b icejeautyi iy 40 INTO THE MIND OF MAN the m o re a woman Is to wilt the mere the man pursues her. anti the Ktttxl pel- murp „ w„„,„n throws herself st a h e r h im Hie more adroitly he dodged her Mho loVOF Iturlng the period of courtship the mrv h o It e It I I t e II Itfllt l d if fe r e n t ’ f o r it t e r - M h e a r t In •1'Vnlllf II ‘ . * ,hln* "'•* " ,,f m,,re ,m ‘M’rU n*'‘' *° hlni ,h “ n Mtythlng else In the world (h) (|f m(B)| <>f K|r, ||0 It’« a wonderful, Sentimental adventure, and he follows all her moods, When she Is coy nnd dllflt ult ** arouses ull his sporting Instinct, anil when he succeeds In taking her llllt r r lft l PAUK THREW THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS THURSDAY MARCH 24 1927 u fro m h(g r(VBll, Bnd love*. ■<■ that he will be free to give his undivided attention to hts work. For that reason. the tactic« that won n woman a husband will not serve to hold him. nnd the wife wh > tries to pique her husband's Interest In her by her Indifference Is more apt to land In a divorce court than to streiiglhvn her position In the man's heart. For tnen do. not want Io be kept guessing about their wives. They want to l>e sure of them The emun ■who 1« married to a woman who keeps him In constant doubt of her affection, and keeps him on the verge of a nervous breakdown with Jealous- I les and doubts and suspicions d o »« | not think he has drawn much of a prise In the matrimonial gamble On 1 the contrary, he Is likely to think ho Mrs. Coolidge Hikes ----------NATIONAL- — Beating Doe» Not Clean But Injures Your Rugs. 0 LET UH CLEAN AND SIZE THEM AT A LOW RATE WE CLEAN AND SIZE A 9 x 12 TOR $3.50 FLUFF RUG CO „ „ a lly ItlXiotlH 111 surrenders to him. he Is thrilled with v e. P le a « « H sense of being a conquering. Irrea- Istlhle hero ('. A, Hut marriage la a different story rd love utt altogether, A man expects the can­ on his wed lure to end the ehaae. and he dVtesn I know that befóte marriage difficult a woman la to win the man promises her, ami AFTER HIGH SCHOOL WHAT? A high school education plug a EUGENE BUSINESS COL­ LEGE training ,will put you far along on the highway of HucoeM. Aak For Our Catalog IT S A GOOD SCHOOL AND IS IN 8BH8I0N ALL THRU THE SUMMER. EUGENE BUSINESS COLLEGE » Phone 666 A. E. Roberta, President 992 Willamette Street Eugene, Oregon Buying for many stores in Oregon, Washington and California makes our prices lower. possibly have upon him. Many a man who has made an unsuitable marriage with a woman with whom he had no real companlonahlp. and many a man wtto has outgrown the woman he married tn hla youth, a kept faithful to her by the knowledge of her devotion to him. for few hus­ bands are heartless enough to hurt a wife who worships him. or leave the woman whoao whole life la bound up In him. Nor Is there any allure of mind or person that appeal« to a man ao much as Just the certainty of a wife's love amt the knowledge that If all the world turned sgatnat him. ahe would still remain loyal and true. GO SLOW MARY" TO BE PRESENTED ON FRIDAY W f .G ivf SPECIALS fAwSooe.»vwgl on.Used Phonographs Edison with Victor attachment guaranteed to be in first class condition. Price with terms of desired The President' started it— these Now Mrs. Coolidge la showing the way in Washing­ ton's spring sunshine and ahe may be seen often on little shopping jaunts — for Easter toggery— just a few weeks away, April 17. spring hikes. Fair Enough Jle—Would yon like to go to dance with a good looking man’ She— Sure; have you a friend? Sllvertone Phonograph in perfect condition terms If desired ------------------ ---- ----------- Our prescription department is so organized and conducted that is supplements the work of the physician. When your physician writes a pre­ scription and you bring It to us to be filled—we see to It that drugs of known purity and potency are used and that the drugs are compounded In a truly scientific manner. We base the charge of prescriptions on the exact cost of drugs and the time consumed by the pre­ scription clerk in the preparation of the medicine. This means that the price Is reasonable and Just tn every Instance. Let us fill your next prescription * Smart Alex “DidJa hear what happened Jim?" •'No, what happened to him?' "He »wallowed a dictionary, nobody can get a word out of hint Mrs W. W. presentation. Billy Abbey, band Mary Abbey, Walker Is directing the The cast of characters: an out-of-a Job- hus­ ... - .... Dan" Taylor hla discontented wife Ik-Etta Duryee Sally Carter, Mary's chum ...... ......... ............ ......... Mrs. Kathryn Duncan Mrs. Berdon. Mary's Mother Mrs. Percy Tyson Burt Childs. Bljly's best friend Glen Riddle Dolly, Grandma a angel but a terror ....................... ................ Faye Parsons Katie, the Abbeys' German maid'. Mrs Lee Putnam Harry Stevens. Sally's sweetheart Paul Nice Danny Grubb, an Iceman and Katie's suitor . Clifford Wilson Patrick Murphy, a policeman, also Katie's suitor ....... Lee Putnam There wtl) also be specialty stunts and songs hv the men's quartet of the Baptist church. The members of the P. T A. promise a full evening's pleas­ ure and amusement. A small admis­ sion will be charged. 1 Large size Victor Cabinet Phonograph, New, formerly sold for $210.00, it is yours for only $75.00, terms to suit your convenience. We also have some wonderful vaules in used pianos from $85.00 and up. Move To Goshen— W. L. Daniels, J. H. Daniels and Joe Daniels, who have been living temporarily In 8pringfleld have moved to the Goshen district where they will reside permanently. Sherman Everything in Music 61 West 9th., St,., Phone 862 CALL AND SEE Dr. N. W. Emery on prices on plate and other work, tf In making boiled Icings for a cake, tf It does not seem to be cooked enough after It has been taken from 1 the Are. It can be reheated In the top I of a double boiler, even after the | syrup has been poured over the egg white. Remember Our SPECIAL OFFER close» Thursday, March 31 If you haven’t purchased your New Easy Washer- Call us now before it is too late. JUST THINK iy you can fool the weatherman by drying your dryer. No wrinkles to iron out, no water to lift principle of washing—all combined in the New with lighter, more succulent foods. .This evens up the calories and avoids too heavy tax on the digestive system. For example, a light lettuce salad ts relished with a heavy meat dish. ONLY Colors In foods add attractiveness to a meal. Green or other bright fruits and veget-b les, egg yolk, yel low cheese, browned meats or bread or cake crusts, are all examples of appetizing colorful foods It's the thing to do! telephone before you leaver ♦ As rapid transportation has broad­ ened the bounds o f friendly con­ tacts, so the telephone has become the agent of universal courtesy. Now, thoughtful persons every­ where spare themselves the possi­ b le d is a p p o in tm e n t and th e ir friends the disadvantage of ait un­ announced visit. A Long Distance Call Gives this Assurance. W hen away fro m h o m e, you will always find a public telephone located conveniently near at hand. w orry— telephone aheadt Tire PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY i Price with ___ $25.00 1 Columbia Grafanola. Price — ................... ......— $25.00 G r e e n D iscount S tamps