THURSDAY ABRIL 14. T H E SP R lN O F lK hD NEW S PAOK SIX ture of vain, self reproach That much other but Inseparable. We were first 1 I sensed. Hut I could not reassure “Yes. yes." they said, soothing gruff yoked. her M) own thoughts were so grtev The fact appalled It gripp'd me |y "Shore he did; shore you didn't. I ous as to crush me wlllt aching woe I seemed io have bargalmd Its all right. t'orne along, come coldly This, then, was I: soinelnHly who for her with first and bullet, and won along." had Just killed a man. had broken her; now I should appear Io carry T hen- 1 from the open trail and was riding. c lic k Beeson up He's had hurt, her off as booty; a wife and a gamb­ I he knew not where, through darkness ler's wife Yet such must be himself. See that blood? No. tain t worse than night, himself an auilaw his arm. la It? He's bleedm Internal “Moon'll be up In a couple o hours.' with an outlawed woman at the best W hars the hole? Walt he's busted Jeuks said “I'd advise you Io lake an a chance woman, an adventuring wo­ something ." hour's start of It. so as to gel away man now the spoils of killing' They would have carried me. easier. If you (ravel straight south (TO B t CONTINUED) "No." 1 cried, while their bearded j artl you'll strike the stage road in faces swam "He said ' Nuf he shot the mornln'. When you reach a sta­ A Sm art Maid me afterward. Not bad. Is it? I can tion you'll have ch'lce either way." walk “ "I have money,' she said, and sat As they hustled me onward the erect. He kissed the parlor maid and the world had grown curiously darkened, clinging to him. arms binding him. girt screamed. • • • • • • • was being sucked into it. Irrevocably legs twining around his. each ounce and I dumbly wondered whether I waa The wife came in and looked willed by him. by her, by them all. If For the first half mile we rode with Chapter 9 Continued dying myself. Across a great d stance around suspiciously. i did not kill him in defense of my­ of me greedy to crush him down and we «tumbled by the wagons and halt ’ out a word. "I think I'm more afraid for you." self 1 should kill him in defense of master him. "Fill, why did you scream?'' What her thought! were 1 might • The shock drove him backward We : ed at a fire, confessed "Thai clown is getting her. "Through Joy. madam The master “You're all right." Jenks apparent-' not know, but they sat heavy upon nsufferable. He sets out to bully Could this really be I? Frank Bee swayed staggered, grappling h ith er, ly had looked me over and »as min her. closing her throat with the tor baa Jusl doubled my wages “ rou." son. not a fortnight ago still living at and thither. 1 had hla arms pinioned, tsterlng Io me, "Swuller this He spat in my face; “I'm afraid, too." she breathed "I a Jogtrot In dear Albany. New York to bend him The odor of whiskey fumed into mv lever hare been afraid before. 1 State? It was puaillng how detached and shifting, set his teeth Into my nostrils I obediently swallowed shoulder so that they clamped lik e ’ Itda't fear Mootoyo. I've always been and how strong 1 felt. Hands were rummanging at my left the teeth wf a horse, through shirt and tble to take cane of myself." arm. a Iwndage being wound about hide to the flesh. Into the Night “You hare your revolver?" I su<- “DM I kilt him?" I besought. “Not We toppled together, came to the that! I didn't aim—1 don't know how CHAPTER X. jested. . A meeting between My Lady and me ground with a thump Here we churn­ 1 shol—but I had to. Didn't 1?" "No. 1 haven't. It's disappeared. O P T O M tT R IB T — t Y t f i l Q H T B P tC IA L IB T ed. while he flung me and still I “Ybu did! He'll not bother you Mormon women don't carry revol­ brocght on. not longer after, the ex stuck. 878 Willamette St. Eugene, Ore. peeled crisis. As we talked, sudden ag'n. F h e » yourn." vers." The acrid dust of the alkali en- ly I saw Daniel nearing, striding That hurt. "But you're not a Mormon woman." j 1ST ONE T H IN « . Ilt'T I »>«> IT lU lU IT ' Again he spat, fetkl “But It " isn 't about her! He bull rapidly, straight for us. a figure port veloped us. “Not yet." She caught quick entous In the fading glow, bringing —sprawled upon him. smothering his ted me dared m e W e w ere m an 'o * breath "Do you know," she queried flailing arms; gave him all mV weigh! man. boys. He made me light him.' the storm with him with sudden glance, “that Daniel "Yes. shore." they a greed - and they , She saw. too. Her eyes wedened. and strength; smelled the sweat oft means to marry me?" e ivf reen tamps hint, snarled into hla snarling face. ■ were not believing. They stlU linked startled, surveying not him. but me. “But you're not tree; you have a me with a woman, whereas aihe had , close beneath mine. "Please go. I'll keep him " husband!" . »«mu. j Once he partially freed him self and figured only as a transient "It is too late now." I asserted, in "Oh!" she cried, "why don t you Then she herself My twdy. appear buffeted me In the mouth with his learn to shoot? Won t you? Let me a voice not mine. "I am here first and list, but I caught htm—while strugg!- j ed. runnlug in breathless and appeal ! Til go when I get ready." have your pistol, please." ing. tossed and upheaved. dimly saw inc "You mean to face him? 1 Unew “You must grasp the handle firmly; “Is Mr. Beeson hurt? Badly* that by a miracle we were surrounded tt. You will play the man! Watcn cover it with your whole palm, but by a ring of people, men and women, Where Is he? Let me h elp " don't squeeie it to death; Just grip t him close! He'll give you little grace She knelt beside me. her hand their countenances pale, alarmed. In evenly—tuck it away And keep your ! this time. But remember this: I'll tent. Voices sounded in a dull roar. grasped mine, she gaged wide-eyed elbow down: and crook your wrist.-', never, never, never, marry him. Presently I had him crucified hi* and imploring in a drop, until our trigger knuckle is j Rather than be bound to his I'll deal “No. he's all right, ma'am." one outstretched arm under my knees pointing very low—at a man s feet if with him m yself!“ "I'm all right. I assure you. I hla other arm teethed by my two you're aiming for his heart!" "It won't be necessary, madam, mumbled thickly, and helpless as •» W i haw® alway« catcrod to careful drug buy®ri hands, my body across his chest, “At his feet, for his heart?" I stam­ said I—a catch In my throat; for babe to the clinging of her cold CZW- . - cua'oinMW who bring all of their judgment to while his legs threshed vainly mered The words had an ugly sound while I was all Iciness and clammi­ era. ! I looked down Into his bulging eyes. hear In every part bane. Surh buyern come reg- "Certainly. We are seaking of ness. my hands cold and my tongue The group about me dissolved, j '•■Nuf Cry 'Nuf!" I commandel. uhtrlv io o u r i t n r lo t a n - th e y have leitrim d Ilia. shooting now. and not at a tin can! dry. I felt that I was going to kill him. Jensk seated himself close beskle us, j •• 'Nuf! 8av ‘ ’ •nr" echoed the You have to allow for the Jump of they can count on un for pure drug», prompt iter Daniel charged in for us. i did not "Your arm won't bother you." he the muasle. U uless you hold it down touch revolver butt; he did not. He crowd. said . "Jest a flesh wound You two j vke and right prices. He strained again, convulsive; and with your wrist, you over shoot; am! barked first at her. can eat and rest up a bit. and If you 11 It s the first shot that counts. Of set out Tore moon-up you ran easy I "Go whar yu belong, yu Jezebel! relaxed. “ Nuff!" he panted through bared The extent and quality of our trade and the ob­ course, there's s feel, a knack. But Then I'll tend to thia— “ The rabid get cl'ar We ll furnish mounts and vious confidence reposed in us by the public In don't aim with your eyes. You won t epithet leveled at me I shall not re­ teeth. “Lemme up. Mister." grub and anything else you need " "That settles It?" have time Men file ofT the front J "Mounts!' I blurted “ 'Set out.’ you pretty convincing evidence that we conduct our peat. “1 said •'Nuf'." he growled say? You mean that I—we—should ( sight—It som etim es catches, in the "Be careful what you say. Daniel. drug business In a satisfactory manner. With a quick movement I sprang run sway? I'll not leave the train i draw And its useless, anyway. They No man on tnis earth can speak to clear of him. to my feet. He lay for a and neither shall she. until the proper ■ fire as they point with the finger, by me like that." moment, baleful, and slowly scram­ the feel You see. they know. Some All his face flushed livid with a time. Or do I understand that you . Let us be your Family Druggists men are born to shoot straight; some sneer, merging together yellow freck bled up. disown sue?" On a sudden, as he faced me. hla have to practice a long, long while. 1 les and tanned skin. "Hold on." Jenks hade. "Taln't a “Can't, Can't he? I kin an' 1 do. hand shot downward—I heard the question of disownin' you. But you've wonder which you are!" "If there is pressing need in my Now yu git. I've stood yore fast-an'- surge and shout of men and women, killed one o' the Mormons, the wagon to the stunning report of his revolver boss's son; and when he comes In the case." said I. “I shall have to rely no­ loose plenty. I mean business. Git! Whar yn'II be safe. I ll not hold off ducked aside, felt my left arm Jerk mornln’ demandin' of you for trail by on my friends.” and sting—felt my own gun explode his Mormons, what can we do? W eil "Those gentlemen of yours are Gen­ much longer." “No more of that, yon brute." I In mv hand (and how It came there take the chance on sneakin’ you both tiles with goods for Salt Lake Mor­ I did not know—beheld him spin mon.«." she retorted. "Are they go­ roared "If you have anything to say. sway, and facin’ the old man around and collapae; an astonishing ing to throw all business to the say it to me.” “I think we'd best go." I agreed. sight. He whirled. winds?" “It's the only way.” So there I stood, amidst silence, 'Yu! Why. yu leetle piece o' nothin' “You yourself may appeal to his gaping foolishly, breathing hard, my father, and to the women, for protect­ —you shut up!" By sudden reach he revolver smoking In my fingers and gripped uer arm; to her sharp, short ion if that lout annoys you. 1 v n- mv enemy In a shockingly prone pos­ scream he thruRt her about. tured. • ture at my feet, gradually reddening "Git! I'm boss bj-ar." And at me: “To them"" she scoffed. “To H r-( the white of the torn soil rum Adams' outfit? why. they're good “What yu goin' to do?” She's promised He was upon bla face, his revolver Mormons, and w-hv should I not be to me. Git. yerself. or I'll stomp on hand outflung He was harmless. The made over? I'm under their teaching; yu like a lou se!” I 1 forgot instruction». I disregarded moment had arrived and passed it's time Daniel had a wife— or two was standing here alive I had killed every movement preliminary to the for replenishing t’tah onset! Bullets were too slow and him! She pause ! Then resum'd Figures rushed in between Hands easy! “But now if I may lend you a little grasped me. Impelled me away, thro­ I did not se his revolver; I saw but something to keep you from being ugh a haze; voices spoke In my ear the hulk of him and the intolerable shot like a dog. I'll fee as though 1 while I feebly resisted, a warm salty had wiped out your score again -t me. sneer of him. and that his flesh was taste in my throat. Take v our ru n ." 1 took it. “There he ready for my (Inters. “1 killed him I didn’t want to kill And quicker than nis hand I whs Is. Cover h n!" upon him. Into him. clinching him. him. He made me do It. He shot “W here” i »“ked. “Who?" Dependable Eyeglass Service Dr. Royal Q ick W ^G «B 2)57 G r -S Discriminating Drug Buyers jO J Have The Happy Habit of Coming Back to Our Store Ketel’s Drug Store “There, before you! Oh. an-'hody! Think of hit heart and covey him." “See that little rock? Hit it!" fired The sand obscured the rock, clapped her hand», delighted, fou would have killed him No— would have W led you. Quick' f » It to m*»!” nd snatching the revolver »he ked. leveled and fired instantly. , rock ppllt Into fragments. I would h a v e killed him ," sh e m ur red. gazing tense, seeing I knew w h at. W re n c h in g from 'hr- vision handed hack the revolver to me­ think you are going to do. S'r. ly. you must learn to draw. I must- stay longer. Shall we go to the . now? 1 am cold.-’ Ve walked almost without speak- to the Hyrum Adams fire. Daniel ed his upper lip at me as we en- ecl; his eyes never wandered from face I was distinctly unwelcome. rordingly. I said a civil "Good-even , to Hyrum and raising my hat to | ■ Lady left for my own bailiwick, friend Jenks Joined me. •We were keepln’ cases on you, and j was he He saw that practice— ' mn. how he did crane! she was j rin' you pointers, eh? “Yes; fihe wanted am usem ent.’ Jenks rocked to and fro. as we sat the fire "Hell! Wall. If you got kill him you got to kill him and do proper. For if you don't kill him i'll kill you; snuff you out like a ill. you saw that can travel. “I don't want to kill him." I pleaded Why should I?” Jenks sat silent; and setting silent foresaw that kill Daniel I must. 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