T1IUR80AY MARCII 31. 1927 PAG» R V» TOWN AND VIÇINITY -'=■ I *~ Civic Club To Meet— The Civic club will hold 11« l i c i t mwrtlur April I I . Bonner la III—J. M. Bonner Is re­ ported III at hl« home. Mrs. Beater 1« Visitor—Mrs Carl Baxter <>l Weiidllng w«« • Hprlngfirl» Visitor Wednesday. In From Fall Creek— Forrest Drury of Fall Creek «pent • part of Satur­ day visiting here. *•(■«, Fist* I« Vlaltor— Mr«. W alter Plait of Thurston was a vlaltor at Springfield Tuesilav. Donna Rssldsnts Hers— Mr. and Mr« Peter French of l)onnu were Springfield visitors Saturday. High School News W lnlfrld Tyson. Mdltor New Coach Leonard Mayfield, a Junior In U b I- vsrslty of Oregon and a major of physical education will succeed Mr. Fenwick as coach of Springfield High Hehool athletics. He Is recommended ' by Mr Fenwick and by Mr. Scott ) Dean of Physical Kducatlon at U. of (».* of the beat play» for amateurs of the year. . The Interclass boy's baseball games were played last wees The game« were close and the teams well match­ ed. The Sophomores received first place, the juniors second, and Uie seniors third Each cla«s receiving 6. 3, and 1 points respectively . Woodman E ntertain Cos Moves— H J. Cox has moved About <0 attended tha Woodmen of from tha Laiton saartaieale to tho • tbe World party Tuesday night, to Oeor^e Valller h o u < a t Sixth aad C ' which member« of the Neighbor« of •Lreets. ! Woodcraft war* Invited. Card* were the chief diversion of the evening, the Odd Fallows Moat— Regular ,-neet- honor« going to Mra. R. P. Mortensen iag of the Odd Fellows was held loot and Mra. Harpole and Consolation night. prises to Ida Cox and ElvhrfiA«[j I’gul Frese, W lnlfrld Tyson, Andy Blgspp, Alan Matthews of Darby, Eng , filed Margaret Jarrett and Andrey Danner a bankruptcy statement naying tbs» gave a musical rogram his cm;loyees ate so much of h’s candy that he could make no pro** Pottsl Receipts Crow Boyar visit« Sprlngflsld— H J. Hoy Ban Johnson III— Hen Johnson was taken suddenly III Bunday afternoon er of Mohawk wa« a business vlaltor here Monday. at hi« home on I) slrsst. « Visit at School Police Constable J E Nichols of While figures were as yet unavail­ Shirley Hemenway of Linfield Col­ Work On New Government Plan London. who I« « feel 8 inches tall. able, It appeared certain this morning lege. Frank Iximburd of Willamette The Civics classes under the super­ Is claimed to be the tallest polk-emaa University, Ida Cox and Raymond vision of Mr. Taylor are making prac­ that the postal receipt« for March will in the world. Mr«. Craft la Vlaltor— Mr*. May Mr«. Baker Is Visitor— Mr«. Anna Yarnes were visitors at Rprlngfleld tical application of the Civica text by «how a notable Increase over those Craft of Wultervllle spent Ills week Baker, Wlnberry, wa« here visiting of the corresponding month of 1926. High during the pa«t week. studying and trying to Improve the and hero with friend« Monday. i Postmaster F B Hamlin said. Each Andrew Foulkes of Tdttenhaa. present system of student govern­ month this year has shown an In­ Eng., took his dog to Jail with him Senior Play Selected Westfir Resident« Hera— Mr and In From W lnbarry— 8. I. lea of Win ment. The students are working to M r* Pierce Westfir were Spring 1 berry was a business vlaltor hers Mon­ "The Whole Town's Talking.” has formulate a new plan which can be crease so far. and a good gain tor the when he was unable to pay a fine for been selected a« the Senior play to used practically In Springfield High I quarter Is certain when the figures not having his name on the dog's day. field vlaltor« Sunday. collar. be presented early In May. T h e coat School. The morning class has been , has been compiled. Spend Wsek-end Here— Mr and Visiting From Wastflr— Mrs. Bruce haa not yet been chosen divided Into three committees each Mr» Bud tirlffln of Westfir «pent the Ijinsberry and children of Weatflr are "The Whole Town's Talking,’* Is working on various sections of a code REPORT OF CO NDITION OF T H E past week end here. visiting for a few days at the home of considered by eminent critics os one for student control. her mother, Mrs Emm« Olson. Mrs. Huntly Operated On— Mrs M | Il Huntly. who underwent a minor I Hara From Athena, Ora,— Mrs. C. At Springfield. In tbe State of Oregon, at the close of business on operation here thia week, la reported A. Phillips, Athena. Ore., Is here for March 23. 1#27 a few days visiting at the residence Improving RESOURCES of her slater. Mrs. Adams. Loans and discounts, Including rediscounts, acceptances of other Rabhan Qoee Ta Portland— Dr. W banks, and foreign bill» of exchange or drafts sold with In C. Hebban left yealerday afternoon ' Pstsrson Visits Trial— Ira M Pet­ dorsement of this b a n k .___ 331,057.13 ___ __ 8 81.057 33 Overdrafts, secured, none; unsecured, $225.33 ........... on a professional trip to Portland. erson. city attorney, was a visitor at 225.3» U. B. Government securities owned; the Brownlee murder trial In Kugene He will return Friday. Deposited to secure clrculaUon (U . 8. bonds par value) $3.25« 00 thia week. All other United States Governnr.mt securities (Including Mra. Turner At Sale— Mra. O. II. I premiums, If. any) ............................ ................ .......... $3,*8* 57 Turner of the Variety store ha« been Visitor Here From lows— Mrs. Anna T o t a l_____________________________ 12,734.87 railed to Scio owing to the lllnees J. Kesaey, Waterloo. Iowa, arrived Other bonds, stocks, securities, etc. ...... ........ " ' ___ ___ 103.028.53 Furniture and fixtures $5,324.75 of her sister. Tuesday for sn Indefinite visit with 5.324.7» Real estate owned other than banking h o u se______ _ 20,828 17 her niece. Mrs. Mary Kessey and son, Lawful reserve with Federal Reserve Bank .......... .............. ............... Moehlers Return From T rip — Mr 13.123.54 Dwight, of Springfield. Cash In vault and amount due from national banks and Mr« Il K Mushier are expected 38.031.9» Checks on other banks in the same city or town as reporting bank. 448 34 to return from an extended eastern : O, A. C. Student Here— Wallace Total last two items --------------------------------------- $38,480 59 trip thia week. Halsey, son of Mr. and Mrs. G D. Miscellaneous cash items ________________ ____ 189.70 Redemption fund with U. 8. Treasurer and due from U. 3. Treasurer - Ilalaey, visited In Sprlngneld during 31114 Baby Son Born— Mr and Mrs. Paul T o t a l ____________________________ the vacation last week end. i!e Is a $275,305.93 Srhlewe are the proud parents of a ’ student at Oregon Agricultural col­ baby son. horn on March IS. He ha« L IA B IL IT IE S lege. been named Dallas Karl . Capital stock paid In.. ..$ 25,000 03 Anderson Is Out Of Hospital— O. F. Surplus f u n d _______ $,003 03 Moves to Csntrallla— Mr«. C. Tyler Undivided profits. Anderson, president of the Cascade $5,681 28 ha« moved to Centrsllla, Washington, (c) Less current expenses p a id ____________ $1,804.18 Manufacturing company, who wa« 3,877.13 from her residence near here She Circulating notes outstanding______ _____________ 5 954) 0* seriously Injured at the mill some Cashiers checks outstanding ________________ _______ __________ will reside permanently In the Wash­ 465.83 time ago. Friday was dismissed from Total of above Item _____________________ _______ $«f,5 ington town. • Demand deposits (other than bank deposits) subject the Pacific Christian hospital. to Reserve (deposits payable within 30 days): Noll Residents Visit— Mr and Mrs. Individual deposits subject to check _______ _______________ ____ 144,335 3» Sam Montgomery and Mr and Mrs. Certificates of deposit due In less than 30 days (other than for LBOCADE HAT SHOP Fred William» motored here from money borrowed ________ ____ _________________________ jj 355 gj Between Miner Building and Eu­ Stats, county, or other municipal deposits secured by pledge of Noll Sunday to visit at the home of gene Hotel. Positively the be«t values assets of this bank or surety bond ___________ __ ___ ___ _ 17,253 Sg Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fre»e. Mrs Frese BELL T H E A T R E FRIDAY SATURDAY ANO SUNDAY obtainable. Telephone *30 R. M 19 Total of demand deposits (other than bank deposits) subject and Mrs Montgomery are slstera. to reserve ....... ............... ................. ......... ........ ....... $173,973.90. —- —-r————— — — Tims deposits subject to Reserve (Payable after 30 days, or subject to 30 days or more notice, and Fins Arts To Benefit— Wednesday, ' postal savings); April 6. Is the date for the University , Certificates of deposit (other than for money borrowed) _______ 13,804 47 of Oregon fins arts building benefll ' Other time deposits _..... .............. _____________________ ___ _ 47 244 58 H V fM O C lft-D O H ^ O N T program at the Bell Theatre. "Bard ; Total time deposits subject to reserve ....... ...... ..... $31.049 05 elya. The MagnlflcenL" la