T IlURSDAY APRIL 7. 1027 Lane County Farmers Union News O FF IC IA L PUB LICA TIO N LANK CO UNTY U N IT r»O. M ordered to Cuba. They expect Io be In New York by May 1. Will Carney a Springfield boy. Is on (he ship wltn By Special The Pleasant Hill high school base­ Virgil. Hay Ridings also from Spring Cerreependente ball team defeated the Mohawk tea>n field and twu Lyons boys from Ku- by a score of S3 to 0 last Friday. Only gene an* In the same Heel. 4 Inninas were played. They play Miss Grace Maxwell entertained the GARDEN WAY Walker at Pleasant Hill Friday.. THURSTON following guests with it S The local F. T A. have arranged supper: Mlsiien Margaret O'Farrell. Mrs. I^tura Hadley from lladlgy-1 ville «tailed her mother. Mr» Tayolr with Mrs Erie Alleu of Eugene for Virginia Gray and Gertrude Kobe of an address to be given at Ihe school Eugene Needham laat Wedneaday. Ed Robertson, who formerly resided The Ladles Aid held an April frollo house Friday evening al 7:30. Mrs. at the hall last Friday tvuBlng The Alien k subject will tie, "The Nations) In thia neighborhood Is suffering from membership was divided into groups I’ T A M u s i c a l selections will be burns on his hands caused by lime of four members each gild each group rendered by Mrs. Janet Gladdlsh of and sulphur spray. II. K. Chase, local nurseryman, left was responsible for some aiunt on Springfield. Mlsa Kula Harrington. Virginia Chase, and Sanford Holton Tuesday morning for Grants Faaa the program. Miss Mildred Ibrtce who la leaching Songs will be sung by (he primary when* he will spend the remainder of at West Lake spent Ihe week e n l grades The Cooking Club members I Ihe week on buslneas. « ill prepare and serve sandwiches, Marlon Bigelow and family of Cor at her borne here. cocoa, and cookies, vallls accompanied by Grandpa Fergu John Taylor from Indian Creek Alma Fish who has been suffering son were Sunday guests at the II. K spent Sunday here. Georgi* William» la planning ’o < from bolls was obliged to have her t'hase home Grandpa Frrguson will remain Tor an Indefinite visit. move his sawmill from Fred G rays ear lanced again Wednesday. C E. llalley of Cheshire spent Mon­ ranrh to Camp Creek John KdmU-1 Mlsa Maude Chase will sponsor a ton Is helping him clear the site anJ "waffle feed” at her home Friday j day night with the J R Fish family. Miss Marian Male and Mr. Rose of lay the foundation. He has laaaed April IS. The proceeds will be added Creswell were callers at Ihe Clara F to the piano fund. timber from Lester Nye. Mr. and Mrs Ira Gray drove to Lau Mr and Mrs. Wylie James recently Male home Sunday. dax last Sunday to ae their son Stan­ re-elveil a letter and some beautiful ley. who la seriously III. They report view s from their son. Virgil, who Is W A N T K P -T««m Work hauling, plow Ing. harrowing or discing. J. II he la no better. stationed at Hayti. Virgil Joined the Rower. Phone J8F4 Springfield. *.f Mr and Mrs M J McKltn from Navy last August going to San Fedrn. It le efficient eye service. You must have experienced, skilled Springfield spent Sunday at Roy Cd- California. He la on the U. S S. West service first. mlston s. Mr. McKlin la the contract- ’ Virginia second division which left Halsey Visitor H ere—Mrs R Ü. The refractive errors of your eyes must be measured first with or for Mr. Edinlstona new house, for Panama Feb 17. remaining there Uurett. Halsey resident was here for efficiency born of long experience. which he is digging the basement for until March S. when the fleet wav medical treatmant Wednesday. The grinding of the lenses, the selection of the proper mount­ having torn down part of the old ing to meet your particular needs, and the final adjusting of the glasses house and moved the other part to on the face, are all operations requiring highly specialised skill. make way for h it new one. That Is the keynote to satisfactory glasses. Mr and Mrs. Henson from Eugene spent Sunday with William Henson here, also hi» brother from l*ortland j SA VE Y O U R E Y E * was here. There has been pre-Easier services at the church during the week. Those on the program were. Tuesday even­ ing. Rev. Childers; W’edneaday even Ing. Rev. Bruce Orlfflln; Thursday O PTO M ETR IST — E YESIG H T SPECIALIST evening Mra. Kellem, showing slides 881 Willamette St. Eugene. Oregon of Falsatine; Friday. Rev Knott tell ing of his trip to Africa. ... Mrs. James Tallelfarrle received word her cousin. Mr. Claude Smith, who resided near Monroe passed away last Saturday morning; , George Hart1 has purchased the tlm ber on Mrs. Minnie Thompson s ranch Many of the Poultry raluura of pleasant Hill »re expecting baby Chirks In the next two week*. Krnext Behrenk whoee brooder with 2008 chicks burned » few weeks ag>' will receive another shipment from the tawood Farm on April 19. and Mrs L OBY Gam ins receives 1000 on April 33. Community News The Keystone of Satisfaction Flve dallar* feward for relurn »Ilve of large long halred Orange color malo Persian cal. Relurn lo lasi bnuae on North Fifi h slreet Mra. Alma Riden- bour. Apf. 7 heat' it here .-.. the a u m a .t As Competition Increases Dr. Sherman W. Moody So Does the Sale of Kerr’s Quality Feeds It Will Always Pay You | UPPER WILLAMETTE To Shop at Miss Esther Gulliford teacher of the primary grades at 1‘lnssaht HUI has ben forced to resign her position for the rest o f the year because of 111 health. Miss Gulliford has made many friends al Pleasant Hilt and her pupil» regret she is not able to continue with her work. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Phelps and two children. Robtre and Evlyn. were at Pleasant Hill on buBlnes» Monday. They have sold their ranch at Enter­ prise. Teddy Leavitt and his soul saving team will begin a revival at H easant Hill under the auspices of the Chris­ tian church on May 8. Last kunday W A. Elkins read th ■ names of the different com m ittees who 3 are to work on the community gather- — Ing to be given sometime this month " The young folks and the Christian j Endeavor society held a picnic dinner 1 Sunday noon at Bexter. Spraying fruit trees will start with- , In a few /a, 5, 51/jj. Values In t h i s group to 6 $3.50. Only, g 1 QQ L , , u CROUP m zur D pair ............ ............................. « D l . Z / O Girl» Slippers and Oxfords, site 10 only. values to $3.00, only. w» -a CROUP 3 ¡j Boys’ Footw ear, oxfords and shoes In black, , tan or cordovan. Valued In the group to $3.98, only, pair .. Sizes 4 and 4>/¿ $2.98 Open till 9 P. M. * William’s Self Service Store GROUP 2 For Both “Cheap,” yea, in price only, but not as re­ gards quality. For the 1 Price of * K err’s Feeds are honeHtly made of the highest grade m ater­ ials; and the quality I k guaranteed to be uniform at ail times. pair j3H5o"<(,,n<|yXr° nlH' 3)1.570 ‘¿ n’2L’ $2.19 pair .................................. Child’s Shoes ami Oxfords, size 7 only values to $2.25, only, /N -u a a ”alr ..... ............... $1.48 4