R A D IO FOR » A L B — Elva Tubo Radio aat and rom píalo equipment. All new. Am going East First 942 50 lakoa It. L. E M illar. Mabie, Ore. M 14 W A N T E D — To Irado for a e re a r*. Good house and 14* Iota In Spring- field. one block off pavement. Five tf block* from m ill. B o l 130 N O T IC E O F F IN A L SETTLEM ENT Notice la hereby given that Harold J W ell«, A dm inistrator of ’ he Estate of John W . Doak. deAuiaod. ha« fflvd his F in a l Report and A c rru n t a * aurh. w ith the Clerk of the County Court of I-ano t'ounty. Oregon, and the Court baa act Saturday the *th day of April. 1*27, at 16:00 o'clock In the forenoon In the County Court Room In the Court House at Eugene. Lane County. Oregon, n« the tim e nnd place to hear objections to the sutne. If anv there be, and for the final aeettlem enl of aaid Estate. H A R O L D J W E L L S . A dm ln latralo r W E I.I.K A W E L L S . Attorneys. M 10-17-24 81: A 7: 7:50 A. M. Dally. M N O T IC K T O < K E D IT o llH . Notice la hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed Ad tnltilst rn tor o f the estate of .1. M RHi hey, deceased. by the County Court of L u iie /'o iin ly , Oregon. All persons having clnlms against said natiite, life req u ired Io present them , duly verified us liy law req uired, to the undersigned A d m in is tra to r. R28 M lto-r 11 u I Id I n g . Eugene. Oregon w ith in alx m onths from d ale o f drat pulillt a l lo ti of thia noili-t* will* h b F eb ru a ry 34 th . 1 *2 7 A L T A K IN O . A d m in is tra to r » 3 * M in e r lililg . Eugene. O re F. 24. M 3 -1 0 -1 7 -2 4 Northbound D ally, Springfield a t 2:46 F. j Msln Line— Bus connections H ere. I Southbound C alifo rn ia trains, Eu­ gene at 1:26 A. M.. 1:46 P. M . 12.10 P M . and 6:08 A M Dally. Northbound C alifo rn ia trains, B a ­ is e n e at 4:15. 2:17. 10:6« A. M. a n d 1 $21 I »! - SO P. M, S E P T IC T A N K S Ready for you to Install For fam ily of live «24 For fam ily of nine ut our plant Sewer Pipe— Drain T ile Chim ney Blocks E U G E N E C O N C R E T E P IP E CO. tf. ROOF For Roof R E P A IR IN G Repairing call Southbound Oregon locals. Eugene ! a l 1225 A. M. anil 9:00 and 1:26 P. M. Northbound Oregon locala. Eugen» a t 2:25 and 7:36 A. M. and 3:20 P. M W sndllng T rains | Eastbnund mixed, at Springfield. 2325 J 9:16 A. M. Eugene and get resulta. 1. T. Loomis. J Westbound mixed, at SpringflaM experienced and perm anently located. 1:8t No. T w en ty-T h ree (23) in B lo m You are fu rth e r notified th a t said Goners, and that Mrs, W . Rose Is ! sued on the 8th day o f January, 19CS I I an aunt of said child and Is his next No T h irty T h ree (33) Io the Amended 824 P E A R L ST. , by the T a x Collector of the County of W . W B ranstetter faas paid the taxes Plat of Fairm ont, now a part of the of kin w ith in the State of Oregon Lane, State of Oregon, for the amount on said premises for p rior or subse- C ity of Eugene. In Lane County. O re­ and that she bas filed her w ritten op ($11.03, Eleven and 03-100 Dollors. quent years, w ith the rate of Inter- N O T IC E FO R P U B L IC A T IO N gon. consent to the adoption of Id child the same being the amount then due est on said amounts as follows: FOREST EXCHANG E by ‘said petitioners That said sale w ill take place at the No. 016802 AMOUNT RATH R E C E IP T NO. YEAR TAX D A T E P A ID N O W . T H E R E F O R E . I T IS O R D E R law office of A lta King. «2« M iner Departm ent of the Interio r. United 12% 91053 29407 Jan 8, 1926 2nd H 1922 E D that said i elitio n be heard before j Building. Eugene. Oregon. States Land Office. Roseburg, Ore­ 91892 12% 29597 1923 Jan 8. 1926 this Court in the County Court Room , gon. March 1’ 1927. 919.17 12% 28378 Jan. 8. 1926 1924 1'hla notice la published In The N t,T IC E Is hereby given th a t H e n ry In the Lane County Court House In ' 12% 918.46 30276 Jan 8. 1927 1925 KVrlngfield News, first publication be Eugene. Oregon, on the 14th day of | F Lewis, of 330 Sheridan Ave.. W’hlt- Ing March the 10(h. 1927. May. 192?. at ten o'clock In the fore­ . i Ina Indiana, filed application No. You are fu rth e r notified that said iI Oregon, for local improvements for A L IC E Me Pt V U?r.Hl, n * f ' 016802. under the Act of March 20. noon: and that notice of said hearing W. W . B ranstetter has paid all city prior o r subsequent years. w ith the the Person and Estate of Julian h. , g m t . 465, to Exchange the assessments levied on Raid property rate of interest on said amounts a« M ille r, A minor "■ s g u 8 W W . Sec. 29. N H N W 1« . N W U child by publication of a copy of this by the C ity o f Eugene. Lane Caunty, I1 follows: M 10-17-24-31: A 7: N E t t Sec 32. Tp 18S . Range 10 W est, j order once a week for three succes- RATH AMOUNT R E C E IP T NO. W. M w ithin the »luslaw N ational sfve weeks in The Springfield News. D A T E P A ID IM P R O V E M E N T 12% 9359 21 ' Forest for the tim b er on approximate-1 th»» last publication to be at least 4353 Sept. 20. 1926 Pavement I lv 2 30 acres on the SEt» N W U S E t» . 1 four weeks before the tim e herein ap- 9143.64 4567 12% Sidewalk Sept. 8. 1926 924066 12% Grading 4643 Sept 13, 1926 Sec 33 Tp 19 S.. Range 12 W eaL W . pointed for the said lo u rin g 4644 9 53.19 12% M w ithin the Slusluw National For- i Dated this 19th day of March. A. Sept. 13, 1926 Sewer l n - 1927 and costs against the land and prem i­ Said A. P. V a lin e as the owner of : T he purpose ot this notice Is to al C. P. B A R N A R D . County Judge Ulfllce Phone 43 Res. Phone 3 i low nil persons claim ing the lands State of Oregon. County of Lane. ss. the legal title of the above described ses above named. This summons is published by order selected, or having bona fide object- I. L. L. Ray. Attorney for the petl- property as the same appears on re ­ Carl H. Phetteplace, M. D. , Ions to such application, an opportun- ; tloners herein, do hereby ce rtify that cord. and each of the other persons of the Honorable C. P. Barnard, Judge General Practice, Special A ttention | tty to file th e ir protest w ith the reg , I have prepared the foregoing copy of above named are hereby fu rth e r noti­ of the County Court of the State of Io Obstetrics and Diseases ot chil­ j later of the United States Land Of- Order, and have carefully compared fied that W . W . B ranstetter w ill apply Oregon for the County of I-ane, and ! flee at Roseburg. Oregon Any such the same w ith the original thereof; to the C ircu it Court of the County and said order was made and dated thia dren protests or objections must be filed that it Is a correct transcript there­ State aforesaid for a decree foreclos­ 21st day of February, 1927 and the ing the lien against the property here­ date of the first publication o f thia First N ational Bunk Building 1 In this office w ithin th irty days from from and of the whole thereof. Dated this 19th day of M arch. A. D., in described, and mentioned in said summons is the 24th day of February, ' the date of the first publication of Springfield. Oregon certificate. And yog are hereby sum­ 1927 . this noltce. which first •publication ts | 1927 All processes and papers in thts L. U RA Y . Attorney for Petitioners. moned to appear w itnin sixty days M arch 17. 1927 a fte r the first publication of this sum­ orocccA'’-.-- r r y be served upon the M 24-31: A 7-14 R O B E R T E. C R A W F O R D , Atcing | mons. exclusive of the first publica­ undersigned residing w ith the State Register. Mr*. Arthur Sayles ' N O T IC E O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T tion. and defend this action nr pay the o f Oregon at the address hereafter Noncoal. mentioned. | N O T IC B IS H E R E B Y G IV E N : That amount due as a' ove shown, together Teacher of Piano M 17 24-31: A 7-14: S M IT H * E V A N S . Attorneys for the undersigned adm inistrator w ith w ith costs and accrued interest, and Plaintiff. Address 434-5-6 M iner Build­ the w ill annexed of the estate of B. H. in case o f your failu re to do so. a N O V IC E O F S H E R IF F 'S S A L E ON Deming, deceased, has filed In the 3ner»» w ill be rendered foreclosing ing, Eugene. Oregon Mrs. Leland Svarverud F 24: M 3 10-17-24-31: A 7 E X E C U T IO N IN F O R E C L O S U R E County Court of Ijin e County. Oregon, the lien o f said taxes and assessments Teacher of V’lolln Notice Is hereby given that by v ir­ his final acount as Riich adm inistrator tue of an execution and order of sale of said estate, and that the 11th day ■•X 132 - 7th St. E. I In foreclosure insue». out of the C ir­ r A pril. 1927. at ten o'clock A. M . of I This coupon and 25c entitle the undersigned cuit Court of Lane Clunty, Oregon, on said day has been fixed by the Court 4 to one 35c can of Acme Quality Enamel- Kote, the 23rd dnv of February, 1927. ln a as the tim e for hearing any objections any color, and a special 20c Paint Brush. suit wherein on the ISth day of Feb to said report and settlem ent thereof. F irs t publication of this notice be­ ruary. 1927. In said court Phlliaa Blais, GEO,. N, M cL E A N Nam e- i plaintiff, recovered Judgment against ing March 10th. 1927. Automobile, Firs and Life ROBERT W N IC H O L S O N - . . Ailmln I the defendants H enry (1. Young and „ . . --------------------- IN S U R A N C E Address.. 1 M arth a Belle Young for the sum of ¡gtrator w ith the w ill annexed. 9601 79. together w ith interest there A L T A K IN G . Attorney for Estate. Surety Bonds Phone 617 M 10-17-24-31: A 7: My business It to protect your 1 on at the rute of S per cent per an- j i nun, from the 18th day of February, i ---------------------------- business I 1927. nnd the fu rth e r sum of 975.00 N O T , CE O F H E A R IN G O F F IN A L T o acquaint you with Acme Quality, we are 863 W illa m e tte St. Eugene Oregon a tto rn ey ’s fefcs nnd t.u* tort tier sum ACCOUNT making a special offer for a short ti. le only. of 918.25 costs, which Judgment was Not|ce hereby fl|ven . T hat fhf> enrolled nnd docketed Jj, the C lerk s undersigned ad m in is tra trix of the office of said Court In said County on j eS( ate o( A lva A, Bonney, deceased, VAfeBY BROS. the 21st dny of February. 1927. and j)ns her account for the final said execution an:', order of sale to me Rettlen ,en t of the estate of the said Painting & Decorating directed comandlng me In the name a1vr a Bonney in the County Court T hi* tells you of a new discovery thousands of women are of the Stnlo of Oregon, In order to for lam e Countv in the State of O re­ making. I t is Enamel-Kote, the woodwork and furniture In all Its branches satisfy said judgm ent. Interest, at gon. and th a t Saturday the 16th dav finish with which dingy and dull things can be brought torneys fees, costs of suit unit accru of A pril, 1927. at the Court Room of 312 Main Street Ing costs to sell the follow ing des said Court In the County Court House. back to beauty in a fascinating, simple way. I crlhed ren’ propel tv. to -w lt: In Eugene, Oregon, at ten o'clock In Pay out no money for new furniture to replace old, until The En«L one eighth of the South the forenoon, .. _............................................................ has been by said Court west quarter nnd the W est h alf of the ! flxe,, ag Hie tim e artd place for hear- first you have made a trial and convinced yourself about DR. S. RALPH DIPPEL 1 Seuthesst c a r t e r c* Section Tw enty- i Ing objections thereto and for final Enamel-Kote. six Tow nship Nineteen " South of settlem ent of said estate. D E N T IS T E U N IC E H . H A T H A W A Y . Adm in­ Range cn e W est of the W illa m e tte I M eridian, eonlnlnlnz l’00 acres of land, istratrix. Phone 43 1 more ,«• W s . In Lane County. Oregon. L. L‘. RAY. Attorney for Estate F irst N a t'l Bank Bldg., Springfield Now ‘ herefore In the name of the i M 17-24-81: A 7-14: i Stale of Oregon, In compliance w ith j ____ aald execution nnd order of sale and j « f t t i FMFNT N O T IC E OF F IN A L SETTLEM ENT !~S u S I N ESS D IR E C T O R Y ! W. F. Walker Funeral Director 228 M ain St. «2 J F u ll Residence 126 C «M Auto Equipment Lady Assistant W M. G. HUGHES F IR E A N D A U T O IN S U R A N C E N O T A R Y P U B L IC O ffice at FIR ST NATIONAL BANK Sprl ngfis W.O r« " on DR. N. W. EMERY SPECIAL OFFER D E N T IS T Sutton Bldg. Residence Phons 20-J 153 M 55/ z/z/c. bL 2 5 / old surfaces R E N E W E D ! General Law Practice I. M. PETERSON Attorneyat-Law C ity H a ll Building Springfield. Ore. FRANK A. DE PUE A T T O R N E Y A T LA W NOTARY P U B L IC In order to snti«fy said Judgm ent, In Sutton Building Springfield, Oregon. M. G. HOGE Attorney-at-Law Practise U, S. and Slate Courts Eugene, Oregon SPRINGFIELD GRAVEL CO. All kinds of gravel for con­ crete or road work. We make a specialty of crushed rock and rock «and. Bunk­ ers at foot of Main on Mill street. HEN R Y W. CHASE, Prop. D. W . F co f JEW ELER Repairing a Specialty Springfield, Oregon 1 terns», h , A a ACME QUALITY Paint^Varnish ^E T T bE M K N i attorneys fees, cords of suit Estate »1 Bdwart’ ‘ I ahd accruing coats. 1 w ill on Saturday Notice Is hereby given th a t Ellen ‘»ml rinv <»f Anrll 19°7 ut the hour M. R I cf . A d m in is tra trix of tho estato I i ♦>«,» oi one o'eioek in ?he a tt^ u O o n ot said ' of Edward A. Rice, deceased, has fi.ed day, at the Southwest fro n t door of In the County Court of the State of the County Court House. In Engi ne, Oregon. In nnd for Lane County, her l.nne County. Oregon, offer for sale final report as such ad m in is tra trix and sell for cash, at public auction, and that ten o’clock In the forenoon subject to redemption as provided by of Monday, the 28th day of M arch, law, all of the right, title and Interest 1927, at tho Court room thereof, have of sniil deim dn nts H e n ry O. Young been, by the Court, fired and appoint and M arlha Belle Young, and all per- ed as the tim e and place for hearing ! ons claiming, by through or under objections to said report ar.d for the them or any or eith er of them In and final settlem ent of the estate of said sd I I to said premises. • E L L E N M R IC E , A d m in istratrix. F R A N K E. T A Y L O R , Sheriff A E. W H E E L E R . Attorney. of I,a n e County. Oregon. F 24: M 3-10-17-24 M 3-10-17-24-31 For over forty years, the best paint end varnish for every purpose has been Acme Quality. Before you buy any paint, come in and see us. We are here to serve you. i i | i | Wright & Son