TOWN AND VICINITY Donaldson Improv«»—J T. Ihinabl »mt, wlw him h»»n HI for sum«- limo, I* »lowly Improving WRITER TO SPEAK AT UNIVERSITY IN MAY War Waged on Corn ^katPrkeÇeauty Pest By Government *.......'y W ft'F lo -à W jlllen Specially for Vnlvrr»lty of Dragnn, Eugen«. O«*. The Springfield New» Marek 17—(Hpm lull- I „ton Cloan By A. F. WOODS writer unit Im-turar on China, will Director of Scientific Work. U. S «1 nnak at thn »tnitwnt im»i-mhly Muy Department of Agriculture, Through Natron Iiian 1« Here—Glanii Hcwlt 1» mi the "Ilovolt of Asls." Autocanter Service. of N itron spent a purl of Monday I'lilnn Clo«« whoa« real nam« 1» vlulllng in Ht>il,igll«l tor <*•*•«»« and pletely. In a manner »atlafactory to but It does not keep my hair l‘llh’rlr,K the officials In charge, before the crop light. Everybody says I should Th* rlnse' whUe recommend- , .7 , , . , ed usually as a preservative of the la planted. Federal reimbursement will be made to farmer» for labor costa In­ curred In the clean up work which are over and above the costa .Incurred In normal farm operations. Now In Smoke o f Battle Against Dree Com Borer Clark are enroute to Montana, where be ta Inlereated In oil deveh>p,nelit near Selby. While here they stayed at the residence of Mra Maude Bryan have my hair bleached, as I u