THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS gon is unwarranted it will pay us to take stock I and guide our future conduct ao as no« to make enemies where they can be avoided. • • • M ary B r ia n t Styl» Fa The tax commission blue blank provides that a business concern must report Its "accounts re­ ceivable.” We suggest it would be a .great boon teaoar Fwterwarr M. 1M> at to merchandising and stimulate business condi­ tions of account's payable” were taxed, provided ( it applied to individuals as well a* business con­ M A IL S U B S C R IP T IO N R A T « cerns. Most business men would be willing to IT » T b r ** M o n k s ------ Tie i rw i JIM Stette Oo»T ------ *< double their taxes If all the money owed them , Mwah» would come in on March 1. • • • THTRSDAV MARCH JL t»«t I In California a judge gave a woman SO days for TARE THE PROFIT OVT OF MOONSHINE beating her husband. Now ladies be careful. SELLING T H I W I L L A M t T T t PRESS H. K TH U RS 1 » A Y MARCH 81 1927 THE SPlUNOnSLO NEWS PAGE TWO MAXKT W it o r Dr. Frank Crane say? In hi? article In this b»u* of the News that "the trouble with bootlegging is that it pays and pays big. Whoever will take th** profit out of this unholy business »ill be domg a great service." Take the profit out of selling and making of moonshine and the bootlegger and moonshiner will disappear. In other words take away the de­ mand and they will have no market -eliminate the cause and there will be no effect. The trouble with the present situation is that It tries to elimi­ nate the bootlegger and moonshiner and leaves the demand for these people in effect. Conse- entlv ever increasingly others spring up to take Hr places. And the sad part about it is the dealers and makers of moonshine for the most part are young men—who were boys when the galoons were in vogue. Seemingly the only way to put the bootlegger out of business is for the government to go into ruinous competition with him. since there is no wav to eliminate the demand for the liquor. But of course this would be letting down the bars and compromising with liquor and Dr. Crane says "There Can Be No Compromise with Liquor.” Like murder, arson and theft, the crimes of mak­ ing and selling booze will likely always be with ns if we continue under the present conditions. No one seems to have a solution which will satis­ fy the majority. • • • SOME SHOCKING ANSWERS S As chairman of the city industrial committee we sometimes get some shocking answers to our Inquiries about prospective industries. We learn­ ed that a large plant in the state was contemplat­ ing a move and forhwith wrote the manager a letter inviting him to put it on our free site. After thanking us for the courtesy shown be said that his plant was to be moved but that is was going to be moved out of Oregon "Where there wasn't so many d--------- fools making the laws.” He also said that invested capital wasn't safe in Oregon where farmer and labor organizations constantly Imposed a minority rule on it. Answers flavored like this have come from peo­ ple outside the state, too. We often wonder how widely this feeling exists, and to what extent It has retarded development. Of course there is no way of telling and we hope it is not far reaching but we must admit it comes from numerous Sources. Filled with pride for our great state one U tempted to say to these people that we don’t want your kind because you would not make desirable citizens anyway. But this would be "sour grapes” because they are already good and sub­ stantial citizens and concerns of other states. While we feel that much of the criticism of Ore­ stadaat la physlcw. Hobart C U lfa a . )aalor la payrbolofT; C 1» Hadlay, jualor la b«*ln»aa adm lalsiratlua; W'llfrvd Frank Nanblvall. Junior In Uraate. all ot Kagan» and Hamuol Jamas N»waot>. sanlor In »oology FOR SAI46 -Carbon »«par la Is nr» shaats. StfiTP larhaa. satrabla tar waking 'racings Tte» feawa Offlea. AFTER HIGH SCHOOL WHAT? A high achtx»l education plus a EUGENE BU SIN ESS COL­ LEGE training will put you far along <»n the highway of success. A»k For Our C atalog IT S A GOOD SCHOOL AND IS IN’ SESSIO N ALL THRU THE SI MMER EUGENE BUSINESS COLLEGE DR.FRANKCRAIIESMS Phone 666 A. E. Roberta, President 992 Willamette Street Eugene. Oregon NO COMPROMISE W IT H LIQUOR The liquor bulsness is like a deadly wrpent. It is about as easy to regulate or make legal as it is to tame a hyena. It is essentially a wild beast. It is ungfortunately aligned with conviviality. Many people seem to think that getting drunk is a Joke and the consumption of alcohol is amusing. They speak condoningly of the use of whiskey by the youth. A charm ing Spring »narmbl» coa­ ■■ Many people, and especially those engaged in te ma for wear n o * srul lite r . wet propaganda, do not realize the deadly end of Youthful to the last -te rrv *. it is this peril. equally as baronung to the young matror. as to the younger g irt. T h " It is an own brother to murder, hold-ups. burg- 4.85 Another One— But this chic one-strap creation Is of glossy pat­ ent leather. To give It that sports Influence a bit of rose blush has been applied to hem for embell­ ishment. Decidedly ne»w. Pair $4.85