Classili dÂds SET RESULTS) F » HALE K«„d f „ rn Minnesota No. 13 Yellow Itoli* I# yenra In i Lam- county, Kiln tirimi. At Kurin or* Union Storo. Kugotio or niy (arm on Mi Honalo. Ueo. W. Noti. A 1-14 21-28! 9 » « ro ll SAI.K Standard make piano In I vicinity will bo aacrlflegd. Mint! toll j at one« 110 monthly W rite Tall man Plano Store, Saloni Oregon. A 14-2128: SEPTIC TANKS Ready for you to Inatall LAND SETTLEMENT WORK L A N D SETTLEMENT SHOWS GOOD PROSPECTS • (Heating that they will have available munity around Grants Pass In extend­ capital approximating »192.000. ing a hospitable welcome td nevcoa- The Irrigated areas In various aec- ers accounts In some measure for tlons of the state are receiving a large their fine record. •hare of the Interest focused by the Grape growing in Oregon baa also Portland. O re,— With 32 new set­ newcomers on Oregon. W ithin the extended Its fame back even to V ir­ tler» reported during the first two next moth a celebration will be be.d ginia, where W. D. 8ydnor, an author­ weeka f ----------------------------------- , . . N. W “ T * ’’ gene a t 4:15, 2:17, 10 :68 A. M. and Court In thu (o un ty ( ourt llouae. application No. 0l«»2». under the Act said Eugene. Oregon, at ten o'clock In ,« * prlce* on pU,e • wl ®ther work- « g In :30 P. M. »f March SO 1922, (42 Rial . 485) to the forenoon, has been by said Court •— 1 '■ exrhang« the KW H. W H 8B H - and 8outhbound Oregon local», Eugene fixed a« th e tim e and place fo r h e a r M A N Y SE H 8 E H . Section 12. Tp 17 H. Ing objections thereto and for final O N UNIVERSITY at 12.26 A. M. and 9:00 and 1:26 P. Range I t Went, W M.. within the settlement of aald estate SUMMER SCHOOL FACULTY Sluslaw National Forest, for the tim ­ EUN IC E H H A TH A W A Y . Admin- ber on the W H HEH HEH . Section Northbound Oregon locals, Eugena Unlevrslty of Oregon. Eugene. April 22. Tp. 1» 8 . Range 12 West. W M latratoli. at 2:26 and 7:26 A. M. and 3:20 P. M. within said Sluslaw National Forest L L. RAY. Attorney for Estate 14— (Special) — Four additional In­ Wangling Traina The purpose of this notion 1» to M 17 24 31: A 7-14: structors have recently been added to allow ail persona claiming the land» Eaathound mixed, nt Springfield, O RDINANCE NUMBER 818 * * selected, or having bona fide objec­ 6:16 A M. tion» to such application, an opportun­ AN ORDINANCE OF ACCEPTANCE °f 7 ™ °“ T ? " « ? " Westbound mixed, at Springfield ity. to til« their protests with the reg ON T H E PART O F T H E TO W N OF an<1 Portland. June 20 to July Ister of the United States Land Of S P R IN G F IE L D FROM T H E I 2». It waa announred today by Alfred 1:60 P. M. lire at Roseburg. Oregon. Any such SO UTHERN PACIFIC R A IL W A Y ( Powers, director of the summer aea- protests or objection» must be tiled In COMPANY OF T H E R IO H T-O F-* SUMMONS atons. thia office within thirty days from the W AY DESCRIBED T H E R E IN AND IN T H E C IR C U IT COURT OF T H E data of the flrat publication of this Hugh E Rosson. associate professor TO A U TH O R IZ E T H E RECORD 8T A T E OF ORBOON FOR L A N E notice, which flrat publication la Apr'l ING OF T H E DEED T H E R E O F of English and law, will teach public COUNTY 14. 1927. W'HEREAS. The Southern Pacific speaking and Oregon law In Portland. Lela Iona Raybould. Plaintiff, vs. Al­ Non-coal Railway Company naa deeded to the H A M IL L A. CANADAY. Regtster fred Raybould, Defendant Mita Margaret Burr, clinic assistant Town of Hprlngfl.-ld the Old Pier» To Alfred Raybould, Defendant: A 14 21 28: Ma. 6-12: across the W'lllamette River at In the child study department of the IN T H E NA M E OF T H E STATE Springfield. Oregon, and certain other Seattle schools, and author of the I OF OREGON: You are hereby direct­ parcels of land on either side of th* Seattle entrance class teats, has been NOTICE OF HEARING OF FIN A L ed to appear and answer the com river for a rlghtof-way. the descrip­ aerured to give In Eugene courses on ; plaint filed against you In the above ACCOUNT tion of which la set out In aald deed teachng of backward children and «“ titled «ult within alx weeks from NO TIC E 18 HER EBY G IVEN : That and which said deed la hereby re­ * _ . . .. . . . . the date of the flrat publication of tho undersigned. Joint executor» of ferred to anil made a part or this psychology and education of a gommong. nd |f fail to _ ao _____ ____ , ___ „ . you ______ the Last W ill and Testament of ordinance as specifically as If th e ; child, a subject on which she la an . appear and answer for want thereof were tiMpetn Included George Sanderson, deceased, have “ same ------------- In « herein h o le In whole. authorlt the plaintiff will take a decree of the Now. therefore. T H E T O W N OF filed their account for the final settle­ court against you for the relief pray­ Dr. L. E Griffin, professor of billogy DOBS O R D A IN AS ment of the estate of the said Oeorge SPR IN G FIELD ed for In said complaint to-wlt: That Sanderson In the County Court of FO LLO W «: ¡ a t ____ „„ the marriage relation now existing Reed _____________ College, w ill ______ teach _____ biology Is n » County In the State of Oregon, That the aald deed be. and the sam* | a (J herwnty a( , he portian() ,p ggiOn. between the plaintiff and the defend- and that Saturday the 23rd day of a herebv accreted by the Town o’ ! i m iss »turn b ’ . tiaivorsen. instructor .a •»» he dissolved That plaintiff have Recorder I» here-J Mias Ruth E. Halvoraen, Instructor ,n April. 1927. at the Court Room of said Springfield and the , . . . 11 . , .. r> J v., u I the care and custody of their minor Court In the County Court House In by authorlxed and Instructed to record ’ art in the Portland public schools, | cj,lld Eugene, Oregon, at ten o'clock In the the same In Ihe office of the Recorder wj,o w|| assist Miss Bather Wueat in The order directing service of thia forenoon, has been by said Court fix-d of Conveyances of Lane ( ounty. Ore- | iour arl courgeg jcheduled In Port- - summons by publication thereof la ss the time and place of hearing ob­ g»n Ian(1 I dated March 29th 1927 and requires Passed the Common Council this jections thereto and for final settle ' publication once each week tor six l l l h day of April. 1927 consecutive weeks and the date of ment of said estate. Approved by the Mayor thia 11th FIR ST N A TIO N A L HANK. Eugene. first publication thereof Is March 31st, NO TIC E FOR PUB LICA TIO N day of April. 1927. 1927. Oregon. FOREST EXCHANGE Attest. MARY FRANCIS LONG. C. A. W1NTERME1ER. Attorney No. 016909 O 0 . BUSHMAN. I M PETERSON. Executore. D E P A R TM E N T OF T H E IN T E R for Plaintiff. Residence. Eugene. Ore­ Mayor. Recorder. L. L. RAY. Attorney for Estate. !IOR, U N IT E D STATES LAND OF- gon. Apr. 14 M 24-81: A 7-14-21 Mr. 31: A 7-14-21-28: M 5-12 1 F IFE. Roseburg. Oregon. NOTICE la hereby given that Krami ; Btarkey, of 161 E. 16th. Street, Port- NO TIC E TO CREDITORS. j land, Oregon, filed Application No. 19. under the Act of March 20. Estate of Emilia A. Smith, Deceased. Notice Is hereby given that Paul E H Section 16. und W'H. Section 36. I Hndley has been by the County Court Offileo Phone 43 Rea. Phone 3 j 15 8.. Range 11 West. WIIJ. Mer.. ot the State of Oregon, tn and f o r : vlthtn the Sluslaw National Forest. Lane County, appointed executor of i Carl H. Phetteplace. M. D. J for the timber on the E H SEH SEk». I the last will and testament of Emilia I General Practice. Special Attention Section 83, Tp. 19 S . Range 12 W ert, A. Smith, deceeased. All persons having claims against WTII. Mer.. also within the Sluslaw ! to Obatetrlca am! Dlaeaaea of chil­ I said estate are hereby notified to National Forest. dren The purpose of this notice Is to i present the same, duly stated and veri­ Flrat National Rank Building fied. at the law office of A. E. Wheeler, _______ ______ _ In Eug-ne. Oregon, within six months Springfield. Oregon selected, _ _______ or having bona fide object- 228 Main St. Residence 125 C 8t Ions to such appltcrtlon. an opportun- i from this 24th day of March, 192,. « IJ 62 M Ity to (He tnelr protest with the regis­ PAU L HADLEY. Executor. ter of the United States Land Office A. E. W H EELER . Attorney. Full Auto Equipment at Roseburg. Oregon. Any such pro­ M 24-31: A 7-14-21 Mrs. Arthur Sayles Lady Assistant tests of objections must be filed In I 'B U S I N E S S PAGE SEVEN TH E SPRINGFIELD NEWS THURSDAY APRIL 14. 1927 ► new, finer faster trains to C a lifo rn ia Effective April 17 N ew speed and deluxe service over . Southern Pacific Shasta route > 1 -» H ours Q u icke r P o rtlan d to San Francisco Faster time than ever before between Port­ land and San Francisco. Only 23*6 hour» on the ■wift Cascade, new extra-fare flyer over the •cenic Cascade line—a smart travel service to delight the most exacting. Leaves Portland daily at 10:05 p. m., arriving San Francisco at 9:25 p. m. Extra fare $3. 7 1-X H ours Q u icker P o rtlan d to Los Angeles Train No. 15-—saves a business day between Portland and Los Angeles. No extra fare. Leaves Portland daily at 5 p. m., arriving Los Angeles at 8:30 a. m., the second day. Through Pullman without change to San Francisco. Shasta and Oregonian via Siskiyou line, the famous Shasta will con­ tinue as a premier train of the Shasta Route. Carries coach to accommodate travelers to in­ termediate points. Oregonian via Siskiyou Line, leaves Portland at 1 a. m. (sleepers ready at 9:30 p. m.) arriving San Francisco at 9:50 a.m., one day following. g j g — C o a c h e v er Y T uesday and Friday» c C o m special all-coach trains leave V peci to Portland at 10:00 a.m., arriving F r a n c is c o San Francisco at 10:30a.m. next day. 24^hour, low cost service—only $15 one­ way fare. Ask your local agent about minor changes in local and connecting service. D IR E C T O R Y ' W. F. Walker Funeral Director Teacher of Piano Mrs. Leland Svarverud Teacher of Violin WM. C. HUGHES F IR I A N D A U T O IN S U R A N C E N O T A R Y P U B L IC 132 - 7th St. E. O ffice at FIRST NATIONAL BANK S p rin g fie ld , Oregon 1 GEO.. N, MeLEAN Automobile, Firs and Life IN S U R A N C E 8urety Bonds Phone 617 My business It to protect your business 860 W lllametts 8t. Eugene Oregon DR. N. W. EMERY O K N T IS T Sutton Bldg. Phone 20-J Residence Phone 153-M Springfield, Oregon VASBY BROS. Painting & Decorating In all Its branches 312 Main Street General Law Practica I. M. PETERSON Attornay-at-Law City H all Building Springfield, Ora. k DR. 8. RALPH DIPPEL DENTIST Phons FRANK A. DE PUE ATTORNEY AT LAW 43 Flrat N s fl Bank Bldg.. Sprlngflald NOTARY PUBLIC Sutton Building Sprlngflald, Oregon. M. G. HOGE Attorney-at-Law Practise U. S. and State Courts SPRINGFIELD GRAVEL GO. All kinds of gravel for con­ crete or road work. We make a specialty of crushed rock and rock sand. Bunk­ ers at foot of Main on Mill etrsst. HENRY W. CHASE. Prop. Eugene, Oregon I | D. W . Rocf JEWELER Repairing a Specialty. Springfield. Orceon O R D ER Pacific CARL OLSON. Agent Springfield, Oregon FOR H E A R IN G HE CO UNTY COURT OF notice, which first STA TE OF OREGON, FOR LA N E April 7. 1927. Non-coal. COUNTY. H A M IL L A CANADAY. Reglsterer ! In the M atter of the Adoption of A 714-21-28: M o: Ralph Rose. I This matter coming on for hearing NO TICE OF F IN A L SETT LE M E N T UpOn petition of Thomas Jefferson Crist j Notice Is hereby given that EHxa-1 and Le„na Crist, husband and wife, _ jth English. Executrix of the Estate praying for the adoption of Ralph of Fred H. English, deceased, has | j^oge a muie child of the age of two filed her final report and account as yeari, whose parents are Ira L. Rose Ruch, and the Court has set Monday. I an(j j j u(h g. Rose, and for a change May 9th. 1927 at 10:00 A. M at the i oj name 0( ga|d child to Blllio - County Court Room 1n the Court RogR Cr,Bt an(1 , hat not|ce of hearing House at Eugene, Lane County, Ore- of said petition be given to the par­ to hear ents of said child Ivp publication. objections to the same, and for Ihe And, | nal settlement of said Estate. It appearing to the Court and the E L IZ A B E TH ENG LISH . Executrix. Court finds that Ira L. Rose and Ruth W ELLS * WELL'S. Attorneys. E. Rose, the father and mother of A 7-14-21-28: M 6: said child, are non residents of the I State of Oregon whose addresses and residences are unknown to said peti­ NO TIC E FOR PUB LICA TIO N tioners. and that Mrs. J. W. Rose Is FOREST EXCHANG E an aunt of said child' and Is his next No. 016802 of kin within the State of Oregon, Department of the Interior, United and that she has filed her written States Land Office, Roseburg. Ore­ consent to the adoption of said child gon, March 1» 1927. by said petitioners. NOTICE Is hereby given that Henry NOW, THER EFO R E, IT IS ORDER­ F. I^w ls. of 330 Sheridan Ave.. W hit­ ED that said petition be heard before ing. Indiana, filed application No. this Court In the County Court Room 016802. under the Act of March 20. 1922, (42 Stat., 466) to exrhange the In the Lane County Court House In SE'4 S W H . Sec. 29. N H N W H . N W H Eugene. Oregon, on the 14th day of N E ’4 Sec 32, Tp 188.. Range 10 West, I May, 1927, at ten o clock Ini the fore- W. M., wlth'n the Sluslaw National noon; and that notice of said hearing i-n-n.i M Forest, for r (ho the dmhor timber nn on snnroxlmate- approximate­ he served upon the parents of said ly 2.30 acres on the S EH N W H S EH , child by publication of a copy of this Sec. 33, Tp. 19 S., Rnnge 12 W est W. order once a week for three succes­ M.. within the Sluslaw National For­ sive weeks in The Springfield News, the last publication to be at least est. The purpose of this notice Is to si four weeks before the time herein ap­ low all persons claiming the lands pointed for the said hearing. Dated this 19th day of March, A. selected, or having bona fide object­ ions to such application, an opportun 1927 C. P. BARNARD, County Judge. lty to file their protest with the reg­ ister of the United States Land Of­ State of Oregon, County of Lane. ss. 1, L. L, Ray, Attorney for the peti­ fice at Roseburg, Oregon. Any such •protests or objections must he filed tioners herein, do hereby certify that tn this office within thirty days from I have prepared the foregoing copy of the dnte of the first publication of Order, and have carefully compared this nottce, which first -publication is the same with the original thereof; that it Is a correct transcript there­ March 17, 1927. from and of the whole thereof. ROBERT E. CRAWFORD, Acting Dated this 19th day of March, A. D , Register. 1827. Non-eoal. L. L. RAY. Attorney for Petitioners. M 21-31* A I H , M 17 24-31: A 7-14: This coupon and 25c entitle the undersigned to one 35c can cf Acme Quality Enamel-Kote, any color, and a special 20c Paint Brush. SPECIAL OFFER T o acquaint you with Acme Quality, we are making a special offer for a short time only. A “brand new” gateleg for only a few cents ! Bring down the old gateleg table from the attic—refinish it— and add another charming piece of very popular furniture to your living room. For just a few cents you can get a can of Acme Quality Varno-Lac and in a few moments of spare time make any piece of furniture look like new. ACME QUALITY Vamo-Lac Acme Quality Vamo-Lac for «finishing furniture and floors and Interior woodwork where a beautiful, long-lasting hardwood finish is wanted. Aa outstanding member of the celebrated family of ACME QUALITY Paint »«•‘Varnish O slss «4 AU P-puisr Colon. Bach G ins » losoclU Colo. BOoct. Tolk N o Wkh I k Wright & Son