«■ FOOT THU SPRtNQrnCLP N1CW8 THURSDAY MARCH 17, 1 »27 STILL FARM PROBLEM FINANCE KNOWS TOWN AND VICINITY IT AND IS UNESAY Published Bv»ry Tbereday at The towering event in our national life during ?*" T®w"—M",u 00,1 Springfield. Lane County, Oregon, by *Vl»ruar>- was the closing of the gates on farm sjX rtW d T H K W IL L A M E T T I PRES« relief, for another year at least. m a p rin g fl.it,. H. B. M A X B Y . Editor I lie veto of the MeNary-Haugett bill was ex- •" Prom Coburf—Frsncl« Dowdy of Public opinion, as expressed in the me- <’<>burg was * business visitor her« ■ M arad aa aacoad rlaaa m a tter Pabraary 14. IM S at tha pected. tropolitan press which okehed the grounds upon Monday. - poatatflc«. Sprlntftald. O which the veto w as based could also be expect­ Waltorvlllo Woman Horo— Mr», try M A IL S U B S C R IP T IO N R A T I ed. Tariff protected capital naturally would ^en­ Three M onth* Y ear la Advene»___ 11.TS _76o dorse any action which would deny’ agriculture Ing of Wnltervtllc »«» unions out-of- town vlaltora here Monday. Bta M o a t * » JVM Single Copy Se anywhere near an even break. One nationally known financial w riter was hon- Tranaacts Burin»«» H»r»—-George THl'RSDAY MARCH 17. 1917 an<‘ ,M‘W .''!,o " Kh ,o Admit: "Yet and ..... Walter ....... Platt . .... of .„ Thurrton irM ll Intn»- « re is lat king in financial circles an uneasy feel- acted busine»» in thia city Monday, INVESTIGATE THE RIVER mg tliat som ething will have to be done more An investigation of the W illam ette river bv hrts beeR done ,o !»>*<'*’ the American agri- Thur,,on Mat In—o « .« r Me! An investigation or the WUUmette river by culture on a healthv basis • • • T he I,„lb, of «»» among bu com petent hydrolie engineers with the idea of „„r»hi« f „ c ... „ . „ i . 7, . 1,1 .... , working out a feasible plan to curb the high 2 Xl L ? ,‘hH ’ < 7»*™ « has not h e e l-l* ’ 1 r" '» «Prlngfle.d M onday w aters in the West Springfield section is well v a r io u s n o n airri '.d in r 1°*» ” ? 8ul>al<*lx,,‘K Fountain Her» On B u»in»»»_ w orth while. Everyone who comes in contact S S u ^ h ^ w h W «'«- Fountain. Dearborn farmer, with the floods has his opinion as to w hether the «hhxtwn»™ hv >< *» I . . . . . ' ° a “,wl8*‘ Springfield a buainesa vh.it Me river can be controlled or not but only the in- ¡ X n a t h m i i h ~ rw . I'alH,rl u vestigation of engineers experienced in such AU of w h ^ t f nJ 2 , “M,“ igra,l«n' * * ’ " T 7 ° ? MeK,nl" Br" work will result in the working out of the best m i L «J °< fa r m - ; ‘ * '• ' <* M-Kaanta t methods and determine whether the cost is with- hiiv- and io n v » « h i . , , r t e 8 ’ h e f a r m e r s " opp*M n * PringflnM Monday, in reach of the taxpayer. Certainly a few more dlsDose of a larire .m r ? ' f M ? 1*' c a n to St»v»ns In Sprlngflcld— D. Sirven» w ashouts like the last one would pay for m uch Nothin« is e v e r e i . i ¿'/*h »nP«?*^U< t9- ot McKensle paid Springfield a butti­ dyking or dredging the river. The cost of get- Ev‘ei, it \ i cv 8 8e.t tled rtght ne»» vlait Monday. ting information as to whether it would be feaa- as ,h P E«st g -v~ i , b was impossible, ible to attem pt to control the river would not be a »ion f o r n n r i. 7 , . a i . u ‘ 1 *.7,7 y yet dnd 1 lat a g ita * H,r* From WaMarviii»—H Jackson great deal, when so much is at stake. fa rm er— l _ n 7 t .^ e a i‘e u n ,d ’ **•* *’f wu« » Sprtngfleld visit farm er—one-third of our population- -Can Share ,,r Saturday. • • • in America's prosperity. The fake bank robbery and the pool hall hold­ Oakrldg« Woman Vlait»— Mra. J. P ups and m urder in W estern Lane is putting th at I»'»m flf Oakridge »pent a part of i One out of every eight m arriages doomed to Tuesday vlsIUng In Sprlngltetd section in the limelight. But those bandits who sa y s .\ew New York I University estern u Lane should not get the idea be- be fail during 1927. roam W vtesiern m e snouia » ’-<» bays niveraity pro- VVhif'h would W nillfM ood a « sport critic __ J»,.. to * opine L»m Orury H»r»—la>m l>rury. Jaa- ! cause the country is sparsely settled there "ain't l^SSOr. Which lead any law'." The long arm of the law has reached . at fourteen out of the sixteen will be in good per. waa In town for a abort time ! Monday. out effectively in these cases and the outlaw s "Khting condition. * ’n. no* s,el? L lo n g jail sentences and get their ' ’ ’ , Oo.h.n Man on v . . i , - r w < «r„ ™ 2 ^ J 5 8, the Ca9e " T be u , e ^ “ ni.a iPrOiT ° r ,nan ,8 right-jaw ed or re».dent of Goshen. w a. among ttJ r society removes those who seem to left-jawed just the same as he is right- or left- ••« « « ••« visitor. her» Monday kill for the pleasure of killing the better off the handed. We have been both in our two at- country will be. And let it be said that the re- tem pts at am ateur boxing. ‘ Mr>- Adrian At Loa Ang»i»a— Mr», form ers who object voclferiously to capital pun- • • • w H. Adrian left Sunday for Loa ishm ent should be the ones to hunt down m urder- It tins» davpimu, th n. . Angel«», «her« ago win »pend «omr ers. They should come forth and be deputised dollar business* rt. n s ,e a d o t ‘W Vn e b ,l,io n h® « »Ishlng here »l«ter. for the work. Thus they will have a chance to \ ‘ e are 8even ,n the Unlh‘d dem onstrate how far "hum ane practise" gets in th e list S’° ’ We can 1 iind a fan n e r's name Baby Bor"— :Mr »»'I Mr« ■ one with such twisted intellects P ’ in the list. Myron n»l.brtdge of K a „ Main THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS . m • • • 1 WOMEN'S $1.59 NIGHT GOWNS Note the wonderful cut in price on these muslin gowns. Embroidery trim ­ med with short sleeves. (Second Floor, 1. WOMEN'S HOUSE DRESSES ONLY Fresh, crisp wash frocks in new color- ful plaids and checks. Roomy bunga- low style. (Second Floor, 1. “ PHOENIX" TUBIZE VESTS. SPECIAL Such dainty shades as flesh pink, or­ chid, Niie and maize. With ribbon shoulder straps. Sizes 36 to 42. (8econd Floor, 1 WOMEN’S FANCY RUBBER APRONS I wo and three color combination, with unique pockets, frills and flower-like appliques. An article of utility and economy. 3 Special lot of these percale shirts with collar attached. Fancy prints Sizes 1 4 ^ , 161/,. i 6 ,/2 an/ 17/ Dl8' 1. Horse hide faced and m ule skin back with celebrated Thurlo seams, flood weight too. 1. MEN'S GLOVES 5 PAIRS FOR Extra heavy canvas gloves (not'cotton flannel) with knit wrist. A bear for wear. 1. Fred Freae of EGGIMANN’S Better Traction —Longer Wear The trued of the new Goodyear All-Weath­ er Balloon Tire is seniiflat and scientifi­ cally designed to givo maximum t r a c t i o n a n d resistance t o skidding. Another big advantage i s long, slow, even tread wear. "Cupping" and un­ even tread wear, so common to many Bal­ loon Tires, is elimi­ nated. Come in and s e e this wonderful new Tire 9-4 SHEETING THREE YARDS “ Endurance”- - a desirable weight, nice- ly bleached, Buy now and for future needs as well. 81 inches wide. Her« From Myrtl» Point— Peano I 4 1 1« Springfield Garage W . H 7A D R A 1 N , Prop. bank. 1» confined to hl« i the week-end at the realdence of her i brother. City Recorder Ira M. Peter- ' Myrtle Point Sunday. PiLLOW CASES THREE FOR Ask for “ Hom espun” pure bleached cases. Size 42x36 inches. Regularly would be 39c. 2 9 x 4 .4 0 ------ $12.85 ' residence with a caae of the meaalea L Kersey recently recovered from the «mull [.ox !'• le r -o ii. In a tru . to r In the M v rile 1 P o in t aehoola. wa« a v ia lto r here o ve r A Finish Like Glass That Wears Like Iron Vl»lt At Cottage Grov»— Mr. and I Mr». Vern Stewart of Natron were : visitor» in Springfield Sunday. They were en route to Cottage Grove to j Vtstt Mra. Stewart » »later Mr». ! Parker. PILLOW TUBING 3 YARDS FOR ' Pepperell"—woven of carefully select­ ed cotton, smooth even in weave, de­ cidedly firm and more wear. 42 in. wide. 1. TURKISH TOWELS • FOUR FOR GooJ Stationary The "W inner.” a fine quality towel. Holft absorbent and convenient size 39c value. 1. Lord Baltimore W riting Paper TERRY TOWELING 3 YARDS FOR Very good weight double thread T urk­ ish toweling in 20 inch width. A 39 p quality. 1 1. We are known by the stationery we use. Writ­ ing paper reflects charac­ ter and taste an readily a» personal appearance. Lord Baltimore Is one of our most popular num­ bers because, although moderate In price, It re­ flects quality. All popular sises and tints may be purchased In attractive boxes. 24 sheets and 24 envelopes. "Bridal" quality, beautiful as to tex- Whjte or pink. Firmly woven 50 per cent linen crash toweling in 18 inch width. Splendid weight. TOWELING. ALL LINEN, 4 YARDS MEN’S LEATHER GLOVES, PAIR OUR ICE CREAM. TOO. W ild. COOL SPRING FEVER Mr»« Johnson at Qlenada— Mrs. < clal S tate LINEN TOWELING 8 YARDS FOR MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS ONLY When you hanker for sweets try a box of Eggimann's luscious chocolates. Maile of pure ingredients these whole­ some bon lions are good for what ails you. K Johnson, formerly Mra. k o . Clark who haa been living on ESMt M u lti »tree,, left thia week for Glenaila where »he will vlalt for a month. Kessey Ha» Meaal»»— Dwight Ke.»- | J »ey. aaalatant caahler at the t’ommer- 36 IN. NAINSOOK THREE YARDS 1. and the tlowerss are beginning lo bloom. Soon there will I"' long sun shiny days. At tills time of year a person's constitution demands a wider variety of nourishment. b4’r" M,FCh *° I "f her daughter, Mra i Springfield Learn The Power Of A Dollar At Eugene’s Largest Department Store. W e’re Telling It With Values! Exquisitely hand embroidered on sheer white nainsook. Another good buy. (Second Floor, Spring Has Come! Visiting Daughter H»r»— Mr», h Schlewe of Mulino. Ore., 1» vlaltlng for several weeka at the r< «id. • Dollar Days INFANTS CUNNING DRESSES NOW Phone 36F12 Spend Sunday In Salam—George Perklna and daughter. Adeline, »pent ' a part of Sunday vlaltlng friend» at l Salem They motored to the capital , city Thursday, Friday And Saturday Are 1 Wholesome Milk and Cream Noti Detident» Here Sunday__M-. ant, Mr». Sant Montgomery of Noll paid Sprlngfleltl a vlait Sunday, atop ping at the home of Mr«. Montgom erjr’« »later. \tra Fred Freae ( a c a ^ ___ Cunning little affairs of cashm ere crepe it butterfly effect. Pink and blue bind­ ing trimmed. (2nd Floor, Will Supply Your W ants With I atreft art the proud parent« of a I why How could Babe Ruth expect to get $200.000 or t e next two years in basbal]—when he wantl'f n t a single scan die all w inter long? He will s im p ly 4210.non for fnr th starve at $210.000 three vears • • • ' Fashion authorities say longer skirts will be the vogue this summer. No doubt they will reach al­ 1 1 is going to be a very prosperous year for m ost down to the knees. wage earners. There are, 53 Saturdays. Well. Uncle Sam is still in the oil business: Do- heny is out ten million dollars—and Teapot Dome yet to be heard front. INFANTS WOOL JACKETS. SPECIAL Douglas Garden Dairy Fancy toweling with neat pin stripes and red and blue borders, 18 inches wide. Regularly to 39c. “JEWEL CLOTH,” $1.50 VALUE, YD. . Such delightful 36 in. a rt cloth showing blue or white barred hem stitching, forming block effects. Lovely in weave. 1. Flanery’s Drug Store 3DU T hat’ s P ro xlin —the modern lacquerenamel fo r automobiles. W hen we finish your car anil you proudly drive it away you need not w orry that its beauty w ill be affected by the usual destroyers of the average auto­ m obile finish mud, road-tar, dust, rain, snow or sleet; these have no effect on the P ro x lin ’ d automobile. Your pride increases as P roxlin wears, because this finish actually improves w ith use. Casual care and w ip in g b rin g out its sheen and lustre. Bring your car in , let us look it over (no trouble) and d e m o n s tra te P ro x lin ’s beauty and economy to you. ACME QUALITY J! Casey’s Service Station 7th and Main streets Springfield, Oregon