” ' !■ »XWnt _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ T H E SPRINGFUBJ) NEWS *___________ TilURBDAY MARCIt 31,^927 Lane County Farmers Union News ____ _________________________________ __ ___________________ ___ _________ O FF IC IA L P U B LIC A TIO N LAN« CO UNTY U N IT NO. M ALFALFA SEED READY FARM MARKET REVIEW FOR DISTRIBUTION Grimm alfalfa seed bought by th>* Brief Report of Agricultural Com­ Rngeae Farmer» creamery and dis­ modity Trends March IS, 1937 tributed by the county »Kent has ar rived from Glascow. Montaua. and Is (Prepared by 1_ R Breithaupt of ready for the farmers. Extra No I. the O. A. C. Extension Service Di- blue tag. certified Grimm alfalfa Is , vision of Agricultural Economics the variety recommended for l-ane on information from U. S. D. A. county farms. In this shipment 11- and other official sources.) Apples. The greatest crop fail­ #00 pounds of this seed Is on hand. There are also 52« pounds of Grimm ure of the last 30 years has been caused in Victoria, Australia, by Seed from Douglas county whirl was ravages of thrip insects and dry, (Town from the seed originally form hot weather The light crop in Idaho. While It is not certified this New South Wales and moderate seed Is Extra No. 1. and its origin is crop m Tasmania are not enough to bring exports np to normal even known County Agent O. S. Pletcher calls with good crops in west Australia attention to the three grades of a’fal- ’ and New Zealand. Total exports ta seed for the benefit of those buy­ are estimated at 2,047.000 boxes ing at stores. The blue tag Is the compared with 3,700,000 last year. Butter. Butter prices declined best grade while the red and yellow sharply at San Francisco the week tags indicate lower grades. Only the ending March 25. Butter scoring best grade or Extra No. 1 blue tag '-93 opened at 40 cents, declining to curl tiled la recommended for planting 434 cents by Wednesday but ad­ • s I-ane county lands vanced sharply Friday, closing at 44 cents, while 90 acore declined from 45 to 40 centa Receipts from Rabbit Club Meeting The Lane County Rabbit club and the Pacific coast states were quite Cary Breeders association held a light but local production bad in- created enough more than to take luncheon at noon today at the Eu­ care of all current demand gene Chamber of Commerce. Presi­ At New York, Chicago, Philadcl- dent Ed Hayes of the Portland club .phia, and Boston prices advanced addressed the luncheon and also sharply each day but buyers hesi­ •poke to an afternoon meeting. A tated late in the week to pay the display of different breeds of rabbits advances and the market appeared was put on by the boys and girls slightly top-heavy with tendency * lower on some markets, especially rabbit clubs. > The rabbit industry In Lane county Chicago. Firmness at New York was tem la crowing. On an average 1! doseo pered somewhat by arrival of 16.397 rabbits are sold each Saturday at the boxes of Agentina and New Zea­ Eugene public market. There are land butter and 673 casks of Dan­ several breeders in the county now ish butter. Operators are conser­ with over 1000 head. vative regarding heavy purchases of foreign butter. CALX, AND SEE Dr. N W Emery Statistical situation of the mar­ sn prices on plate and other work, t* ket continues very firm. Storage ! holdings on the four markets are at an exceptionally low point for • • • • • V • • • • this season of the year and are • TIM E AND PLACE OF • more comparable with May 1 hold­ • LOCAL MEETINGS • ings than with those of any other • Canary—First Wednesday. Third • season. Production continues to • Saturday, Farm* is Union Hall. • run below that of a year ago Wool. Wool prices at Boston, • Cloverdale—Second and Fourth • • Fridays. Cloverdale School House. • remain steady and fairly firm on • Creswell—First and Third Tues- • l choice offerings. Some mohair buy- • days, Creswell. M W. of A. Hall. • j ing is under way in Texas and Ari­ zona, but the volume is not large • Coast Fork—Second and Fourth • and the price level is not yet estab­ • Thursdays. Farm Union Han. • lished on the new clip, according Danebo—First Tuesday, Danebe • ! to reports. • School House. • Seeds. General demand for most Dorena—Second and Fonth Tuaa- * ' seeds was slow in the week ended March 19, but prices were well • days, Dorena Church. • • HadleyvlUe — First and Third • j maintained. Red clover was either ' unchanged or slightly higher. Al- • Thursdays. HadleyvlUe School. • ' sike clover continued in fair to • Heceta—First Sunday of each • good demand. Prices averaged • month. Heceta School House • ■ about 50 cents higher per 100 Jasper— Second and Fourth Wed- • | pounds. Livestock. Prices are generally • nesdays. W O. W. Hall, Jasper • ruling firm on beef cattle and • Lorane—Second and Fourth • • Wednesdays. I. O. C. F. Han. • j lambs, but not so firm on hogs. The falling off in the supply of • Mt. Vernon—First and Third • cattle was marked at all markets in • Wednesday. Bnufield Store. • ' March. Seven large markets got • 8ilk Creek Meets First and Third • approximately 407,000 h e a d as • Thursday at Cedar School House • against 523,000 for the correspond- • Spencer Creek—Third Friday, • ! ing period a year earlier. These same markets during the week end­ • Pine Grove 8chool House. • ing March 19 were 35.000 head'un­ • Trent—Second and Fourth Wed • der the supply a year earlier. From • nesdays Pleasant HUI High • • School Bldg. • j a tonnage standpoint the March run has also shown abatement. • Secretaries will please send In • California grass conditions are • time and place of meeting and • causing the withholding of normal • changes of date as they may ue- • livestock supplies from market al­ • cur. s though values, grade for grade, are higher than at intermountain and middle western markets. I Your Money Can’t Buy Better Value Anywhere U s e d C a r s P r ic e d F or Q u ick S a le 1924 Fordor Sedan, Ruekstell, Bumpers, License $350.00 1923 Touring with License..... ..................... $135.09 1924 Truck Open Steel Cab Platform Body, Warlord Transmission and License, O. S. Tires, Excel­ lent Shape.................... .......................................... $375.00 1922 Touring with License .................................... 1920 Touring with License Ford Bug with IJ cense ............ Fordson Tractor 1924 Coupe __ . $115.00 $60 00 $50 00 $275 00 $250 00 1924 Coupe Balloon Tires new ..*1.- 1923 Coupe ___ ___ ____________. ____ ______ $300.00 11 AO on TERM S i i E. R.. Danner Motor Co. ________________ , - ,__________________________________ FARM REMINDERS ' Community News ¡ JZJSSZ UPPER WILLAMETTE GARDEN WAY • • • • • • • • • • • l ulwurm relief Is had by use of potaon bran mash, reports the <) A. C. experiment station It la made «•( coarse bran 25 pounds, parts green or while arsenic I pound, salt 1 pound and moln-i»es I pint, with enough eater to make a crumbly mash This Is scattered lightly about the grouml after preparation for planting, before the plants are up al least Chickens are not allowed on the field der II la not a dueling spray and a always dissolvati In water before ap­ plication Dry lime sulfur gives as good results as liquid If used In i-qul valent amounla - 4 pounds for each gallon of concentrated lima sulfur solution. 4 WHM , ■ „i.—— *, I Ih-cldiious trees and shrubs Io he Miss Ksthor Uulllford teacher if For the pleasure of her daughter, planted III Oregon are Io he on hand Margaret. Mrs. O. M. lUuganu spoil the primary grades at Pleasant Hill as stain as possible, says the Inn4* ; sored a delightful party Saturday has been very sick the past week and scape gardening department of the ‘ evening at her home The young peo- It Is feared sill have to undergo an stale mites«- If Ihe plants come be | pie enjoyed dancing and games Re operation for appendicitis. Mrs C. fore the ground can be worked they freshments consisting of sandwiches. K. Jordan Is substituting In her place are heeled In unii) a suitable lime to The Mlsaes Aide and-Jennie Mann , fak e and cocoa were served Music When laying out flower or shrub I plant them In Ihnlr permanent placea. was tarnished by Mr and Mrs Ulen ing of Springfield vlalted at the horns ' bery areas that ore to have a curving • Riddle, Lena Frliaell. and Cecilia . of Belle and K iii I im Olson the past Oregon gardeners who watch Ibis nulling. a garden hose la valuable to i Monson. The following young peo- week-end i use to get the outline regular The aeason will conclude thai II Is beat to Mr and Mrs. M. E. Haya of Gard­ pie were present: Alma Ftah, Bill I hose Is easily bent. By laying It along plant all early materials In the fall, , Lindley. Albert Lindley. Virgil Mc­ iner were at Pleasant Hill (or the the edge of the area all Irregularities aaya the landscape gardening depart Pherson. Eether McPherson. Horace Christian Endeavor county meeting. Lilacs, 1 W A Baker of Tacoma haa pur­ are seen and correrled before any men! of the atats college Meyers. Mrs. Glen Riddle, a n 1 splreaa and eacperlslly peonies are material work la done to the ground Margaret. Gertrude. Helen, and Ralph chased the ranch of C. F. Hyde at Pleaaaut Hill Mr and Mrs. Morteu- —