ADVERTISING I h the Merchant«’ Welcome Hiipi. M7C THE SPRINGFIELD NEI rtPRINOFIBLD. LANK COUNTY. OREGON. THURSDAY MARCH 17, 1927 twenty - fourth y kau NAME NEW COAGH 1 EBR HIGH SCHOOL Mother o f 22 Children -------- oomastk : — — West Springfield Residents In More Than Score Cet Credit In Gigantic Round-up On Mass Meet Petition Court Tuesday Night For Investigation Leonard Mayfield, Eugene, To Direct Athletics; Superinten­ dent Bain Back Next Year;, All Principals Re-elected with I Raise for Burchum. Appointment »1 ltaonard Mayflehl. ; Eugene. ae director of physical educa- 1 lion succeeding W elter Fottwlck, re- [ signed, and re-appointment of lh« »up ! «rlntandent and principals were new development* Ihl» week In the plan* (or admlnlelratlon and Instruction In the Hprlngfleld school» for next year Mayfield will begin hie duties at the high echool March St. when Fenwick's resignation become* effective. The new athletic director I* a physical education major at the University of j Oregon, and come* here with a good record, according to Superintendent lialu Fenwick, who ha* had charge , of athletic* since the beginning of lh < present school year, plana to enter business In Han Francisco. i OO,, Burchum. principal of the U n Shape Plans For Springfield Boy Scouts Advance Control o f River (S ? 5 E Q ), More than a »core of Springfield I West Springfield'» plans for pre venting a recurrence of the flood lioy »coot» received advancement of which recently devastated property merit badge» In tile gigantic court of j In that thickly-settled district to an honor at the Woman's building on | extent of »50.000 took definite »hape the I'nlverslty campus Tuesday night. ; Monday night al a mass meeting of the final event In the 1*27 »tout flood sufferers held at Heaver's auto “round-up" With more than 300 Scout» present, and the balconies fill- . camp. The group addressed a resolution to I ed the Ceremony w e t pronounced the the county court a»kln< for an In- 1 biggest of Ita kind ever held In this veetlgation of ways and mean» of I district. flood prevention In so doing, the Following are the new ratings of , _ _ resident» of the flood-susceptible dis­ Springfield boys: Rev. and Mrs. T. C. Hendereon.’ who trict organised Into an association. Liens Troop will conduct evangelistic services at naming Georg» Davenport chairman. j Mer„ Kaiph Hughes, life Mr« K r f ila » eaeratarv and Earl ' ------- ------ ----------------~ church begin- Ï . « « .ta ta n t tacTTtarr ! * ’ *"« * ’ < ? * ' * ! ■ | the • * Methodist March 31 Episcopal and ending April 17. f A T h* I Pcopir* Pepee* LIVI NEWSFAFCR L iv e TOWN NUMBER 10 EUGENE 10 RAISE $50,000JR MILL Industrial Committee of Eugene Chamber Agrees to Sell 560.- 000 in Stock When $650,000 Is Subscribed By Eastern Ore­ gon Sheepmen. Assurance that Eugene would buy I *50,000 In stock provided that tbs j backers of the Oregon - California Woolen Mill would come to Sprlng- | field with *650.000 subscribed has ' been given by the Industrial Commit- , tee of the Eugene Chamber of Com- ' merce. In a communication to the Hpringt»eld Woolen Mill committee !be Eugene committee makes thia promise through Ita chairman. Frank McAlister. I Walker, horsemanship; Evan Mughet Mrs. Henderson trill lead the staging Eugene's offer to back up the Wool­ The petition to the count court ( bUghog and Rev. Henderson will preach. They en Mills has been received by the asks that a preliminary survey be la t Class Scout: Peyton Oder kirk come here from a successful meeting local committeemen with satisfaction made by the county surveyor to de­ since that city not only agrees to bay 2nd Class Scout: Carol Adams. at Roseburg. termine what. If any. steps can be that amount of stock but will taka Dean Anderson. Dennison Andrus. taken to prevent flood damage In the | the responsibility of raising the COUNTY COURT LEARNS district between Judkins Point and | Billy Knox money.. McVey point. Drawing attention to Tenderfeet: Raymond Armltag». S. P. HAS NO DESIRE TO The subscriptions In Springfield suggestions made by Hlmon Klovdabl, ' Reesa Chase. Percy Tomaeth. Herman CLOSE SECOND STREET have now passed the »30.000 mark aad Springfield city engineer and J. H. Nyslrom. Gordon Wright, Henry Trln- coin school was awarded an addition j H O S P IT A L B U IL D I N G solicitation will continue ntll »50.- Bower, the petition urges that these ker. Winston Barkua. That the Southern Pacific has no al *60 on bla con tract, making la I MAY BE REMODELED j 000 la raised locally. Reports front matter* be Investigated thoroughly, Legion Troop desire to close Second street aa pro Klamath Palls indicate that sheep- ♦early salary »1400 Mr Burchum ¡ AS APARTMENT HOUSE I Including the coal of material for 1st Clas» Scout: William Cox. posed In connecUon wtth^ the j o n , u k ln g 8ubatantUI blocka ot had asked tor (1600. He has uot'y it j flood control dam*, location and the ___________ 2nd Class Scout: William Simpson fat ruction of the new Springfield »Ignlfled Io the board tits intentions. stock In the new enterprise and that Although It was reported from Port pltpn, o, nx-k ledge» and expense of cheater Moon. bridge was the stat-m ent received by the financing of the mill will be suc­ Contracts m u stJ w returned to lh - ,an<| We.k , ba, contract» h«'l | ^ » t l n g them out to enable the river j Tenddrfeet: William Simpson. I •he county court today from Superin­ b o a rd by March 16. been let for Improvement of the , tJJ gcour ou, a deeper course, etc. ' fre(j Rue. Milton Doane. Lloyd Green. tendent E. L. King of t-he rail corpora­ cessful. Huprrlnt.-nd.-iil Hain was re-electe-l Hprtngfleld hospital building on F TbP p ,tl, | OIler, ,|p,.ni the matter o? Seventy-six new Scout* were taken tion. King says that the company at »2400 and will remain with the street between Klxtil and Nlneth. A MUffl(.,,.nt importance to warrant the ; ln at the round up feels that It would be impracticable WOLLEN MILL PLAN IS schools. tt was said A. J. Morgan Wilhelm. Harrisburg!.. owner of the . county fou rt-a paying for the survey to close the thoroughfare. GAINING. HORD SAYS . was named high a. hutd principal at structure, declared yesterday that he ¡ ()0, of , be gpnpra| fun(ig County Judge C. P. Barnard yester­ a salary of (1 X 0 0 , and Mrs lira Read had no Immediate plans for develop­ Plans were shaped for circulating FIREMEN TO START day conferred with the highway de- ; Reports that the Oregon-California Hnno nway was re appointed princi­ ment of the property. the petition among resldenla of the I DRILLS ON APRIL 1 partment concerning the new bridge Cooperative Woolen Mill plan is meet- pal of the Brattata school at *1260 Mr. Wilhelm said that II I» his hope. arpa not present at the meeting but no definite understanding was I |ny with approval among prospectiva The school board Wtaaldered the re- however, that a hospital may bo re- ||<«»’• '* • of Springfield for Increasing the ( and It is estimated that a bridge on for , he woolen mill here aohool district for a of more that K. despairing of finding use for U j anrf K„kcne, another committee was . local department as soon as the long- new piers the Main street route will Hord was on his way south, and con- than 12 months from the close of j as a hospital, he may decide to re- nampd M follows: W H. Jones. W J. er. days give opportunity for evening coet In the neighborhood of »200.000. (erre<| with Welby Stevens of the model It into an apartment house He Soa¥er Roy and Robert Old | drill. the present arhool year. as It would require four spans. Use I local woolen m ills committee. . said that be ana considering thin, but . Through enthorlxatlon of the city at the old street car piers is being I B o l. , plnn ha» ma. h ta do with m)|] f(>r kata ------------------------ the petition the following ¡ council. Smltson naked for 12 volun- considered. qnal.Aratlona of teachers, among be­ NEW TRAIN SERVICE sirous of establishing a hospital were appended at Monday teers 1P- BOW h„ the ranks full. ing decided upon: Springfield IN EFFECT APRIL IT night’s meeting: Oeorge Davenpor’, ( a ince the organisation of the volun- All grade teachers muat hold at The report from l"ortland, carried T A 8 t„cker. 8 L. Eaton. Marlon tw.r company, however, there has not $ 9 0 0 0 B O N D S S O L D least a standard normal diploma or Springfield will In reality be on the In a commercial paper there, «aid that Mc<*|B|n, p. w . Hucknum. C. Crawford. > * single blase here and the ef­ BY CITY TO TRUST CO. Its .-qulvslent I the architect's and constructlou 8 n Cairns. Roy Jenkins. Clarence ficiency of the new department has Main line of the Southern Paciffd All high school teachers must hold contracts had bem let for a concrete Haxen. M O. Glass. Edith B Jenkins, not yet been demonstrated. The sidewalk, street and alley im- ! Apr» 17. when a new schedule switek- a standard university diploma or Its addition to Ihe build Inn here. Mr. Mprrll Manley. Mrs J. C. Shanks, S m i.s o n a t t e n d a n c e P avem en t bonds in the amount ,f luff through trlans to the Cascade Una According to Smltson. attendane ordered sold to the Lum- ' W»1 ff° Into effect. The Cascade lina equivalent. | Wilhelm said that he could not under Mra Qeorge Davenport. Mrs. C. a , the fire d rill, will be compulsory | were_ ordered sold to thB^Lum | wJn have , wo tbrough trains each All teachers must present a rerll- ■ stand this report, as he has no defl- Haaan, Fred Fritts. R. B. Oldham. C. It the fireman is to remain -with the berman's Tust «»< flc a le from a regular practicing physl- I nite plans as yet for any such lm- K m u. W. J. Seaver. Mrs. Jennie who were the only bidders at the W>T. besides a local oetween nere ana clan Indicating that they are In good provemenl. I R„Bs. H. M Pollock. H Loucker, W department. Compensation for actual opening of bids by the council Mon | B>»< k Butte, the southern terminus Ot health and reasonably can be expect- ----------------- - | McFarland, C. A. Pryor, May B. service is to be paid the volknteers, day evening. Sm allness of the issue i *ke line. is regarded as the cause there were , Southbound trains will pass through ed Io fill contract. p. A. T. TO MEET AT Byorne. William Ward. Roy A. Palm- who are now ort call. not more bids. The Lumberman's • here at 9:20 P M.. 2 A. M. and 8:3» Mtalmum salary of grade arhool LINCOLN TONIGHT er- Ear* KaM*- ,J Klinefelter. J 8 Turst company bid »100.67 and ac- A. M., the last being the old Oakridge teacher shall be *W»0 and the maxi- - . Scott, O. F BeVere. W. B. Fritts. C. WILLIAM McBEE DEAD; mum »1036 Minimum of high school. ‘ Tbp tgprtn- boulevard and one N e w teachers may receive eredll iera| nn,cni will be songs by pupils q i pp CLUB TO PRESENT there, and. In the early nineties. I f° r Mill and L streets were received Lay Conference Is Planned moved to Springfield where he has ! th“ »<*» committee ordered to for experience In oilier schools. nf Mrg Robertai Mrs Male and Mrs. , Plans are being shaped for a lay Page, and readings by pupils of Mrs. i MINSTREL ON APRIL 22 raised his family and been a well- investigate. A complaint received by the Ore­ conference of Methodist men to be Edna Yarnell's elocution class. McCREADY TO SPEAK known and respected citlxen. He is The Boys Glee club of the Spring gon State board of health In regari conducted at Roseburg on Marc^ 74, The members of the P. T, A. will AT LEGION MEETING hold a candy sale also as n means of field high school will present a min mourned by many friends throughout to a defective sewer on Mill street according to announcement by Dr. strel show on April 22. It was an- ; I-«ne and Benton counties, was ordered answered to the effect W. H. Pollard, Springfield, secretary Lynn McCready. Eugene banker and raising money for the play shed fund. nounred today. The quartet w ill sing. Mr. McBee Is survived by his wits, that the sewer was not defective. of the lay organtxatlon In this dis­ The entertainment Is free and the member of the slate legislature, will and numerous Interesting features for , two Frank and Delbert, and a The Chief of police reported about trict. The conferenas Is In accord* public Is Invited. be the speaker at a meeting of the | the program are being arranged It daughter. Mrs Myrtle Strangle of Eu- 40 dogs had been taken up by the aned with a plan for getting Method­ Springfield post of the American Itag- j will be given In the high school ‘ gpne He leaves also three brothers, city dog catcher and that more than ist manhood together, and has been Ion Friday evening In Ihe W. O. W. O. F. ANDERSON IS 1 auditorium. gd McBee of Eugene. John McBee of »100 had been realised from licenses. called by Rev. S. J. Chaney, superl«- REPORTED IMPROVED hall, according to announcement of The club is directed by Miss Fay ! g a|tm , and Frank McBee of Wenat- The Southern Paclflc company was tendent of this district. John Will, commander. . Spaulding. Orval Eaton Is manager chee, Washington. Springfield will send several dele­ reported as willing to keep the Sec­ Struck In the head by a flying jdeco i gn(J (^,Roy N,ce bag charge of adv­ Is-glslatlnn of Interest to the legion gates to the conferecne. ond street crossing In good repair. The funeral of Mr. McBee, conduct­ alre. will be the topic enlarged upon of emery wheel. O. F. Anderson, presl ertising. ed Monday at the Walker chapel, was Street Commissioner Valller said that by the Eugene hanker. Mr. McCrea- dent of the Cascade Lumber company, Mra. Fenwick Weds attended by a large number of friends as the company had a 100 foot right dy’s first hand knowledge of state was seriously Injured last Thursday. TWO CARS STOLEN HERE. and relatives of the deceased, many of way over Second street Is shonll Mra. Jennie Fenwick, for many leMelatlve measures should make the Reports from the Paclflc Christian ONE LATER RECOVERED coming down from th* McKenxIe furnish the gravel to keep It In shape. years a resident of Springfield. wM talk nf vital Interest, legloaalrea say. hospital Indicate that he 1* Improving well-known. I country, where he steadily, despite the serious Injury. married Monday te Charles R. R u ssell Giving a bogus check as security, Mr. Anderson's skull was fractured SNOW FLURRIES VISIT engineer at the pumping plant of the gm pleyee Have Dinner a man named Sims rented a coupe Ten employes of the Booth-Kelly by the blow. He was gumming a saw SPRINGFIELD MONDAY Eugene water system. The two were from W. Iatnabep-y last week and FLORENCE BANK CASHIER Iximher company enjoyed dinner at at the time. schoolm ates together. They were failed to return the machine. Lans­ PLEADS GUILTY IN COURT Cold rain and snow flurriea gave united by Rev. J. F. Haas of the First the Drop Inn cafe Monday n ig h t D. berry. after attempting to cash the S ta rt B is e b a ll Seen W. Crites a* In charge or the meeting. Springfield a taste of chilly weather Methodist ehnrch. Dngene. and w ill check, turned the matter over to Harriet Weatherson, cashier of the High echool athletes are awaiting wHIrh was an Informal affair. Simi­ Monday. Temperature dropped to the reside at 36» Thriteenth Avenue. Eaet. authorities and the car later^ wa* re- ' defunct Florence bank, pleaded guilty lar dinners are planned for the future. dry weather before starting baseball freeslng point early In the day at In that city. to the charge of embeaxlement In clr- practice. Although the resignation of - covered ln^ Eugene some points In the district. T. “ T. Parker reported to Police i cult court this morning. She will be Coach Walter Fenwick leaves the Oles In California Despite the tact that rain changed Grade Second Street Chief Jess Smltson that his co u p e! sentenced Friday morning, Word baa been received1 here of the matter of eoarhlng undecided, the to snow two or three times during the had been stolen from In front of his Under the management of Street death at Fresno, California, of Charlea baseball enthusiasts at the local prep Miss Weatherson at first pleaded day, none remained on the ground, Main street house. Superintendent George Valller, Sec­ Skinner, »3. well known here. W. F. school are planning on a gXxid year, ln the mountains, however, consider­ not guilty. She will not alter her ond street was graded this week with Walker has charge of the funeral with fair material ready for the plea on the charge of execution of an able precipitation added to the depth of the snow, and It wa« reported that 1 Pleasing results to motorists using the JOHN BENCH LEAVES services, which will be conducted at moulding, of a nine. Illegal loan, claiming Innocence on GUARD TO JOIN U. S. N. that charge. Henry L. Bergman, ex- In some points two feet of snow fell Important thoroughfare. the Lighthouse Temple In Eugene to­ Clvle Club Te Meet day. Among relatives of Mr. Skinner president of the Florence bank, who in the high mountains early In the Land Grant Money Coming To Join the United Statea Navy Discussion of the plans for the com­ near here 1» J. J. Preo of Eugene. . t . , waa charged w ith Miss Weatherson. week. munity house will be a feature of a Corporal John Bench of the plpadpd „ „ „ y a„d was sentenced Sat- The O. & C. land grant money Is meeting of the Ladles Civic Club to national guard troop was given an urday to 13 years In the state peni­ Fishing Season Starts Neighbors Have Meet expected by the county at any day, Rprlngfleld Itaac Waltons are re­ he conducted at the chamber of com­ honorable discharge this -week. Pro- tentiary. it waa stated at the courthouse. Tran­ Neighbors of Woodcraft held a rnoflbn to fill the vacancy la forth­ novating tackle In preparation for the merce next Tuesday night, March 32. scripts of the county court's proceed meeting yesterday at the residence of It Is thought that Miss Weather- opening of the Ashing season April 15. Illness of officers of the club has re- coming. Mrs. Nellie Hiltebrandi, honoring Mrs. tags In accepting the money have son's change of plea indicates that The local unit was given federal aulted In postponement of the last It In said that a good season Is In Trlbbets, a recent bride. A shower been sent to Washington, D. C. prospect, and many visitors from Port­ , two meetings, and a good attendance Inspection last Thursday night by she has hopes for a parole on the Lane county has claims of (l.Mt,- strength of the confession of Berg­ for Mrs. Tlbbeta was given, and many Major Hoop of the United States *1» urged for Tuesday night's session land and other places are expected 840.60. useful gifts were received. man, who took all blame for the crime. Army. In view of this fact. on the McKensle. Mrs. Mary Walford Fults, 54, mother of 22 children, of Martins­ ville, Ind., makes claim aa the champion mother of the United Ktatee Mr. Fults la her third hue- hand. She has lost contact with two of her children, Hallie and Ol­ iver Wood, and would like to hear from them, » • ______________ ____