foremen 91 creameries of tbe state wan 14.327. which county assessors are using s cons u nation.
Wearing of stripes by incorrigible 751 pounds, an increase of 1,053.947 confidential statement sheet in fixing
prisoners in the Oregon state peniten pounds over the production in 191« assessed valuations this year. Score
tlary has been abolished, according to The gain In cheese was also large. tary of State Sam K. Koaer made a
announcement made by Henry W. 3.535.793 pounds, tbe production last decision denying the Greater Oregon
Meyers, superintendent of the institu­ year being - 13.51«.71« pounds.
association of Portland tha right to
Appointments of members of both have a ballot Utle prepared to Invoke
referendum on house Mil 71 of
Satisfactory progress on a bore the atate fish commission and atate
through Neahkahnie monntain. which game commission were announced by ,he 1327 legislature.
Two thousand railway ty ket offices
1« being made preparatory to cob Governor Patterson recently. The
structon of a tunnel as part of the new fish commissioners are John C ! of (he middle west and east will die-
highway along the coast, was reported Veatch of Portland. Chris Lalnsnweb- play Oregon beauties before prospec-
Every time a marriage license I» Issued; every time a child I» bom; every
•r of Astoria and Fred P. Kandall of ttva tourists within the next few
at Tillamook.
time a »alary 1» raised ; every time a home I b bought— b new customer Lt
Illustrated four-color poster*
Prune packers and grower» from Portland. The new gams commission » e g g ,
o.» hner of Portlaad. > advertising Oregon. "Tha Summer
created for goods he never bought before. These new customers appear
all parts of w es’ern Oregon and south era arc I.
ern Washington attended a conference Matt Corrigan of Corvallis, U A. Playground of America," bave been
dally by the hundreds of thousands. To reach these people In the mass
be hl In Salem last Tuesday, for the Wright of Union. M A. Lynch of Rad prepared by Herbert Cuthbert, mean
is the function of printing and direct advertising.
ger of the publicity department of the
purpose of discussing growing and I mond and Ben Dorris of Engen*
Action by the Btata to recover ap­ Portland chamber ot commerce, aad
marketing conditions.
Hardly a week will pass that the nekv parents will not have to buy
Roger W Morse, for the last four proximately 31J49.S91 which It alleges are ready for distribution.
they never bought before.
years county agent of Morrow county,
has been selected ccunty agent of fornla land-grant tax refund to 13 Ore­ conat mills for tha week ending March
Baker oounty to suoceed Paul Carpen gon oonntles. was launched in Salem 2« aggregated 73.408.88» feet, an
How will they make their decisions on what to lauy and where to
tar. F L Dallard. state leader of coun­ when Sam A. Koaer. secretary of against the previous week's produc­
ty agents, has announced
mem bar* of tha Marian conaty coart. figures of the West Conat Lumbar-
Farmers In many .actions of Wal
largely on the basis of printing.
U. O. Boyar, cowsty clerk, aad D. U. men’s association. New business to­
Iowa oounty are warring npoa ground
Dragar, cosaaty treasurer, for 334.- taled 81.832.92« feat for the week,
aqn.rrsla with poisoned grata Those
0X3.41 of the tax refund of 3113,333 5« while new business for the week end
We are able to live, to grow, to meet emergencies and coj>e with
who hare been poisoning during the
received recently by Marion county ed March 19 amounted to 32,508.284
new situations because of what we learn and have learned from booklets
pas' two weeks state that satisfactory
feat. Shipments of lumber tor th*
from tha federal go vero meat
results hare been obtained.
or other printed pieces.
The m ystarloun duck diesane which week ended March 1« also exceedeg
Bobble, nationally known as the eoi- has claimed teas of thousands ef game the production figures, a total of 7«,
I L _____I » A S A C iA f n a t
k e ln a r
M s « a r > llA f i
B IS M i r n i n B I
That most of this printing Is advertising makes no difference.
He dog who walked back to the home
birds la tha Thsle lake and Malhsur 194.383 feet being reached, aa against
of his master. O. F. Brazier, in Sil­
lake sections has again broken out.
verton, after ha bad become separated
The American people have accepted advertising as the right and
according to Georgs Ton king. United reached the month's record of 81.057,-
from him In Indiana, died In Portland
method of learning how to live and how to buy.
States deputy game warden, who la 048 feet.
after an illness of several weeks.
The busy season for fruit growers
on an Inspection of the duck situation.
Flans were perfseted at a meeting Instead of returning north to neat, Is on In tbe mid-Columbia. Spring
We buy our foodB, clothe ourselves and our children, furnish our
in Grants Pass last week of local hundreds of thousands of game Mrda arrived In a hurry the la st week, and
homes and care for our possessions from advice and Information supplied
poultryuian for the organization of a are nesting la the lower Klamath lake orchardists in all sections are busier
by business men and made available by printers.
Rogue Rlrer valley marketing co- and Tule lake areas Tbe disease, the than »Ince last fall, when the harvest
•perative, including the growers of nature of which la still a mystery, Is of the record apple crop was on. While
Jackson and Josephine counties.
it Is still too early to make predic­
We travel, we cook, we select schools and make our wills by advice
prevalent among the nesting birds
Four thousand sacks of certified
that comes from the printing press In the form of advertising books and
During March when baby coyotes, tions on the 1927 apple tonnage, the
seed potatoes, recently ordered for baby bobcats and baby cougars ware crop, It Is believed, will be far short
fanners of the oounty by County born on all the ridges aad slopes and of last season. Two heavy yields do
Agent Donaldson, of Wallowa county, tha valleys of Oregon, the population
So true is this that you can hardly name a great business In Amer­
have all been spoken for. The pries, of.predatory animals in tbs state was growers and shippers place the 1927
ica without naming a great buyer of printing.
delivered at Enterprise, ifc 33.73 a lessened 266 hy Ualted States biologi­ apple crop around 3000 cars. No dam
age resulted to apple fruit »purs last
cal survey hunters. Forty-four of the
January, when sub-zero temperature»
And If you are in a business that you wish to see grow, remember
The law enacted at the 1937 leg!» 314 coyotes killed, according to the
that business growth without the use of printing is like travel without the
lature, authorizing refunds of auto­ monthly report of Stanley G. Jewett, were experienced. Some Injury, how­
mobile license fees paid under the so- government biologist, were pupa which ever, w m suffered by pear» and cher-
use of mechanical power—possible maybe, but painfully slow;
called peddlers act. relates only to ware dug out ef their parents' dens. rb s. It will probably not be heavy
commercial salesmen. This waa the Forty bobcats and one cougar wars
If your business deserves to grow, If your goods deserve to be sold,
substance of a legal opinion prepared reported killed during the month. In effect on the season’s yield. The free»«!
hard to use too much printing. The bigger the business, the
by the attorney general recently at addition, a large number of unborn '
J out the peach crop for the season.
better this fact Is understood.
, -
the request ot the secretary of state. coyotes and bobcats were dstroyed
A new corporation known as the
A half-million bees to be used for
Aatborizatlon of a sale of 3126,000
the pollination of cherry blossoms In in 3-year bond» was made at McMinn­ Sibley-Mills Lumber company, with a
the Orchard Heights district of Polk ville by tha commission in charge of capital stock of $250.000, has been or­
county were received In Salem recent­ construction of the BsdmOn river-Otis ganized to op< rate the mill at Colum­
ly by H. M. Mead, so-called bee king short-cnt road to tbe Roosevelt high­ bia City. The plant will begin opera
tlon In April, and between «0 and 70
of the Salem vicinity. Included in the way.
"The Home Print Shop.’
consignment were 50 queen bees.
Property taxes in Oregon for 1»27, men will be employed
Springfield, Oregon.
A tale of maddened dairy cows and aa extended on the tax rolls tor 132«,
liberated In the McKenile river and
heat cattle attacking employes
aggregate 347,978,377.53, according to
raaeh, ot the death of 14 cattle’ Wom a statement Issued by Earl ft Flnher, tributaries recently. Th» fl»h have
been taken from the McKenile hatch­
rabies of mad coyotes attacking his state tax commissioner. The taxes
and differ from those that have
hard, was told at Klamath Falls by for 192« totaled 344.979.048.19. or ap-
proximatnli 33.000,600 lew tkan th u .. I.heretofore been turn.« K x ^ In that
H M Anderson, owner ot a 1000-acrc
'th ey are from »lx to nine Inches long
Musab three miles north of Chiloquin for
You Should Buy A
■New Rug
—p a y y o u r s e l f a n
v iv h
Commercial State Bank
Your Customer in the Making