Newspaper Advertising The iiiunt Powerful Weapon In Modern Selling. THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS T W E N T Y -F O U R T H Y E A R CLEARING WAV FOR SPRINGFIELD SPAN •The »-copie a Papen- A U. o f L IV I M tW g P A F R R IN A L IV E T O W N o. ^ b n tr y RPRINOFIBLD. LANE COUNTY. ORBÍÍON. THURSDAY APRIL 7. 1»27 Tyson Given N eto Job in Scout Work Made Commissioner, W h i l e Barber Gate Scoutmaater- ehip; Financaa Good County Court Buy« Kingwell Property For >15,000; State Chang»'« In Hoy Hcout leadership Surveyor« Busy In Diatrict; and discussion of finances were (na­ a Highway Commission Meet» ture« of a busy »«»«loti of the local council and committee of Troop 11 April 19. Spring Walk Building Up to N e zt Council Haven’t Missed a Day Lathe« From Far and Near in Our School Contest I GAWIEHV PRWECT GIVEN APPROVAL Board Walk« In City To Be Re- Placed By Cement In Eighty-Two Farmora An «war Summer Month« Questionnai re Sent Out By Another sidewalk building program Springfield Chamber; Much for the xprlng and summer month« Land Available For Vegetable will be outlined at Monday night a Planting. meeting of the Springfield city council, according to Ira M. Peterson, city re­ Friday night. Demonstrating widespread and corder. While plana are not yet de.l- No tlmr la being loaI In preparations W. P. Tyson, who resigned recently hearty approval In the proposed est­ nltely shaped, it la possible that the for construction of the Hprlngfleld as scoutmaster of Troop 11 was made ablishment for a large cannery In this • program will equal those of the past lik la e over the Willamette. «ml thia boy scout commissioner hare, and will district. 82 farmers answered quest­ two years, when unprecedented cem­ week surveyors of the elate engineer's serve In that capacity with Or. W C. ionnaires «ent out by the SprlngfleM ent sidewalk construction waa carried dniterameat are busy running line« Itebhau. who bas held the position chamber of commerce seeking Infor- ont here. and otherwise obtaining dal« t<- be for some time. , matlon as to attitude toward the pro- ronrldered In lha bridge bluldtnu Succeeding Mr. Tyson as tkcoutmaat- Places where sidewalk Improvement ; ject aDd acreage devoted to vegetables The county court. In accordance with er la Clayton Harbor, who has served la needed are scattered over the city, and fruit, lie agreement to purchase the right as assistant scoutmester sines the although moat of them are said to be Almost unlimited possibilities for ofegay. announced this week that the organisation of the troop Mr. Harber In the north end of town, where board the growing of vegetables were shows property of Charles Kingwell, In Went will take over his duties Immediately ' sidewalks are reported to be In bad In the answers of the farmers. While S -Ingdeld, had bean purchased at a , and announced today that the m eting shape. The new walk« will all be the total acreage shown In actual fig­ coat of US.000 The Kingwell pro­ date of Troop 11 will be on Monday cement. Installed under the Bancroft ure« on the cards was 1149. many of plan. . perty la In direct line wllh the bridge ! nights Instead of Tuesdays. ' the answers were Indefinite and on« approach. A Jamboree, planned by Mr. Tyson City Englnter Simon Kio7-iahl has , farmers wrote that he had no end of The purchase Included (he three as a farewell to the troop, wan to been bu«y surveying for new side- acreage that could be devoted to vege- acre« of land, the house and the green­ ' have been held early thia week walk« and In other ways making pre­ tables If the market developed. house The court espet-Sa Io salvage was postponed because of Inclement parations for the summer's work. The questionnaires were sent to all a part of the purchase price A pari weather. A mulligan feed will be a Sidewalk construction here last year farmers on this side of the river. It of the threw acre* will lie used as a featwre of the Jamboree. totaled more than $8000 and almost explained that the only purpose was to “borrow pit“ from which Io obtain dirt that sum the year previous. learn the attitude of the growers to­ Plana Court of Honor (-■r 011« and other construction In It was decided at the meeting to The engineer has completed surveys ward the proposition, and that If Emma H ill. 15, of Hastings, Pa., (center), now leads in the most conatM-llon wllh the bridge work . hold a court of honor each month I for the new road to be built into the established., the cannery would ask perfect five-day a weak school attendance contest with 8 years, 6 Another meeting of the highway henceforth, and the drat will be held 1 months to her credit, never having missed a day or b aity tardy. A t Industrial tract in the eastern end of ,or “° acrea«e contracts and would commission will be held on April 19. on ihe fourth Tuesoday of April. Both i the left are Mildred Hutson, 14, of Bristol, W. V o , — —. — Springfield. As soon as weather pay cash for all products bought. Replies, which began coming in im­ but It Is unlikely much will be don** , troops will Join In putting on the j Marguerite, 10, the former with a record of 6 year«, 8 months, 16 clears up. work of grading this road days, and the U tte r, 4 years, 6 months and 16 days. A t the right is mediately. were sent by growers at regarding the bridge at that time court of honor. will get under way. he said. Cornell Pierce, 10, of SL Clair, Mo., with a record ot 4 years, 7 months, Waltervllle. Springfield, West Spring- due to the fact that all plan« are not That the local roundl has gone if ? l ere- * **>» or gtri in thia county with a better record than Emma The street committee is expected . fleid, Creswell, and all points in the quite complete, It 1« expected th«t over the top in Ila drive for finances H ill’ Tell this newspaper. Send us your picture and let u* « M r to begin a survey soon to determine district. at this or the following meeting, how­ | for the lame county orgwnlxatton was you In this contest Just where the sidewalks are needed Here are the actual figures, as total­ ever, (he commission will make an ( reported at the meeting. Then $250 here. ART EXHIBIT PLANNED ed and tabulated by The News from order for a contract for the $200.000 had been raised, and contributions of REMARKABLE RECORD the returned questionnaires. • pan FOR APRIL 19 AND 22 the Odd Fallows and Masons, as well IN ATTENDANCE HELD Acre« LOVE’S FULFILLMENT Surveyors were running line« down as other smaller amounts, were not AT LINCOLN BUILDING Fruit In b earing________________ 318 BY LOCAL STUDENTS Main «treat this week, and also are J yet In. MORE SERIOUS THAN An art exhibit show-lag 150 of tho Amount In c h er ries__—_______ $8 working In Went Hprlngfiekl. There EVER FOR TEACHERS Fruit coming b ea rin g _________ I t lot w rente Roof and Edna Lans­ world's best painted pictures In colors probably will be no cessation of work, WALTERVILLE TO BE Vegetables this y e a r ____________ 178 berry. Springfield high school stu­ will be conducted at the Lincoln either on preparations for the span or Springfield's feminine teachers are CONVENTION CITY dents, bold records for attendance In school building April 19 and 22 and Is Vegetables possible to produce on actual construction. given an open warning against the p la c e _____________________ 1148 school seldom equalled, according to to be one of the most pretentious ef­ meshes of matrimony by the local Waltervllle was selected as the la the case of the fruit, many fa Superintendent V. D Bain who furn­ forts of this kind In local history. school board, which at this week's LEE CALAHAN HAS ‘ FIT" place for the next district convention Peblk- programs will be given In era-listed trees Instead of acres««. ished The Newe with Information on meeting went firmly on record against closing sessions . . . _- . . . . , WHEN WORKING OUT FINE of . . . Rebekahs at . the conjunction with the exhibit. Oa ,. . . " . „ the students thle week In connection the marriage of teachers after signing i of the conclave held here In the I. O with the Autocsster contest now un­ Thursday children of the Lincoln their contracts. MAY POSTPONE CLUB’S Working out a fine he was unable ' O. F hall Monday. Nearly 100 mem­ der way. school will give the program, while ANNIVERSAY MEETING While matrimony Is a serious thing to pay after being drunk. Lea Calhan bers of lodges In all communities of Roof, If he finishes thia year vrith- ou Friday the Rrsttaln pupils will under any circumstances, the school Tuesday bad what Pfcllco Chief Jess this district attended the Springfield oul breaking his record, will have at­ present numbers The committee ln charge of plane M mil son termed a “fit" and was un­ convention. The Colonial^ Art company Is hand­ board has made is more serious than tor the anniversary meeting of the tended tlx years without an absent or Mrs. Almira Smith, a member