The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, March 17, 1927, Page 2, Image 2

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    THURSDAY MARCH 17. 1»27
Lane County Farmers Union News
agricultural meet is
Claimed as the first meeting of the
kind to be held on the roast, an agri­
cultural outlook conference is sched
Bled for neat Saturday at the Eugene
Chamber of commerce, according to
announcement by O. S. Fletcher, lame
count agent. Farmers, members of
Cooperative organisations, represent­
atives of civic bodies, and all others
Interested in the. agricultural prosper­
ity of Lane county have been invited
to attend
A large delegation of Springfiel I
representatives is expected at th-«
meeting. Study amt discussion of the
annual outlook bulletin, instruction of
project leaders in agricultural econ
omica, and organisation and instruc
tion of school district committeemeu
on agricultural economics are among
activities scheduled for the conclave
L A N K C O U N T Y U N IT N O . 14
B acteria
• O F F IC E R « OF L A N E C O U N T Y
Community News
W . I. Seal«. Eugene. Vtcc-Presi-
Betty M Kappauf. Cottage Grove
H ealth
“An Ounce of Prevention
Is Worth a Pound of Cure”
b“H bee"
' th ro u g h the use of disinfectants. Disease g en u s
th a t are now d o rm an t will spring intp a
t i v
i t
—’ when
w h e n the
t h e f first
ir s t w
a rm H
ava o
n ma
- - • iS S R o with Mrs
You can destroy foul colors-and x^rm s by using
Disinfectants and
- « , • •>/•«.«.
freely at this time. Act without délaÿï
1<> «vis»' !*•
• d en t
About you t'
C. W Ailen. Vida. President.
• Secretary Treasurer.
Mr and Mrs. G It Fish and Mr and
Walter Morgan. CraaweU. Conduc-« M, s , , 11W , nl Truwall „,„,«
the Jay Fish home Tuesday. t
H. H. Smith, Eugene. Doorkeep •
Cards announcing the birth of a
* daughter. Norma Lee. Io Mr. ¡»fid Mrs.
O. L Clement, Wa terville. Chap- • Howard Short of Moscow. Idaho on
• March IS have been received here by
Car of Pyrotol Beying Oredervd
Mrs. Short « a s formerly
County Agent O. S. Fletcher Is now Margaret McElhanv
Mr and Mrs, Howard Truman of
taking orders from farmers to make
up a carload of pvrotol. wartime ex- Fresn». California arrived at the Fish
plosive, to be sent for April J. This home Saturday
Mrs Truman is 4
powder will be used in clearing and » ‘ece ° f « * >'” h Th”
road work It affords an opportunity Pleased with Oregon and are looking
for those who want It to get pyrotol
• location.
Alma Fish has been out of school
for spring work.
the past week wllh flu. Tuesday she
. was obliged to go to a Eugene physl-
' c(an and have her ear lanced.
Mr. and Mrs. 0 . H. Haugen are re­
covering from the flu
Mr and Mrs Frank Oates of Eu­
Portland. Ore.. March 17—Select
gene visited' the Frank Bailey home
cutting appears slight! firmer, while
some of the fir mills, notably cargo
Mr. and Mrs Truman Chase and
Thin*» You Should Know
plants, are seeking common cutting
, family of W lllaglllesple were guests
business., according to the current is­
1 of the H. K. Chase family Sunday.
sue of the Four L Lumber News. A
At a recent meeting of th P. T. A.
little improvement is noted in the
held at the school house, plans were
prices of upper grades, fewer mills
made for a rook party to be held at
apparently pushing straight cars of
the F. B. Chase home next Friday
•xcess Items on the yard trade.
evening Refreshments will be served
The Four L Lumber News thus
and pr»needs of the social will be ap­
sums up other features in the fir lum­
plied on the ptano fund.
ber market:
Mr and' Mrs. H. K Chase were
“Chicago buyers are becoming ac­
dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. I Cline
tive once more, the demand for fir
is to so acquaint my reader with
joists being especially improved.
Mr and Mrs Ralph Cline and
the symptoms of the disease, that
Some fair priced orders for timbers ■ he will recognize them, and con­
daughter will leave for Portland
have ben sent ont by Chicago com­ sult s physician at once; otherwise
where Mr. Cline will be employed
the diabetes may reach a very dif­
mission firms.
with his father-in-law. Charles Jack.
"Railroad purchases are featured by
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Muxwell visit­
citing apprehension on the part of
the Burlington schedule just now be- ’ the patient
ed at the Robertson home In the Mt.
log placed, and by the great number
To begin with, diabetes is not a
Vernon neighborhood Friday.
of comparatively small lots bought by , kidney disease, though its first
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kltxley and
manifestations appear In that quar­
•astern roads. The coast roads are
children and Miss Lucille Male were
all buying about up to expectations. j ter. The patient notices at first,
very great over-action of the kid­
w eekend visitors at the Mrs. (Tara
As In 1926 is seem s that six-inch clear 1 neys, with output as clear as water Male home. On their return home
ear material is destined this year to ]
Sunday they were Accompanied by
bold close to the same price as four- , reach one, two or three gallons in
Mrs. Male and Miss Lois Male.
quantity per day. An inordinate
inch, the former spreads being now , craving for sweets may be noticed;
almost disregarded.
constipation is the rule,
though uot constant—many people
"Line yard buying for the spring
constipated without haring I
has begun, and- the general opinion is
tea. Then, there is a “prog-
Mrs. Curtis De Witte, who has spent
that the small town trade will this
ressive feebleness” — the growing
the past several months with her
year fully offset any slackening In
weaker and weaker, without appar­
grandmother. Mrs. A. W. Weaver, left
building in the cities, much of whose
ent cause. 1 once saw a strong
to _ grow weak— ««..—
"tired «*
__ , begin
last Friday for San Fransdsco, Call­
construction work uses but a small
’ ll the time with no exertion to
, , h
percentage of good lumber at any
cause it; his limbs ached so much
that he fancied h * had rheumatism.
“Cargo mills feel the dullness In
Asked about his kidneys, he assert­
I-ast Thursday night someone enter
ed that “they had never in life
the export trade, except at conces­
eil Billy Barrett's chicken house and
sion prices, rather keenly. Clear hem­
a day!” This man died »within ' took 18 Plymouth rock hens leaving
lock has had a good market in Japan,
the gates open behind them No trace
three months— of diabetes, the dis­
thus accounting for the scarcity of
ease having advanced too fa r to be 1 has been found as to who did it.
remediable by any means known at
hemlock drop siding for the rail trade,
that time, about twenty years ago. I Mrs. Willa Rizzl and her mother.
but this demand seems to be falling
Mrs Walter Edmiston. who have been
Whenever this feebleness sets in,
and the patient’s muscles begin to
in Arizona for several months at th“
grow flabby with loss of flesh, and bedside of her hu ¡band returned
the kidney discharge is increasing
• home last Saturday.
M arriage Licenses Issued
rapidly, with
constipation and
Miss Heersma has been 111 for sev­
craving for sweets, and for more
During the past week marriage lic­
eral days but is Improving now
and more water than is naturally
enses have been issued by the county
required, it is best to have the
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Weaver move!
clerk to the following: Leland Thomp­
physician make an analysis of the in their house Monday. They hav«-
renal evacuation, which in health
son, Eugene, Erma Taylor, Veneta;
been living with Mr. and Mrs. A W.
amounts to about fifty ounces a day
Bryan Moore and Myrtle Closner,
in the adult. No delay should be Weaver.
both of Goldson.
countenance«! or indulge»!. The ; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Harbit and son
physician of today kn«iws how to from Coburg spent Sunday night with
handle diabetes, the treatment of
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Campbell.
which would be «mt of place here.
•n prices cn plate and other work, tf
Mr. and Mrs. Felix Spark returned
| to Blue River last Sunday.
' Sparks has visited friends and rela
1 tlves here while Mr. Sparks has work-
e ive
r e e n iscount tamps
1 ed in the Forest reserve office in Eu-
i gene for the past week
1 Roy Edmiston butchered hogs last
Mrs William Barrett had the mis­
fortune to drop a boiler of hot water.
iHEdSJ scalding her font very badly.
. Rev. Turner spent Monday In Thurs
JKvsqji'1 ton visiting the sick.
By Special
Much of the virtue of disinfectants depends upon
their freshness and purity. Quality coupled With
low price is the basis on which we hope to supply
all of your needs in this line.
We also carry a complete line of
Insecticides and Fly Destroyers
Guard your family against disease and save
doctor bills.
KetePs Drug Store
'" '7
?" ’ ' ,
^ ' n‘ / ' a? J"’’
( a nV, .e ll last Tues­
day night.
K“v. ( Harry Benton from Eugene
will. fill Jhe pulpit here next Sundav
hev. Turner Is making prepara­
tions for a preparatory meeting of
four evenings preceding Easter
has chose as speakers. Rev. Childers
one evening, Mrs. Kellema, who has
slides showing the pictures of Up-
Holy Land one evening. Rev. Trnwln
from the Baptist church in Eugen<>
one evening, an’d Rev. E. V. Stivers
one evening. These will be Interest .
Ing and he Is hoping to have larg««
Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Mathews gave a
dance last Friday evening In honor of
: their daughter Lois and Hazel Rus
sell’s birthdays. There »ere 34 pres­
Mrs. Frank Hufford and daughter,
Marietta, of Ban«kon, spent the week
end visiting at the residence of Mrs.
C. I. Oorrle, Sr.
CALL AND SEE Dr. N. W. Emery
on prices oc plate and other work. If
.Mrs. Smith and two daughters nt
Tangent visited with Mrs. Stuart and
family Iasi week end
iTIntuu Martens» n of Glendale, i^nll-
fornln. son of Mr and Mrs C. N.
Marteusen, is at Pleasant lllll visit
ing his parents, lie expert* to go to
Westfir to visit hi* brother and then
on to North Dakota
Mr. Woodard has been down from
Westfir spending a week at his ranch
He has recently Installed an actelyne
plant at his ranch.
Miss Shirley Wiley arrived Monday
to visit wllh her sisters. Mrs E. K.
Kilpatrick and Verna Wiley.
M rs'G eorge Kelsey, who has ex­
perienced a very heavy death rate In
her flork of 1600 baby ehleks. has
purchased another hatch of (iO'i
The books and Instructions have
come for the cooking club In tho
Pleasant Hill public school and work
will begin soon.
Rev. W A Elkins announced last
Sunday that be will leave In Septem
ber for an extended visit In European
The C. E. County Convention will be
held at Pleasant Hill March 26 to
March 27. Committees have been ap­
pointed with Taylor Circle chairman
of all committees.
The senior class of the high school
will present the play Cyclone Sally at
the gymnasium thia week Friday.
Saturday at 1:30 P. M the taxpay­
ers and patrons of Vnlon High school
No. 1 are to meet at the high school
to study over with the board of dlrect-
ors the queatlone of enlarging the
highschool and adding another teach­
er to the staff.
Fire of unknown origin completely
destroyed the brooder house and
2000 six weeks old WTUte lx»ghoro
chickens on the ranch of Mr and Mrs.
E rnest Schrenk Tue»«h»y morning
March 8. Mr. Schrenk had recently
placed- his two colony coops on fresh
ground and was planning to seperate
the cockerels for the early broiler
market. Some Insurance was carried
Mr. Schrenk has ordered another
batch from the Inwood le-ghorn Farm
at Corvallla for April.
Mr. Sheridan, who haa been teach­
ing- the past year at Edenvule. has
been elected principal of the Pleasant
HUI public school and Mrs Jesse A
Phelps, who taught at Pleasant Hill
In 19:’4-25-26, will take the prlmurv
grade*. The Phelps have been living
at Swlaahome the past year
W ill T alk
Rodent Control
A meeting will be held In the Cent­
ral community Friday evening to muti
out a rodent control compalgn for
this spring Other farm problems will
also be discussed by O. 8. Fletcher,
county agent.
The high water Is reported to have
exterminated many rodents In th«-
river bottom sections this winter
lame county lands can never be en­
tirely free from rodents, as they tnov««
In every y«-ar from the mountainous
sections. The campaign of previous
years have greatly reduced th«- num ­
bers, however, hut It Is necessary to
combat rodents every year.
• • • « • • • »
of legumes
Oregon farmers can obtain lt«g»line
bacteria front the department of bso-
lertolog» at (> A t a ,n o llug to W.
V. Halverson associate bacteriologist
of the exp» rinu nt station
A large
supply of III»« organisms hav»- been
produced by the department during
the winter
"In llmeatone regions where alfalfa
has been grown anil bacteria establish­
ed In th»« soil.” says ITofeaaor Halver-
sen, "legume t»a»-t«-rla seem to remain
Indefinitely whether alfalfa Is grown
or not In tolls that are arid or sour
Details of planting asparagus in the »lover anil alfalfa bacteria do not
Oregon have been prepareil by the flourish or where a cereal crop haa
vegetable gurdenlng »1» part me nt of been grown frequent application must
-the experiment station In the clrcu be ustal to produce aucceasful crops
lar. The details cover soil prepara­ of the legume In question."
tion. trench digging, depth of plant­
All legume plants can be Inoculated,
ing. setting and covering and dis­ but bacteria which will produce no­
tance! of setting
The vegetable la dules on the roots of one will not pro­
one that deaervea a place In every duce on the roots of all others, that
home garden as It adapta Itself to a la, the bacteria will not Inoculate
wkle verlatlxe of climatic and aoll plants outside their particular group
condition!. There la no better as­ For Inoculatlnn purposes plants are
paragus than the home gTown that <a divided Into the following groups
quickly consume«! after harvesting
alfalfa and sweet clover; 3. red clover,
alslke. burr and white clover; 3. gar­
Herbaceous Perennials In Oregon den peas, sweet peas and vetch; 4,
gardens are being divided now. where soy beans; 6. garden beans and scar­
beat reaults are obtained, aaya the let runner b««ans.
landarape gardening department of |
Bottles of legume bacteria ran be
the state college Iris and phlox are
obtained from the coltegv* for 16 rents
good examples of those planta that
Karh bottle will Inoculate
form clumps anil do much better 1
enough seed for two acres.
when frequently divided. The root«
are divided so that each new plant
has a welt formed root, or «Ith Iris
WHEREAS In chapter 127. general
a section 6 or 6 Inches long with a taws of Oregon, enacted In 191S. It Is
declared to be the duty of every per­
bud from which the leaves grow
son. firm. rnpartn»<rshlp. company and
corporation owning, leasing, occupy­
Nursery plunts received by Oregon, ing. oossesslng or having charge of nr
gardeners before the ground Is dry tlonilntnn over an»- land, place, build­
enough to work are heeled-ill for •» ing structure, wharf, pier or dork
while Heeling In Is done by digging which Is Infested with ground squir­
a trench deep enough to cover th»- ' rels and other noxious rmlenla or
predatory animals, nr ss soon as Ihe
riait* and part of the stem as the plant presence of the »arm- shnll come to
Ilea eroaa the trench
his, their o« Its knowledge, at ones
to proceed and to continue In rood
faith to esterm lnate and destroy surh
rmlents hy poisoning, trapping or
Making Air History
m« '••« -n«l
WHERE.* *t gray digger ground
------------ A V IA T IO N ---------- —
«■»tl'rrels (Ctt»ll”s «louglaslll ere nox­
ious rodents In Lane Countv, Oregon
Now, therefore all of such persons,
firms, ropertnrrshlps. rorporatlons
end cnmranlcs owning or having
«'«»minion ore- land in «aid Lsn«
• 'ountv Oregon, are herehv requlr«-«t
to take steps to extevmtnnte said
gtay digger ground -»qnirrels fCttellus
duugln-illl «within tlilrt»« days from the
dat«« of Ihe firs' puhl»rat'nn of this
notice |f such st«-p- are not taken, a
or ri»«r«fy'
«llilted hy the
county < "Uri n ' sal«l I
- County will
enter «•« - 11 hs '«' 'xp-l -
' pro« eed to
extermina’«- -•-« »I g»,« 'lr er ground
squirrels ff'lte ll
'mi ' I') nml th«
cost of sa'd <
m'nstlou will he
b‘vlei| arnlnst
The county r
'turai ¡»gent hore-
hy designates Mondar April 4th, as
a day to be know-" us ’■ ti rrel poison-
Ing day" throughout the said Lan»
C«»unty. and It 1« '««»« »b« »-commended
that polsom-d barle-
s pr,'par««d by
the undersign»««' ■ I representatives
o f Ihe Bureau of Biological Survey of
the United States Deportment of
Agrlculturi b«« used for th«« purpose
of such extermination. Such poisoned
barley may be secured from the un­
dersigned at Ills offbe In Eugene,
DePInedo, Italian air nee, Is ev­
lam«« County, Oregon at approximate­
ery »lay making air history in his
ly the cost of preparation
great flight, Italy to Africa, to
Dufe of firs' publication of this n o
South America
«¡oon to fly
tic«- March 10th. 1027
North to the I
•», Cans«!«
(Hlgrp-dt (I S Ft.ETCHER
an«I home e*
County Agricultural A««,nt.
in is •>«
A'puiugUN for home or commerclsl
use Is planted In Oregon In 1st -
March or early April, -ays the veg«-
(abb- gardening department of th»< ex
perlment station. The plants »»re set
out before lb. crowns have begun t >
develop Into stalks as these are Ilk*
1» to tie broken In transplanting
Mary Washington Is a variety widely
used. One year old plants are bent
to set out wttli two year old plant,
next The larger the plunts the great
er the ensuing growth.
Canary—First Wednesday. Third
Saturday, Farmers Union Hall.
Cloverdale— Second and Fourth
Friday». Cloverdale School House.
Creswell—First and Third Tues-
• duys, Creswell, M. W. of A. Hall
• Coast Fork—Second and Fourth
• Thursdays, Farm Union Hall.
Danebo— First Tuesday,' Danebo
• School House.
Dorena—Second nnd Fouth Tues-
• days, Dorena Church.
• Hadleyvllle — First and Third
• Thursdays, Hadleyvllle School.
• Heceta—First Sunday of each
' * month, H eceta School House.
Jasper—Second and Fourth Wed-
1 • nesdays, W. O. W. Hall, Jasper.
Wednesdays. I. O. O. «F- Hall.
Mt. Vernon—First and Third
Wednesday. Brasf.sld Store.
811k Creek Meets First and Third
Thursday at Cedar School House
Spencer Creek—Third Friday,
Pine Grove School House.
Trent—Second and Fourth Wed­
Pleasant H ill High
School Bldg.
Secretaries will please send In
time and place of meeting and
changes of date as they may no-
Eugene, o reg o u .
Easy-Fittting Suits
For Young Men
That seem built to step
a l o n g with Successful
Young Executives.
Tw o-button, • i n g 1 e-brestted.
Serges, unfinished worsted« and
cauim eres; grey«, tana, blue; m ix­
ture«, overplaid« and «tripe«.
Extra Trousers With
Many Suits, if Desired,
At $5.90