T U B S P R IN G F IE L D N E WH T IIÜ R H D A Y A P R IL 7, 1927 TOWN AND VICINITY Jaaiea Aubray V la lta —Jamaa Aub apy. Jaapor. wap a vlaltor Hunday. Nalaon la Blak— N. Nelaon la re- ported l|l at hla home. • Laavaa for Vanoouver—G ordon Lae loft Monday fo r Vancoutror wboro he w ill join tho arm y. Vlaltora From Croak— M r. and Mra. C, M Neat. F a ll Creak, ware H p rln t- fluid vtaltora Hunday, Maroola Lady Maaoa, M arro la, Hunday. Vlalta— Mra. Frank waa a vlaltor here Jaaper Man H a ra — Ira Illc g la a of Jaapor waa a Hprlugfleld vl»lt<4’ Man May- M rs Newt Is V is ite r— M rs M ary Nuat ot F all Creek paid Springfield a vlelt Monday. W allaea In Tow n Tom W allace of I Jasper was a business visitor here Monday. In From W a lta rv llla — M r and Mra H a rry Jaakaon o f W a lta rv llla were among vlaltora In Springfield Sunday I Qo to M cM In nvIlls— M r and Mrs In From W endllng— John Puroell of C a rl W ebber drove to M cM in nville W endllng apent a part of Sunday In oer the w eekend. Springfield Here From W alto rvlllo — Lawrence In From Wloopea— Mra. ■ . A. D«u M illig an, W a lterv llle , was a Bprtng ny, Wlt'opee, and dauatiter, Coeta. field visitor Monday. w ere vlaltora In thia city Monday. B o h a rt Hero— E M Bohart, Vida, Mohawk Man In— Vic lla m m ltt of was among buslnesa vlaltora here Jdohawk waa a Hprlngfleld vlaltor Monday. Monday. Here From F ell Creek— D. W, Glus Mra. Crqzan Haa V la lto ra — Mra pey of Fall Creek was a Hprlngfl.elil Jane Urgzan entertained her niece, visitor Hunday. In From M ohaw k— Mra. I'a la r K in-h of Mohawk, apent a pert of Hunday here. Mra J H CaUtlna and aon, A lb ert, both of Corttnatlon. A lberta, over the week end Hara From BHarwood— Mra (lladya Itavla. Hhorwood (iroaim , la hero thia week vlaltlnp Mlaa Intla Grlffia. Ooaa to Portland— Mlaa Clara Wyae waa a vlaltor In Portland over the over the w eeken d. The Magnet-Easter and Our Celebration Intercat in our celebration of the Silver Anniversary o f the founding of thia Company in 1902 will be heightened this week by a presentation of beautiful new style« for Eaiter and the warm Spring days to follow. B Thia might be appropriately called "Ladies' Week of Our 25th Anmveraary" for feminine lovers of pretty things for wear and for the home, find our Store particularly attractive and interesting. Voguish creations of Easterwear for women and their daughters, bring an added desire to visit our Store this week—a desire which should be gratified whether you buy or not. Our Store will have a new appeal for men as well. v do. A p ril 13. U n ive rs ity High, there. A p ril IS, Cottage Grove, there. A p ril 20. Eugene High, here. M ay 6. Cottage Grove, here. M ay 17. Eugene H igh, there. M ay 20, Shedd, there. M ay 24. U n ive rs ity High. here. Nice Goes to Ashland— Paul Nice le ft , Monday for Ashland, wfcere be baa . work. He Is giving up te m p o ra rily I his work at the U n iv e rs ity of Oregon. D rivin g New Studebaker— D r W. C. Juniors Glvs Operetta Elza B lakely Hare— Elza B lakely, Rebhan la d rivin g a new S tudebaker T he Junior High gave a play and -in resident of W endllng. was among out- sedan. . M instrels to Give Play of-town visitors In Hprlngfleld Hun operetta In the high school auditor­ ium on F rid ay. A p ril 1. T h ere was a A p art of the program for the Boy’s day. good and very appreciative audience. Glee Club m instrel w ill be a play. Here From Goshen— Dr. Radabaugh. Ssavsy In Tow n— Vance Heavey. T here are some very good voices Miss Abbott w ill d irect the play. The Goshen, was a S p rin g fie ld v is ita r postmaster and m erchant of Mohawa. among the Junior High students a n i cast has been chosen and Is as follows paid Hprlngfleld a business visit M on­ day. H urts W ris t— Res W illiam s, called at a local physician's office Monday for tre a tm e n t to an In ju ry received w hile w orking In a m ill. . . . Model C ity Elects T he model city of M ille rv ille con­ ducted by the com m unity civics class, under the Instruction of Pauline M ill­ er, elected new officers on A pril 3: The election waa held In true legal form, each Voter having un Individual ballot. Those now In office are: Ruth M cIntyre, m ayor; Jessie Beals. Ruth Bettis. Peyton O d erklrk, Louise Rob­ ertson and Audrey Shultz, council- m en; Eileen Sehantal. Justice of the peace; Verna Houk. Bessie Stew art, Maxine W heeler, and Lnudelle W ill­ iams, police; A lm a Greenwood. fire chief; Fay Fisher, health officer; Hll- dred Wycoff, atto rn ey; B ert Tom seln. treasurer; N ellie H ickm an, recorder; and Jessie Hummer, superintendent ef education. Fltau Morgan — H a rtfo rd M cV og; Oordon. his non,— LeR oy N ic e ; C o *, eg« Friends of Gordon— Evan Hugbea, Paul P otter and Law rence Roof; O M Black Joe— Paul Frese; Hambo— F re e ­ some good musical talent. man Squires; Peter— Everett Squlronj Izzy F ake— O res I Baton; Vaakaw—• Preparo Diamond ‘ Paul P a rker; David K< onedy, the vB- T he boy’s gym classes scraped the baseball diamond Monday In prepara­ laln,— Richard H arper. tion for the game F rid a y The 8. H. FOR RENT 8. nine w ill play the first game of the Best Proposition In Springfield season w ith Junction C ity on that My place on West D street. 3 bioeba d ate * T h e line up has not yet been W est of High School. All bi- picked. fru it In fu ll bearing. la r g e fco jj«? a n t barn. Best of w ater Best garden E ase b all Schedule To date the baseball schedule for soli In Springfield and lots of it. Knot reasonable. Act quick If you w ant it. the high school nine Is ss follow s; R W. S M IT H , i . w m t . A p ril 8. Junction City, here. Baby Bon Born— M r. and M rs. M K. Hm lth o f W estfir are the proud par­ ents of a baby son, bom F rid a y of last week. 942 W illamette 8t., Eugene, Oregon. - . PAGE PTV a Eugene Man H ere— Dave Jefferies of Eugene, who Is leaving fo r Wee- paw. Nevada, by automobile, where bn plans to Join the goldrusb, visited old friends in Hprlngfleld Monday to bid farew ell. Drive To Snow Lino— Mr. and M rs Sam Montgom ery, Mrs. M ontgom ery. M artin M ontgom ery and Effie M ont­ gomery, all of Noti, drove to the snow line Monday. Both coming and go­ ing they stopped here to visit Mr. and Mrs. Fred Frese. Sutton V isits Portland— Elsa Sutton returned Monday a fte r a short visit In Portland w ith his sons. Herschel and D arrell. He has ndk yet definite­ ly decided w hether he w ill leave Hprlngfleld to locate In K lam ath Falls, but plans to visit the la tte r pjace shortly. Our Constant Aim and purpose is to have the right kind and quality of merchandise at the right times, and to handle such things as will be a benefit and a saving to our custom­ ers,. W e realize th a t any store’s u lti­ m ate success lies in its ability to meet and anticipate its clients* w ants and needs. — We use to the best of o ur ability, our knowledge of w h at our patrons need, and we can assure you th a t here at Eugene's largest departm ent store the assortment will contain just the m er­ chandise you had intended to pur­ chase. Should we not have in stock anything you may desire we will gladly send and get it for you, as our purpose is to please our customers. — Of course it goes w ith o u t saying th a t the prices in every instance are as low as is consistent w ith a legitim ate percentage of profit, and often advant­ ageous purchases enable us to offer values th a t are below the average. — Come in and let's get acquainted. will be to our m utual advantage. TO THE PEOPLE OF SPRINGFIELD AND VICINITY [acS tO b {Sjtxa/LLrB£MKl It ftä a /L L r D £ P m u n E /v T jr u & ) We regret to note that the Cut R ate Drug W ar has spread to our city and wish to state to our friends and custom ers just where we stand regarding this war. WE WISH TO CONTINUE TO CONDUCT OUR BUSINESS ON THE SQUARE—and In order to do so, will not meet these prices. Our price is Ute M anufacturer’s advertised price, no higher no lower—fair enough isn’t It? If you w ant to know who pays the difference in a Cut R ate Store (and your common sense will tell you that this difference must be made up som ewhere) just get your prescription filled at such a store and see who Is the goat. There are a num ber of other item s th a t must absorb these losses, for instance Bristle Goods, Rubber Goods, Stationery and Sun­ dries of all kinds (it would be nexj to Impossible for an Inexperienced per­ son to Judge within twenty-five to fifty cents of its real value). To m ake a long story short, you pay for your neighbor’s saving. If you are the neighbor—tine, but are you? If you can take the bait (for th a t Is all a cut price article Is) Insist on get­ ting it, but nothing else, depart and you have m ade a good buy. Hut— stop and think, how m any tim es have you taken som ething besides the cut price article. Ju st as soon as th e public ceases to buy anything but the bait, there will be no more bait. J '< i t à * 5 Trade at the store th a t has the sam e price to all, the nationally advertised price and you will be ahead in th e long run. KeteFs Drug Store MOUNTAIN STATES POWER COMPANY