! PAGE TW O T H E S P R IN G F IE L D N E W S THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS PaMtaha« Brary THaraday at IN DEATH STRUGGLE—FOKS OF DIRECT PRIMARY NEED WATCHING « THURSDAY APRIL 7. 1927 F O R E S T S U S E D FOR G R A Z IN G M A N Y C A T T L E Die-hards are ever with ua. The curernt a|M«ciett N early a m ill),in head o f llvaato rk is as tough and as hardy as any the nation has u»*d «u i , wiier pasture on I he tnouu T H « W IL L A M K T T K P R E M had to exterminate In the last seventy-five years. tala nicudowa uotl weed iintvbe» of K B. M A X E Y . Editor. It is the corrupt political Iniss or ward-heeler, the tint lout,I lorent« of Ore«un an t fighting, in his death struggle, to have us rc|>cal W aahinaion durum l»2S nvcorit'nx to aa Mcood claaa matter February IS, IMS at tfc< the direct primary. the annual grniltiK repurl Junl pre­ poetsfflc«, SpriagtlaU. Oracoa __ j With a presidential year looming ahead iu 1928, pared In the dtatrtct foreatvr'a o ltl,«. Î there are reasons enough w hy it would be advant- Pul l laud. Oregon M A IL S U B S C R IP T IO N R A T « _76r! ageous to many of the old laisses to return to the a Tear la Advaace----- 117# rhrer Months The uational fureaia of Oregon and M o n t h s ______________ $ L M Sinxle C o p y --------- . #c' convention system, iu county. In state, in nation. Wnohltixton Ihua made Im portant run — lO f course this is too much for them to hope for, trtbutlona of wool, meat and ira th e r, T H P R S B A Y A P R IL 7. 1M7 _ still it is a fact that most determine,I effort to that *••11 aa tim ber rrupa Iu the tnduat I end is this year being made. Vot<*ers everywhere aa JASPER-LOWELL ROAD NEEDS WORK ria l life o f (hear two atalea. By thia 'should be wanted of the subtle and indirect uie- More improvement on the Jasper-Lowell s e c - 1 thods that are being used, to take from their uae the annual forage n ro n th . thia tion of the Willamette road is needed and is war- bauds the right to name their respective party h,lu,,l,'! Hve»to.k nlau helped to ranted by the amount of traffic over this highway, candidates. ‘ , ««w»** »*• nr* «»•««»> «mi prodaeml While a great improvement was made last year in The attack on the direct primary is being press- from other eliminating the Jacoby hill section there is still cd by those forces that prefer a 'government by Wise wanted by product« Sheep allow the largeat number much that should be done on this road. In fact money- to one of popular opinion. The scaniMls w ith *12.000 head III Oregon, and 18J. It should all be put In the same condition as the within the last year have put a new determination «tretch built last year. into the foes of the primary. Dosses have learned , TOO head in W aahlngton. -a to ta l of At present there is an unimproved seciton lead- that money used too lavishly In a primary, defeats ’ ’ ‘ ,r»»«« »'"»• Ing out of Jasper station and also rough road on its own ends. Under the convention system *6r,0° “"d T*°° the other end of the new section. Two railroad money can be handled easily, effectively—and at- h‘*r,*,: * hl1'’ Waahtmgtou fur«,tn crossings need improvement especially In the tracts no attention. «a*« ■»mmar pantur* to 13.SM cnttle face of the heavy through traffic to be inaugur- Right now there are some seemingly very learn- “nd l™ T he Btaktyos nation »ted soon on the Natron line. ! ed discussions being featured by the political-boss ' al fwr**‘ •*,u‘h*rn <**«*»•. rapor,« People of this city should join those on the Fall J directed press which attempt to palm off the old “ ,or 10 The Creek neighborhood in making a strong request corrupt convention system of nomination as the s "1’1“*- ,n ,h" Oregna coast country I report» 4k g o a l» under penult, while to the county court for improvement of this road. I "indirect convention system. Not only is there sufficient local traffic to Justify In a nutshell, it is a joke for advocates of the ,h* K“'n,,*r n“ ,,,nal l°«*»t •« " 'a a n the improvement but it Is the shortest distance'convention system to talk about “the cost" of the iu*,on r*i"'«» 15 between Oakridge and upper Willamette points direct primary and compare It in any way with to the valley. the old convention system. Just remember this. F IR E D R IL L T O S T A R T a a a Every real progressive in Congress today comes PLAN A P R IL 1 8 . I S LET’S GETT FACTS FOR NEW CANNERY from direct primary strongholds—and virtually Sprlngflt-ld ■ voluuteer lire company „ ___. ., __. ... .. . every one is a poor man. Also. Investigate and Farniere should too^ rate with the chamber o. y(ju wjU flnd tbe dr|ve agatnM the dire<.t pr|- w in begin regular d tllln on A p ril is. eommerce in getting the fM-ts about acreage and headed by pupbUc utility officials, old accordinc to p l u s perfected by C hief support a new cannery should expect if it were to „outlcians and coruoration Uwvem , Jess Smttaun. Practlc« w ill bo h«M locate in Lane county. The chamber is making a 90,1001 pol,U<‘an9 »na corporation lawyers. survey of this vicinity for the cannery people. Longer day» have been aw aited be­ AWFUL BILI. BOARDS DISGRACE While nearly everybody professes to believe that fore plana (or d rillin g the company there is sufficient acreage to support a new can- -ua— if aEzu.M h . A n - fa. «M.nlr on,l ■rfalf." „«.„I Theni UnMf8 When Stilted StfcteS €811 ; „ ««r, completed. H- o T L lJ n ir a ilif whon .h it? « dJnl sincerely re«ret that 8he *8 a y °u,,K nation. When . „ . „ d a n . . . at d r ill, w ill be re S i S n liT iw fo n id .tin ir ii hi im one y °ung- one oftln,e8 does things unthinking-t qUtrwl 0, m(.mbrr> »«w. . the cannery will have some foundation to build |y So with the nation—and the day we permitted M,hough ,he volunteer company rac A a n .K i ih lm r T b e ^ u id n T ^ u rae«! ' lhe 8tan *“ b e 8 ,n t‘a r i n K o u r beautiful landscapes ; ha> ,,rirailltt.d for we,.kg. the Chamber should be filled out and returned ak)n our nationai highways, with huge, lurid nol blM<. h. H br„ken Immediately even by those who have no acreage billboardg and 8lgn8> one of those things, like ! well as those who have so that the facts can ¿ i r folUes’ of youth,'whkffi we "wish we" could ' fl,y “ ,O"r “ *“ demo“ 'raU eflL’Iency. known. undo. . . . ... . „ . ...I An attempt to disfigure English landscapes with pri<-TAI Dercip T < i i n At last an agreement to build the Springfield bmboard8 and signs >a ia America .is meeting with PTOT* ^ J bridge has been reached by the highway ctommis- 8„ ff opp<,8itiOI1. Our sympathy is with the chai- NOTABLE GAIN HERE «ion. Prospects are that the new structure will 1 |enKers and against the vandalism. It is our hope Puatal recfIpiR both for March b- completed this year. * the protest will save the rural landscapes of Eng and to r the Brat quarter of the year . . . . . . . . land from such defacement. One thing about divorces t..at has been over- few goccfeaaful protests by other nations may »howi-d m arked Increaae over correa looked. If this country ever gets short of gold i gome day awaken America, and public sentiment ponding period* u( 1921!. accurdlax to It can fall back on the discarded wedding rings. force a removal of all wayside billboards which announcement of I ’oatm aater F. B. H am lin . deface and destroy our nation's natural beauty. March receipt» totaled $707 OS. It’s often an economic waste killing a perfectly i while those nt March 192S. ran to but good sheep to give some college graduates a A London scientist says “in twenty years we $<72.15, or a «»in of $34 »3. T hia la n diploma. will have television, no drudgery in the home, sex 5 per cent increane. The poorest place to die in is the town where predetermined and children fed on consentrated ; A ruin of $ i # a .7< • « « shown for the you haven’t-done your part to make it a better food through tubes.” Here is a tip for ambitious quarter, approxim ately 7.« per ceni place to live in. 1927 school and college graduates to get into the gain Figure»: i»27. $3110 3«; 1M6. tube business. , $i»#3 76 The home-town newspaper is the loud speaker MILLINERY for the community and it costs but little to tune in. Seven Men-o’-War sons and daughters have • • • W E S T E R N 1 5 .0 0 H A T C O . Being in business is a position but keeping in it ' nominated for the Kentucky Derby. .May 14 I T h ird floor of M in er B uilding. Eu- Roll them bones—and come seven. 1« a job. • • • 1 gene. Q uality and Style equal to hut» 8prtB »f'«ld. Lane County. Oracon. b» 5e a a a uxu.tlly priced double our price Ruaaell Canvtatad Dewey Kuraell. alleged accom plie* o f Albert Hrownlee In the Veneta pool hall hold up. on Monday waa run V ic in i by a Jury of aaaaillt w ith Iu t e n t Io rob. Ruaaell «aa given 10 day. In which to aeek a new tria l If he wlahra - ............. a P in t Q im , Tom orrow T h e llrat l>n»el«»ll game of the «on »on w ill ho played hero tom orrow afternoon. when Springfield w ill tackle the Junction City nine, Titln O P T O M E T R IS T — « Y C S IQ H T S P E C IA L IS T AFTER HIGH SCHOOL WHAT? A high school eduration plus a EUGENE BUSINESS COL­ LEGE training will put you far along cm the highway of success. Ask For Our Catalog IT’S A GOOD SCHOOL AND IS IN SESSION ALL THRU THE SUMMER. b EUGENE BUSINESS COLLEGE Phone 666 A. E. Roberts, President 992 WlUamette Street Eugene. Oregon O H S ■ JN M S M R » I Douglas Garden Dairy Will Supply Your Wants With Wholesome Milk and Cream Phone 36F12 “Its a Long Way To Tipperary” —that's in Ireland. But it’s a Short Way to Eggimann’s that’s in Springfield. And when you get here you’ll be pleased with our fine sel­ ection of candles ain'jswcet meats. Eggliuann’s 1 e cream hits ih<* spot. When1 the service Is a little different. . That’s— EGGIMANN’S of Meet the cigarette that hat won the modern world. There b not another like it— regardless o f the price. Always mel­ low, always m ild— the smoothest smoke ever made. ”H a re a Camel!” w . H A D R A IN , Prop. Danner Motor Co. Springfield Agents Ç 1W 7, C om pany, I W e v n o td i T o b a c c o W t n a t o n - S a la m , N . C . Eugene, Ore. I DO IT RIGHT! ^^■RBBM»l»»««»»«0«««IOB»SflM»0«l»»«MOM»B T H E amoker* o f thi* modern age appreciate the amooth, mellow fragrance of Camel*— ■ that taste and goodness that come from tiic choicest tobacco* grown. Camel’* steadily growing popularity with modern smoker* ha* given it the greatest preference any cigarette ever had. I n quality and in fame Camel i* supreme. Springfield Garage • a lti. 878 W illamette St JUST ONE THING, BUT Modern smokers enjoy the mellow fragrance o f Camel - only $12.85 A city liaaeliall lenm auch aa haa been o rg a n im i In year« paaf hera ta not planned for thin year. according to Jack l.areon manager of la«l y«a« ■ tonni b llflru ltle » In holding the play era together fur the entire nessun have made the plan uiiproUlubtu, h» Dr. Roi]dl Q ick Real Non-Skid Performance Slow, Even Tread Wear 29x4.40 ■ • • • b a ll Plana Dropped • Dependable Eyeglass Service The door that is the hardest to keep the wolf Some women who think they are shining so I- $5.00. m 19 from is in the sedan. ally find later that it was only their nose. --------------------------------------------- That’s what this new All-Weather Tread Balloon Tire offers. REAL NON-SKID PERFORMANCE—because the deep cut. sharp edged Goodyear blocks ir. the tread s center seize, grip and hang-on under all sorts of going. SLOW, EVEN TREAD WEAR—because these sharp-edged, diamond-shaped blocks are placed in a semi-flat design,. They not only grip the road, but retain their usefulness longer than any non-skid tread heretofore offered. Come in and see it We'll let the tire do the talking. We have it now in the 29 x 4.40 size for Fords, Chevrolets and other light cars. Backed by our standard Goodyear ser­ vice. also w ill be the Brel appearance of Mprlngheld high arhool athlete« under the tutein«« nf Leonard M ayfield, newly appointed roach,