T illT R B P A V MARCH 31 1927 THK SPRINOFIKLD NJCWS PAOR S IX goods are not so heavily discounted,” water I laow I'm 'bout the beet man With that he strode straight for h l, with a slxeh,m ler In lb»»« hyar horse, climbed sboard (a trifle awk parts.” "Ketch up and stretch out.” Caty wardly by reason of his one anti dis shiedl and galloped, granting us not tain Adams ordered, disregarding "We've no more time for foolery," another glance, "W hy?” My eyes met My lr role I had l»>rne. focused watchfully. lag and «wagging and twirling his re With that Jubilating out to the fore, certainly I cut small figure' "It s -a case where I have nothing volver. (TO BE C O NTINUEO ) to gain." said he "And you've no­ “I showed hint I made him lake thing to lose. I never bel In the teeth of a put hand Sabe? Besides my young Mormon cub. »Here's your ante? For the sport of It. now. «hat do you think of putting up, to make It Interesting? ('lie of your mammies? , He grinned She'll be powerful gla.l W H A T HAS G O NE B E F O R E Remember. that the Scriptures s»y Tul. tut!" to see you." He sobered. “And l"*l Beware of the scarlet woman'!" tlantel's right hand stiffened at his say this: I'm kinder sorry I ain't go! Frank Beeson from Albany. X. Y. Ilaniel gollivp*»! away whooping Ilk- O PTO M ETR IST— EYESIG H T SPECIALIST side—«tended there fist and tremulous her. for she d be Interestin' company reaches Benton. Wyoming, then—1868 an idiot. like the vibrant tail of a rattlesnake 378 Willamette St. Eugene, Ore. on the road." — western terminus of the Pacific rail­ Our group dispersed, each Qian to He blurted harshly; road. He had been ordered by physi­ his blankets under the wagons or in ■ "The road to hell, yea," Montoyo . I lS T ONK T H IN G , BUT I IM) IT R IG H T ! "I laow to kill yu for that! Draw, cians to seek a climate “high and the open. cooly remarked "I'll guarantee you you— !" dry.” He is robbed of most of his quick passage. Good-day." We raught breath Montoyo'« re “ Wall." Jenks uttered. In last words ■ money in his hotel and loses his last as he turned over with a grunt, "hoo- ’ With sudden steely glare that em ­ volver poised half way out of the twenty dollars at monte in "The Big ray!" If It simmers down to you and braced us both he Jumped his mount scabbard, held there rigidly, frogen Tent." a dance hall and gambling re­ Into a gallop and tore past the team, in mid-course. A Dan 1. I’lf be there." sort in the "roaring' town of Benton for the front For lleniel had laughed loudly over With that enigmatical comment ho Edna Montoyo, companion of a I could hold back no longer, an I leveled barrel gambler, is believed by Frank to have was silent save for stertarous breath hastening on up. half running in mv How he had achieved so quickly no i ing. cajoled his purposely into the game. Yet there it was - anxiety to face the w orst; to help. If man of us knew Broke, disconsolate over his discovery Vaguely cogitating over his promise I might, for thq best. Ills Colt, out, corked, wicked and that "the lady of the blue eyes." as he 1 lay, toes and face up. staring at the A little knot of people had form,«', vearning and ready. calls her. is what she is. and finally bright stars; perplexed more and ' Know'll yu take It. Mister?" h« i constantly Increasing by oneomers humiliated over his glaring "green­ more over the immediate events of like myself and friend Jenks who had * g • 1. "I could 1'uru an old caow to ness.“ Frank repulses Ends when she the future, warmly conscious of her b, it yu on the draw Aw. ablick»! I lumber,wl behind me be • - him to go away with her. sob- astonishing proximity In thia very T n save'in just as easy mh I n h | m ml when 'laow yu'd better go back to yore Montoyo ’» hors,- stood heaving on binglv telling hint that she had made train, prickled by the hope that she vnu once got started. W»> help you make peslchonrds Naow git!" the outskirts; «nil ruthlessly pushing a mistake in letting him lose his would continue with us. Irritated by the s ta rt easy by u|M*nlng an account. g iv ­ Montoyo. his eyes steady, scarcely through I found him inside, with Mv money. He goes to take a Job with the vartotis assumptions of Daniel, ing you a saving« book «n (hat yon can bung'd egpresslon He >e his re George Jenks, a teamster in a and somehow not at all adverse to the laoly at hay before him—her eyes volver slip down Into Its seal,bar,I w atch yo u r account grow, ami pay you In ­ brilliant, her cbei-ks hot. her two wagon train about to leave for Salt memory of her In "brltchea,” terest n it u One h o lla r Si art B ring In that Then he smiled bauds clenched lightly, and the arm Lake City. d o lla r that 1» In yo u r pocket now -and get "You have a pretty trick." he com­ That phase of the matter seemed Rachael resting restralnfully around Capt. Adams, a Mormon, is in your« started. to have affected Duuiel and me sim i­ of the brightly flushed hut culm mented. relaxing "Some day I'd like charge of the wagon train. to test It out again Just now I pass. larly. Under his hide he was human her. Rachael Adams, au attractive young Madam, are you coming?" It was after sun up that a horse­ Captain Adams, at one side apart, woman, one of his wives, is in the You w ill like the frie n d ly sp irit o f th is hank "You know I'm not.” she uttere-l man bored in at a gallop, over the was talking to the gambler. train, as is ill,» service and advice that w ill ho yours clearly. Daniel Adams, his loutish son. road from the east. as a depositor and the feeling of personal “You see here.” he said. "She has “Your choice of company Is hardlv "Montoyo," Jenks pronounced. In a had the care of my household, for I confidence that being an ow ner o f one or When Edna, who has shot, but not to your credit." he sneered “Or, I o ur pass hooks w ill give you. killed the gambler. Montoyo. comes a grumble of disgust rather than with turn nobody away. She came against I should say. to your education Saint fugitives in "britches” to Join the any note of alarm my will, and she shall go of her will lines» does not fall well upon you. train. Daniel tells his father that she I saw him give a twitch to his hoist- , I am not her keeper!” mudam. Of your two champions—" Is seeking Jenks and Beeson. Capt er and slightly loosen the Colt's. And here I realised that I was "You Mormons have the advantage Adams shoots, "No hussy in- men's As it chanced, our outfit was the of us white men. sir." Montoyo sneer standing out. one foot advanced, my garments shall go with the train." first upon the gambler s way. ed. "No one of the sex seem s to be fllsts foolishly doubled, my presence "Howdy, gentlemen?" denied bed and board In your estab­ a useful factor, P rotected by E lectric Burglarly Alarm System “Howdy yourself, sir.” answered ' lishm ents.” “—I recommend the gentleman CHA ITER VIII. Mr. Jenks. Montoyo was pale as "By the help of the Ixird we of the ' from New York ns more to your taste. A GOOD BANK IN A GOOD COUNTRY For A W om an's Smile death, his lips hard set. his peculiar elect can manage our establishm ents ; But you are going of your own free gray eyes and his black mustache the Jenks stiffened, bristling. You will always be my wife much better than you do your«." big will "Mind your words. Adams. I'm un­ only vivifying features In hla coldlv Hyrum responded; and hla face som- > You can't get away from that, you der no Mormon thumb. As for your menacing countenance. bered. "Who are you" A panderer to ' devil. I shall expect you tn Benton, Springfield, Oregon He looked npon me. with a trace of brat on horseback, he'd better hold the devil, a thief with painted card- i for I have the hunch that your little recognition less to be seen than felt. his yawp.” flight will fetch on hack pretty well boards, a despoiler of the Ignorant, j His glance leaped to the wagon — and a feeder to hell—yea. a striker of tamed, to the place where damaged I sprang forward. Defend her I traveled swiftly and surely and turned women and a trafficker In flesh! Who I must. She should not stand there— to Mr. Jenks. are you to speak the name of the slight, lovely, brave, aflame with the “I'm looking for my wife, gentle­ Lord's anointed? There she la. your , helplessness of a woman alone and men. Have you seen her?" cbatel. Take her. or leave her. Thia Insulted. "Yes. sir. W e’ll not beat around train starts on In ten minutes.” "W ait!” I implored. "Give her a any bush over that." replied Jenks chance. You haven't heard her story. He meditated, frowning a bit. eye- 1 "I'll take her or kill her," Montoyo snarled, "you call me a feeder, but she All she wants is protection. I know ing us narrowly. the cur she is getting away from. I "I had the notion." h'p said. “If you shall not he fed to your mill, Adams. | saw him strike her. You've got wo­ have staked her to shelter. I thank You'll get on that horse pronto. Mad­ men there who'll care for her!" vou,; but now I aim to play the hand am.” he added, stepping forward (no I felt her instant look. She spoke myself. This is strictly a private one could question hla nerve), "and we’ll discuss our affairs In private.” | palpitant. game. Where is she?” "You have one man among you all ! "I call yuh. Pedro." my friend an- 1 She cast about with swift beseech But I am going. Good-nghL gentle­ swered. "We ain't keepln’ cases on Ing look, as If for a friendly face or her. or on you. You don't And her in sign of rescue. With a spring 1 burst men." Captain Adams was frowning stern­ my outfit, that's flat. She spent the in. But somebody already had drawn night with the Adams women. You'll ly. his heavy face unsoftened. find her waitin' for you, on ahead ' fresh attention. Daniel Adams was "Why com - you here?” "Mv husband has been abusing me, and I shot him ’" Re«erve District No. 12 "You killed him. woman?" Charter No. 88 REPORT OF T H E CO ND ITIO N OF T H E “Not yet! He's Ukelv fleeing the public at this very moment." "And those garments!" Captain Adams accused "You wish to show A t Springfield, tn the State of Oregon at the close of business on your shape, woman, to tempt men s March 23. 1927 eye with the flesh?" She smiled. R ES O U R C ES "Would you have me Jump from a Loans and discounts, Including rediscounts, acceptance« or bill« train In skirts, sir? But to soothe of exchange, sold with endorsement of the bank, (including your mind I will say that I wore these 1 Item» shown 29. 30 and 32, if any) .............. 2140 459 47 clothes under my proper attire and 9.95 Overdraft» secured and unsecured .......................................... cloak until the last moment." Other bond«, warrants and securities, including foreign $1.00 N ujol .............. $1.20 Brom o Seltzer $1.00 95c government, mate, municipal, corporation, etc., including A new voice sounded. those shown in Item» 30 and 35, If any 38, 948.31 85c -lad Salt« “She shall stay. Hyrum? For the 60c Brom o Seltzer ......................... 50c 75c I 6. Banking house. 214.900; furniture and fixture». 23.673.15 . 18 ,573.15 night, at least? I will look after her.' 40c Cast orla 30c B rom o Seltzer ......... 25c 35c Real estate owned other than banking house 4 ,630.00 The Captain's younger wife. Rach­ lab I Cash on band In vault and due from banks, bankers $1.25 Creom ulslon ................... • ..... $1.10 30c Bromo-Quinine 25c and trust companies designated and approved reserve ael. had stepped to him. Pending reply $1.60 P ctrolagar $1-43 $3.76 Horllek's Malted Milk $3.40 agents of this bank . .... 36.286.7',' I hastened directly to My Lady her­ Checks on banks «outside city or town of reporting bank and $1.16 Sw am p-R oot $1.05 $1.00 H o rlle k ’s M alted M ilk 88c self and detained her by the Jacket 11. other cash Items .. sleeve. 60c S w am p-R oot ................................ 55c 50c I ’ o rlic k ’s Malted M ilk ................ 44c Total cash and due from banks, Items 8, 9, 10 and 11, 2-36,286 77 "Wait.” I had,- 89c $1.20 Syrup Pepsin $1.10 $1.00 Sipiihb D ll 2236.907 60 Total "You would take her in, Rachael?' 60c Foley’s Honey and T a r ............... 50c 60c S yrup Pepsin 55c the Captain rumbled LIABILITIES 50c Ipana T ooth Paste .......................... 38c $1.26 P lnkham ’H Vegetable Compound $1.10 “We are commanded to feed the 30, 000 00 29c Me Pinex ................................................. 54c 35c Frost ilia hungry and shelter the homeless, Hy­ 16 Capital Stock Paid in ....................... .................. ........ — — — 6, .000.00 17. Surplus fund and Savings Capital ................................... ............ $1.90 S. S. S............................................... $1-63 50c Pebecco T ooth Paste ...... 39c rum " 25228.20 18. (a) Undivided profits “Verily that Is so Take her! But In (b) Less current expense«, Interest and taxes paid 21882.95 3, 245.25 $1.00 K ra n k ’s Lemon C re a m ..................... 88c $1.50 Ovaltlne ................ '.................... $1-43 25.00 God s name clothe her for the day­ 20. Dividends Unpaid standing between her and her hus­ band. ( "Say. Mister, will yu fight?“ he drawled. Montoyo surveyed him Dependable Eyeglass Service Dr. Royal Q ick it is easy to SA VE Commercial State Bank Cut Rate Drug Prices at Your Rexall Store Commercial State Bank of Springfield Low overhead and quick turnover makes it possible for us to supply your Drug Wants at Lower Prices. Buy here and make it possible for us to continue to give you these savings. ». DEMAND DEPO8ITS, other than banks, subject to reaerve: light in decency She shall not adver­ 18. Individual deposits subject to check, Including deposits due tise her flesh to men's eyes*” the state of Oregon, county, cities or other public funds 139, 139 38 306.95 I "Quick!” I whispered with a push. 24 Demand certificates of deposit outstanding 421 26 , Rachael, however, had crossed for us. 25. Cashier’« checks of this bank outstanding payable on demand 3 50 Certified checks outstanding ............................................................ 26. “ W ill you come with me, please?” Total of demand deposits, other than bank deposit«, subject ahe invited. to reserve, items 23. 24, 25. 26 2139.871 09 "Yes," sighed My Lady wearily. T IM E AND SAVINGS DEPOSITS, subject to reserve and pay­ able on demand or subject to notlc-s; “Goodnight, sir." She fleetlngly Time certificate« of deposit« outstanding ....................... , 14, 909 80 smiled upon me. "I thank you; and Havings deposit«, payable subject to n o t i c e ..................... 10, 411.46 Mr Jenks.” ’ Total o f tim e and saving« deposits payable on demand or They went, Rachael's arm about subject to notice. Items 27 and 28 225.321 26 her. 80. Notea and bill» rediscounted Including bond« or other »ecurttles sold under purchase agreements with contigent liabilities 32, 445 00 Daniel pressed heside Captain Adams, talking eagerly. 2236.907.80 Total "She’s powerful purty, ain't she, 8tate of Onegon, County of Lane, paw! Gosh, I never seen a woman In I, C. E. Kenyon, cashier of the above named hank, do solemnly swear britches before! Did yu! Paw! She that the above statement 1» true to the best of my knowledge and belief. kin ride In my wagon, paw Be yu C. B. KENYON, Cashier. goin' to take her on. paw? If yu be, I Correct Attest: Welby fftevens, M. M. Peery, Directors. got room.” Subscribed and sworn to before me this 29th day of March, 1927. “Go tend to you stock and think (BEA L) I- M. PETERSON. Notary Public. My Commission Expires June 12, 1928, of other things." boomed the father. 50c M entholatum .................................. 39c 25c M entholatum ........................ 19c 50e Llsterine ................. 45c 25c Llsterine ................................................ 23c 50c Lavoris ................................................. 45c $1.25 Pierce's Remedies ........... r ........ $1-10 $ 1.20 Sal Hepatica ..................................$1.00 60c Sal Hepatica ..... 50c 30c Sal Hepatica ........................................ 25c 75c V ic k ’s Vapo R u b ................................... 68c 65c Ponds Cold Cream ............................ 59c 35c Pond’s Cold Cream ............................ 30c 50c Non Spl ..................................................30c 75c Bay Rum I P t...................................... 59c 60c W itch Hazel 1 P t....................................50c $1.00 G illette Blades .............................. 79c 50c G illette B la d e s ................... 39c 75c R ubbing A ta o h o l................................. 59c These prices are subject to change at any tim e. Buy Now ! Save with Safety at Your Rexall Store FLANERY’S DRUG STORE Springfield, Ore. I