The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, March 31, 1927, Page 8, Image 8

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    Ttias «PBiN nunin.n
Brief Resume of Happenings of
the Week Collected for
Our Readers.
Au*twt Roaal. prominent cltlaea and
a member of the city council, dropped
f w d la Beaverton last week.
T h , Salem Net Growers' Co-opere- to market. About »8 car» remain Io
llr» aaaoclatloii transacted $44.898.»» be »hipped
Th» aaaoclatlon la al-
of business during 192«. according to ( ready making preparation» to handle
the annual report of the organisation (be •>'» ->n'» «trewberry
handled 170,998' whlcb »111 reach approxlmalely «hai
pounds of walnuts and 2546 pounds of of Issi year Orower» have been ablc
to contrari Iheir berrles lo cannsrs al
Appointment of Henry W Meyer» of a minimum prlce of 9 cen t, a pound
That ihere wlll be no modlftcatlon
Salem as superintendent of the Ore­
gon state prison, was announced by of thè «chedeled advanc» In gratina
the state board of control. Meyers fees tor nattonai fo resi, ts indicai«!
will take charge of the preson April In a letter recelved In Salem liy Sam
1. and will receive an annual salary A. Koxer. secretary of siale, from W
M. Jardine. secretary of thè federai
of 14000
department of agrlculture There wlll
Mrs. Sarah Traak. 75. believe» "It'S
be no increase In fees duriti. 1937, bui
the climate" In Grants Paaa. for while
after ihls year an Increase wlll be ap
visiting there with her son. Lem
plled In Imitallment» of 25 per cent
Trask, she has started cutting her
each durine thè y-ara 1988. 1929. 1930
third set of teeth. It now appears
and 1931. The full increase wlll be
that she will be- forced to discard the
applted durlng thè year» from 1931 4«
set of false teeth which she has been
1934. inclusiva.
using for the last 25 year».
S is veins of coal, one running sis
(Bet in width, have been opened on
the John nay river. S3 miles west of
Canyon City.
Approximately $40.<HM> will be ex-
pended In improvements on the Ore­
gon national guard s new encampment
grounds near Gearhart.
The state treasurer last week sent
The forest service will construct 31 to New York a check for $1.535.863,31 VETERAN LOAN CAN
miles of new telephone line in the La covering highway bond principal which
Grande section of the Umatilla nation­ amounted to $700 000. and Interest.
Application forms for Adjusted Ser­
The payment is due April 1 It »as
al forest this summer.
reported by the slate treasurer- thal vice Certificate loans are now avail­
The Klamath country lost one of It»
the outstanding highway indehtedneas able to World War veterans at any
earliest pioneers when Martin R.
waa reduced by ihia payment from postofllce of Oregon and thia Region­
Frain. 94. died at the hems of his son.
al District, according to Information
$36.066.750 Ur $35.366.750.
W. L. Frain. of Topsy. Or.
Imperial, ghost city of central Ore­ received by Kenneth L. Cooper. Port
J. H. Jensen. 60 farmer, residing In
gon. in the high desert country east of land Regional manager of the C 8.
the Lewis and Clark district near A s-. _
Veteran's Bureau from headquartera
tori, died while driving an automobile >
<* » c*“ ‘‘
In Washington D. C. loans can be
between Astoria gnd b i, home
- c h of its lo t. this year, although
1 only a few stakes mark the site of the secured upon execution of the w ir
There will be no increase in the town once advertised as the scat of a veteran's note and proper Identlflce
salaries of Salem school teachers n xt four-year high school. Imperial is hard lion after April 1. 1927.
American Legion. Veterans of For
year, acco.uiug to a reached , to locate these days, because the last
by klrecfre of the school district.
- Jeeerte<, building lias been moved eign Wars. D. A. V of W W. and Red
Cross official» as well as postmasters
Silver Falls Timber company camps. away.
which opened a week ago. were forced j Said to be the first of its kind In have been authorised and Instructed
to close again because of the h e...y | Oregon, a long-distance water stage to assist In preparing these loan re­
snows which fell during the past week. , y^oortler is to be in operation on the quests.
"Prospective borrowers are urged
By an overwhelming vote of about J Dench utt-s river at Denham Falls by
that loan requests be examined and
„ to
W 1.
X. a ____________
$300.060 bond _____
issue ______
has been 1 the start of the 1937 Irrigation season
auihorixed by the taxpayers of Union j Connected with Bend by wire, this re mailed to the Regional Office of the
Veterans' Bureau, together with the
high school district No. 2 at Klamath corder will automatically register the
Adjusted Service Certificate, rnther
the readings in an office in Bend, 12 than to secure personal contact with
A decision to hold a celebration in
the Bureau office." said Mr. Cooper.
Hermiston some time this spring to miles from the falls.
"Such action will bring more satis­
Thomas Richmond and Fred Assen-
of -------
Hiilh the
I lf completion
- dam
factory and prompt result than a
was made by the Hermiston commer heimer of Douglas county were recom visit to the government office. There
' mended fres
Ccnm Kora h i n />n
rial club.
is no advantage in personal contact
commission to represent the second
with a Bureau representative, poet
The operating revenue of the V illey
district, and Sam Hughes of Marion
masters and service organixalions be-
A Siletx Railway company during the
Otto nariw
county and
ana vnio
.g of
m Portland.
. . . . .
. . .....
year 1926 was $259.799. according to from the state at large, by a group of
qualified to _____
assist war veterans
a report filed with the public service
dealers and fishermen representing the In this matter
Mr. Cooper stated, too. that there
coast district, who conferred with Gov
should be a definite need for the loan
Following what he thought was a ernor Patterson recently.
e. u urn before the request was made
If a
coyote that had been after hi* turkey».
According to n ew , from Gold Hill.
w in)nf , o m>ke
Orb Lowell at h i. place near Harris
up * the aurveyi
burg last week, .h ot and killed a blue
hl(5hw>y engineers in the Bureau should not be requested to
do so.
Arctic fo>
planning the new highway from R ose
Early gardening is going on at Sweet burg to Diamond and Crater lakes, in :
Home. Several farmers have cabbage dicate that the road will be construct­ STATE INSTITUTIONS
plants three inches high, lawns are ed through the low pass in the Crop
being mowed and a general clean up qua mountains at the headwaters of
Interesting Information In connect­
ia in progress.
Trail creek, and Join the Medford-Cra-
ion with the various state Institutions
Cleveland Martin, living near Gold ter. Lake highway at Trail.
HiH, ha, eight ewes which gave birth
Oregon monthly pensions have been of Oregon, exclusive of the Institutions
this spring to 20 lamb«. Two of the granted as follovfs: George Wede­ of higher learning. I« contained In a
ewes had triplets and one gave birth kind. Portland. »40; John F Hilton. statement made public by Secretary
State Sam A. Koter. This state-
to quadruplets
Portland. $20; Aaron C. Sample. S a of
After many months of slow con- | iem , $25; Fred W. Zepp. North Bend, ment shows that during the month of
enaction because of a “pay-as-you ,30; Claude Kaye. The Dalles. $30; j February the maintenance cost per
build'' policy, the new Christian church Duncan L. McKay Jr.. La Grande, $30; j capita for Inmates at the State Blind
at Vernonia was occupied for the first Henry Bolton. The Dalles. $30; School was $46 34 a month, that at the
Waldon C. Long. Albany, >12; Will Tuberculosis Hospital >45.40. the State
time last Sunday
1 Deaf School >44.58, the Boys Training
Rebuilding of Marcola's fire-swept lam F. Turnbow. Umatilla. >25.
, School 837.90. State Soldier's Home
business district started last Thursday
hen Riley
Riley Garrison,
Garrison, whose
whose garage
garage pany. with headquarters in Portland, i »38.35. State Employment Institution
a« dynamited to check the flames, filed articles in the state corporation S40 63. Girl s Industrial School $.
began reconstruction.
department in Salem last week. The Oregon State Penitentiary
. < r
Mrs Darw.n Dav's was seriouslv in- purpose of the corporation is to con gon State Hospital on February
« id .,.......0 »
. . . . . . . ..II . - - I I .......... P
“ ""I;
ball -he had placed on a hot stove ex F. rest Grove to Tillamook. This pro at the State Penitentiary 595. a gnl . I of
plcdwl. thro ing acid and hot rubber ! posed highway would shorten the dis 33 for the month: at the Feeble Mind-
ta her face and eyes
tance between Portland and the Tilla , ed Institution 835. a loss of 1. Bo.
Plans were offered at a meeting held "><*>“ beaches approximately 35 miles. | Training School 214. u gain of 13;
Checks of 856« each were received Tuberculosis Hospital 188. a loss of 1;
in Grants Pass last week of Josephine
the 3tate by H. ChrlstofferseL State Blind School 47. no change;
er nnty poultry men for formation of
State Deaf School 122. a gain of 1;
a Rogue river valley co-operative poul­ chief criminal deputy sheriff of Mult Girl’s Industrial School 76. no change:
try rr.urketii ? association.
ty jailer; Ed Gloss, county constable Eastern Oregon Hospital 935, a loss of !
Sa'em is crowing more rapidly than
and P. V. Rexford, motorcycle deputy 5; Soldier's Home 106. a loa» of 3 and |
any other munici, ality in Oregon, with
In the State Employment Institution I
the exceptlon'of'Kiamath Fall» H tele- j
reward.-, or th - «.pture ot
for the Blind 55. a gain of 1- That the ¡
I Jam**» W lllos and Ellsworth Kelly,
phone connections and construction I
r , , ir, per capita maintenance coat at these j
. ii
convicts who escaped in a prison
are considered an indication.
» im
various institutions for February close- j
; break in Salem, Or., in August, 1925
Net «ale« of water by the B^ntl mu- .
ly approached the average per capita
Vin° p#»r cent more lumber was cut
nicipal system in the first nine months
* «
cost for the year r.s shown from the
unipri. 3
; in 1926 in Oregon and Washington
of operations were |5 8 .il6 . according in *•’- ’>
. . „ .
records of 1926 Is Indicated by the
to the auditor’s report. Operating ex , than 1C
the D tP
" r‘
following averages for last year. Ore­
pens«, for this period amounted to «t ’,vice and bureau of the census have
gon State Hospital »17.7«. Oregon
j (Mtima'ed. The figures of the two
Penitentiary »26.59, Feeble
agencies are based on the output of - Stale
Boy s
Astoria banks announced that they ’ 65 mills whose cut represents 65 per -*
will Institute a system of service i cent of the total output of the two i Training School $36 95. Tuberculosis
Charges on average monthly balances j states. In 1926 the cut was 12,258.- Hospital $46.16, State Blind School
of less than »50 and will reduce in 000,000 board feet; in 1925 it was 11, j $46.53 (eight months), State Deaf
School $41.64 (eight month»!. Girl's
terest rates paid on sawings deposits 243.000.000.
Industrial School »33.24, Eastern Ore
after April 1.
By the middle of April, according to
Silverton voter» approved a $45.000 Hood River fruit shipping concern»,, gon Hospital »16 67, State Soldier'»
bond Issue to Improve the city water all of the record tonnage of the 192« Home »39 09, » U te Employment In­
system last week. The count was 116 apple crop will have been forwarded stitution $49 32.
to 32. It was planned to carry out ex­
tensive improvements providing an
additional flow.
A 50 gallon capacity moonshine
plant, fully equipped and carefully '
— Springfield —
hidden away in sagebrush, was found j
Matinee Saturday and Sunday at 2:30 p. m.
last Sunday by Bend boys who were I
eight miles southeast of town on a
Jackrabbit hunt.
. The 14th annual conference of the
Daughters of the American Revolu
tlon convened In Corvallis last week,
with 1« of the 20 Oregon chapters rep­
resented and more than 100 delegates
and visitors In attendance.
NIGHT 25c AND 50c
Thirty miles of barbed-wire drift
fence will be constructed In the Fre­
mont national forest, in the Chewau-
can and Sycan cattle and horse dlvt-
alon, In the coming season. The fence
wlll be primarily for the purpose of
keeping cattle out of sheep range.
Bell Theatre Sunday,
April 1-2-3
nkw b
Lara way’s Shopping News
To All the Readers of the
Springfield News
We Extend a Cordial Invitation
To Attend Our
Friday, Saturday and Monday
April 1st, 2nd and 4^ 1927
Three Big Days of Sensational
An Opportunity Seldom Offered the Public
All New Merchandise at
Sale Prices
W« are giving you this opportunity in order to acquaint you with an insti­
tution that Can and Will Save You Money.
The Laraway Jewelry Store
and The Laraway Music Store has joined us in thia Grand Opening Sale to
make it the Greatest Event ever staged in Eugene.
May we number you
among the crowd.
L A R A W A Y ’S
Department Store
966-968 Willamette Street
Laraway Building
O ppoaitt Rex Theatre.
— a m erchant m ay think h e has a
fairly good business but if h e hasn’t
ad vertised su fficien tly h e d oes not
k n ow th e possibilities o f his business.