- ’ -.« roux THURSDAY MARCII 24. 1#27 THE SPR IN G Piraj) NEWS Lane County Farmers Union News O F F IC IA L CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR CHAMBER SECRETARIES AT UNIVERSITY MEETING PLAN COUNTY MEET P U B L IC A T IO N lank CO UNTV U N IT h o . h Sans Chairman, Radio Board Meets Acw • • FARMERS UNION TO CLOSE STORE HERE HOME REMINDERS (O . A . C H o m e E conom ies * The members of the Pleasant Hill University of Oregon. Eugene,. Ore.. The Hprlnfidd «tore of the Kurmrr« • S cho ol) • Federal Commission Christian Endeavor are busy prepar­ March 14.— I ¡Special t—Secretaries re­ V illo n W areh o u se counany pro ban!* • • • • • • • • • • < ing for the annual C. K. County Con presenting chambers of commerce all will be cloned within (tie tick! few vention whirh will be held at Pleas over'the slate ate gathered this week I Keeping an Iron hot to press tic (lava, am will all 'the wtorea In tho ant Hill March 25 • 27 Although the at Eugene for the seventh annual . seams of folds as you sew gives the county town« aave that at t'ottaga , urtlt l> when llllislied a belter appear Grove. U(’»(»rdin< to K K Morrilton, program Is not complete past of it can Short Course for t'omerclal Secretar­ ance. la- given out at this time. , les which is held under the auspice* manager, who Minted that th« coin Theme—Being Fruitful of the Stale Association of Conuner- I Equal parts of raw chopped spinach patty plan« to concentrate tta bual* 6 d spinueh uud mushrooms. Dallas Rice. has been active in stale development been too Mcattered over the county. On Saturday at 8 P. M the hanqueet movements in both Idlho and Mon A teaspaxtnful o f v in e g a r put Into w ill be held at the Hartien home tana the W ater when pnaehlug eggs pre­ MARTIN ANDERSON IS nnder the snprevision of Mrs. Jesse Mr. Harader. in his lectures before OitatZiZJ'-i vents th e ir b re a k in g NEW COUNTY OFFICER Carruthers and Miss Mary Harden. the secretaries during the sessions of Although Admiral \t H. M. Bullard, U.S.N., retired, chair-uan ot Sunday noon a basket dinner will the first two days, emphasized the im the newly created Radio Commission under the Department 'I Com­ Common brown manila paper ale Following Hi« rodgiialIon of t'nnntv he held at the church. The.members portance of chambers of commerce at merce, is in China, he called this first m eeting of the new board '«y sorti* fat from fri«-«l takes, potatoes Uominlwsiotu'r 11 E t ’mwe, the county of the church are asked to bring tending to the producing end of -the radio to meet io W ashington last week. From left to right they are: and croqiietto« court -»day arpolnird Martin baskets. ■) li. t'alijw-ell. New \ ork; Eugene O. Sykes, M ississippi; John F. Industries In their communities, ex­ Anderson. Cottage drove, to th« post Dillon, California; and H. A. Bellows, Minnesota. Everyone is invited to these meet tending their activities to include pro- , S tin kin g nial erial In so u r m ilk o r (ton Mr. Anderson ha" been engaged togs. blems of agriculture and marketing in butter milk remove« m ild e w . In lb« lumber bu»ln»»a 111 Luno county order to insure healthy trade condi­ for many years, and la wall known S ta r tin g th e C a lf tions within the towns. Inferi Ih* agga b o ug ht fo r p re s e rv a ­ throughout Ibc county. Paul Clagstone. manager of th" A 50-pcund calf at birth should have tion will keep longer than fertile e«gw Commissioner Crowe's resignation Division. United States abont 3 pounds or a gallon of milk a Western By S pecial under adverse condition«. They con­ was the result of InauRlrlent salary. day. ami one weighing 80 to 90 pounds Chamber of Commerce, with head- C orre sp o n d en ts tain no developed germ, ere «low to he «mid In hl« «tateniept to the count* about a gallon and a half. It is better quarters in San Francisco, is givinu decay and coal no more than fertll« court lie ha» been offered a belter to give too little at the start than too a series of lectures on work of th» egg«. imi vine position. much. Feed the milk at the sam e national organization, with suggest- I UPPER WILLAMETTE THURSTON temperature—about 90 degrees—all ions as to how the local organizations W A N T E D IN F O R M A T IO N 4-L PLANS TO ELECT AT the time. , may cooperate with the larger groups ‘•('yftone Sally'' the Seulor play The laid Its Aid met with Mrs. John MEETING MONDAY NIGHT o fa d d r e s s of Jessie 3 r llcrin iru cc. ------------------------ , in the work of developing the whole given by the seniors of the Pleasant Edmiston last Thursday. Plans were W a te rin g Cow s E ffe cts M ilk Pacific Coast. ! who at one time lived ia Springfield, Hill high school was a success from mad« to put on a pie social and pro­ Election of officers will be a feature i Address K W S palding. M e tro p o lita n Cones watered once a day drink less 1 t)ne ° f lb<* features of this year s every viewpoint. The gymnasium gram in tin» near future of the meeting of th« la>yal la*gion of ! Bank Building. Waslilni ton. t> U. and produce less than those watered short course session is the carrying was packed The audience which was Roy Edmiston Is making plans to Loggers and Lumbermen to ba held at out of the program adopted last year very appreciative was kept laughing twice a day or at will. In expert build a new house in the near future the W. O. W hall Monday night W ments by the United S tite s Depart of having comm ittees make reporta ; a„,| the receipts, with the money MILLINERY M. J McKlln from Hprlngfield will be D Smith, field officer of the organize on investigations carried on for a year taken In on candy, brought In over Stent of Agriculture, those watered W E S T E R N |6 .0 0 H A T CO. tlon. will he present and speak the contractor. twice a day drank as much but pro- on such matters as agriculture and »lo o. Part of this money goes to the A boys' band of Eugene will play Third fit »or of Miner Building. Eu­ student body fund the ____ rest _ toward the duced less than those watered at will. , marketing, industrial development, ------------— , ________ The high school 1» putting on the and light refreshments are tn be ser­ gene Quality and Style equal to bats The maximum difference In product 'and settlem ent, membership and bud- h^nior graduating expenses Junior and Senior play at the Thurs­ ved. A board meeting to be held next usually priced double our price of Ion. between watering once a dav and **ts- tbe unpaid secretary, and city ton hall next Friday evening month will be considered. »5 00 M 1U Every character was well portrayed. at will was about 5 per c e n t The planning. Junior Sunday School class At the Monday afternoon session. <*»• wa* ful1 of «ction Cyclone higher the production the greater the benefit to be derived from frequent E. C. Reynolds, of La Grande, gave Sally could not be criticized but spec gave Nathalie Edmlstuh a surprise the report of the membership commlt- lal mention should be made of Miss party last Friday evening It being her watering. j tee; and Tuesday C. A. Brodersen. of Minnie Olson who took the part of birthday. F o rm e r R esid en t H e re — R aym on d ! F o re s t G rove, gave bis committee s In the young Englishman and Miss Mari« Mr. and Mrs Paul Robley from Yarns, son of Rev. I. D. Yarns, pastor vestigatfons In connection with the Ketauy who displayed skill in acting North of Springfield were In Thurs Of the Springfield Methodist church ‘unpaid secretary.” H e recommend­ the hired man. The audience was as ton last Sun,lay. three years ago. is spending the week ed that some method of informing th- sured of fun when they entered the | Cecil Harblt had the misfortune to ) here visiting old friends. He Is now secretaries throughtout the state of i st“ K*' and many a Joke that could not action that might prove helpful to the Peoettato the head of the English <*•( something in his eye while work a t t e n d i n g W illamette Unlversitv While here he is staying at the S S i 8ta,e as a ’ ho1’ be ad<>I*-’d ,lan,ly h'™ *’” for,h "bo“ t» of '““«h ln|? ln ,he lo««°n« ‘ “"»P » « • I . Having purchased the Sutton (rutiFfer biialnena of K. P o tte r residence , Dnr,nlt this week visiting s e c r e ta r - I ler irom Uit ‘-load. The p ity aas » h k u a causing him a great deal of ___ '____________ 1 ies will receive instruction In public *lven both Friday and Saturdc distress (}. Sutton of thia city, I reaped fully aolicit the good will und N O T IC E O F H E A R IN G O F F I N A L s p e a k in g fro m H . E. Rosson. member nights. The gymnasium with its ne Mr and Mrs. Curtis Price, Perry HUp|M>rt of hin m any frlenda and cuMoiuertt. stag« and electric foot lights made Price and Jay Grant who are attrnd- of the University fatuity. ACCOUNT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That j Irving E. Vining president of the I the play mu» h m o re e n jo y a b le i > g O. A. c. at Corvallis returned to I have eHtahllnhed an office at the Service Garage 63.1 the undersigned. Joint executors of 8 tate Chamber of Commerce. W G their h* ni»-s here Tuesday evening About 15 young folks gathered at the Last Will and Testament of estam ent of secretary of the State Chamber to spend the Spring vacation. George Sanderson, deceased, have Main street. the home of Mr. und Mrs. E E. Kll filed their account for the final settle­ of Commerce, and Arthur Foster, of Patrick Saturday night to help Miss Misses .Miller ana Gregory from ment of the estate of the said George the Portland organization, are among Verna Wylie celebrata her bl.tliday Monmouth arc spending the spring Sanderson in the County Court of those enrolled for the course. Miss Shirley Wylie a Bister of Mrs. | vacation with Miss Marjory Grant. Lane County in the State of Oregon, and that Saturday the 23rd day o f . Kilpatrick and Miss Verna were here who returned home Wednesday 11 I April. 1927 at the Court Room of said I GARDEN WAY I for th«- occasion. spend vacation here. Court in the Countv Court House in i Miss Hazel Edmiston, who is at- I Eugene. Oregon, at ten o ’clock In the J The P. T. A. sponsored a delightfi,) Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Hays were forenoon has been by said Court fixed WILLIS HERTSCII. Prop. as the time and place of hearing ob­ party at the F. B. Chase home dur­ Pleasant Hill visitors the past week tending Normal at Ashland returned 633 Main St. Rea. Phone 160 home Wednesday «evening to spend ing the week-end. Rook and other end. jections thereto an»I for final settle ment of said estate. games were played after which re \fr and Mrs. Ed Miller have finish vacation here FIRST NATIONAL BANK. Eugene. freshm ents were served. About 45 ed the concrete foundation for their Miss FloaaJe Hnrrineton from Mon­ Oregon. mouth Is spending a few »lavs with I- people enjoyed the pleasant event anil new home at Pleasant HUI MARY FRANCIS LONG. »11 50 was realized for the p. T. A Mr and Mrs E. E. Kilpatrick ami her sister, Mrs Win. Henson. Executors. Miss .Maude Russell, who Is attend L. L. RAY. Attorney for Estate. treasury. i family motored to Mill City Sundav M 24-31: A 7-14 21 The last m eeting of the Sunshine taking Miss Shirley Wylie to her Ing Normal at Monmouth, Is spending vacation with home folks. . Club was held at the home of Mrs. home there. R ohs Mathews and daughter, Jose- • Homer Chase. After a business meet- The "Thrifty Thirteen” cooking • ing the afternoon was spent with club under the leadership of Mrs Kll ph,ne- from ,,,- a"“n» TIME AND PLACE OF "Pcnf the • fancy work and visiting. Refresh- Patrick have Io-gun their work and WP, k , nd ln Thurston LOCAL MEETINGS Mrs. Rriggs from Canada spent the 1 Canary—First Wednesday, Third • ments were served and the following the fam ilies o’ the young cook to l„ • Saturday, Farmers Union Hall. were present: Mrs. W H. Anderson, have been enjoying toast, buttered. week-gnd with her brother Herbert ; »42 Willamette St.. Eugene, Oregon. • Cloverdale— Second and Fourth • Mrs. Frank Bailey, Mrs. E. Chase, creamed' or french fried, during the Weiss. Mrs Harvey Hadley from Hadley ' • Fridays. Cloverdale School House. • Mrs. II. L. Chase. Mrs Marvin Chuse. The club met Tuesday after- • Creswell—First and Third Tues- • Mrs. I. ( line, Mrs. E. A. Cole. Mrs j noon to turn In their reports. vllle spent the w eekend with her • days. Creswell. M. W. of A Hall. • Lester Cyr. Mrs W R. Hardle Mrs. ( Mr and Mrs. Clyde ' Nell and fan» mother, Mrs. Taylor Needham. Mrs. Jennie Edmiston from Eugene ' • Coast Fork—Second and Fourth • George P. Harrington. Mrs. W. I. Uy of Creswell visited at Pleasant is spending a few days this week ! • Thursdays, Farm Union Hall. • Pengra, Mrs. H. E. Wylie, Mrs. Fred HUI Sunday. Danebo— First Tuesday, Danebe ’ Cline. Mrs. Gene Chase, Mrs. Wilbur Spring beauties, violets, Johnnie- visiting relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. O. A. McMahon spent • School House. • Cook and Mrs. Homer Chase. The Jump-ups and thp earlv wild shrib Novelty Is ths keyword I Mixtures of Dorena— Second and Foutb Tues a next m eeting will be with Mrs W. J bery are bursting Into bloom with th Sunday wl,b Mr »"<• Mrs. John Endl- different detigns, con* • days, Dorena Cburoh. a | Pengra. |a„{ ^avs of Spring. i cott. tra ilin g hands of ma* Mrs. (7. H Wangelln, mother of Rev. Harry Benton from Eugene ac- • Hadleyvllle — First and Third • t Alma Fish spent the w eekend with terfal lor trimming, • Thursdays. Hadleyvllle School. • ¡her friend, Elma Landsberry o f Mrs. E. B. Tinker, is suffering from com ran,’,d by Mr" Benton 9 -1 her novel pocket treat­ ments and u n i q u e • Heceta— First Sunday of each • Springfield. an attack of the flu accompanied with mo,hpr werP Sunday guests of Ray sleeves. • month, Heceta School House. • Mr- ’ "t* Mr" Howard Truman re- , neuralgia in the head Baugh. Rev Benton preached both Jasper—Second and Fourth Wed- • c®"( arrivals from Fresno, California, ! A get-together meeting which Is to tnornlng and evening here In Rev. Twills and Poiret- • oeadays, W. O. W. Hall, Jasper. • ! were *«««<• the •» R Fish family Include every resident of Pleasant ! T ,in ,e r‘s place, riho went to Oakland, theen Fashion • Lorane— Second and Fourth • Saturday and Sunday. HUI Is being planned by the Pleasant Oregon. Dressy Models Mrs. Ray Baugh aiten'led a meet­ Local talent of the W illeglllesple Hill Christian church ’or April. W. • Wednesdays. 1. O. O. F. Hall. • Smooth finiah ma­ ing of the County Bible school officers school will put on a play ln district A. Elkins appointed JHrs. Swift, Mr«. • Mt. Vernon—First and Third • terials with trimmings • Wednesday. Brasr.eM Store. • 140. Friday evening at 7:46. Admis­ Tinker and Mrs. I^Upatrlck on the in Hprlngfield last Hunriay afternoon of fur for d ren occa­ Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Jackson and sions— a I e e v e a are • Silk Creek Meet» First and Third • sion will be charged and the proceeds general committed ' * sons, Lawrence and Byron, from Eu- elaborately embroid­ ( .1, • Thursday at Cedar School House • will go to the P. T. A. reasury. ered, a o m e t i m e a in rune drove out to Thurston last Sun Richard Maxwell missed school on • Spencer Creek—Third Friday. • metallic thrrada. The C o n ce rn in g Bese day and visited at Jofin Edmlaton s • Pine Grove School House. • account of infection In hla hand ^rice ia unbelievably Herbert Platt from Deerhorn la • Trent—Second and Fourth Wed- • There was a young flapper named helping his brother. Walter, a few N e w P o w e r M a n H e re • neadays Pleasant HUI High • State (nr Wnnaen, Missen Bess, day» with his farm ing • School Bldg. • and Jsatar Misses W, K. Barnell, recently manager of Who looked a little different from the The teachers training class met at • Secretaries will please send ia • the Mountain States Power campany’a rest; John Edmlston'a last Thursday even­ • time and place of m eeting and • properties at Independence, is here to Her eyca were crossed ing. • changes of date as they may vc- • lake the place left vacant by the re­ While her teeth were false. e l movel to Corvallis o f William Darling, But she was popular for I wo good CALL AND BEE Dr. Nt W. Emery • formerly local manager. reasons—1 guess! on prices oc pisto and other work, tf Community News ANNOUNCEM ENT Springfield Transfer New Coats Are Different! Fancy Mixture« for Sport wear $ 1 4 .7 5 ♦