PAG« THREW TH® BPRINOFIELD NEWS THURBDAY MARCII 17, 1927 . Jasper Residents In— Among Jasper TRAIN SCHEDULE — T W endllng People Visit— Mrs. J. H . residents who visited Springfield on Wilson and Mr. and Mrs John Purcell business last Saturday were L. C. of Wendllng were Springfield visitor* Saturday. Southbound. leaves Springfield. Wallace and Kfltia Wallace. 7: SO A. M Dally. , S U M M O N S FOR P U B L IC A T IO N IN and delinquent for taxes for the first Northbound. Springfield at 2:46 P. F O R E C L O S U R E OF T A X L IE N half of the year 1922 together with M Dally. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE penalty. Interest and costs thereon Main Line— Bus connections Here, i STATE OF OREGON FOR LANE upon thr real property assessed to you, of which you are the owner as , Southbound California trains, Eu i COUNTY. W. W Branstetter. Plaintiff, vs. A. P. appears of record, situated In «aid County and State, and particularly gem- at 1:25 A. M.. 1:45 P. M. 12.10 Valine. Defendant. bounded and described as follow«, P. M . and 4:08 A. M. Dally. To A. P. Valine above named de­ to-wit: Northbound California trains, Eu­ fendant. Lot seven (7) in Block Nine (9) IB gene at 4:16. 2:17, 19:58 A. M and' IN THE NAME O F THE STATE Sladden’s Third Addition to the City of Eugene as the same is platted and *OF OREGON: 6 * 30 I’ M . , . . _ You are hereby notified that W. recorded In the office of the County Southbound Oregon locals, Eugene w Branstetter, the holder of Certifi Clerk and Recorder of Lane County, at 12.26 A. M. and 9:00 and 1:26 P. 1 cate of Delinquency number 2138 Is- Oregon, all In la n e County. Oregon. M. | sued on the 8th day of January. 1924 You are further notified that said ! by the Tax Collector of the County of W. W Branstetter has paid the taxed Northbound Oregon locals, Eugene ¡Mnt} sta le of Oregon, for the amount on said prem ises for prior or suboa- at 2:25 and 7:35 A. M. and 2:20 P. M. of (»11.031 Eleven and 03-100 Dollors. quent years, with the rate of Inter* ... , the same being the amount then due eat on said amounts as follows: Caacade Lina (BUYING 02 SELUN6 GET RESULTS) WANTED Work by the hour taking car« nt children. svonlng or day time nr house work of any kind. Phons U SJ. WANTED — Tq trade for acreggs. p o ll RENT— leirge tract of good Good houae and 1 Mi Iota In Spring- farm land near Springfield. Cheap field. one block off pavement. Five rent, a chance for a good farmer to block« from mill. Box 120. tf make some money, l*and should be plowed thl» winter. Inquire ROOF R E P A IR IN G CAM. AND SEE Dr. N W Em ery News office. For Roof Repairing rail 332b J Eugene. and get,results. 1. T. Ixmtnla. on price« on plate and other work, tf NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT experienced and permanently located. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That W endllng T rains Watch repairing done correctly the undersigned administrator with (t. , Work In today—Out tomorrow. How the will annexed of Ihe estate of B. II. Kant bound mixed, at Springfield, Iteming, deceased, has filed In the 9:15 A. M. 331 Main a t if NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT! County Court of Lane County. Oregon, Westbound mixed, at Springfield hl« final «count a» anch administrator 1:60 P M Nollt-« I« hereby given Ibai Harold of «aid estate, and that the 11th day J, Welle, Administrator of the Estate NOTICE OF F IN A L SETTLEMENT r April. 1927. nt ten o'clock A M of of John W Doak, deceased. haa Hind Notice 1« hereby given that (he said dav has been fixed by the Court hl« Final Report mol A rn tint a« »ueh, und«r«lgned ha» filed hl« final account aa the lime for hearing any objection« with ihr Clerk of the County Court of and report aa the Admlnietrator of the lo »uld report and settlem ent thereof. lumo County. Oregon. «ml the Court estate of Everett S. I’rlndel. deceased, First publication of this notice be­ ha« not Haturday the Bill day of April, with the County Court of lame Coun ing March tOlh. 1927 I t ' s T E R R IB L E . T H l ty. Oregon, and the Court ha» »et Mon ROBERT W. NICHOLSON. Admin­ 1937. at 10 00 o'clock In the forenoon M A K E - U P O IR L 8 AR E In the County Court Itonin In the day the 4th day of April 1927. al the istrator with the will annexed. U S IN G THESE DAYS. Court House at Fintene. Lana County. hour of len A. M at the County Court Al.TA KINO. Attorney for Estate. Oregon. a« the lime and piare to bear Room, at the Court Houae. In Eugene, M 10 17-24 31: A 7: C E R T A IN L Y objection» to the ««me. If any there Lane Count. Oregon, a» the time and LEAVES A be. and for the Iinat eeettletnent of place to hear objection» lo »«Id final NOTICE OF HEARING OF FINAL BAD TASTE aceounl. If any. apd for (he final set­ aaid Enlate ACCOUNT IN O bit'S Il A itili.D J WKLIJ4. AdiuJnlal ratnr. tlement of «aid estate. G L. I'RINDFL. Admlnlntrator. Notice le hereby given: That the W E L L S « W K I.I.H . Attorney«. M OUTH WE1.M4 A WELLS, Attorney« undersigned administratrix of the M 10 17 34 31: A 7: Eugene, Oregon estate of Alva A. Bonney, deceased, has filed her account for the final _____ M 2 in 17 24 .11 settlem ent of the estate of the said N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S . Alva A. Bonney in the County Court Notice 1« hereby Riven that the NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL for Lane County In the State of Ore­ underetaned ha« been appointed Ad- PROPERTY AUTOCASTFR. gon. and that Saturday the 18th dav mlnl«tr«tnr of the relate of J M. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That of April, 1927. at the Court Room of R itchey, deceased, by the County Prideful Reply C o u r t o f I.tin e C o u ttU Oregon All by virtue of an order of tho County «aid Court In the County Court House. Joe—Bill. I won t have It! For the persona having claim« aaalnnt «aid Court of lame County. Oregon, duly In Eugene. Oregon, at ten o'clock In e«inte, are required to present them, made and entered of record January ihe forenoon, ha« been by ««Id Court last time. I ask you, will you keep as the time and place for hear- , duly verified «« by I«»’ required, to loth. 1937. In the matter of the guard fixed the iinder«lRU«d Ailinlnlntrator. 933 lanahip of Julian F Miller, a minor, Inx objection» thereto and for final «wav from my girl, Bill Thank the Laird, that's the last Miner Rulldfng. Eugene. Oregon, the undersigned, the duly appointed, settlement of said estate. EUNICE IL HATHAWAY, Admin time I'll ever hear that question. within «lx month« front date of flr«t qualified and acting guardian of »aid publication of thl« notice which 1» nil nor and the estate of ««Id minor, latrutrlx. February 24th. 1927. L. L. KAY, Attorney for Estate will on and ufter lhe lllh day of April. T his W sy Out Al.TA KIND. Administrator M 17 24-31: A 7-14: 1927. offer and sell at private sale for "Help you out, why certainly." said 92« .Miner Bldg.. Eugene. Ore. c h h I i to the hlghe«t bidder al Eugene the millionaire as he tossed out the F 24. M 3-10-17-24 In Lane County, Oregon, all of the NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION panhandler. right, title and Interest of «aid minor FOREST EXCHANGE In and to the reul property described NOTICE Tt) CREDITORS No. 018802 Purposeful Crim e Notice 1« hereby given that Oranvel a« follow«, being an*undlvlded one- Departm ent of the Interior, United 1.. I’rlndel ha» been appointed Atlmln half lnlere«t therein: Insurance Examiner— You say y6u Lot No. Twenty-Three (23) In Block I States Land Office. Roseburg. Ore­ l»tralor of the estate of Hiram M. never had an accident? R ow about I’rlndel. deceased. by the County No Thirty Three (331 In the Amended , gon. March 1* 1927. Plat of FMIrmont. now a part of the I NOTICE Is hereby given that Henry the time you were bitten by a dog? C ourt of lame County. Oregon. All Thompson—That wasn't an . acci­ perron« having claim« uK«ln«t »uld City of Eugene. In lame County, t)re ’ j F. Lewis, of 330 Sheridan Ave.. Whit- . ing. Indiana, filed application No. dent. The dog did It on purpose. estate are hereby notified to preaent gon That said sale will take place at the 0 , #}i02 unt|er the Act of March 20. th • same to the undersigned, at the offl. o ol Well« A Well«. Rank of Com­ law office of Alto King. 828 Miner j 1922 (42 Stai . 4851 to exchange the 'T w on't Be Long Now 4 SBU SW5». Sec 29. N*4 N W 4 . NWA» merce Bldg.. In Eugene, lame County. Building. Eugene. Oregon. k 'tti l Tw , 1B U ) ta t i ir a » lf “Do I bore yon.” asked the mos­ Sec. I 32. Tp 18S . I Range 10 W W u est. This notice la published In The ' NE-'a Oregon. within «lx month« of the first Springfield News, first publication be­ W. M . within Ihe fduslaw National quito politely, as he sank a deep shaft publication of thia notice. Forest, for the timber on approximate­ Dale of firgl publication Feh. 17. 1927 ing March Ihe 10th. 1927 Into the man’s leg. ORANVEL L. PRINDEL. Admlnl» ■ ALICE McC. MILLER. Guardian of ly 2 30 acre« on the SE'„ N W *4 8K54. "Not at a ll!” replied the man. Sec 33. Tp. 19 8.. Range 12 West. W. ihe Person and Estate of Julian F. trator. M . within the Siuslaw National For- smashing the mosquito gently over Miller, A minor WELLS A WELLS. Attorney» M 10 17 24 31: A 7: ent- the head with a book "And. by the F 17 34: M 3 10-17 The purpose of thl® notice Is to al , . low all persons claiming the lands way. •>”* 1 • ‘rike 7°“ «elected, or having bona fide object­ Facta of the Case ions to such application, an opportun­ ity to file their protest with the reg­ Reporter—Were you and Murphy ister of the United States Land Of­ cool and collected after the explosion fice at Roseburg. Oregon Any Much protest» or objection» must be filed yesterday? Flaherty—Well, yon see it was this In this office within thirty day» from the date of the first publication of way. I was cool, but Murphy was Mrs. Arthur Sayles this noltce. which first publication 1» collected. Teacher of Plano : March 17. 1927. ROBERT E. CRAWFORD. Atetng F am ily of Impersonators 1 Register, Mrs. Leland Svarverud "You keep a dog, don’t you?" i Non-coal. Teacher of Violin 228 Main St. Residence 126 C St "No; if we hear a noise in the night, M 17 24-31: A 7-14: M J 82 M we hark ourselves." 132 - 7th St. E. P S U S IN E S S YEAR TAX 2nd % 1922 1923 1924 1925 You are further notified that said W. W. Branstetter has paid all city asseHsments levied on «aid property by the City of Eugene. I-ane Caunty. IMPROVEMENT Pavement Sidewalk Grading Sewer W. F. Walker Funeral Director WM. C. HUGHES F IR E AND AUTO NOTARY IN S U R A N C E P U B L IC Office at FIRST NATIONAL BANK. GEO.. N, M cL E A N Automobile, F ir« and Life IN S U R A N C E Surety Bonds * Phone 817 My business It to protect your business 880 W illa m e tte St. Eugsns O re g o n Fast, Fast W o rk e r A honnle little lassie named Dalsle Drove all the laddies plumb rraxy. But what was her system — Whether she hugged 'em or kissed 'em— It'» on thia very point thrtt I'm haxy. E verything Relative She— "Isn't that blonde girl next to us pretty." He— "Next to you anything is pretty." 1 LOCALS GIVE LEBANON NOTICE OF SH E R IFFS SALE ON BATTLE FOR VICTORY Springfield.O f* » on EXECUTION IN FORECLOSl’RE Lebanon h i g h school defeated Notice 1« her«'hy given that by vlr- j lue of nn execution and order of sale , Sprlndgfinld on the Strawberry ctky : in foreclosure ln«ue<. out of the Cfr- | floor Friday night, but It was not j Call ! cult Court of loine Clunty. Oregon, on without a battle, the final score of 18 Ihe 23rd day of February. 1937. In a to 17 Indicating the closeness of the BUTTON TRANSFER suit wherein on the 18th day of Feb­ VASBY BROS. ruary. 1927. In «aid court Phlllas Blais, game. Phone 57 Springfield outplayed the Straw ­ plaintiff, recovered Judgment against Painting & Decorating the defendants Henry O. Young and berry pickers during the first period Martha Belle Young for the sum of of the game, annexing nine points to in all lta branches »801.79. together with Interest there­ on at Ihe rate of 8 per cent per an- six for Lebanon. At the end of the 312 Main Street I num from the 18th day of February. half. It looked like Springfield's game. DR. N. W. EMERY I 1927, and the furthor sum of »75.00 But Lebanon came back strong in O E N T IB T 1 attorney's fees and the further sum the final few minutes of play, push­ J of »18.25 costs, which Judgment was Phons 20-J ing their score to a slight lead and Sutton Bld» DR. S. RALPH DIPPEL ! enrolled and docketed in the Clerk a Residence Phone IBS-M retaining It until the whistle. ! office of said Court In said County on DENTIST The game was the last of the sea­ I the 21st day of February. 1927. and Springfield, Orsgon Haid execution and order of sole to me son for the Springfield team. The Phone 43 | directed contending me In Ihe name season, from the standpoint of victor­ F lre t N et'l Bank Bldg., Springfield of the Sta.u of Oregon, In order to ies. has been an unsuccessful one for General Law Practice j satisfy sold judgment. Interest, at- I torneys fees, costs of suit and accru- Springifleld, only one game having ! Ing costs lo sell the following des- been won. I. M. PETERSON I crlbed real propel ty. to-wlt: Attorney-at-Law The East one eighth of the South M ohawk Man Here— A. E Boyer, west quarter and the W est half of the City Hall Building resident of Mohawk, spent a part of JEWELER Sr.uthenst quarter o ’ Section Twenty- Springfield. Ore. ' six Township Nineteen South of Saturday shopping here. Repairing a Specialty Range One West of the W illamette Springfield, Oregon Meridian, containing 100 acres of land, I In Fall Creek—Mr and Mrs D. W. i more or less. In Lane County, Oregon. Gillespie of Fall Creek were visitors FRANK A. DE PUE Now. therefore In the name of the here Saturday. A T T O R N E Y A T LA W State of Oregon. Id compliance with N O T A R Y P U B L IC said execution and order of sale and In order to satisfy said Judgment, In­ NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT terest. attorneys fees, coots of suit Estate of Edward A, Rice. Deceased. All kinds of gravel for con­ Springfield, Notice Is hereby given that Ellen Sutton and accruing costs, 1 will on Saturday crete or road work. We M. Rice, Administratrix of the estate Oregon. tho 2nd day of April. 1927 st the hour Building make a specialty of crushed ! L nm ™ "h^ck'n?Kio a ^ n m m ^ h l of Edward A. Rice, deceased, has filed rock and rock sand. Bunk­ day, at the Southwest front door of In the County Court of the State of ers at foot of Main on Mill the County Court House. In Eugene, Oregon, In and for Lane County, her Lane County. Oregon, offer for sale final report as such administratrix M. 0. HOOE street. , and sell for cash, at public auction. and that ten o'clock In the forenoon HENRY W. CHASE, Prop. Attorney-at-Law I subject to redemption as provided by of Monday, the 28th day of March, law, all of the right, title and Interest 1927, at tlie Court room thereof, have Practise U. 8. and State of snlil defendants Henry O. Young been, by the Court, fired and appoint Courts McLagan Back At Work— W. C. and Martha. Belle Young, and all per- ed as the time and place for hearing Mcl.agnn. steam superintendent of ons claiming, by through or under objections to said report ard for the Eugene, Oregon final settlem ent of the estate of said tho Mountain States Power company, them or any or either of them In and deceased. Is back at Ills post after several to said premises. ELLEN M. RICE, Administratrix. FRANK E. TAYLOR. Sheriff A. E. WHEELER. Attorney. CALL AND SEE Dr. N. W. Emery 'w e e k ’s confinement with the small of Lane County, Oregon. F 24: M 3-10-17 24 M 310-17-24-31 on prices on plate and other work, tf pox. D . W . Roof SPRINGFIELD GRAVEL CO. DATE PAID Sept. 20. 1926 Sept. 8. 1926 Sept 13. 1928 Sept. 13. 1926 RECEIPT NO. 29407 29597 28378 30278 AMOUNT »1053 »18 92 »19 17 »18.46 RAT» 12% 12% 12% 12% Oregon, for local Improvements for prior or subsequent years. with th* rate of interest on said amounts M follows: RECEIPT NO. 4353 4567 4843 4644 AMOUNT »359.21 1143.64 »240 66 ( 53.19 RAT» 12% 12% 12% 12% Said A. P. Valine as the owner of and costa against the land and preml* the legal title of the above described ses above named, property aa the same appears on re- This summons is published by order cord, and e a ch 'o f the other persons of the Honorable C. P. Barnard. Judge a bo re named are hereby turther notl- of the County Court of the State of fled that W. W. Branstetter will apply Oregon for the County of Lane, and to the Circuit Court of the County and said order was made and dated thin State aforesaid for a decree foreclos- 21st day of February, 1927 and th« Ing the lien against the property here- date of the first publication of thlg In described, and mentioned In said summons Is the 24th day of February, certificate. And you are hereby sum- 1927. moned to appear wttnin sixty days All processes and papers in thia after the first publication of this sum- proceedings may be served upon the mom . exclusive of the first publics- undersigned residing with the State tlon. and defend this action or pay the of Oregon at the address hereafter amount due as a’ oye shown, together mentioned. with costs and accrued Interest, and SMITH & EVANS. Attorneys for in rase of your failure to do so. a Plaintiff. Address 434-5-8 Miner Build* decree will be rendered foreclosing ing. Eugene. Oregon. the Hen of said ta x e s a n d a s s e s s m e n ts _______ F 34: M 3-10-17-24-31: A 7 z D IR E C T O R Y Full Auto Equipment Lady A ssistant DATE PAID Jan. 8. 1928 Jan. 8. 1928 Jan. 8, 1926 Jan. 8. 1927 T w o Principles A LEXANDER GRAHAM BELL discovered an electrical principle upon which a great communications art hga been founded. Those who undertook to give practical value to his discovery likewise left to their successors a principle of, that has been developed into an intercommunicating system of over 17,000,000 telephones. , , Both of these principles were built upon and developed with the same objective,—that of enabling men to talk one to an­ other easily, conveniently, cheaply. With te e- phone service already an accomplished fact, these pnnc.p es still continue to act and react upon each other, new ideals of service, new goals toward which to strive. T he P acific T elephone A nd T elegraph C ompany BELL SYSTEM Ona Policy ' One S ystem - V ntvortal 5«rvic< This coupon and 25c entitle the undersigned to one 35c can of Acme Quality Enamel-Kote, any color, and a special 20c Paint Brush. Name__ Address - SPECIAL OFFER T o acquaint you with Acme Quality, we are making a special offer for a short time only. You can’t be happy amid gloomy surroundings H ere’s how to « n d u r in jly beautify your walls and ceilinga. Here's how to overcome the dinginess caused by d irt, dust and smudge which. comin< from the windows, the basement and the radiators, often disfigure on other­ wise beautifql home. Use Acme Quality No-Luatre Finish. Paint your walls and ceilings with it. Use it on fibre board or canvas. It's a hard« durable. lustreless finish incomparable for all interior surfaces. I t is easy t» apply and "eaay" to buy. Helps to brighten the home— turns gloom in t» ACME QUALITY Paint »^Varnish B a rk e d b y 40 y e a n o f p a in t m aking experience Acm e Q u a lity P a in t and Varn ish I t dependable. I t includes a better product fo r eve ry k in d o f surface inaide o r o u t, an d A c m e Q u a lity N o -L u stre F in is h is outstanding. See ue about p a in t— we w ill g lad ly answer a ll < Wright & Son *