N8*spapirÄdveitising The mont Powerful Weapon In Modern HellliiK THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS APRINGF1BLD. LANE COUNTY. ORKOON THURSDAY MARCH 24, 1927 TW ENTY-KOVKTII YEAR 18589636 SPRINGFIELD COMPANY SPRINGFIELD TO HAVE STARTS CONSTRUCTION ENTRIES IN MUSICAL OF LORANE SAW MILL MEET AT FOREST GROVE /hks One Million N a tio n a l PLANS DHELDPED r- or o. Libnr: E. G. SUTTON SELLS TRANSFER BUSINESS TO WILLIS BERTSCH T h e P oopies Pap»**** A L IV I N IW S F A F IR IN A L I V I T O W N NUMBER I t SAIN 10 BEIOBN AS SCHOOL HEAD The transfer business of E. G. Hut­ Construction of Ihe sawmill of the Ktrlnxfleld High achool la to b.< ton was sold thia week to Willis well represented nl the state musical l.oratte Lumber company, organise I Hertsch, the latter taking over the - contest to lie conducted at Pacific Unt- last fall by Hprlngfleld men. was adv­ business Monday. Mr. Bertach has Burchum Declines Post At Lin­ Civic Club Committee Await» veralty. Fnreat Grove. April 2». ac- anced considerably thia week with the moved with hla family to 606 E street, coln School; Action on Ac­ Word From Farmer»’ Union “ »'*'«« p 1»"" ««evelopm» •» ,h" purchase of all equipment for the and is considering the purchaae of ceptance of High School Prin- Regarding Project; Women • Th> ,(e club to get tn touch with the START NEXT WEEK a new face and figure to avoid while Mr. Morgan said Wednesday that ha ball practice started at the Spring- CANNERY PLANS TO BE Farmers' Union an early aa possible DISCUSSED SATURDAY cavorting about the city’s pavements. has not yet decided definitely. At and ahape plana for the community All la In readiness for the revival field high school thia wwek with fair — E. L. Smith. Eugene, on Tuesday present, he Is on a vacation trip to house If the Union la to cooperate. services to be conducted at the Me­ prospects for a good season Inter- Those Interested In the establish­ was appointed traffic officer to sue Crescent City, California. The City council haa granted Ihe thodist Episcopal church by Hey. K class rivalry games are under way, and steady Improvement In the play­ ment of a new cannery, as proposed ceed1 A. S. Currie, resigned. Smith Burchum Refuses uae of a alle al Fourth and A atreeta ing of the teams has been noted since at a farmer's conference last Satur­ took over the Job on the day of his Principal Burchum returned his con­ for Ihe building If It la to be erected appointment, and in company with the games.started. Thia la a central location and well day. »ill meet at the county court­ Police Chief Jess Smitson made a tract unsigned because the board re­ The players who are bark from last adapted to th e p rop osed uae. It waa house Saturday to discuss the proposi­ tour of the city acquainting himself fused to give him the asked raise to year are Pollard. Harper. Redding. 21500 from the 21350 pajd him last pointed out at the Civic club meet Cox, Cowart. I*almer and Wilson Of tion. according to announcement of J. with the locality and favorite speed­ year. The board raised the salary to It la underalood by the Civic clnh 21400 but halted at that point. these, but one. Harper. Is a pltcheT, B. Hall, who is representing the con­ ing places. that Ihe Farmers organisation de “Watch your step" is Smith's motto Asked what his future plans are, but considerable mound material la cern which proposes the new plant. sires to cooperate In the establish In enforcing Springfield traffic laws. Mr. Burchum said that probably ha showing up among the recruits. m«-nt of Ihe building It la possible According to Mr. Hall. It is the de­ Carrie has accepted a position with will go into business at Cottage Grove, the matter may be considered at t The year's schedule has not yet sire of his concern to gain the good the Eugene traffic force. his home town. He said that he haa 1 will of all farmers of this district, and meeting of Ihe chamber of commerce been arranged several prospects in line and will not lf It is felt that there is need for a to be held tomorrow night. SPRING ARRIVES IN decide definitely for some time. A t Rosa Show Plana new cannery, the plant will be edected INDEPENDENT MEAT SPRINGFIELD DISTRICT any rate. Mr. Burchum said, he Is not Ptana for Ibe annual rose show of immediately. No effort, he said. Is to MARKET IN TRANSFER be made to compete with the existing going to return to teaching because of the Civic club were shaped at thia As If to atone for the prolonged the small remuneration for services. week's meeting, but no committees cannery In Eugene, but It Is the desire Sale of the Independent Meat Mar­ of the concern to pat In a new plant dampness of the winter, the weather The school board may meet tomor­ appidnted aa the date la not yet de ket. Fourth and Main streets, to J. E finitely decided upon. Further plane If there la a call for one as tt la be­ man dispersed a generous serving of row night to consider the filling of Mr. Stuart and Pratt Holverson was nego­ lieved there la ample room for an­ sunshine this week—the first week of Burcham's position and other matter». will be shaped boob . tiated this week. The former owners Selection of teachers is scheduled for Spring. April 12 la the second anniversary other plant in Lane county. are J T Gllfry and R B Mayberry Light rains in the mountains early the first meeting In Aprtl. of Ihe Civic club, and a celebration Is The fanners will not be asked to Mr. Stuart haa been employed at Mr. Bain will return at his salary In the week served to cause rapid planned It wan two years ago that the Independent market for ao.wP slaw up acreage or make other prom­ melting of the snow, unusually deep of 22400 a year. Mr. Morgan la paid the organisation became a member of ises In connection with the establish­ time Mr Holverson la well known at thia time of year, while In the 21800. the federation of women's cluha All ment of the new plant, Mr. Hall as­ C. Henderson, starting March 31 and here, having been associated' with the valleys the sunshine brought forth KioIngAelu women will be Invited to serted. Sanitary market. signs of spring in field and town. PRE-SCHOOL ACE CLINIC attend the reception to be a feature ending April 17. The change will be completed Mon­ I Rev Henderson will be assisted by Spring work Is demanding the at­ of thia celebration. PLAN OF HEALTH CROUP Tw o Day Vacation tention of the farmer, while the town Two delegates Io the state conven­ yis wife, who Is a iglanted musician day The lease on the Perklns-8tevens building. In which the market is lo­ and will lead ihe singing. Commit- resident ts turning to thoughts of his A two-day Spring vacation has been tion are to be named anon. Plans for a pre-school age clinic to leeA of local church members have cated. also will be transferred to Mr. granted the htgh school by the school 1927 garden. be conducted here May 16 were been making preparations for the Stuart and Mr. Hotveraon. board, starting March 24. I shaped at a meeting of the Springfield SEVERAL ARE VICTIMS I meetings. Lib rary Closed Mondays A number of the faculty members health group this week, at the resi­ OF MINOR ACCIDENTS The advent of Spring will result in dence of Mrs. Walter J. Scott No will be out of town during the vaca- Mrs. Stianton Passes the closing of the Springfield library 1 tlon. Miss Abbott is going to Portland. PROF. DUNN SPEAKER j charge will be made for the clinic. Several minor accidents were re­ Funeral services were held Tues­ Miss Spaulding is going to Portland on Mondays, according to Miss Mary Officers for the coming year wera AT BROTHERHOOD MEET ported here this week by physicians | day afternoon for Mrs. Gunheld and from there to her home in Hotel Roberts, librarian. She said that elected at the meeting. They are; who attended the victims Htinnson. who died at the residence of i River. Miss Veatch will spend her interest in reading lags with the ar­ Mrs. Walter J. Scott, general chair­ Ernest Rrlggs. an employe of Ihe I Thai many of the customs rnramnn- rival of days of sunshine, and after man ; Mrs. C. O. Wilson, secretary- F ls h -r Lumber company at March., i » »"•“ <’ ‘ •"»»'J' »'«* « hr-sttan Mr. and Mrs. Q, J. Anderson near vacation in Cottage Grove. April 1 the library will be open on I treasurer; Mrs. B. Van Valxah. educa­ Headman's Ferry. Mrs. Stlanson was fractured a Anger on his hand when | »< «»»Hy had their origin In but two days of the week. Practicing For M instrel ; Pagan practices was the statement of 71 years of age. and died following &. tion chairman: Mrs. Carl Olson, nurs» It was caught between lumber. Nels lingering Illness. The funeral waB Intensive practice for the negro chairman; Mrs. Paul Brattaln. publi­ Petersen of the same company fell Frederick F. Dunn, professor of I«ntln Taylor Made Sergeant In the University of Oregon. In s i i ’k held at the Anderson home under the I minstrel, to be presented by the Bov's city chairman; Mrs. William Donald­ while al work and Injured his wrist. direction of Ihe W. F. Walker chapel Glee club of the high school, has Daniel Taylor has been made ser­ son. supply chairman The little son of Mrs Mahle Gott before Ihe Metboflst Church Brother­ here. l>egun under the direction of Miss Fay geant of the Springfield National hood Monday night. Twenty-five men Miss Beth Konkel. secretary of the severely Injured his elbow when he ' heard Prof. Dunn's talk Mrs. Stlanson was survived by two Spaulding. Date for the entertain­ Guard company. Austin McPherson bane county health association, and fell while playing. has re-enlisted as private. ment has been set at April 22. Prof. Dunn traced such customs as children and nine grandchildren. | Miss Bessie Williams, county nurse, William Cloyd. an employe of the bnplIsm hack tn pagan rites. The were speakers at the meeting. Ap­ Mountain Stales Power company, In­ University faculty member ts an preciation for the aid of the Spring- : ured hla foot when a cross arm fell authority on history. ALONG ABOUT THIS TIME O’ YEAR By A. B. CHAPIN field group was expressed by the R McConalhy. an employe of the The brotherhood members discuss­ county workers. Snellstrom Lumber company of Notl ed the Methodist Inymen's conference Is la the hospital In Eugene suffering to be conducted at Roseburg Thurs­ Aenas Club Meeting from Injuries to his foot sustained day and Friday of this eek. Dinner Sewing and1 conversation combined when n pile of lumber fell. T A R N — S F ffF lS LIKE I N EV ER, was served by women of the church. to make an enjoyable afternoon for can D o iX r E tw ' B lame thing -, W emry / the Aenas club at Its Tuesday after­ N eedlecraft To E n tertain « soMcrrtiwq- _ Aw' every time i hit tT .T i/'O L ' MAhCOLA COUNTS FIRE noon meeting at the residence of Mrs. B roke aeam ? BV5 TAKES AN AWE ul -.S m a c k Lawrence May. A delicious two- LOSS AT NEAR $20,000 Husbands of members o f t h o course luncheon was served by thu Needlecraft elub are on schedule as Fire loss at more than 220.000 waa | hostess. guests of the club at the next meet ¡nt Murcola Monday when flames' Those present were: Mrs. Sant Ing. April 7. at the residence of Mrs. which started In the hack of the Wright. Mrs. N. W. Emery. Mrs. M. 3. Wilson of Hprlngfleld Plsns C. O. ChurchJIl garnge swept through three McKlIn, Mrs. Ella Lombard. Mrs. Ed­ for the meeting, which will he hold In buildings before. being controlled by ward Browning. Mrs. C. E. Swarts and the evening, were shaped at a see- workers aided by Ihe Eugene nre de­ Mrs, C. E. Kenyon. Gueets of honor si< n nt the club Thursday at the home were Mrs. Mary Kessey. Mrs. Moor», of Mrs. Floyd Westerfleld of Eugen». partment. Given the advantage of a late dis­ Mrs. Whitney and Mrs. Wheaton. Mrs. Westprfleld' and her mother. covery, the flames destroyed the Mrs. E Rupert, were Joint hostesses. Churchill garagie almost before the Salt Two Lota The house was decorated In daffodils fire-fighters organised. The blase and hyacinths, snd a St. Patrick s Day Two of the Sunnyside addition lota motif was carried out in the servlhg sprepd to the I. O. O. F. building ad­ were sold by the city this week. Loi joining. leveling thia structure to the 17, Block 13 was sold to George W. of the lunch. ground and destroying about half tho Mrs. Packard of Eugene was special Orr and Willard Nesbitt bought Lot stock of Walter Price, Inc., general guest. Members present wore Mrs. 7. Block 12. 1 merchandise store located In the low- j Carl Phetteplace, Mrs. 8. R. Dlppel. er story of the building. Mrs. Walter Qossler. Mrs. W. H. Pol W. C. T. U. Meets The Service Oarage, next to the I. lard, Mrs. C. Olson. Mrs C. O. Wilson, The Springfield W C. T. V. met O. O. F. building, caught on fire and Mrs. W. N. Long, Mrs. Larsen Wright, Tuesday at the residence of Mrs. H. threatened to carry the flames to Mrs. E. E. May, Mrs. Floyd Thompson, P. Batchelder, 416 E street. The other buildings. Seeing this, the fire Mrs. Robert Drury. Mrs Westerfleld beauty and responsibility of mother­ fighters dynamited the structure. A and Mrs. Rupert. hood was the subject of discussion at flying piece of pipe struck Billy Estes, the meeting. 13. frarturing his skull and Injuring Have Week-snd Questa hla shoulder. Week-end guests at the realdonce Artisan Juniors Meet Price's loss has been estimated at of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Chase were The Springfield Juniors met and 210.000, while the damage In other Mr. and Mrs. Don Chase of Multno­ opened their court Monday evening buildings ran to that amount or more. mah; Mr. and Mrs. Chandos Chase at 9 P. M. March 21. in the W. O. W. and son, Jean L. of Jennings Lodge; hall. Eastern Star Party Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Chase and Plans were made to have drill prac­ The Eastern Stars will enjoy a children, Dorman and Doris, of Spring- tice and discuss the uniform question. This Is the first meeting sine» field. All Joined In the celebration of card party at the I. O. O. F. hall this evening. 8tster Watt was with the Juniors. the birthday of Henry Chase. I I