PACK EIGHT OREGON STATE NEWS OF GENERAL - - - - INTEREST • THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS The city ot McMinnville, through ils city attorney, has Lied a protest with the public service com miss Ion against thl> proposed extension of electric ' service by the Yamhill Electric co pany on the McU.unvIUeA'arlton In. Brief Resume of Happenings of way. Thu » Yoi Should Know If the farmers and fruit growera of | the Week Collected for Lane county and the cittxens of Eu Our Readers. gene lend moral support to the enter- ' prise a large cannery will be estab- ' lished tn Eugene this year, according S. N Croft, mayor of Bandon, ha» to announcement by those who are resigned. prompitng the deal. A Rotary club was organised in Investigation of circuit court rec­ by John Jowpk G«i'«s, M Hood River last week. ords in Astoria in connection with a The Clackamas County Teachers' w holesale clean up of old cases has P H Y S IC A L C IL T V R K Association met at the West l.inn Un* revealed about 7$ to 100 old divorce With millions of our people ion high school last Saturday. cases which never have been prose­ sprucing nine-t nths of their lives Governor Patterson and State Adju­ cuted to a conclusion. Some of Un­ in olTires, studios, sane’unis and trade marts, some sort of artificial tant-General White inspected the new- cases are ten years old exorcise heco -irs nee—‘«ary to even national guard camp site near Astoria Florian von Eschen of Willamette moderate health. The reader »ill last week. university fed members ot the Salem portion m i f I devote this article to timely ol -lervationa on the sub­ Total amount of taxes on the Lane realty board cherries which were pre ject, rather than to technique. county roil for 1926 is $1,925,361 OS. ac­ served since 1921 in a solution of sul There is no substitute to take cording to the figures announced by phurous acid. The cherries were said the place of out-door activity as a to be in a perfect state of preserve Sheriff Taylor. congener of long life and healthy function, anil as remarked before, Midwinter weather was experienced lion and were relished by the realtors all violation of the law of right liv- Portland ranks third among cities tn< to penalized in length of ilays. In central Oregon the past week, four inches of new snow falling in the Cres­ over 100.000 population participating Your “daily dozen” is capable of in the national fire waste contest for doing harm If overindulged. My cent country. friend, aixty ye an old, carried hla The Roseburg chamber of commerce 192$. conducted jointly by the nation effort to extreme; he bathed every al fire waste council and the chamber added $1000 to its annual budget to morning in oenr-ice-water; then cover proposed extensions of the ac­ of commerce of the United States, ac­ he put in a half-hour of violent cording to announcement by the cham­ "crawls,” “dips,” and “ swings,” tivities of the order. unti’ almost exhausted to “ produce ber. A total of $26.456 75 was expended reaction”. He now has a stroke Seventy per cent of one dairy herd of paralysis which will disable him by Coos county during the month of February on road a slight increase which supplies milk for Portland was for life. He did no outdoor work, found to be infected with tuberculosis having retired; he followed all ever recent months. after Dr W M Miller, newly appoint­ sorts of fantastic notions in eating Construction of an auxiliary reser­ ed city herd Inspector, began work, the no - breakfast folly, and the two-msal-a-day vagary; at his age, voir for Ashland’s municipal water and the cattle were slaughtered. Dr he took walks in zero tempera­ system will be started next week, it John G. Abele, city health officer, re­ ture; he was a faddist. was announced by Ashland city offi­ ported. Arterial changes due to age will not stand violent exertion. The cials Albert Brownlee and Dewey Rue- warm bath before retiring takes Linfield debaters won both tides of sell, arraigned in circuit court in Ku much strain off the heart; a few * debate with the Monmouth Normal gene, entered pleas of not guilty to moments deep breathing when first debaters last week by unanimous de­ charges of the robbery of the Veneta up in the morning i< always useful. cisions. The Chinese question was pool hall, and the shooting of Bill Mad- Moderate exercise u fore breakfast — the best meal of the day— Is a considered. daugh. proprietor., and of killing Es- promoter of appetite and digestion: | Harriet Weatherson was sentenced ton Hooker, posseman, following the five or ten minutes of tip-toeing and swinging of the arms and limbs, at Eugene to six years' imprisonment robbery. taking deep breaths, is a line tonic, for embezzlement of funds from the Hubert Work, secretary of the in if indulged several times a day; it Florence State and Savings hank in w ill counteract the cramped posi­ terior. has agreed Io reopen the que« Lane county. tlon of the feasibility of the Baker pro­ tion at the desk, the poring over Fire caused from an exploding gas­ ject. according to a telegram Jnst re­ "the books,” the attitude at the linotype or other machine. It to oline lamp caused the destruction of ceived by William E. North, secretary agai- . exe’ s?- - " artificial move- the Reeder confectionery and restaur­ of the Raker chamber of commerc^. - nt* th rt I v. nuld » are. And, no ant at Scottsburg, near Reedsport, from Representative Sinnott at Wash exercise will tak«1 the p’ r . • of the prop r amount of ¡deep! early last week. lngton, D. C. Next week: Intravenous Medication Two large dredges and a big force Motion pictures are to be made of of men are now engaged in draining the broccoli harvest in the Umpqua the lands of the Warm Springs irriga­ villey. The Roeeburg chamber ol EASTERN ORECON LAND tion project. An area of 30.000 acres commerce has been notified that a is to be drained. SETTLEMENT ACTIVE news reel camera Is on the way to George W. Hug. superintendent of Roseburg to obtain pic tures to be used Portland — Special — Looking for­ the Salem public schools for a number In the various theaters of the country of years, was re-elected at a meeting •howing the methods of cutting, pack ward to more Intensive activity in Land Settlement in Eastern Oregon. of the Salem school board at a meet­ ing and shipping the broccoli crop. W. O. Ide. Manager of the Oregon ing held recently. The Interstate commerce commis State Chamber of Commerce, has just The Central Oregon Poultry co-op­ slon will hold a hearing in Eugeni erative. recently organized, handled May 23 for local livestock shippers, completed a trip ot ten days througn- more than 17,000 dozen eggs last who will be given an opportunity to out the northwest part of the atate. At LaGrande, Mr Ide addressed tho month. No eggs will be stored by the show why the new schedule of freight Realty Board and also a regional association this year. rates published some Mme ago by the m„e,,n< of ,he chamb#„ comni„rre Hood River orchardists will start railways serving western Oregon, He participated also in enthusiastic the season s spray program next week which provided for an increased tar conferences at Enterprise. Wallowa. when applications of lime sulphur will iff. should not be made effective, Vale, Onatrio,* Baker and The Dalles, be made on pear tracts. Apple spray Tillman H. Stevens, past command where an enlivened Interest was mani­ ing is three weeks off. cr of the Grand Army of the Republic. fest in land settlement work for the Th > river road school building, a ' department of Oregon, collapsed ai 1 coming year, mile below Eugene on the Pacific high­ the conclusion of a short address al The Government has already begun way, .b/ ? . . f>f i_Sinatin.g a ban‘lu,’t ln Portland, given to hit work on the Vale Irrigation Project. from the furnace in the basement. comrades, and died a few moment? , two large dredges being in operation, The loss exceeded $6000. later in his wife's arms His message The first units are expected to be Ninety-three pheasants were shipped had been an appeal to his comrades ! completed this season. This project from Malheur county to other parts of J whose thinning ranks he had noted, t o ' is now ready for some new settlers. the state during the trapping season i "carry on. The Owyhee project was also Inspect­ Just closed, as the result of com­ With only one dissenting vote, di ed by Mr. Ide ln company with W. H. plaint* made by farmers. rectors of the Bend chamber of com Doolittle of Ontario. The farmers In The broccoli harvest is now nearing merce, at a meeting indorsed the plan the districts around Vale and Ontario the peak with four or five cars being for the creation of a national park in are feeling most optimistic for 1927. loaded daily. Forty-seven cars have the Three Sisters region Bend and j Their crop prospects are excellent and been shipped out of Roseburg and Eugene are co-operating in the move there Is general Improvement through Edtnbower so far -this season. ment. The scenic McKenzie pass coun out the entire district. The coopera­ Woodson Scroggins, who hag been try, crossed by the McKenzie high tive creamery located at Payette, tending sheep for Charles Burgess of j way, would be included in the pro which serves this district, shipped Pine Creek, was brought to Fossil, ■ posed park. j 3,000.000 pounds of butter in 1926 Buffering with a bad case of spotted [ William Duby and W. A Steward ol mostly to the fats Angeles market fever caused from a tick bite. Baker will go to Vale to assist losers paying to the farmers an average of Members of the Apple Growers’ as­ in the Vale flood of two years ago in 48c per pound for butter, bringing sociation who have an acreage of pears preparing their claims. The stale has about a million and a half dollars to attended a special meeting last Sat­ appropriated $50.000 for payment of the dairymen during the year, urday evening, when plans for the losses and this will he pro-rated among I Hermiston was Included In the Itin- marketing of the 1927 crop was dis­ the losers. Mr. Duby and Mr Steward erary. conferences being held here cussed. were members of the commission with the business men and the county The city of Canby has filed with the which investigated the losses for the agent who are cooperating With tho abundance of water from the McKay public service commission a complaint state soon after the flood. Allotments totaling $1,265.238 for Greek reservoir, the Irrigation dis­ with relation to the electric service of the Molalla Electric company It was Improvement and maintenance of Ore tricts around Hermiston, Irrigon and charged that the electric service Is In­ goo rivers and harbors during the fis­ Boardman will be wonderfully suppli­ cal year 1928 were announced at the ed with wafer for the entire season. adequate. Dr H. L. Toney of McMinnville, vice war department. The largest Item In Wheat conditions In Umatilla county president of the board of trustees of the list is $750,000 for Coos bay, to are the beat in a number of years, Linfield college, assumed the duties of extend the harbor Jetties ln accord­ according to Mr. Ide. In Waco County a- trip was mao« president of the board last week, fill­ ance with authority granted by the ing the vacancy created by the death last rivers and harbors act. The sec from Th^ Dalles over the cherry ond largest Is $350,000 for the Col­ orchards for the Inspection of the new of Judge B. F. Rhodes. well irrigation system.’ A very not­ Driven by hunger and cold from the umbia and lower Willamette rivers be­ able Improvement was found to be low Portland and Vancouver, which Is snow covered hills of Klamath, gaunt manifest In the cherry orchards as a and famished coyotes are brazenly $50,000 more than was allotted to that result of water being put on In August. project for the present fiscal year. raiding livestock corrals and pig pens Eight persons were killed and 2317 1926. after the crop waa taken off. on farms in the Hildebrand district, injured in motor vehicle accidents in The budding on the trees Is heavy east of Klamath Falls. and the growers expect at least a 20% George W. Johnston, prominent i Oregon during F'-bruary. according to Increase In size and quality. In addi­ a report prepared here by T. A. Raf banker of Dufur and president of the I tion to a very great Increase In yield. Wasco County Old Pioneers’ associa­ fety, chief Inspector for the state mo­ tor vehicle department. Of the 2317 Conferences with reference to plac­ tion. announces Htsurday, May 7, as the date for the annual pioneer re­ accidents reported during the month, ing poultrymen in the orchard dis- 1135 were due to carelessness on (he trlcts of Waco county were anticipat­ union to be held at The Dallea. part of drivers. There wore 115 acci­ ed ln by chamber of commerce offi­ The annual convention of the fifth dents due to failure of drivers to give cials Including W. H. Nelson. Kay district of the American Legion and proper signals, while 127 accidents Kelly and L. Barnum. Legion Auxiliary, department of Ore­ were caused by speeding. Jay walk­ gon. was held at Dufur recently. The ing resulted in 17 accidents, while 36 fifth district Is comprised of Hood Riv­ accidents were due to improper park­ FOR SALK—Carbon paper In large er, Wasco and Sherman counties. nbesta, 26x30 Inches, suitable foe ing. About Ifour making tranlngg. The n ew s Offlon.1 THURSDAY MARCH 24, 1927 LOCAL PARTIES ON VISIT IN MOUNTAINS Cascade SuuinUj and Its 9 feel of show served as an attraction to sev­ eral local people early this week. On Sunday Bert Snook and Pearl Snook, made the trip on the Southern | Pacific train, returning the same day. Monday. Mrs. W. It. Pollard, Mrs Enina Olson and Mrs Carl Olson visited the summit. The latter group reports seeing 11 deer en route. VACATION BEGINS AT LOCAL SCHOOLS TODAY A brief spring vacation opened la | the Springfield schools today, and j teachers departing for their homes | while pupils prepare (or a relief from studies Vacation will continue uniil Monday, when clauses will be re­ sumed again, . WOODMEN TO ENTERTAIN ON NEXT TUESDAY NIGHT Dresses Members of ITne Circle. No. Neighbors of Woodcraft, will be enter­ tained by the Woodmen of the World at a party In the W (1, W. halt next Tuesday night Plans for the social were made st this week's meeting ot the totter organisation. Woodmen and their families have been Invited to attend the affair, which will be featured by a program and re fresh ments. LEOCADK H A T SHO P Between Miner Building and The Compose’« Theme Beautifully Interpreted in Smart Frocks Ixively flat crvjR». the bodice in the clever two-tone compose effect with pleated or flared akirt. In tone* of roaeda shading to pale green beige shading to dark brown pink nhadlng to deep roue -and countleag other charming combi­ nation*. Smart for drew* or h|K>rtn wear. Hixes for women and mlxaeK. A range of price«. Eu­ gene Hotel. I*ualtlvely the best values obtainable Telephone 430 K. M 19 y T h e French Shop Morgan Goes South—A. J Morgan. prlncipnLof the High school. Is speli I- Ing bis spring vncatlon at Crescent City, He motored south. Miner Building Eugene, Ore. M A T L O C K ’S Eugene, Oregon ALLEN A HOSIERY— A NEW PURE SILK SERVICE WEIGHT NOTE THBBK SPECIAL PEA TUBES: (1) Pure thread silk t3l Reinforced heel*. toes and soles. (3) Silk sole Interlined with Hale 14) Fine mercerised garter hem. (5) Invisible positive run-stop where silk joins garter hem (61 (Tear perfect weave. (7) Close fitting stylish ankles. IX) Full length and width, legs not skimped1. |9> Extra fine gauge beauty and elasticity (10) Guaranteed satis­ factory. (11) Fashion’s newest colors 111) Colors fast (13) Silk covered high spliced heels. 114) Exactly right weight to meet style's demands (IS) Bilk above the knee Come in and select your favorite shade today, you will want a pair for most every outfit and occasion. NEW SHIPMENT OF MEN'S HOSE JUST RECEIVED The latest patterns in men's hose. Mont popular color combinations Distinctive quality all its own. They will please and give satisfaction. Coma (nr first pick of these new styles, 90c and 75c Pair SALE OF MEN'S C A P S _______________ A ridiculously low price on this lot of beat quality cnps”of newest pstTermi This lot will not tost long $1.00 and $2.00 RAYON BLOOMERS Regular $1 25 and $1 50 values, rayon allk bloomers, many new colors. lot will not last long as yj»u have both quality and price. 92c GROCERY SPECIALS Big lunch cookies, 2 lbs....................... ................ 35c 45- 9-lh. nark Rolled Oats ..................... ___ ......... Be 2 tins Light House Cleaner 29 15.- .............. 25.- 4 lOc-packagees Macaroni Freeh Buda Crackers. Ih ............. Fresh LettSOn, head .... _......... Thia 10c __ 6« CANDIES OF QUALITY Cones, lb. __ l»c Chocolate l*eauut Butler Chips, lb. .......... Mu Assorted flavors quality Chocolate Creams. Ih 33.3 rice J- III Beans, lb 15c f li,m in F r u it J e lly THE FROG THINKS THE WELL A PRETTY FINE STRETCH OF WATER BECAUSE HE HASN’T BEEN TO SEA. —a merchant may think he has a fairly good business but if he hasn’t advertised sufficiently he does not know the possibilities of his business. * / y