’THVRHDAY MARCHISI. 1927 TRAIN SCHEDULE Classified Ads ( buying 02 SET RESULTS) N O T IC E C A IJ . A N D R E E Dr N W Em ery on prtcea on plate and o th er work, tt 53 FLUNK OUT A T IIU IV C D C IT V Cascade Line Southbound, leaves Springfield. 7:50 A. M D ally, , A T U N IV c R o lT Y U n ive rs ity of Oregon. Eugene. Ore., March 31— (S p e c ia l!— F ifty-three stu- Northbound, Springfield nt 1:46 P. dents were expelled from the Unlver- M. Dally. slty for failu re to m eet the m inim um M ain L in » — Boa connection* Here, scholastic standards during the win Southbound C alifo rn ia train«, Eu t« r ter»». Carlton E Spencer, reglatr- ar. announced today. O f thia num ber gene at 1:26 A. M , 1:46 P. M ., 12.10 49 were men and four were women. P M . and 8:08 A. M Dally. T he num ber of Hunkers la compara- Northbound C alifo rn ia trains, E u­ liv e ly «mall, M r. Spencer wild, be- gene a t 4:16, 2:17, 10:68 A. M. and cauae of the probation system under 8:30 P. M. which poor student« are given a aec- Southbound Oregon locale. Eugene ( h ..nee T l,„ personnel com m ittee a t 12.26 A. M. and 9:00 and 1:25 P K|yeM special attentio n to weak stu- M dents, and many are warned In tim e Northbound Oregon locals, Eugene to Im prove th e ir work or else w lth- a t 2:25 ami 7:36 A. M. and 3:20 P. M draw before the end of the terms, he W endllng T ra in a explained. Kastbound mixed, at Springfield, Last fall term 72 were flunked out, 9:16 A. M. and in the w in te r term, of last year Westbound mixed, a t 8pringfleld f t - T he number on probation this fall 1:60 P. M. ¡ was 120. and It Is expected this num- ..............................— ............ .............. , : ber w ill be sm aller for the spring term which haa Just started. O F F IN A L H E T T L E M E N T l S E P T IC T A N K S I llpady for you to Install Notice lx hereby given that Harold Good vtthh’ |w u«Murrd >•«»« uniter our • J W ells, A dm inistrator of the Ealate For fam ily of five «21 ...... y of fa ir ItlAlit now of John W Douk, deceased, has filed 124 For fum lly of nine z .............. — w»' hm«' n pwrlh tilrtrly fin«* •«*!»•• Ills F in a l lle |o r t and Acccunt aa such, at our plant lion of M’ mh I 4l<*|M*n«lublv «nrn Now | with Gie t'le rk of the County Court of Hewer P ip e - Drain T ile I n lh» iliuc |o »««it’«I (lull car yo u ' ! N W * i •"">« «*»<• according to the «76 00 lame (o u n t. Oregon » • the tim e and g e r , , T lH8 . IU n )t„ , 0 W ea,, ’ 4L employm ent service here. T here place to bear objections to said f in a l1 * - - — -■ • A small deposit w ill hold the car you 1 ¡ W M w ith in the Htuslaw National / " ¡ ¡ T i “ ™' L I Z ' " i Z' k Z , I account. If any, and for the final set ’ F or-xt. for the tim ber on app roxim ate-j are »o il more men man jods . m e 4L. select. (lenient of said estate. ! ly 2.30 acres, on the ME'» N W I , SE*A, I stated, but the situation Is slightly Prices and term a always reaaonabla. (1 L. P H IN D E L . A dm inistrator 8e< 23. Tp. 19 8 . Range 12 W e s t W . better than tt was a month ago. • W E L L S A W E L L S . Attorneys F. W. P E T T Y J O H N CO. M . w ithin the Sluslaw N atio n al For­ • From 8pokane comes reports t n . ’ Eugene. Gregon. 7th and O live Htreeta. Eugene. Ore est. M 3 10 17-24 31 T h e purpose of this notice Is to al a num ber of pine sawm ills have s ta rt­ » I'hon» 1107 low all persons claim ing the lands ed tbe season's cut. although In most Open Hundaya and Evenlnga N O T IC E O F S A L E O F R E A L selected, or having bona fide object- cases plants h are started w ith one PROPERTY N O T IC E is' H E R E B Y G IV E N : T h a t 1 ,on» to such application. an opportun- shift, whereas last year tw o-shlft by virtue of an order of (he County »Y »» ,h e ' r * l,h . ‘ h„a "n’t W atch repairing done correctly Court o f lam e County. Oregon, duly **,e r 02 the I nlted States Land O f operation was the rule. A g ric u ltu ra l; W ork In today— Out tom orrow. Hoyt flee at Roseburg. Oregon. Any such railroad and highw ay work is getting made and entered of record January M l M ain sL t t m m lev-r m in.. m«uer nr im. wnarn p r°te *t» or objections must Ire filed under way here, Damp ltam p ground has 10th. 1927. In t i l . ' in , l i t e r ,,f the guard Is n .h lp of Julian F M iller, a m inor. , u et t fl% t, l publu“aGon " ,<,wed log* ln' ^ r a t i o n s In the In- Q U A L IT Y CARS PAGE SEVEN T H S BPKINOFISLD NEWS ' ere Union «tore here early thia w eek 10 Co“ *« « Orove. preparing to closn the Joca, >tor#_ M arriage Licenses fo r W eek M arriage license« have been l»»se, . a W V 'Y B ranstetter. P la in tiff, vs. A. P. Valine, Defendant. T o A. P. V alin e above named de- fendanL IN T H E N A M E O F T H E S T A T E O F OREGON: You are hereby notified that W W . Branstetter. the holder of C ertifi cate of Delinquency num ber 2138 is- sued on the 8th day o f January, 1928 by the T a x Collector of the County of Iuine, State of Oregon, for the am ount of («11.03) Eleven and 03-100 Dollors, the same being the amount then due and delinquent for taxee for the first h alf of the year 1922 together w ith penalty. Interest and costs thereon uP °n the real Property assessed to you, of which you are the owner as appears of record, situated ln said County and state, and p articu larly bounded and described as follows, to-w it: i L ot seven (7 ) in Block N ine (9) ln Sladden s T h ird Addition to the C ity of Eugene as the same is platted and recorded in the office of the County C lerk and Recorder of Lane County, Oregon, a ll In Lane County. Oregon, You are fu rth e r notified th a t said W. W . B ran stetter has paid the taxes on said premises for prior or aubso- quent years, w ith the rate of inter- eet on said amounts as follows: Pollard is Honored Dr. W H. Pollard, Springfield, was made perm anent secretary o f the state association o f Methodist Episco­ pal men a t the laymen's meeting, In Roseburg late last week. S everal Springfield M ethodist attended the meetings. More Lots Sold c , ‘ y lot» 11 and 12 ln Block 13- Su „,de addition, were sold th's . . , T ib b etts according to week to Lewis Tibbetts, according to announcement by Recorder 1. M P et­ erson. the undertlffned. the duly appointed. , (hh| noi(ce which first publication la , land Em pire. “3a 11 fled and a c tin * guardian of said . . I qualified acting * T b e re h M been ,ltt,e ch‘ n|te ln the ni Inor and the estate of «aid m inor. 1 March 1 7 .1 » ; . Acting : fir logging schedules. W h ile 80 per w III ill , on and a fte r the 11th day of A p ril. ; R D H L R 1 E. 4. H A W H IH U N O T IC E O F H E A R IN G O F F IN A L 1937. offer and sell at private sale for Register. cent o f the camps are opeartlng, few ACCOUNT cash tn the highest bidder a t Eugene Non-coal. I ere running at capacity. F ir lum ber N O T IC E IH H E R E B Y G IV E N : That In Lane County. Oregon, a ll of the M 17 24-31: A 7 1 4 : i m anufacturing slumped last week the underalgned. Joint executors of right, title and Interest of said minor the lgist W ill and T ea ta m rn t of In and tn the real property described when several large m ills were closed George Manderson. deceased, have M I,,Hows, being an undivided one- N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F 'S S A L E O N I down tem porarily. Announcements of E X E C U T IO N IN F O R E C L O S U R E tiled th e ir account for the (Inal settle- h alf Interest therein: o th er shutdowns to become effective ment of the estate of the said George « .« r e . . -u . . . . . n. „ i Notice Is hereby given th a t by vlr- No. T w en ty-Th ree (231 tn Block n execution and order of sale d u rin g the next two weeks also have Handeraon In the County Court cf No l.ot T h irty T hree In the Amended ,ue ‘ , . . , Ijin e County In the Htate of Oregon, Plat of Fairm ont, now a part of the ln foreclosure losuec out o f the Cir- b ten made. and that Katurday the 23rd day of C ity of Eugene. In Lane County. Ore o“ 11 < ° “ r t . of " C alls for agricultural w orkers are A pril. I»J7. at the Court Room of aald the 23rd day of February, 1927. In a Increasing. M any men have le ft for Court In the County Court llouae In suit wherein on the 18th day of Feh- AMOUNT RATE R E C E IP T NO. YEAR TAX D A T E P A ID Eugene. Oregon, a l ten o'clock In the T hat said sale w ill take place at the ; ruary. 1927. In said court Phtllas Blais. the Alaska fishing grounds, and clam- 29407 «1053 Jan. 8. 1926 2nd % 1922 12% forenoon. haa been by aald Court fixed law office of Alta King, 828 M iner p lsln llff. recovered Judgment against m lng is in full swing at Oregon and «18.92 12% 29597 Jan. 8. 1926 1923 aa the tim e and place of hearing ob­ the defendants H enry O. Young and W ashington beaches. Building and Building. Eugene. Oregon. 12% 28378 »19.17 Jan. 8. 1926 1924 jections thereto and for final »eitle M arth a Belle Young fo r the sum of construction continues active. »18 46 12% 30276 1925 Jan. 8, 1927 T h is notice is published In T he «801 79. together w ith Interest there- “ meni of aald calate F IR S T N A T IO N A L R A N K . Eugene. Springfield News, first publication be on at the rn te of 8 per cent per an­ Highw ay, road and bridge work in the Y'ou arc fu rth e r notified that said Oregon, for local improvements for Ing M arch (he 10th. 1927 Oregon. num from the 18th d ry o f February !*aclt1c Northw est is being started and W . W . B ranstetter has paid a ll city prior or subsequent years. w ith the A L IC E McC. M IL L E R . Guardian of 1927. and the fu rth er sum o f «75.00 men are employed fo r this w ork as assessments levied on said property rate of interest on said amounts as M A R Y F R A N C IS LONG the Person and Estate of Julian F. attorney s fees and the fu rth e r sum Executors. follows: fast as m ateria!« and m achinery can by th e .C ity of Eugene, Lane Caunty, M ille r, A m inor L. L. R A Y . A ttorney for Estate. of «18.26 costs, which Judgment was be assembled and crews organised. D A T E P A ID R E C E IP T NO. AMOUNT RATH IM P R O V E M E N T M 10-1724-31: A 7: M 24-21: A 7 14 21 enrolled nnd docketed In the C le rk ’« »35921 12% Sept. 20. 1926 4353 Pavement office of said Court in said County on 12% Sept. 8. 1926 4567 »143.64 Sidew alk the 21st d a y -o f February, 1927. and »240 66 4643 12% Grading Sept. 13. 1926 N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S . I U IT C I I I T C C T 1ID 1 ? TP D VT L «aid execution ant', o. der of sale to me 4644 12% Sept. 13, 1926 » 53.19 Sewer , D u d l n L J 'J 1 / I K Ex V 1 VZ IV I •; directed rem anding me In the name E state of E m ilia A. Sm ith. Deceased. of the Stalo of Oregon, In txaijer t o , Said A. P. V a lin e as tbe ow ner of and costs against the land and preml- , , . ,. . , . . _____, Notice Is hereby given th a t Paul satisfy said ju d g m e n t Interest, at H a d ,ey has by , ho Couuty Court ...........------------------------------------------------------ the legal title of the above described ses above named. I torneys fees, costs of suit of the State of Oregon. In and for property as the same appears on re- This summons is published by order Oflllc» Phone 43 Res. Phone 3 I Ing costs to sell tre follow ing «les- < ç ounty appointed executor of cord, and each of the other person« of the Honorable C. P. Barnard, Judge I crlbed r