T ill HB1U V MARCH 24, I98T_ PAGE SIX T H E SPRINGFIELD NEWS I A pretty garnish for salad I« mad-i 1 nf sharp flavored club eh»*»e rolled In ’ the shape of a carrot, with a »1*1« of («arsley at the J>lx and. Faying For Fun Literal Len Atka tru In load of plug If you sav. a trnlutoad tohaciai go try. would you call II a chew-chaw train T An Irishman waa In-fora a judge on Ihe phorge of heallltX hl» Wile The judge looherl down at him an I said "That will coal you exatlljr, IS 2b " N O T IC E A Fashionable Olssass ■ Ami please. Burr, phal la Ihe 20 WIIKRKAB In chapter IJ7. general Prof Kver ha I P sychology* law« of Oregon, enacted In 1919. It la cent* for?" Stitde No. only acarlel fever and declared Io be Ihe duly of every per- “Pedeial tax on ainu»«nienla’’ , sou. firm, copartnership, company and n r o t n it it u j coi (Miration owning, leasing, occupy- . lag. possessing pr having charge of or HM M BHn dominion over any laqd. placa. build lag. struclure. wharf, pier or dock I which Is Infested with groufid »qulr- I rels and other noxious rodents or predatory animal», or as »non as the presence of the same shall come Io his. their . f It« knowledge, at once to proceed and to continue In good to. We are a plain people who walk We r. ma eo In silence for a mom faith to exterm inate and destroy such W H A T HAS GONE BEFO RE rodent» tty poisoning, trapping or in the way of ihe Lord. tor that la ; ent »hlle he wailed. Prov.wa appropriate and effective Say. Mister," he blurted suddenly. other commanded.'' It 1» IMS and the Pacific Railron.l mean»: aud T M t V H I V Í R 5 A I CAR "kin yu shoot ?' has reached Its newest “farthest "I ask nothing better, sir." 1 an WHKltKAB gray digger ground “I presume I could If I had to. squirrels It'ltellu» douglaslll are nox- west"— Benton. Wyoming, a town dea- »wered. Why?" loua rodent« in lame County. Oregon cribed as "roAring." as each new ter­ The pork and beans and Ihe black Now. therefore, all of such persons, "Becux I'm the dangest best shot minus. temporarily was. unsweetened coffee evidently were with a Colt's In this hyar train An* d*™"’ copartnership», corporations Frank Beeaon. a young man from what I needed, for I begun to men I and companies owning or having i.nu- dominion over over lanu land in In *am aaid lame Albany- New York, cornea boenuse he wonderfully ere I w as half through time yu want to try a little pippin d„mtnion yu let me «now " Aud with thia, he i c liun(y. Oregon, are hereby required Is in search of health and Benton ’«f the course. left me with the uneasy Impression to take steps to exterminate said considered high and dry." - ..Y<>u , he Ka„ , traBger.- (hat he and I » ere due to measure giay digger ground squirrels (Cltellua Edna Monteyo. a fellow passenger _____ . v another douglaslll within thirty days from the flr„ publication of thia on the train from Omaha, impresses 4 ( arrived in Benton only strength In one way or anotner Ves You can't gat gomathing for nothing. c a t son enae w s ith t the b o beauty K a lU llfw of her ha»r h ill* * o'clock with notice. If such steps are not taken, a lee wtth blue ADOU, , u, rr --------- ----- whips .............................................. About three ves and Ihe style of her a p p a r e l./M ,*nU y fc| . J a c k i n ng g . the the the Captain Captain Adam, aaam s wagon person or P * ^ “a • ’ gs.latml b* w,,, Imitation Ford Part« ara chaap bacauaa thay ara mad» from Squally She astonished him by taking "A Sod®m h«- Fr®’rled harshly. A _ f i(w j „unbonneU county court of ““« /J » « » on in the lead I two pink sunhonn. Is up, , , | j |ands and proceed to Imparfact patterns with poor material. smile of brandv before breakfast . And „ repukher . „ , It . will _ perish „ „ „ upon the seat), the valorous D an iels rXteI.mtnatr »aid gray digger ground 1 t*u F°u y °u d® W ''U ,o leaye “ • y U neX, we (oiled creaking and swaying squirrels (Cltellua douglaslll and the A hrakeman tells Beeson she has Genuine Ford Part« ooat a few cents more because they are d® w*11 to ’,®lt* y®“ "«1» ,he , he Renton road, amidst Ihe eddies cost of said extermination will ba “followed her man to Benton made from the finest steal and tested exactly aa western ruffian P®“^ ®« « “ • r» ‘h" ,h« ’ tay J hnt a d d in g dns. • j L ’ L “ said ' 1 , lands ..¿ a t levied « against Jim, a typical .......... - of hot. scalding dust __ The county agricultural agent here were the original parta in your car. whom she knows apparently weU In «» ’“at sin pit of the eternally damn It was a mixed train, of OettflTé by designates Monday. April 4th. aa a day to be known aa "squirrel poison­ Beware of imitation«. Thay may injure your car. Thay su it, her sad I. floored by Frank «|r ” said I “I did m ule, and the more numerous Mor w h ^ e prowess im presses the passen “ aB, mon oxen; therefor. not strictly a ing day“ throughout the aald laine may even endanger life and limb. County, and It la hereby recommended Brady But I had no, known when 1 . u t e ! j " h u ir « t o . but by pace designated that poisoned barley, aa prepared bv Get the Genuine Ford Parta and hava authorized Ford deal­ Col Lunderson and “Bill" the undersigned and representatlvea «'«’f the of * — Biological - BurwaJ - 'ogteat Surrey of -• volunteer to entertain young Beeson from Omaha ' ers Service your car. Be safe "Poastbly not." Adams assented Trudging manfully at the lert tor United States Department of _____ Frank avoids being caught by any fh . n..m»ro»s eamhlinr eames Sni "The devil Is attentive: he Is pr-s Wheel behind Mr. Jenks four span Agrlcultur< . . ------ a .... be .— used for the ---------- purpose of the numerous £&raolin£ games, out ., . . » » #>»«* ra*aniatcr—al of such extermination Such potaoned mMwwt of .11 h i. money ln <“• »«»M®«*- »nd “* W,H r,d* of mul** 1 P’“yed ,h* te,IU — -------- ------------------- ------ - ™ ¿ e s o n . r a i n 1» <“<** « ' d*d !*>•<*• *Ten “» ,hoU’ h *°°,h lh’ W TO., y "'t”" l - L ™ At the Big Tent Beeson again , , , .. . . that road at deralgned at h l. office In Eugene, meets the Lady of the Blue Eves. At Jordan but he shall not cross In of play in * • (.ane c „un(y Oregon at approxlmate- "Monte ' someone turns up t he com e- ,he n*me ot ,he L®"1 * * 4h*U U r* , ,h “ ‘ Un,,! of *he * > ly the cost of preparation of the winning Queen of Hearts an l bin, What good there shall come. ■ A, sundown. having ealen our s u e lM, first pub»«,,Don of this n> Beeson, his whole »22 bet on IL turns ’ ball abide; but the evil shall w ---------- ither pqyi ja, W sitting by Authorized Ford Sales and Service w e v were ** » • w ------ ----- —w our Are., tlce March 10th. 19.. I Signed I O S FLBTCHBR. the card—which Instead of being the NoL~ he added, “that we ..f n .l Rm()Utng . nd talking, when, as a con County Agricultural A gent Queen is the Eight of Clubs against the railroad. It Is need-d. str«ctlon train of box cart clanked by M 10-17 24 Montoyo. the gambler at “Monte" sad h*re P«““ “ «ned ^ ’hout being on the r,(lroad I chanced K, note « feet Kw by »b the u help of the Almighty a wi man yonder in hrlt -h -a an she Duly a loader-on for Montoyo. God Frankropulses Edna when she begs A‘ thls juncture, a tall double-joint- 'laows to come on. She's lookin' for him to go awav with her. sobbinglv '*d ^outh of about my age. carrying Mister Jenks.” In a storm of rude haillery—“That's tell’ng him that she had made a ml*- I • » ®x *®ad ln hl* h ,nd ’ tro,le'1 to u’’ a boas on yon. Georg*! ’ “Dldn t take in letting him lose his money • • if ««racU d by the harr.ngue ___ — captvld —r- 1 “My son Daniel..“ the In know you owned one o' them critters. He goes to take a Job with This stranger travels to George**’ and so forth— my friend George Jinks, a teamster in a troduced Jenks arose, peering, while the soli wagon train about to leave for Salt The youth had the grlo of x vise. tary flgure. braving our stares, cam - Lake City and seemed to enjoy emphasizing It on | 0 the fires. while cunningly watching my fact. p Gawd A lm ighty!” Mr. Jenks de- CHAPTER VII. ’’Hawdy.' he drawled Hvered I left soon to Join Jenks' wagon and r was My I^dy—formerly My Lady W estw ard H o. as 1 | passed passen Rachel, ixacnei. she sne glanced siam i-u quick- quiva- —,.|ad —clad (n in embroidered emoroiuereu short »..-.i-. Spanish — ;■ as My new boots were burning, my ly up. I caught her eyes with a blusn jackeL lightish velvet pantaloons. ,I :hlgh was chafed raw from the sway- She was indeed wholesome If not ab- booted booted to to the the knees, knees, pulled pulled down down upon upon I . . . . f her yellow .. a hair s_ a 1.1— black soft ban* hat. am, and I I ing Colt, and my face and throat solutely pretty. hanging trow from the invested sere parched with the dust, when I “Wall, those Mormons are good nanging m* Just ju—-«»-— •— - belt irrived at the encampment of Jenk s providers." Jenks commented. "They, j around her waist, a revolver trifle a-ain. 11 share with you whatever they- have ghe paused, small and alone, vlew- Some dozen white topped wagons for no pay. but If you rub em the |ng her eyes very blue, her face were standing grouped in a circle and wrong way or go to dickerin’ with very white. Ignres were busily moving among '™ they're closer n the hide on a - « (, Mr Jenks there* she hailed hem, and the thin blue smoke of their coM You didn't make sheep's dearly. Ires was a welcoming signal. eyes at any of the women’ " j “Damn- If I ain't." he mumbled. "However. I could not help but see glowering at me ■ l u a ’ is v - x i women wjiut-u dim Ill*" .--w — ---------------- I marked and 1.1111(11^11. children The 'I wish to engage passage to Salt hole prosepet—they, the breakfast that the Captain s daughter Is pleas- AN EVENT THAT CELEBRATE8 ONE YEAR OF ACCOMPLISHMENT BY TH E J. C. Lake.” she said imoke. the grazing animals, the stout ing to look upon, "We haven’t no place for a woman. I rehicles. a line of washed clothing— “How? His daughter? BRILL STORE (BUT T H E POUNDING OK THIS GREAT EMPORIUM DATES BACK ma'am." Jenks demurred. »as homey. Jenks him self came out "Miss Rachael. "There are other women In the I jo meet me. "Whoa, man! She’s his wife, and SOME 19 YEARS FORMERLY KNOWN AS SCHAEFERS BROS. AND BY OTHERS "Hooray- Here you are." he said. n°t 7®r Gentiles. They re both his train." Edna Insisted FAMILIARLY KNOWN AS AX BILLY’S). wives; whether he has more In Utah ■ •W here« Pedro? W here» Monto- You fetched all your ontfit?'1 "What you see," I confessed. "They I don't know. Bpt you d best let her yoT ’ asked Jenks. Her eyes blazed. tripped me clean.” alone. She's been J’ined.to him.” "He? That snake? I «hot his!" "Wall, all you need is a blanket. This took me all aback. He was ..c. age. apparently ........ , "What! You Killed him?" Exclam i| Fou can pay for it out of your wages tw ice her And Daniel, his son—1» he mar- atlons broke from the bystanders )r turn it In at the eDd of the trip. od?” i “No, I didn’t have to! But when h ' He conducted me on. along the ried “That whelp? No. he ain't married tried to abuse me, I defended myself | rronps and flies and bedding outside __NOW we are to celebrate the Birthday of thin business triarking another milestone In he wagon circle, and halted where a yet. But he will be. soon as he takes Wasn't that right, gentlem en?" th a t progreaa which you by your splendid co-operatiSn have helped to m ake possible. “Right or wrong, he'll be after you [ leavy man. of face smooth-shaven, ex- his pick 'cordin’ to law and gospel —The achievem ents of the past, are the stepping stones of the future a spur to stim u­ won’t he?’’ :ept chin, sat upon a wagon-tongue, among them people. You bet you. The question held a note of alarm. , whittling a stick. h e ll be married plenty." late our am bitions tow ards building a busine ss that Is “never completed but ever com ­ “I am only an employee, here, •'Shake hands with Cap, n Hyrum L&ter In the day as I sat resting pleting” a better service and quality for you. ‘ wagon-tongue madam," I faltered "If I had an out* Adams. Frank. He’s the boss of the upon a convenient fit of my own I certainly would he’p - One week of rem arkable m erchandising will, we hope, serve to m ake new friends and Daniel hulked to me. train." “You know me?" he asked. you." - fu rth er entrench this store In the good will and confidence of Eugene ami Lane County. Captain Adams offered a thick hand She flush« d painfully’: she did not | “Your name Is Daniel, isn't it?” rhiih proved singularly soft and flat- __It ¡; fitting, Indeed, to devote a few words of gratitude We are grateful Io our many "No, ’taln’t. It’s Ronn'.e Bravo on glance at me direct again, but her ilent under the callonses. unspoken thanks enfolded me. friends whose Invaluable good will lias made it possible in becoming the largest depart­ "Glad to meet you. stranger,'’ he the trail.” The large form of Captain Adams "All right, sir," said I. "Which- icknowledged. "Breakfasted? m ent r>tore In Ihe stale outside of Portland. came striding. "Not yet. sir I nvas anxious t3 Y®u prefer." __Wp want to give the many shoppers a tangible proof of our gratitude and the best, way ’’What's this?” he demanded harsh­ "I la o w you aim to go through with ■each the train ’ ly. "An ungodly woman? Get you of showing this by celebrating our FIRST Anniversary with greater values than ever, "Nobody goes hungry from the l-his train to Salt Lake, do you? idams wagon, stranger.” Captain "That’s the engagement I ve made gone, D elilah!’’ and we hope to have the pleasure of your attendance. "I am going!, sir," she replied. "I idams observed. He slightly raised with Mr. Jenks.” ils voice, premptory. "Rachael! "It’s four hundred mile, an’ twenty ask nothing from you or thes,^— ’etch our guest some breakfast." mile at a stretch, without water. Most gentlemen.” There were two women in view, »he water's plzen, too. from hyar to "Them's the two she's after, paw; msled with domestic litres One was the mountings. ' Jenks an that greenle, Daniel Iderly as far as might be Judged b y; "HI have to drink what the rest j ed. "Ain’t she purty, though S ties ler somewhat slatternly flgure. | drink. I suppose." | dressed In britches m e oiuwr »us*» food "I 1»®w the Injun« are like to get J "Get you gone,’ Captain Adam» The Other' prwupny promptly ladled •om a kettle to a platter, poured k ' us They’re powerful bad ln that thar thundered. "And th«,»e your para- n cupful of coffee from the pot. and j desert. Ain't «feared o Injuns, be | mour» with you. No braen hussy In ,, .m en's garments shell travel with this TO EACH ADULT ATTENDING OUR ANNIVERSARY SALE ON TH E OPENING ore them to me; her eyes down, shy-1 yu?’ “I'll have to take my chance» on train to Zion—no, not a mile of the handed them. DAY, FRIDAY MARCH 26TH, WE WILL GIVE FREE A BOX OF •way." thanked her but was not present- ' that, too! (T O BE C O N T IN U E D ) We don't think much o' Gentllez, To th f Captain’» "That will do, :a«hel.’’ she turned dutifully away: yonder. We don't want ’em, nohaow. Contrast In flavor Is Important In a ot so soon, however, but that T had They'd all better git aout. The Salats meal. Don't repeat the same flavor een a fre»h young face -within the settled that country an' It'» ourn." "If you’re a snmple, you're welcome too often. For Instance, even though online»—a round foay face according ■we liked tomatoes, we would not >■ «ell with the buxom curves of her as to live there,” I retorted. "I think relish a meal commencing with toma- l| I’d prefer some place else." he again bent over the washboard. "Haow*" he bleated. "Thar ain't no to soup, followed by tomato sauce on "OUT fare Is that of the tents of M-nham. stranger." spoke the Cap-j place as good All the rest Ihe world the meat, or stewed tomatoes and fresh sliced- tomato salad. In "Such as it Is. you are welcome I has sold Itself to the dwvll." S fo tte i IMITATION FORD HARTS D on’t Last E. R.. Danner Motor Co. Friday, March 25th, Marks the Beginning of One Week of Remarkable Value-Giving in Order that We May Fittingly Celebrate (J. C. Brill Stores) Eugene’s Largest Department Store’s 19th Anniversary Sale OUR MESSAGE FREE SOUVENIR DELICIOUS CHOCOLATES /