THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Published Every Thunulay at gprfttgnald. Lana Conaty. Oregon. by T H E W IL L A M E T T E PRESS H. Ma faced T i l t ’UHOAY APIUL H , 1927 T H » SPRINGFIELD NEWS PACK TWO K. MAXEY Editor. ’ aa aacood elaaa mattar February it . ISM at the pqatoffice. Sprltkg'iabL Oragoa and regulations and taxed nearly to the limit of our ability to pay. It is a certainty while capital can tlnd places for development under more favorable conditions It will not come to Oregon and if anyone does not believe this let him step out and show ns what he can do in bringing it Into this section. a a a Ninety-live radio stations art* to broadcast gov­ ernm ent crop and m arket rvporta daily, is this :t little Federal "sop" in lien of the Karin Relief M A IL S U B S C R IP T IO N R A T I Oae Tear In Advance $1.7» Three Months ----- 7»« m easure? • • • Mix Months ____________ W-OS Single Copy ------- *0 Edison says every man should m arry ami T H U R S D A Y A P R IL 14. 1S37 m arry young, lie Is correct. That will Increase our held of inventors. You know inventors of WHY PAPER MUXS ARE NOT LOCATING IN alibis. THE WILLAMETTE VA1XEY a a a T hat not only some of th e laws we have passed There are three parties in this country —polltl- but the "trend of thought and action" in Oregon Is hindering full industrial development is evident. cal. petting and booie. All of them cause trouble And while the proposals of some of the profes- - sootier or later. • • • Bional agitators and the vociferous minority have- The greatest jokes art» not alw ays on the tllv- not seemed serious to us, is m ust be adm itted t h a t 1 they have made themselves heard by capitalists vers; they're in them, outside the state who have their ear to the • - - ground. Consequently their investm ents are ' Because prohibition Is in Its infancy is said to be often made elsewhere. the reason people still w ant their bottle. In the last two or three years uum erous paper • • • mills have been built in the Pacific w a s t states. Advertising is th e life of trade and the death chiefly in California, W ashington, along the Col- of failure. onibia and places along the coast where a suffici­ ent supply of fresh w ater could be had. But one pew mill is being started in the W illamette valley •n d it is a by-product plant of an existing saw- i Drill. What is the chief reason why pulp and p a p e r; mills are not coming to the W illamette valley.’ [ W’e will let the forest service engineer in charge of the pulp and paper laboratories tell you by | quoting his letter: OR. FRANK CRANE SAYS UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AORICULTURE FOREST SERVICE YOUR KNOWLEDGE HAS POWER « I HE POV r’”‘ M* KNOSN »IC*N W A SVMANO • £ ® ■1 ' ' 1 £H C NCVCK. H a p q u a lity Balance *2 f a month. ■“ *.“ ” ± . 1 . — » I » “11 ',C q’ e l.» 'I“ “ “ f " “ '14' Iota! Prie« ONE - £ T Ä £ ¿ J u ö . “t «■•“ ■ y $1.00 allowance for your old coffeepot- Mary's Calwa» Mary had two pretty ralvaa; They were both creamy whit«. They're children of our tlolateln. And were only burn laat night. Sprig la Kaahl I am eternal. I make atrung turn quail. Beautiful women rower before me. I laugh. They are unable to lure me They lose their charm and become unlovely, anlffllng ub)erta. Mighty men become puwerleaa In my preaence; they are debased and I am glorified I am all powerful, omni- present. I am a coM In the bead. I am eteranl. Ed Purdy'a Philos. The main difference between a girl chewing her gum anil a cow chewing ber cud. la that the cow tooka thought- : fill. Knowledge is power— sometimes. It is power only when it is practical knowledge. FOREST PRODUCTS LABORATORY Poor Mrs. Shsrtoek The m ere acquisition of facts and information Madison. Wisconsin. April 4, H IT "Gladys has a position aa detec­ may m ake a man informed, but unless those facts Industrial and Park Committee. tive in one of the big department apply to w hat he undertakes they do not Increase Chamber of Commerce, shops." his power. Springfield, Oregon. "Wall. I don't envy her. Imagine You m ay learn all the intim ate facts about all Gentlemen: the Kings of England w ithout helping you appre­ being known as a plain cloth es wo­ We have pint received a copy of your publi­ ciably in the cem ent business. i man ! '• cation calling attention to the advantages Springfield It m ay m ake it easier to live with yourself, but | baa to offer to a pulp and paper mill. Evidence it will not increase your power. I We cannot help but wonder If you are cogni­ Barrie has a play about a yacht full of educated Teacher "Surely you know what zant of the trend of thought and action of the various people which goes aground upon an uninhabited the word 'mirror' mean». Tommy State Boards of Health and conservation Commis­ island. After you've washed, what do you sions. We have been informed that a strong move­ The only m an who knows w hat to do Is the un­ look at to see If your face la clean T" ment is under way In your state which will prevent educated butler. Tommy: "The towel!" the discharge of either Industrial or municipal wastes He builds a shelter and hunts for food while Into the Willamette river. As you can readily see the others stand helpless. W hat little education Logical etx;h a law would practically prohibit the Installation he had was of a practical sort th at applied to the Little Dorie: "My big alater'a of a paper mill on that stream, as there is no way ' needs of the m oment. known at the present time by which discharge of twaoty-four." He had power because his knowledge applied Young Man: "She told me she was waste arising from the manufacture of pulp and there. In a draw ing-room conversation the others paper into the streams can be prevented. twenty.'' . would have had power because their knowledge We are calling this to your attention in "Oh! I suspect she didn't learn to , fitted the needs of th a t situation. order that this vital point may receive your consider­ eaunt till she was four." Those who speak of the failure of education ation. m ake the m istake of thinking th a t power is the Very truly yours. T h is W eek's F airy Story only end of knowledge. JOHN D. RUE. In Charge. Sec­ Once upon a time there was a wife know ledge is of three kinds, tion of Pulp and Paper i There is knowledge th at gives power; know ­ who dldu t get auspicious when her By VANCE P. EDWARDS. En­ ledge th at gives culture; knowledge th at gives husband was extra nice to her. gineer in Forest Products. wisdom. Two eastern paper mill concerns have been in- Producer fo Consumer Knowledge is like the food We tak e into our terested in Springfield as a possible location for I system s. Part of the food goes to m ake flesh, part "D<> you think poultry keeping a paper mill m the last few m onths and one or to n)ake blood and part goes to m ake the struct- pa ye?" two nave been to Eugene to investigate condi- ure of the bones. "Well, that I don't know; but I * tions. But none ot them nave located here but So oniy part of knowledge goes to m ake power. think it pay» my boy Tom." have finally gone elsewhere. Some men w ithout any broad education attain “How'a ihat?" "Well, you nee. 1 bought him tb-> ' While so far as we know there is no existing positions of great em inence because the narrow fowl». I have to pay for their keep. I I range of their inform ation is all practical and a p ­ law m at would prevent the discharge of paper buy the egg» from him when there ; plicable to their work. mill waste in m e Willamette river, there is a A nother part of knowledge feeds culture. It are any. anil he eat» them! ’ th reat th at all pollution oi the stream will be stop­ ped. Especially was it evident a t the last session gives interests and ideas and appreciations th at of the legislature and a t m eetings of the self- m ake m en’s lives more enjoyable and full. And an o th er part of knowledge gives wisdom. I Btyled league of cities. No sane men are going to self-control invest a million dollars or more in a paper mill It builds , , , ... and . , understanding. , .. . A _ man and have it legislated out of existence in a year or m ay be powerful like Alexander the • a . o - j wo tured like Oscar Wilde, and know not the m ean­ ing of Wisdom. We should sta rt lacing the facts here in Oregon And as Durant, using the popular adage loosely, and decide w hether we want industrial develop- says; “ Knowledge Is power, but only wisdom Is xnent o r to rem ain like we are—bound up in laws liberty.” aS S B ^’ BUVAN C lectrii r ö jffee Pefc'olator AFTER HIGH SCHOOL WHAT? A high ach(X)l education plug a EUGENE BUSINESS COL­ LEGE training will put you far along on the highway of aucoeaa. Aak For Our Catalog IT’S A GOOD SCHOOL AND IS IN SESSION ALL THRU TH E SUMMER. EUGENE BUSINESS COLLEGE Phone 666 A. E. Roberta, ITealdent 992 W illamette S treet Kugene. Oregon Douglas Garden Dairy Will Supply Your W’anta W’lth Wholesome Milk and Cream Phone 35F12 ICE CREAM The Perfect Dessert Nowdays ice cream 1« a« popular a fte r the Chrtatinaa dinner as on the Fourth of July, lee cream I» the ull year round dish anil the kind Eggimann has I h made from pure whole­ some cream . No m atter how much you eat, it's good for you. . Ice cream Is a favorlate tonl fi r spring fever. Try some* at EGGIMANN’S C o m in g t o EUGENE Dr. Mellenthin SPECIALIST in In te rn a l Medioin» «or th» past fifteen year» DO ES N O T O P E R A T E W ill be at Oaborn Hotel, Monday May 2 Office H oura: 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. “T h e V o i c e R e t u r n e d ” O NE DAY O N LY No Charge for Consultation A u t / r i i U r Servie» Dr. Melllnthin 1» a regular graduate In medicine and surgery and in Been- ned by the state of Oregon. He doe» not operate for chronic appendicitis, gall stones, ulaers of stomach, toimlls or adenoids. He has to bis credit wonderful re­ sults In d iseases of the stomach, liver, hnwgls, blood, »kin. nerves, heart, kid­ ney, bladder, bed wetting, catarrn, weak lunga, rheumatism, sciatica, leg hirers and rectal ailments. Below are the names of a few of his many satisfied patients In Oregon who have been treated for one of the above named causes.: B. O. Clark. Troutlake, Wash. J. A. Wlbert, Albany. Mrs. Yaquina McClay, Reedsport. Elmer Brooker, Condon. Mrs. O. Garrison. Warren. Mrs. L. I). Beam. Ht. Johns. Mrs. Ells Yoller, Astoria. Mrs. R. Gustavlson, Westport. Mrs. W. B. Henslee, Marshfield. Remember above date, that consul tatlon on this trip will he free and that his treatment Is different. Married women must be accompan­ ied by their husbands. Address: 211 Bradbury Bldg., Los Angeles, California. A 14-21-28 /-p H E "Great Blizzard" of 18K8 had blocked railway traffic and disrupted mail and tele­ graph service. Through the drift-piled streets of Boston group: of men a.-.d women made their way to, the public telephone stations, anxiously inquiring whether the long distance lines to New York were still in service. "People did not want a message, they wanted to talk,” runs a contemporary story. "They wanted to find out where the other party was, i f he was alive, indeed. *••••!$ wag the voice returned, the personal interview, that was especially valuable.” A telephone conversation is the meeting of mind ' mind, heart with heart. Today there are no lim its of distance to the inter, change of thought that binds all parts of the country together. Created in response to America’s needs, a network o f 50,000,000 miles of wire has given nation-wide scope to the "voice returned." T he P acific T elephone A nd T elegraph C ompany BEU. BYBTKM One Policy ' One ^ w tem - (AUmraU ¿erefaa