7 M Don't Mopo For Business — Advertise And Moke C ertain O f I t * u TEACHERS HAMID nnann *1» « a i i a a i BIG TRAINS GO ON NEW LINE SUNDAY M»m >'“• Worthy Pardon wUI s‘arl °«”’r»1 d °’*r ,h" * ,h" Dl v cpunni UUllLILIL RnAHn DUnllU "*« Bouthern Padflc next Hunday. accord ______ Ins to Carl Olson, local «pent Tin- bis train» will operate through this Deoreneed Payroll In Pro»pact city. As - F i n a l Contracts Ars ----- The morning local which atop» here ( Awarded; Morgan C o m « » | „ g.5o „' ci . m u will carry a Ban Fran Back To High School; Mo Hit cisco sleeper. anti lx»» Angela» and • Lincoln Principal. « » “ Fraactoco »leeper. will He rus e s : . — • I the night local which will «top Twenty-live contract» to teacher» ■ here about o'clock. Mr. Olson an- and administrative officers have been ! nounced awarded by the Hprlngfleld »chool i Since the Natron line was complet- board ao far. with pnwpwct» for a * ed loot »uminer the Bouthern Paclflc »lightly lower pay roll thia year than ha» been preparing to Inaugurate foot la»t The pay roll «» It appear» to through train service over the f e e dale 1» approximately »30.622 50. not cade». Including the »alary of the phy»lcal CIVIC CLUB BIRTHDAY director not yet appointed. At ao adjourned aeaelon Monday CELEBRATION APRIL 26 9 Conley night, the school itoard elected Laur­ «nee t C. Molto ssomi a aa . principal .......................... - — ence of the Jun- , Dabney, of Frankfort, Ky., above, said he was Innocant, The Hprlngfleld Women's Civic club but he was convicted of killing lor High »chool. »ucceedlng J. O. Bur j will hold It» second birthday annlver- Mnry Vickery four years ago. Now •bum Moffit ha» been principal of » »ary on April M. according to plan, Mary Vickery show» up »live— and trade school at Troutlake. Washing I »hoped at this week's meeting The the body found in an old mine— ion. and coiue» here well recommend annlveraary wa» po.tponed from earl ¡till 1» a my»tery. Governor Field» of Kentucky quickly granted a par­ ¡»d It la underatood that he la to re- ’ ler In the month. don and Dabney’» life 1» saved. -elve a salary of »1350. Member» of various women » club» . 1 of the city have been Invited to attend The election of Moffit complet. d whlch |BgJ||dg # mug,. the tilling of positions at the head of pr(>grgm aBd , , W(#„ „ PROGRESS IS MADE ON NEW MILL AT LORANE lh»‘ U wb I »chool«. »« A. . orv|n| D Bain la returning a» superintendent j g are also being developed for new mill «t Gillespie corner» being at a »alary of »Stub, while Mr». Ora the annual rose »how sponsored by built by the Ixirune Timber and Mill­ Read Hamenway ha« accepted a con­ the civic club. No date ha» been set. ing company, a Bprlngfleld concern. The buildlug for the mill Is practi­ tract »» principal of the Brattaln ¡•It 1» expected that another children'» cally complete, and the machinery, school at »1360 parade will be a feature of this event. recently shipped In from Portland, ¡a The school board »till — ha* little . in« WHDHI is«»«.«» ....... ... - a ------ --- being Installed. The work 1» under work to do before the entire teaching MEMORIAL GROUP TO the general supervision of H. J. Cox, BE NAMED APRIL 2 7 president of the company. BREAD GETS Matera who was elected commercial m e" ? X e d " Z ' r e - fused to come at the A p p o i n t m e n t B l u n t l y of a BAKER/ lookout for some one to Oil thia post ■ *• * F *“ on , i "'‘AU IISS FAY SPAULDING QUITTING JOB HERE TO TEACH IN SALEM * x rating of >2 per cent, but one organisation, of the city have « « - P"'»< ««tew the highest ever |o gppo(Bt r(,prBg, . g i v e n by the Sperry Flour company, was • awarded several loaves of Per­ |hj> roromlUM, worded severs! Pec- f» t _______ _ observed In years past M r fection bread sent to the company custom Blight raises la salary were given Huntly. who Is head of the American for teats by Mrs. Fred Frese of the most of the teachers In the schools leg io n 's patriotic observance commit Hprlngfleld bakery. who are returning this year. As It tea. hopes that by April 27 all re­ in flavor and taste, each point but appears, there will l*e few new faces presentatives will have been named was but one below perfect. This Is 9D the staff, although changes may be Work on the plans will start Im considered especially good In as much made later If those offered contracts mediately after the committee la as the flour used by the bakery was refuse to accept. I not a Sperry brand, and the company named, he said. , Is exceedingly critical In Its tests. The elementary teachers are sub The highest score ever given was 93 |ecl to assignment by the board, but MRS. DAISY GREENWOOD It is understood that they will return IS CALLED BY DEATH F*r tpn‘ to their old places at the opening of Legion W ill Meet another year. Death came Sunday morning to Here Is the list of teachers as elect- Mrs. Daisy Greenwood, 46. of 305 The Hprlngfleld post of the Ameri­ ed by the board: Main street, following a lingering 111 can Legion will meet tomorrow night High School ness. Mrs Greenwood was a resident at the Chamber of Commerce, starting V. D. „. Bain, superintendent ---- --------- of Hprlngfleld for four years, and a at 8 o'clock. Routine business will J Morgan, principal and manual , member of the Christian church. ( com«- u(, up. arcordlng to Commander alnlng. sh e leaves to mourn here, among j orb Will. _ Francis Hodge, girls advisor and other relative», her mother. Mrs. Jane I clence. Daugherty, and four daughters. Alm-i. E r t e r t t 'n ir p Guest»— Mrs. Alfred .1. Dorothy Abbott, English and Latin. 17. Alice, 1«. Eunice, 1». end Bessie. 6 Morgan has been entertaining her Fay Hpauldlng. English and mualc. The funeral services were held at unqle. George If. i'-ilin. »nd - n n ' r Mrs. I. M Peterson, domestic sei­ the Walker chapel Tuesday monring, Mrs. George Bouckaert and children with Rev. 8. Earl Childers In charge of Beattie, and another coualn. Mrs. ne«. Pauline Miller. English and hlatory C. W Mnhaffy. Bylvla Veatcta, mathematic» and CROWELL LEASES RANCH clence. FROM SPRINGFIELD MAN Commercial teacher, unfilled. Physical Instructor, unfilled. AMBITIONI- C. E Swarts has leased his 76 acre Junior High School raneb southeast of the city to F. C. Laurence Mollit, principal. Ellsa- Crowell, who also obtained a year's ieth James, E lls Iximhard. Katherine option on purchase of the propert?'. hincee, Msy Walker. Jessamine Nel- The liarpole family, which have been ! on. living on the place. 1s moving to an ! Elementary other ranch near Irving. Mrs. L. K. Page. Opal Roberts. Alts Crowell plans a modern chicken ifunnlng. Edna Platt. Mary E. Vorls, plant on the 8warts place. He wifi 'rystal Bryan, Crystal Male, Anne build chicken houses and Install othe- , lorrle, Mnrjorle ixiasell. equipment Immediately. The position of physical Instructor and athletic coach also la unfilled, as è VERY HIGH RATING X T e ^ t L ? » ^ ^ the day here wIB , Word of her election to the position ' music teacher In the Junior high •hool of Salem was received this ornlng by Miss Fay Spaulding, ■acher of music and English In the prlngfleld high school. While she has not yet officially noth sd the board. It Is understood defl Itely that Mias Spalding will take the idem position for which she has ¡»plied and will return unsigned the intract awarded her by the Sprlng- p|d education board. Miss Spalding has been teaching pre for two years, and has directed lee club work and similar activities iccessfully. She Is a graduate of nilam ette University. Her resignation will mnke It neces- irv for the school board to elect nnther music teacher here. Huperln- •ndent V. D. Bain said today that lere are several applicants for the nsltlon. Oscar Olndlsh. who has been elected «acher of history In the high school, as not yet notified the board of Is decision aa to accepting the work. Nsedlacraft Entertains The Needlecrafe club entertained last woqk at the home of Mrs. C. O. Wilson, husbands of members being special guests. Oames and the sing­ ing of old songs combined to make a pleasurable evening, Mrs. J. W. Hobson acted as Joint hostess. A luncheon was served by the host­ esses. assisted by Mrs. Clifford Wil­ son. The next meeting will he hold at the home anv Mrs. Carl Olson Present were the following: Mr. and Mrs. Ixirson Wright, Dr. nnd Mrs. It P. Mortensen. Mr. nnd Mrs. D. W. Crites. Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Jarrett. Mr and Mrs. Carl Olson. Mr. nnd Mrs. Walter Gossler, Mr. nr.d Mrs. Howard Cotton. Mr. and Mrs. W, N. Long, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. May. Mr. nnd Mrs. Floyd Flnnery, Dr. and Mrs. Carl Phetteplace, Dr. and Mrs. S. R. Dlppel, Mr. nnd Mrs. Clifford Wilson, Mr. nnd Mrs. J. W. Hobson nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. C. O. Wllann. Mr». Adrian To Return— Mrs. W H. Adrian Is expected to return som e­ time this month from Los Angeles, where she has been caring for her sister, who has been 111. REDUCTION OF GRADE ON SOUTH D. ORDERED A grade reduction frdm 66 to 40 feet on Bouth D. »treat w»» agreed on by the city council Monday evening pro ylded the property owner» would bring In a petition for the change B mon Klovdahl. city engineer, re­ commended the reduction for two rea­ sons. He said that Home of the houses on the street • ire at present ex'* ndlng a few inches Into the »‘rent an^ that also It would greatly lessen the coat to make the Improve- gnent ngrrowan He pointed out that this wa» a common practice n cl tie» to mnke narrower streets on »Me hili». I The council «et April 25. 26. and 27 I m data» for the annual spring clean ‘ up. Citizen« will pile out their win­ te r s accumulation of rubbish which , will be hauled away on these dates at the city's expense. The Southern Pacific company was given authority to connect a new sew ­ er. being built P m the section hoa.e on the railroad ground. The connec­ tion with the Main street sewer was authorised at a manhole. The Lumbermen's Trust corrran y, notified the council that it had accept- i ed the (9.000 bond taaue which wa» awarded It at the laat meeting. » R A P IR I N K W S P A P IR w £ J NUMBER 14 8PRINOFIKLD. LANK COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY APRIL 14, 1927 TWENTY-FOURTH YEAR • 'V C Ut o , U U i w y People o P •e a p e r- A Road Builder OW 3000 ACRES I 160 Farmer« Now Have Filled Out Card« Indicating The Amount Of Fruit« And Vege­ table« Grown On Their Lands I In County. I The survey of fruit and vegetable acreage in the Hprlngfleld territory has ! now accounted for nearly 3000 acre» according to the report of the Cham­ ber of Commerce. The return postal also written their sentiment» on ths card sent out by the chamber has been Ailed out by 160 farmers and the results tabulated for the Informa­ tion of those who arc working locate a new cannery In the county. Many of the farmers have not only • filled out the data asked for but have card which indicate that they desire Ethel A. Blrchland, of Westport, Conn., is national secretary of the another cannery and would support American Road Builders* Associa­ the same. Of the acreage reported tion and in charge of headquarters less than 1000 la now planted In fruit at Washington. She la the only and vegetables but the farmers have woman highway official the world. declared that the other 2000 is sult- —— — — — ab|e for growing vegetables. T abulv CHILD OF 3 IS RUN tion tbe acreage reveals that thero _ I Is ample land here to raise all the SPECIAL SERVICES ON OVER BY AUTOMOBILE T eietables another cannery could .. , ' take care of. EASTER ARE PLANNED The three-year-old son of Mr. and The cherry acreage which was Special Easter services are planned Mrs. Myorn Ba.nbr.dge narrowly es- g<>ught geparBte sbowPd 91 acres la by Hprlngfleld churches. It as an t aped death Sunday when be was run tb |g d istrict One of the cannery nounced today. t over by an automobile at the family concerns looking over this field IS At the Methodist church. Rev. T. C .; home on East Main street. talking about putting in a cherry tak­ Henderson will close a two week's re­ ing station this season, it is said. John Bainbridge, a relative, who vival service, and It Is probable that The acreage tabulated is shown as membership day will be observed. was visiting from Wendling. started follows: Rev Henderson will speak at both his automobll" la the afternoon when 291 iro-nlng and evening services, and preparing to leave the place. Not Total acres fruit In bearing Ml special music will be arranged by seeing the child, he drove the car , Total acres cherries ............ 1*0 Mrs. Henderson, according to the over him. the wheel passed over his Total fruit coming In bearing Total vegetables to be planted^ . . 346 leg, a part of the body, and the hip. imstor. Rev. Gabriel Bykes. Total vegetable l a n d -------------- 2066 At ths Baptist church a program of While no bones were broken, it ‘a songs and recitations will be given possible internal Injuries were sus­ In the morning by the primary depart­ tained. according to . the attending ANGLERS OUT FRIDAY ment and In the evening the junior W ITH PROSPECTS FOR physician. and Intermediate departments will GOOD FISHING SEASON give a -rogram. In the morning. Rev. Blom, the pastor, will speak on “The ART EXH IB IT TO BE Long before daylight In the morn­ Resurrection." GIVEN AT SCHOOLS ing the McKenxie highway will be A children'» program, special mualc busy as scores of anglers from a ll and Easter sermons by Rev S. rJ. parts of the state make thetr way To furnish an opportunity to study ChIWer.» will be features of the ob­ toward their favorite fishing spots on I art appreciation to both school atu-, servance at the Christian church. dents an-1 townspeople, an art ex- streams of this country- ) bibit is to be condrcteed in the Lin-1 jack Henderer, local angling ace. RANCH TRADED FOR coin school building April 19. 20, 21 said today that he expects the sea- EUGENE PROPERTY and 22. afternoons and evenings and son to bt exceptionally good this year. on Wednetday ovening o ening at 7:30 The high water, of the winter and * — n iv