TllUlWDAY MARCH 10, 1927 THE BPRINOFIELD NEWS Classili dAds TRAIN SCHEDULE PAGE 8EVTO» MARCH SEES INCREASE OF on account of shingle weaver» atrfl NORTHWEST EMPLOYMENT Clamming season In full awing wl Cascade Lina hundreds employed on the beach Southbound. leaves Springfield. Portland, March 10. — (Special) — . ami In factories. 7: BO A. M Dally. , I Compared with last month at this I Tacoma— More men than Jobs hern. Northbound, Springfield at 2:46 P. time employment In general through- | All but one sawmill oper- g M ajo r , out the Pacific Northwest has shown logging camps busy. Labor turnover M Dally. Main Line—Bus connections Here. “ ■“‘»»tantlal Increase, although ein light. Southbound California trains. Eu- pIoytneDt '»»vel« In various Industries | S< a’tle— Logging is thia district 86 are not so high aa they were In March gene at 1:26 A M., 1:45 P. M., 12.10 per cent normal capacity. Railroads 1926. according to the 4L employment I P. M . and 6:08 A M Dally. letter published here. The letter ! putting some extra gangs to work. W ANI I D Wo-k by the hour taking WANTED To trad» fur acreag.i. Northbound California trains, Eu­ Number of unemployed has decrease* THE POPULARITY OP THE point» out that there are fewer night ! «•arr nt children. evening or day gene at 4:16, 2:17, 10:68 A. M. and ehlfts at work In either fir or pine I In the past month. GREATEST BUICK Ilm» or bou«» worn of any kind I Good house and 1% lota In Spring- fli’ld, one block off parement. Five Bring» to us the very cream of the 16:30 P M sawmills than was the case one year I SFtkane Pine sawmill activity fix Itiö n » 1 13 J block» from mill. Box 12«. if good used automobile«. That I» the Southbound Oregon locals, Eugenejago. Reports to the 4L office from ! ,he ,nland Empire gradually Increi reason why you will Invariably fimi ROOF RCPAIRINQ 12.26 A. M. and 9:00 and 1:25 P. | some of the more Important employ- ing. Wood» work Is at season's peak. our stock of used rar» to lie the best CALL AND SEE Dr. N W Bro«-> For It • r Repairing call 2325 I ment centers of the Northwest were I-o< driving will be earlier th m n-uaL and our price» right. The last few Unemployed here few er th In Fab- Kila it. and g„t results. I T. Loomis. ; on price« on plait* and other work, U Northbound Oregon locals, Eugune as follows; d ay. have brought ua the following , t „„„ 7;JR A „ #n<1 J:20 p M ruary. . e»p« i lelu i-d and permanently located. Portland— Fewer unemployed here unusually good values Klamath Falls. Ore.—Most of the tf. : NOTICE OP PINAL SETTLEMENT than In February. Reopening of sev­ W endling Trains 1925 Master Bulck Country Club Notice la hereby given that tic eral logging camp« -ha« helped the major sawmills here are still down. Enstbound mixed. at Springfield. Coupe underalgned baa filed bis final account Large surplus situation. Lumber production normal. Few camps running 9:16 A. M NOTICE OP PINAL SETTLEMENT and report aa the Administrator of the 1926 Eord Coupe of both skilled and unskilled help ia Raymond—South Bend. W n —More Westbound mixed, at Springfield Nulle» I» hereby given that Harold estate of Everett 8. ITIndel. deceased, 1926 Dodge Special Coupe this district. t resident labor now unemployed than 1:60 P. M. J Well». Administrator of the Relate with the County Court of laine Coun 1926 Oldamoblle Del.ux Coach. ty. Oregon, and the Court haa set Mon has been the case at any time In three of John W Iktak. det-naaml, hue tiled 1926 Studeliaker Duplex Roadster, hl» Pinal Report and Aeri uni ae aurh, J day the 4th day of April. i; i7 , at the j years. Logging about 60 per cent Customer — “Are your quite sura fully equipped hour of (eQ A M ut th»* County Court with the Clerk of ih» County Court of active. Sawmill Industry also on a this suit won't shrink if it re's wet oa 1927 Bulck Maater Sport Roadster, Itooni. at the Court House, In Eugene, laine County, Oregon, and the Court slow bell. me?” haa »«t Saturday the Wilt day of April, laine Count, Oregon, as the time ami 1926 Chevrolet (Joupe, In splendid A good 6-room house close In. hath j Aberdeen — Hoquiam, Wn., — Log- Clothier—"Mine frendt. effery flrx» place til hear objections to said Anal condition. 1937. at 10 on o'clock in the forenoon If any. and for the Anal set­ We also have several other good val­ and garage; has Just been painted 1 ging about 70 per cent active. Several company in the city has »quirted In the County Court Room In the account. tlement of suld eatate. outside and repaired and painted in­ shingle mills and cedar camps doxru vater on dgt suit." Court House at Eugene, laine County, ues. Including good Eord. Chevrolet G L. PRINDEL, Administrator side. You can buy It for 32500 terms Oregon, aa the time and place to hear and Overland Tourings. WELLS a WELLS. Attorney» or 32350 cash. Let *us show you this. S U M M O N S FOR P U B L IC A T IO N IN and delinquent for taxes for the first object Inna to the same. If any there Eugene, Oregon. Hudson Speedster, Gardner Tonring, TO TRADE— House and two lots for be, and for the final aeettlemeat of FO R E C L O S U R E OF T A X L IE N half of the year 1922 together witk _____M 3-10-17-24-31 i Bulck "4" Roadster, aulii (Calate. small place, close In. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE penalty. Interest and costs thereoa j Nash Touring, new duco finish. HAROLD J WELLS, Administrator. S IM M O N S upon the real property assessed to STATE OF OREGON FOR LANE I have a cash buyer for acre tract. I Dodge Touring, Overland Coupe. WELLS A WELLS, Attorney». you. of which you are the owner aa COUNTY. Also one for building lot. Must be M 1017 M SI: A 7. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OP THE Several others. W. W. Branstetter. Plaintiff, vs. A. P. appears of record, situated in said County and State, and particularly STATE OR OREGON IN AND FOR i You 'Will find It well worth your time cheap for cash. Valine, Defendant. LANK COUNTY bounded and described as follows. I have a buyer for a small chicken To A. P. Valine above named de­ to see these values before yon buy. N O T IC E TO ( ItE lilT o ltM . to-wlt: U v n a r r Prim*. Plaintiff. vs Sarah fendant. ranch close to Springfield. Bring .In E W PETTYJOHN CO. Urine, Defendant » Lot seven (7) In Block Nine (9 | ia Notice la hereby given that the IN THE NAME OF THE STATE Sladden's Third Addition to the CitF To Surah Urine D efendant. 7th and Olive Streets. Eugene, Ore. your listings If you have a sanill place. undersigned haa been appointed Xd- OP OREGON: IN THE NAME OP THE STATE It might be the place they want. ‘ of Eugene as the same Ig platted an* mlnlafratnr of the eatate of J M Open Evenings. You are hereby notified that W. recorded in the office of the County You are hereby re-1 Itltchey, deceased hv the County OP OREGON WM. VASBY, Real Estate W. Hranstet te'r. the holder of Clrtib Clerk and Recorder of Lane County, Court of laine County, Oregon All qulred l" «[pear and answer the com­ Phone 73-J 312 Main Street cate of Delinquency number 2138 is­ Oregon, all in Lane County. Oregon. persona having claim s against «aid plaint filed against you. In the above FOUND—Eountaln Pen Owner can sued on the 8th day of January. 1926 You are further notified that said estate, are required to present (hem, entitled Court and cauae, on or before have same by Identifying It and by the Tax Collector of the County of W. W Branstetter has paid the taxes duly verified as by law required, fo the expiration of the time preacrlla-d MANY HOMESEEKERS paying for this adv. Lane, Slate of Oregon, for the amount on said prem ises for prior or subse­ Ihe undersigned Administrator. 828 in the Order of publication to-wlt: i LOOK TOWARD OREGON of (311.031 Eleven and 03-100 Dollors, quent years, with the rate ot inter- Miner Building. Eugene. Oregon, un or before the expiration of , \ F u tt RENT—Large tract of g o o d , the same being the amount then due weeks from the date of the first pub-. eet on said amounts as follows: within six months from dale of first publication of thia nolle» which 1» Ilcatlon hereof, and If you fall lo: farm land near Springfield. Cheap February set a good pace for the YEAR TAX DATE PAID RECEIPT NO. AMOUNT RATS answer for want thereof. Plaintiff will February 34th, 1927. rent, n chance for a good farmer to year in land settlem ent by bringing 2nd % 1922 Jan. 8. 1926 29407 310 53 12% apply lo Ihe Court for the relief pray-1 ALTA KING. Administrator. male «time money. Land should 1923 Jan. 8, 1926 32 new settlers to Oregon farm» wltn 29597 318.92 12% (X I Miner Bldg . Eugene, Ore. eil for In the Complaint which la in' 1924 Jan. 8. 1926 28378 ; lowed this winter. Inquire an investment of 3107,484. That is 319.17 12% F 34. M 3-1 0 4 7 -2 4 substance as follows to-w lt: for a de 1925 Jan. 8. 1927 30276 318.46 (Tee of tills Court dissolving the con 12% ws office. toe record of the Lani, Settlement de­ trad of marriage now. and heretofore! You are further notified that said partment of the State and Portland Oregon, for local NOTICE TO CREDITORS improvements for existing between Plaintiff and Defend Notice la hereby given that Granvel ant. ami for such other, further, and < < htt'nbers of Commeiee ax shown in W. W. Branstetter has paid all city prior or subsequent year«. with th e SU M M O N S as»e»«ments levied on said property rate of interest on said amounts aw L. Prlndel haa tteen appointed Adntln different relief as fo the Court mav Margaret White. Plaintiff, v- David their monthly report Just issued. by the City of Eugene, Lane Caanty. follows: letrator of the eatate of Hiram M seem Just and proper. . Franklin White, Defendant. During the month the department I'rindrt. .Icceaaed, by the County This summons Is served upon you, IMPROVEMENT DATE PAID RECEIPT NO. AMOUNT RATH Court of lain« Counly. Oregon All by publication thereof In the Spring- To David Franklin White. Defendant.| received 2539 letters and Inquiries. Pavement Sept. 20, 1926 4353 335921 12% IN THE NAME OF THE STATE Out of 201 questlonalres returned by persona having claims against said Held Naw», ~ ‘ " Sidewalk Sept. 8, 1926 4567 , Or®ed against you In the above Intended to come to Orego® to locate 4644 3 63.19 12% office of Wells A Welle. Bank of Com­ I»« , "I ,t’'' entitled suit on or before six weeks during the coming year. They specl- merce Bldg . I d Eugene, lain« County, i’mirt Said A. P. Valine as the owner of and coats against the land and nreiai- Oregon, within six months of the flrat the legal title of the above- described ses above named, publication of thia nolle». property as the same appears on re-1 This summons is published by order Hon 1« tsiv PUb" “ “» «"d »°r » » nt ,heri" , •» O « » « » « 3469.100 Dale of flrat publication Peb. 17. 1827 M O H O G F A H o r n e V fo r P t.ln t.I T o f ' t h e P1» 1" ’ 1* * ' » "P P1* »" ” »«• <’° u r ’ I L*«“ er» numbering, 6316 together with cord, and each of the other persons of the Honorable C. P Barnard. J edge GRANVEL L PHINDEL, Adminis­ R*e> Witl.m n"’ «A rn,Pyt' r Plaintiff. for t^e re|,e( demanded In her com- 2495 packages of literature were sent above named are hereby further noti­ of the County Court o t the State o f trator a.u VMll.mette Street. Eugene. Ore-|p |„ n, , o w „ . For . derree of , hlg ,o the prospectHe settlers during Feb- fied that W. W. Branstetter will apply Oregon for the County of Lane, amt WELLS A WELLS, Atlorneya. gnn. to the Circuit Court of the County an.I said order was made and dated this Court forever dissolving the bonds of i ru#rv State aforesaid for a decree foreclos­ 21st day of February, 1927 and tlx« P 17-34: M 3-10-17 J 27: F 8-10-17-24: M 3 10: matrlmony now existing between the i ' ' plaintiff and defendant, and for »uch : Poultry raialng appeals to many of ing the Hen against the property here­ date of the first publication of this other and further relief as to the those who contemplate coming to Ore- in described, and mentioned in said summons Is the 24th day of February. certificate. And you are hereby sum­ Court may seem equitable. gon. Augusta A. Webb of Indiana- moned to appear witntn sixty days 1927. ' All processes and papers in th is Thl» summon» Is published o n c e . .. » ...„ .„ « „ j .u after the first publication of this sum­ proceedings may be served upon the each week for six auccejislve w een s' P° 1"'' In