L T i n WS I H V a p r ii , 7. u>27 T H K HPHINGBlELU NBA VH PAGE T H R E E Nothing Has Been Spared in This Price Cutting Tour Throughout the Store APRIL Sale Starts Thursday A pril? Sale ► ' If ’»A ?t| Stans Thursday April 7 At This Store Means “Clean Out” at Any Cost This Sale of high grade merchandise will be our record achievement in value giving. This greatest of all special sales will be an event long to be remembered. Such a sale as we are now conducting affords the most important savings and outstanding Values in the most wanted seasonable and staple merchandise. >____________________________________________________ ___________ __________ __________________________________ ______ _____________________________________ *B^M E55ggaH M M Bg 1 E i gFWfr■••■WPHTTH 1' r'FT"rrri" ~ r H ' —H - ■■ H ih All Departments Offer Real Bargains SHOES Clothing and Gents’ Furnishings $25.00. $30.00 Men** All Wool Suita, serges included, cut to $18.00. $20.00 Boys Long Pant Suits $7.50. $8.50 Boys Knicker Suits 2 pairs of pants, $5.50. $6.00 Men's All Wool Dress Pants $4.00 Corduroy Pants $3.75 Moleskin Pants $2.50 Khaki Pants $1.00 Uncle Sam Work Shirts $1.50 Overall Extra Heavy, Special Childrens Coverall $1.50. $2.00 Dress Shirts $3.50. $4.00 Men's Dress Hats $5.00 Men's Dress Hats ............. $4.00 Wool Sweaters for Men or Young Men $6.00, $7.00 Wool Sweaters . ........ $1.75 Men's Union Suits, heavy or med. weight, $5 00. $7.00 Men's Wool Union Suits $2.50 Suitcases ............................................... $1.50 Boys Cap ................... ...................... $2.50. $3.00 Men's Cap ................................... 35c Men’s Lisle Hose 5 Pairs Army Wool Hose for 75c Men's Ties $1.00 Belts 75c Men's Suspenders .............. $15c White Handkerchiefs, 4 for $2.95 Flannel Shirts Boys Overalls, sizes 5 to 16 $7.00 Pure Wool Blazers ............................... $5.50 Corduroy Lace Pants $3.00 Khaki Lace Pants $2.50 Youth Khaki Pants $1.50 Hickory Shirts Double Back $19.85 $9.85 $4.58 $3.95 52.89 $ 2 .4 9 $1.49 7.3c 9Rc 89c RAc $2.99 $ 3 .9 8 $2 48 5 4 .9 8 $1.29 $3.48 $1.69 89C $1.98 19c $1-00 39c $9c 39c 2$C $1.48 98c $ 3 .9 8 $2.98 $1.48 $1.39 .'.. 98c Big Reduction on all Blankets $4.98 $198 $1.69 89c 98c 69 C $1.59 25c , 49 C $7.00 All Wool Gray Double Blankets ._............. $3.00 Sheet Blankets, Double ......... ........................ $3.50 Ladies Khaki Knickers ...................... $1.25 Holeproof Silk Hose ......................................... $1.50 Phoenix Pointex Silk Hose ..................... $3.50, $5.00 Ladies Corsets, size 18 - 21, only ........... $2.00, $2.50 Silk Hose, best makes only .... Clark’s 0 . N. T. Thread, 6 spools f o r ....... ................ $1.50, $2.00 Brown Silk Hose ...................................... 1 can— 1 will save you more money on shoes than you ever saved before. Every pair shoes sold with the iron guarantee—Satisfaction or Money Back. W e carry reliable standard makes. $5.00. $6.00 Men’s Dress Shoes, cut to $3.98 $6-50, $8.00 Men's Dress Shoes, cut to $4.98 $5.50 Men's and Young Men's Oxfords, latest 9ty|M $3.98 $6.00, $7.00 Men's Oxfords, sizes 6 and 7 • narrow cut, ................................... $3.50 Men's Elk Hide Work Shoes .................... $2.98 $2.29 $5.00 Men's Light Work Shoes, Paracord com­ bination sole guaranteed $7.00, $9.50, $12.00, $3.69 $4.98 12 inch Work Shoes ................................. $7.48 16 in. High Top Hand Made .......... $8 48 8 inch Work Shoes .......... • ............... $7.00 Ladies Patent Leather Shoe», latest design ........................................................... $5.00 Ladies Patent Leather Shoes, latest design ........................................................... $6.00, $7.00 Ladies Light Shade Shoes, Rose, parchment, etc. $4.48 $6.00 Ladies Black Satin Shoes, in all heels, $2.98 $5.00 Ladies Oxfords ........................................ $3.29 $8.50, $0.00 Ladies High top Shoes, to close, $2.98 $5.50 Ladies Vici Kid Slippers ........................ $3.48 $5.00 Old Ladies Comfort Shoes ................... $2.48 $8.00 O’Donnel Arch Support Shoes ................. $4.98 Girls’ and Boy's Shoes at greatly reduced prices. One Lot of Ladies Shoes, sizes 3 - <’/ 2 narrow $7.00 Value .............................................. $1.29 Remember all our shoes are Guaranteed for Satisfactory Service. A Wonderful Range of Ladies Spring PflATC Regular Price $25 UUn IU $35. Your Choice Dry Goods, Dress Material Notions Compare Our Prices With Other Sales 9-4 Pequot Sheeting .................................................... Hope Muslin ........ .............................. ......- ............... 90c Blossom Silk in all shades Extra Heavy Genuine Jap Pongee ......................... 30c, 35c Fast Color, Gingham,Toil De Nord 40c Cretonnes, Latest Creations ...................... $1.00 Grade, Imported Ratinee, to close, 36 inch Outing Flannels, heavy .............. ..................... $3.50 Wool Flannels. 54 inch, in all shades, 75c Striped Satin Finish Lingerie Cloth .................... 50c, 60c Irish Black Satin ........ ......................... 60c Bed Ticking Featherproof ...... ................... 75c Imported Tissue Gingham .................................... 75c Extra Large Fancy Turkish Towels ............... $1.75 Ready Sheets, for large beds, ........................ $5-50 Rayon Bedspreads in all shades ................... $5.50, $7.00 Ladies Silk Umbrellas ........................ 35c Ladies Vest .................................... .......................... $1.00 Ladiee Union Suits, Extra sizes also, .... 50c Everfast Suiting _................................................ 75c Voile Dress Material, Imported Swiss, ................ 50c Fast Color Prints .............. ................................... Peter Pan Prints, Swaset, latest Designs, .......... . Rayon Silk S u itin g s........................ „....................... ....... Belmont Fast Color Percale .......... Silk Mixed Suitings ........................................................ Pequot Tubing ................................ ................................. 50c Rubber Aprons ................. ........................ .............. 53C 14c 59c 69 C 19c 24c 23c 19c $2.39 44 C -... 39c -.... 34c 39 C 39c $1.19 .' $3.98 $3.98 19c 59c 37C 39 C - 29c ... 49c 59c - - 16c 69 C 39c 19c Our Guarantee IS YOUR PR O TEC TIO N . T H IS BARGAIN S H E E T IS OUR PLEDGE OF T R U T H — EVERY IT E M I S H O N ESTLY DESCRIBED A N D PRICED SO LOW T H A T IF YOU COULD COM­ PARE T H E M ERCHANDISE W E OFFER, YOU COULD NOT BUY W IT H GREATER ASSUR­ ANCE OF VALUE. EVERY IT E M IS G UARANTEED TO BE F IR S T Q U A LITY AND ABSOLUTELY PER­ FECT. IF W IT H ANY A R TIC LE PURCHASED FORM US YOU ARE NOT FULLY SATISFIED, YOU MAY RETURN IT TO US, AND WE W ILL REFUND YOUR MONEY W ILLIN G LY AND IN T H E T R U E S P IR IT OF A REAL FRIEND. J. FULOP, Prop. The Farmers Exchange 5tore °f s p r ^ e u