THUM IM Y APHIL 14. 1»27 Lane County Farmers Union News O F F IC IA I F U B L IC A T IO N HEN CONTRACTS NEEDED TO ASSURE NEW PLANT Contracts fo r about 30.000 more F f lu IL.. b ras are needed b^o ro thia deatrlct B u rl Report 4 pi nt heavy corn syrup, % p la t thin starch paste. 1 tablespoon glycerine. O tl*T* eel bi I. '« K -e c o et tbs lim iw i or A s -v u liu n l K v s a o e e i- >« «sl-Minslwa ttw « V S 11 A a n . «•>»’ o lbcial h w - «> I Poultry. M ilita ry conditions in China have caused egg (reeling plants at Hankow and Nanking and the m apority of egg drying plants in the interior to close down. T h e outlook is for 50 per cent of last year's production or less. Livestock. Receipts ol lambs and sheep at leading markets were slightly higher last week but prices were well sustained. H og receipts fell off as a result of lower prices the week before but supplies were still above those of the correspond ing period a year before, Demand for heavy, fed cattle continued strong, with other cla«««.« reflect­ ing the improved situation. Ex­ pansion of the supply oi heavv cal tie it not expected in the near fu tnre. T h e trade believes that in­ creased rues when they come will comprise mostly light steers. Con­ ditions in most early lamb regions were more favorable this year than last and on A p ril I the early lambs on the whole were better devel­ oped than a year ago. M arketing ■n volume will be earlier than last year and lambs wi.. be heavier and of better quality Hie supply be­ fore Inly 1 will be considerably larger. “ W o o l. Sales v. foreign wool stored in bond for re-export M ill feature Boston wool trad* reports. M oderate trading in domestic wool evntinaca. Some South African m «hair stored in the United Stales in ix>nd has been exported to Eng­ land A ll offers at the recent sealed LANS C O U N T Y U N IT rvO Community News ,4 By Special Corre sponde nta THURSTON GARDEN WAY T he Sunshine Club w ill meet with | M rs. J. R. Fish Thursday afternoon. T he Thurston grade school bas<>- ball team motored to W alters III« last F riday afternoon where they defeated the W a lte rv lllv team In a came 34 Io • FRO M S T A T I M A R K I T A O B N T • W heat Proapeota Oood Reporta fr o n county agents and others from wheat raising counties of central and E astern Oregon s ta e that the prospects for large crops were never b elter a t this tim e of year In j U m atilla county wheat la reported as I a fool high and condition, are more April 1«. Mrs, Clarence Chase Is 111 w ith the tavornbto than for »everal y e a r * H o * 11. ' flu. ! ' ver, wheat la never a aure crop um T h e High school baseball tea m , Mrs. Krlc Allen of Kugene gave a ! It la In the sack the growers state, and , very Instructive talk on the National motored to Pleasant H ill last Frldav where Ih e lr met th eir defeat In g am e, ••’ ey are wishing that the coupioua I Parent-Teachers Association In the w ith the Pleasant l l l l l teams T h e ! " P t'" « rain» might be held buck until i school house F riday evening Kuby Oldham haa beeu out of school boys score w a . 4 to 1 and the girls » “ re needed. team was 31 to 3 In favor of Pleasant on account of Illness. Farm Prlaaa to Go Up St. M ary a A lta r Seolety met at the H ill M r. and M rs M arvin Jackson and home of M ia. T . J. M axw ell Thursday From Iowa, one of (he hardest hit afternoon. A regular business was fam ily also Alice Calvert from Kugene agricultural stales of the nation, held and plan« for a fte r Raster parties visited relatives here last Sunday. comes (be cheering newe from Dr, C. Mrs. F ells Sparks from Blue R iver L. Holmes, head of lha agricultural were discussed aud articles were made for a future sale. M argaret spent the past week-end vlaltlng M r. economics departm ent o f Iowa Slate O 'F a rre ll. Frances Franaaw a and and Mrs. Arch Shough. College, that prices of farm products Mra. M arla Spires from Kugene are due for aa Increase which w ill Iren e Moore furnished Mime musical number«, a fte r which refreshm ents apent Sunday with her parents, M r continue over a period of year*.. were served The following m em bers and Mrs. C harlie Heatings, here. "Fanm p rice, are on «he u p, era.' Mr Arch Shough who waa tortan ale Holmes states, "aud according to ex s e re present: Mrs. F. X. Schaefers. Mrs. Charles Schaefer*. M rs McGlllts. enough to draw a piece of Government parts are likely Io overtake Ik e prices M rs O. H. Campbell. M rs. Geo I-am land for a homestead near \9da la o f other things between 1430 and I486, mera. Mrs. Roland B urkhardt. Mrs. 1 having It surveyed this week and la and « ill continue for a considerable Jane H all. Mra. C. W Iddlngs. Hiss planning on building a house end mov. length of lim e, probably Indefinitely " Cosgrove. Mra. C. B. Chrlstenagn. Mra Ing his fam ily on It. D r W llî'a m Pe,ergon, d irecto r of the T h e [» d ie s Aid met at the church M argaret Diane. Mrs Jo. Koke. Mra. Utah A gricultural College, says that 8. B Finnegan. Mra. W'm Dawson. Thursday afternoon and cleaned It more than 84,004 people have deserted Mrs. W , W Bristow. Mrs. W H. and decorated for Raster Sunday aa Utah fa rm i and moved to the cities Stael. Visitors wera: Rev. K V. there w ill be a basket dinner there since 1*30 and that this condition w ill O 'H a ra. Rev. D. P. Carley. Irene * Easter Sunday and the men of the continue until farm prices are such Moore. M argaret O 'F a rre ll. Frances church are preparing a flower rack »«e» farm ers ra n make a profit on the Franaawa. Mra. Singletary and Mar- and the ladlee are to bring a potted (lower ae a decoration. g a rrt M ary Bristow. M r, and M rs Ira G ray motored to I^ s lle Monday ml «ted several days W heat en F ró tela Beete Landax last Sunday to visit th eir ton. of school on account of lllnese. I f the statement made by Roger H. K. Chase returned from G rants , Stanley, who la III but they report w ill soon come when (he price of him Im proving ae hie many friends Paas Wednesday, where he had »peat wheat w ill be determ ined very largely w ill be glad to bear ten days. At present the The Bible school class study met on Its protein content e e e a e e e e e e a Tuesday evening w ith M r. and Mrs. protein teet la of much Importance and when there Is a scarcity of high • F A R M F O IN T I R S • W illia m Henson Mrs Jennie E d m l.ton from Eugene ' protein, premiums are paid on w h e t, e e a e a a e e e e e which roes over a basic amount. The Sulfur, chem ically combined with arrived In Thurston last Tuesday to Departm ent of Agriculture la taking spend several days vlaltlng relative«. calcium to form calcium polyaullide. M rs' M argaret Campbell la spead up (he m a ile r o f uniform testing In Is the principal active Ingredient In Ing a few days at Goshen at the home the different laboratories. llm e-sulfnr solution. For a ll practical purpose. Its concentration It Indicated of M r. and Mrs. Hemenway. No W o n d -r a Farm Problem ‘ by the hydrom eter test which, for It la thought l y many that the tim e ' UPPER WÌLLAMETTE com m ercial brands, should be at least bid mohair sale in Texas a rt re­ ported to have been rejected. W heat W o rld wheat markets were practically unchanged during the week ending April 9 A la ir domestic demand and e x p o " -■ qniry offset liberal market an and good new crop condition- re­ ports. Private trade reports indi­ cate a s m a ll" total yield of winter wheat in ti e United State* this rear than In -i bv 45 to 50 million bushels. Ilie Indian wheal crop it 30 degrees Baune. now being harvested and is report­ W hile w restling with his older bro ed only slightly io exceed domestic T he garden slug Is a very annoying ther. Dw ight, little George Brown 7 requirements. and destructive garden pest. This re­ years o f age tripped, fe ll and brok" Rye. Export demand has given pulsive. slimy, slow moving f e a t u r e his collar bone Sunday A p ril 10. strength t( the rye market. Is often Incorrectly termed a snail. T he Freshmen of the Pleasant H ill Peed grains. Corn prices ad­ vanced in leading markets last T h e adult Is about two Inches In highschool entertained the upper week and barley markets were firm length. I t la a deep m ottled gray or classmen at an annual reception F r i­ and higher. greenish gray In color. T he body is day night A p ril 8. A splendid pro­ Hay. S lig htly less bay remains covered w ith a mucous slime which gram was followed by games and re- to be marketed than a year ago, forms a slimy tra il on any object over freshmen U . but taking the country over deal­ which the slug crawls. T he Pleasant H ill high school bas> ers expect a quiet spring m a rk e t ball team defeated the Tburatou Extrem e shortage ol clover hay has helped the market for alfalfa T w o or more species of caterpillar« team laat F riday by a score of 6 to 1. in Illino is and stales to the east­ i attack the pear fru it from the tim e M r and Mrs. J. A. Phelps and two ward. ‘ the fru it seta until It Is the size of a children of Swlsshome spent th>- Apples. Competition for Am eri­ w a ln u t Many Injured fruits drop, week-end w ith friends at Pleasant can apples i t beginning in Euro­ but others m ature as scarred and m al­ H ill. T hey have purchased IS acres pean markets with New Zealand formed pears, typical examples of on the northeast corner of the Andy and Australian apples. Prices about A p ril I were showing a decline on fruit-w orm Injury. These worms ap­ Olson ranch. This Includes the 3- moat varieties, but there waa a pear very early and feed promiscuous­ a e rr ranch and cottage form erly own­ fairly active demand in Copenha­ ly over the foliage before the fru it sets ed bv Mias Bertha Manning. They gen for O regon Yellow N e w to w tt I^ a d arsendte in the pink spray af­ Intend to. move to Pleaoant HUI In at $J 28 to 83.5J a box g , auction, these prices being a liRle higher ford« excellent control. T he calyx ap­ June. plication Is not equally succan ful as T he various committees which ere than for the previous week. w orking on the com m unity gathering It la too late for best results In con Butter. M arkets were very sen­ sitive and erratic during last week, trot to he held at Woodmen hall the la tte r but stocks continue light and the p art o f A p ril met at the home of Mrs. statistical position is strong P ro Money In W alnut« McPeek In Coast F ork. Friday A p ril * ■faction is increasing slightly but According to the figures credited to to form ulate plans for the gathering with little prospect of any sharp increase for several weeks at least the Oregon experim ent station there T hia gathering Is being sponsored by Some foreign butter continue« to la money made in walnut growing In a com m ittee appointed by Rev. W . A. a rriv r hut not much interest is be western Oregon. The gross expenses Elkina tor the purpose of getting the in g s' 3400 a year, and numerous higher positions running u salaries up to 14000 The exam laatiuna » I I I be practical. . . the quallDcatlona and fltseaa of the applicants to perform the p articu lar brauch of the work fur which lh a t kind of exam ination is held. LOCAL MAN WILL BE AT PAN-PACIFIC MEET U n lv e ra lly of Uragun. Eugene. O re , A p ril 1 4 ~ (S p e e la l| George >1. God frey, form er U n iversity student and m anaging editor o f the H ilo Tribune- H erald was today appointed repres cola llv s of the U niversity o f Oregon at the l*aa-l*aclfie conference called by 1‘realdent Coolidge tn Honolulu. A p ril 11 34 Mr Godfrey was form erly a reporter tn Springfield. A ll countries h arin g te rrito ria l In ­ terests bordering on ths Pacific ocean w ill be represented at Ibe meeting, ihe purpose of which la to establish cooperation, provide a medium for the exrbange of knowledge, afford a w ider field of service for technical organlxa- t.'ons, and aaalat the territo rie s In other ways. Hubert W ork, secretary of the Inter- lor. w ill be chairm an and Ill head the United States delegation. — - ■ - - - - ■ Be Sure Your Meat is of First Quality For Your Easter Dinner LBO OF LAMB ROAST CHICKEN LEG OF VEAL BAKED HAM I JOG OF PORK REEF PRIME PIT (rolled) SWISS STEAK BOILED COTTAGE ROLL SUced Ham or Sliced Bacon for Breakfast All our Eaater Meals are exceptionally good. They are youna. tender, grain fed and you will be pleased with the flavor. INDEPENDENT MEAT CO. 4th and Main Sta. E. C. STUART $30.000,000 in Co Op Eggs T h irty m illio n dollars' worth of eggs were m arketed co-operatively In this country In 1925; there was a great In ­ crease In these flguren tn 1926 und the volume Is expected to fu rth er In ­ crease In 1927. T he poultry Industry Is increasing in nearly every iitate as Is also the consumption of eggs. Can­ ada eats more eggs per capita than i any other country In the world— 230 ; e«gs per person per year. D u rin g ! the past six years the Canadian con- I sumption has Increased about ten dox- ' Lata Opening Expected , en for each person, w hile In this coui.- l a t e opening o f the M cK en zie pass H T th ,‘ Increase has been only about Is epectcd this year as a result of “ ne-flfth thia a m o u n t unusually deep znows In the moun-1 tains at tho present time, in a re­ port. to the state highway commission bv scouts who crossed the pass Sat­ urday and Sunday, It was declared th a t If a ro tary snow plow Is not brought Into use In the pass It w ill not be open for traffic until July 1. Word has V ed i received by Walter Mossier, local civil service rwprescnut- llve. Io Hie effect lhat ibe lu u u d ftiAlvn i iv ii tto rv iie coui r u m ima Ima launched a country wide campaign lo iv i i U h Mlglutee fot the Cotto posatoti, tn o.- i,.,i,u u oi trom binoti which ..u ss.oen under (he civil service law tu March. Babson, the W a ll Street financial an­ alyst. are true, there can be no wond­ er at the general de; resalon of a g ri­ MILLINERY culture. H e say» the farm ers are paying out In taxes each year $4 rents WESTERN >8.00 HAT CO. T h ird floor of M iner Building. Eu­ out o f every d ollar over and abov-- his farm ing coats and living expenses gene. Q uality and Style equal (o hats No other Industry would lung continue usually priced double our price of $6 00 m !» under this great overhead load. Seed Time Is Here We carry a complete line of seeds—garden, grass and clover. Only the kind that grow and are known to be first, class are carried by us. You can’t go wrong by buying your ft seed at Gray’s. OPPORTUNITY GIVEN TO U t T F H U H IB IÌIO N JOBS T h a t the presence or absence of tuber discoloration la an unreliable guide to the presence or absence of wilt-producing fungi in potato tubers has beon clearly shown on a number of occasslona. T his la fa r from being an In fa llib le sign. I Phone 63 PRATT HOLVBRSON