(.»ague To Qlvs Sals Thr«» Ar« Arrested Thr«» motorista full victim in th» viallani'« of Treffi« ()ffl«»r K I» Kina ilurlna Ih« waak «tul. F. Mln-lly «n-l W Coon«n war« arrested (nr spoedlng nn Kant Main strael, anil I.«« Mr- Kanti.y, Wnntlllna. wait tielaini«! Hat unlay night on «hara«* »f driving Willi nti Halita. Mi Kenmiy'a trial will mm« up lii r«mrii*r‘a court n«xt w c k. wlill« Hti«ll*y uml Coons n «I» •piiiri'il Monday. The Kpwnrtti l,«aau« will hold food h «I« al lb« I O. 0 ... F building I Baturduy. fl«i«lpta w III a» toward ! gli« organization traaaury M IL L IN E R Y WESTERN $800 HAT CO. Third floor of Miner Building. Ki gin« Quality and Htylu equal to hata usually priced double our price of 16 00 M l# •w a rts Buy» Barn (!. K Hwarta linn purchased llu barn belonging In Mrs. Mary Keaaev anil plana muvlun It to lila Fifth anil E street property. There la will Im remodeled Into a garage. W ANTID INFORMATION of ndtlreea of Jeaale Heller» Bruce, who at on« time lived In Hprlngfleld Addreaa E. W. Hpaldlng. Metropolitan Bunk Building. Washington. I). C. -------- ------------------- CHAMBER BUYS AUTO , PLATES FOR USE ON SPRINGFIELD CARS PRICES REDUCED On« hundred bra»a plate» for auto­ mobile radiator», bearing the word» "Springfield, McKenzie Hlver Gate­ way," have been ordered from Han Francisco by III« Hprlngfleld Chamber of Colnuierco. The plat«» will lie distributed at «•oat to Hprlngfleld inolorl»ta by the civic organization, with the Idea of getting the name and location of Hprlngfleld before thn driving public. The plate», to be fitted to auto­ mobile radiator», are attractive and serviceable. They were purcha»ed from the Golden Gate Bra»» company and will be delivered In about two week». • Westinghouse Mazda Lamps • - $12.65 30x3 1 /2 - - $12 85 “ Where Service Is King” 5th and M ain ANNOUNCEM ENT Having purchased the Sutton t runnier business of E. G. Sutton tif Ihln city, I respectfully solicit the good will and support of hl« many friends and customers. I have established an office at the Service Garage 533 Main iitreet. Springfield Transfer WILLIS BERTSCH. Prop. 533 Main St. Re8 Phone 100 W e G ive ¿VW. G h e l n D iscoun r S tamps D evotion To D etail WON MANY CUSTOM ERS EO lt US Perfection In anything can only be accomplished through a proper regard of small details. There are hundred* of little things that go to make up the perfect service which Is required in a successful drug Btore. We realize this and If you trade with us a while you will be Impressed with the care which we ex­ ercise hi conducting our business. No drug store sells better goods than we do and no drug store can provide more satisfactory ser­ vice and fairer prices. If care counts with you. we should like to add your name to our large Hat of satisfied customers. Ketel’s Drug Store 25c 40 WATTS 25c 50 WATTS 27c 60 WATTS 30c Baptiat Plan Social Member» of the Bapll»t church will meet for a social evening Friday. A dinner ut 6,46 o’clock will be served In the church basement by women of the church. Blank I’romlHaory note» and re­ ceipt» printed and In »tock at the News office. STRAY DOG AND RABIES DISCUSSED Springfield Service Station 25 WATTS 23c 23c 23c .......... 25c .............25c 40c Henderer Electric O PEN IN G - Announcement Young People Meet 29x4.40 25c These prices effective April 1, 1927. The II. Y. P. V., of the Baptiat church, enjoyed a party Wednesday evening at the Fred Frese home hon­ oring Gordon l,««\ who »oon lauvea to Join the navy. Highest Quality Rubber Priced at 15 WATTS 43c 100 WATTS The above applies to 110, 115, 120 volt lamps. An opperett# and play will be pre- I »anted by the Junior high school Erl- ! ilay night. Ia>gtnnlng at H o’clock, ac- I cording to announcement today T iir i program will be given In the high 1 achool auditorium, and a »mail admla ' «Ion will be charged i "Windmill» of Holland" 1» the till« of the operetta. The play to be given ' la ''Rescued by Radio.” There w ill be less wear and tear on your car if you use l lood Tires. NOW WERE JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL PLANS PRESENTATION HAS PAGE T TT R H I T U B S P R IN G F IE L D N E W S T ltlY R H D A Y M A R C II 31. 1927 The atray dog 1» the main factor In tho apread of rabie« or hydropho­ bia. The ”n a d ” or rabid dog le In­ fected with rabies, and during the "furious” or biting stage of th 'i dis­ ease wdll terrorise a community. In i Oregon the »tray dog 1» often attacked by rabid coyote». Stray dog» frequent­ ly bite the bouse dog and In this way \he Infection may enter the home. Rabies la communicated from a rabid animal through a wound usually pro­ duced by biting Rablea Is a rapidly fatal paralytic Infection. Man always contracts the disease from some low­ er animal, commonly the dog. In civilized communities doga are subject to license and to definite rules , for control so that measures mav promptly be taken when rabies has been introduced Into the community. Rabies may be controlled and even exterminated by Intelligent means dir­ ected towards the eradication of rab­ lea in dogs. The chief requirement for the con­ trol of rabies Is the Impounding of all strange dog« and the proper supervis­ ion of all licensed dogs. All dogs should be licensed and required to wear a tag. and under certain circum­ stances. restrained by a chain or leash Strange dogs should be Impounded and ownerless dogs killed. It Is the atrav dog that keep«, rabies alive. Muzzling and other mechanical meas­ ures of restraint become necessary when rabies Is known to exist in a community. It Is a mistake to kill a dog Immediately after It Isas bitten someone. The dog should be shut up for ten days and watrhed carefully to see If symptoms of rablea develop. OwnerB should be held legally res­ ponsible for damage» Inflicted by dogs. Education of the dog-owning public will help toward preventing the spread of communicable disease«, ea- ! peclally rabies AH rases of suspected rabies should be Immediately reported. I The dogs can he Immunlxed against rabies. The Immunization of all dogs when licensed and the Impounding or killing of all stray dogs should effect­ ively control rabies. B iles by rabid animals or animals j suspected of being rabid may be cauterized with fuming nitric acid. The method Is helpful If used within forty-eight hours, hut the earlier the better. In cases of bites on the face there Is especial need for Immediate treatment with fuming nitric rc W, for j the action of rabies virus may be so rapid that Pasteur treatment will not ' have time to take full effect. Proper- j ly used nitric acid should not causa | had scarring. Every person bitten by , a rabid animal, or an animal auspect- edof being rahld, should take Pasteur I treatment.—State Board of Health. TIR SA LB — Payroll sheets, p r is t * •ad In stock at the News Form sultsble tor road, eonstructlo» work, aawrallls. sto., with table to oom puts workman s compel and detractions. No employer be wtthoat these ( m s when CA LL AN D 8BB Dr. K W. Emery on prices oc pisto sad other work, it NEW LOW PRICE POLICY ITH this announcement the New Low Prices quoted in the big broadside go into effect in every Breier Store. W A gigantic exam ple of w h at constructive planning and concentrated buying w ill accomplish in serving m ore economically the people o f the west A Rotogravure Broadside that commands attention has been distributed. DID YOU RECEIVE A COPY? IF NOT GALL AT NEAREST M H*»*» This modern age puts Camels first T h is age tried Camel» and placed them first. A nd it was no half-way verdict. N ever in the history o f smoking w « « cigarette given a leadership like Camel has today. T o find why Camels are the favorite, just try them. Y o u will find the perfect fragrance and «ate o f choice tobaccos, rarely blended. Y o u will experience a mellow mildness that gives endless cigarette enjoyment I Foe the choice o f the modern age— "H ave a Camel!”