PACE TITRE» High School News ** Command o f U. S. Force» in China Wlnlfrld Tyson. Kdltor Faculty To Praaant Play The {ac uity will proMc-nt a play tu help p«)' annual expenses. «ntltled. "The Q ele.” Tlia cast 1» •» f o l l l l W « ! — Miau MIIMr The Uata Mr. Bal» Irate Father Mr Morgan City Kdllnr Mra. Rice Incur Aunt Mr. Tayolr Hu« band Mlaa Abbott Uriel.- Ml-tie Hodge will i-oarh tho play. ce«d If It la not Inoculated with the bacteria that produce nodules on the roots of the plants and make It poa slide for the alfulfa to draw nitrogen from the air. Inoculation can be ac­ complished by treating the aeed with "culture" or by spreading 20« to 300 pound» of aurface soil from an Inocu­ lated alfalfa field on the new Held and harrow It In promptly. The Ore gon Experiment Station prepares “cul­ ture” for sale to farmer» of the State at coat, and I keep a supply on hand In my office. Bottles containing enough bacteria to Inoculate aeed for two acres sell for 60c each I Fertilisers—Application» of 50 to 75 Junior Class to diva Play The Junior claaa will preaonl T"he Arrival of Billy.” In the aaaotnbly at 3:18 sometime wllhln the next two weeks. O lrl’a La ague Clacta Tha caat la aa follows. John Sherwood llulh McIntyre Margaret Sherwood Wlnlfrld Tyaon Mra. Noylea. Margaret’» mother Jewel Rhoden Mra Nelson Chnrtrese Willie Mlaa Film. a maWon lady llertha I’aililoi a Mlaa Wright, trained nurae Elaine Archamlman Mrs. Peterson. Junior claaa advlaor will direct the play. Th«- tllrla League elected the »IN- tor next year. A nominating com milt*« waa appointed aontellute ago. The oIRoere lor the uoxt year, aa elected are: Piesklrnt. Elaine Archamlwau.-j HPRINO FEVER vice president. Melba Mellon; aecre- tary and treaaurer. Mather McPher­ It aeetna to make ono wooxy son; aoi-lal promoter. Nadllte Mr,Mur And a trifle laxy. too. I guess It an ancient disease; ray; reporter. Ruth McIntyre. Tim teachers aay It’s nothing now Mra Klee the present advlaer will Spring Fever. not be here next year and aa yet no one has been selected to take her The symptoms are aa follows: Dreaaea of voile and linen. place. _________ ' Floppy hala. rolled up aleevea. While lad» dream of love and Lib rary Books Cheeked lasses. All the hooka of tho school library Spring Fever. were checked and marked Saturday And of course, we have 'em The librarian worked moat at tho Those flower picker», you know. Here are the commanders given afternoon and thia week during »scant Although the gounit a a trifle soggy. full authority to protect U. S. citi- perloda are replacing them on the Hikes and picnics seem all the go. xens and property in China. Above, shelves. Thia district haa ordered Rear-Admiral C. 8. Williams, in Spring Fever. » reference b.a.ka for various »ob­ command of all U. S. Naval forces. Have you*been billon yet? Below, General Smedley D. Butler, jects. A abort time ago the library By the Spring Fever bus; arriving at Shanghai to take charge wea moved to Ila present quarters He surely packs a wallop. of the Marines *from the old library room Mlaa Abbott, When he socks you In the mug. advisor of the library staff la working Spring Fever. overtime trying to hoea the Job. We —By Ruth McIntyre HOW TO CROW ALFALFA pity Mlaa Abbott! ’ C ar. lessnees About l/out' Health Things You ShmJd Know 14.71 Hlspntevl right of way .,g „ ., Cut corner Reckb-aaneas Speeding 4.433 «g{ • - I i.known Intoxication Intersections la-ft side of street »bidding ..........v - ................... Jar walking ................. - .............. Bad Brakes Improper parking Wei pavement Thirty live other causes were as signed to 1.439 other accidents, of the total of 30.025 reported for the calen rtsr year 192« The total number of accidents caused Injury Io 4.044 per­ sons and death to 99. HARDENED ARTERIES Many people make Inquiries about their blood-veaeaela, which they believe are becoming "hard­ ened.” Of course. In the great majority of instance«, they • are wrong, as moat non-professtonal diagnoses are. Hardened arteries ate almost as common to advance-1 age as is gray hair. When I discover har-lening of the arteries in a patient over •ixty-flve years of age. and of nor- vutl build, I advise him to forget It By "normal build” 1 mean one who has not accumulated abnor­ mal weight, with consequently bur­ Sails Lots dened heart. Fat old customers do not need treatment fop the arte­ R A Fuller and Etta Campbell. ries, but need advice in diet and Jointly purchased live lots In the S u n -; exercise. It is only iff the com­ paratively young patient, that I nyaMe addition from the city. Ralph look on hardened arteries as a dis­ Rwe.ney purchased another Io».; eased condition. Elylttv-alx lots are left, according t- In such eases, violations of the law of right living make up the Police Chief Jess Rmltson. who s do thief causes of arteriorsclerosis. Ing most rtf the promoting for the city ?oo much tobacco, tea, coffee, alco- In this connection. ioi, and highly-seasoned fooda. poi­ son the blood-vessel , cither hard­ ening them. or lit. lly rotting them out—if they give way under the strain. Instead of becoming hard In an effort to resist the over- loadlng—Just as the blacksmith’s right arm grows harder from its increased labor. In such a case, I d rather have the vessels harden than to become soft and more liable to rupture under strain. The treatment must depend upon the judgment of the experienced physician. A case of syphilis de­ mands specific treatment; the alco- i holic must change his habit, or pay I the extreme penalty; remember, al- i cohol is a good servant, but a dan- l geroua master. I am eonvinc that there has never been a time In the history of mankind when , perfect elimination and strict tem- p -an ce in eating are so essential iowl Blood-pressures should be studiously watched. DOLLAR DAY SAVINGS-THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY F o í THE GREEN SHOW CARDS AS THEY POINT TOE1 WAY TO GREATER SAVINGS! BOTH FLOORS ARE PARTICIPATING. {ac&uM, \(SjtxJVuraatm Springfield Garage Main St. Danner Motor Co. 5vh and A St. ALL-WEATHER AND SUPERTWIST- BOTH V Goodyear Tires, and only Goodyears, give you the faihous All-Weather Tread and a carcass of Super- twist. Supertwist Cords Hex and yield and stretch far beyond ordinary cords. They make Goodyear Tires ride easier and iast longer. Don’t neglect Supertwist when considering tire value—nor the super-tough, wear resisting All-Weather Tread. We have your size in a Goodyear, at a money saving price. r/’ » //,'■ Í HEALTH SALT 50c 7 Ounee Container „ Flannery’* Drug Store TX, LEOCADE HAT SHOP Between Miner Building and Eu­ gene Hotel. Positively the best values i obtainable. Telephone 430 R. M-19 Drives to Portland-“ Welby Stevens went to Portland on a business trip Monday. m S ta rt the D a y R ig h t R elieves biliousness, sick headaches, sour stomach, Indigestion and constipa­ tion. It cleanses tho bowels, stim ulates the livor, regu lates the bowels, and clears the complexion. Care of Young Alfalfa—Let the young alfalfa grow- and do not mow it unless weeds begin to crowd It out. Let It grow to a good bloom stage. If It will without weed injury, and then cut It for hay. Too early catting tends to weaken the plants. PUNCH The preparation of the seed bed. In nnculatton, and fertiliser to be em ployed In the growing of alfalfa Is told by County Agent O. 8. Fletcher In a circular prepared for the farmers. His method follows: Preparation of Seed Bed—Be sure that your seed bed Is properly per- pared before you plant your alfalfa i The seed bed should be (a) free from weeds and grasses, Arm enough to assure moisture and prevent too deep planting and (cl line and free from coarse clods. The later work­ ings of the seed bed should be light surface harrowing* to kill young weeds without digging up weed seeds that are deeply covered. If the soil Is loose. H should be rolled until Arm. Care should be taken not to leave a hard, smooth surface as this will cause Ihe soil to dry out and may eause It to bake Inoculation— Alfalfa can not sue Marriage Licenses for W eek » During tho past week marriage lie euaca have been issued by County Clerk W. B. Dillard to the following couples: Ray Aspinwall and Ruth Maglns. both of Brooks; Ralph Lane and I .aura Phillips, both of Westflr; Henry Ob- erst, Sherwood, and Haxel Duvall. Eu­ gene; Win. Jonathan Butler, Creswell, ( and op al Hupper., Corsicana, Texan; Clifford Hapner,' Springfield, and Alpha May Hopkins. Eugene: Ethan Calloway nnd Vida Quigley, both of Dexter; John AITnlter, Nesokwln, and Katherine Hoonlng, Eugene; Joe Mc­ Cune and Gladys Moore, both of Eu­ gene’; Jacob King, and Ruth Horton, both of Junction City; Elva Beebe and Lena Howard, both of Eugene; W. E. Rupert and Maude E. Morellet, both of Yakima, Washington. after May 16 where a drill baa been used, and somewhat earlier where the seed waa broadcasted T im . early seeding give» grasses and weeds an advantage over alfalfa. T h e i-^f. . TOLD BY COUNTY AGENT Cause* of Accident* Rtale Traffic Officer T. A. Raffety has compiled a record of causes of .r c ld m ls on Oregon highways and In cities and counties of the stale. Into- far as the latter two sources reported Figures Include reports from city of Portland: — pounds of land plaster per acre pre­ vious to sowing alfalfa have proved beneficial In moat cases In Lane coun­ ty. If you have not land plastered your alfalfa ground and expect to do so. the plaster should be applied at once so that It will have an opportunity to go Into the »oil and become available before you aow your seed. Time to Sow—Alfalfa should not be »owed In lame county until the weath­ er I» warm enough to Insure prompt germination and rapid growth. "Corn planting tim e” la something of a guide to time of sowing alfalfa here. The majority of the beat stands of alfalfa in Lane county have been planted A SEE THESE i» 30x31/2 * * T Clincher Cord $ 1 1 .6 5 31x4 AWTIS. Cord - 1 8 .3 5 32x4 AWT S.S. Cord - 19.3 5 - 2 1 .9 5 3 1 x 5 .2 5 AWT Balloon Other Sizes Priced Proportionately HOW ABOUT TUBES? vs- Good Tubes are TIRE ECON­ OMY. Always carry a spare. How about a long wearing, money saving Goodyear? We have your size. Ford and Chevrolet Special 29x4.40 Pathfinder Balloon $9.45