T l (VIIS DA Y MARCH 1 <>. 1927 T H K SPR IN G FIELD NEWS PAGE S IX High School News TOWN AND VICINITY W intfri«! Tyson. Editor and each class puts on a stunt. The I C IV IC CLASS FORMS stunts and costumes will be Judged. . NEW C ITY AT H. S. and winners annouuced As a feature of this festivity a The class In Community Civics, basket-social will follow the program ander the supervision of Pauline Mil The mothers will hid on the baskets ler. has organised a city Millerville It is understood that no bid will ex by name A charter has been dra«n ceed fifteen cents a t\ officials elected, and rewtlar meet to ss are belna held The officers are: T. N. T. New Papsr mayor. Ruth McIntyre; councllmen. The Junior class is planning to pub­ Moaste Stewart. Eileen Shsntal. Elms lish a school newspaper every three Lansberry. Donald Palmer. Louise weeks The plans at present are to Hobartson. and Audrey Shults; Justice appoint a different staff for each pub­ ot peace. Lawrence Roof; recorder, lication Miss Abbott, one of the la m le lle W illiams: treasurer, Alma supervisors in the English depart Greenwood: attorney. Peyton Oder nient. will advise the staffs. Klaino fclrk: poMcemen. Ruth Bettis. Gilbert Art-hambeau is editor of the first is­ Fish Mildred Gates, and Bert Tom sue The paper is called "The T. N. •eth The superintendent of educa­ T.~— Meaning “Tiny News Tattler.“ tion is Maxine Wheeler; health of­ ficer Nellie Hickman; fire chief. Snapshot Contest On Crystal Smith A snapshot contest la being conduct­ Loral conditions arc studied, and ed by the annuar staff to arouse en cooperation with the public empha- thnsiasm and interest in the annual adved and prohich the opera wi'i ne seen am* heard, u good for e«.ung and ..earing us those built for the exhibition of pearls aad diamonds. Govern«.'- Smith, o f New York, la now a candidate for the Democratic nomination in 1928. He intimated it semi-humorously in a recent ad­ dress. His followers in New York City announced it vociferously at an enthusiastic banquet. Other Democrats that would like the 1928 Democratic Presidential nomination will find in Governor Smith an opponent that under­ stands politics Slid the Ameircan people. Are Your Eyes Overworked ? Have you ever paused to consider—have you not at one time or the other h l cause to doubt the perfect safety of your eyes? Do you r.ot, in reading find that the print suddenly "goes m isty ’ and confused but becomes clear again after closing the eyes for a moment ? Do yoi have a smarting, burning, itching sensation around the eye-lids? Is It necessary for you to hold the book or newspaper further from the eyes than normally—or do you need a stronger light ? Don't email! in doubt as to the actual condition of your eyes but come to us and our experience will guide you correctly as to what is best to do for your eyes. Dr. Sherman W . Moody O P T O M E T R IS T 881 W illa m e tte St. E Y E S IG H T S P E C IA L IS T Eugene. Oregon Dispatches from Boston describe triple judicial killing in Charles­ town State Prison, Just after mid­ night yesterday. Three young men passed from the eiectirc chair to another destination for clubbing an old night watchman to death. Edward H. Heinlein wav first to go. As he walked to the electric chair, repeating the words of a prayer by the Reverend Father Michael J. Murphy, great crowds gathered outside, automobile horns were booming, photographers* flashlights lighted up the crowd. And at the rear exit from the pri­ son another crowd was waiting to see the three bodies carried out. A special police force was obliged to fight the deeply interested crowd. Crowds that howled around the French guillotine, or that tilted up ! their gin bottles as they shouted encouragement to murderers on the British gallows, were not entirely different from human beings of to- ! day‘ -V . Authorities in Braunschweig rovince learn that when religion ivolves extra taxes many Germans get along without religion. Registering as the member of any church in Germany, you must pay taxes to the State, and the money then goes to the churches. Braunschweig has been obliged to êmploy additional clerka to register those that wish to be put down as “without religion; faith.” . & 942 Willamette St., Eugene, Oregon. New Frocks Are Displayed At Our Nation-Wide Saving«, Too! It’s time now to buy that new dress— because the new ones art- here! Geor­ gette, flat crepe and canton crepe in lovely Spring shades— and smart com­ binations of black and white. Various Styles for Every Spring Occasion Tailored one and two-piece dressei, ruffled, tiered and pleated skirts— new square and V necklines with bow trim ­ ming. See them soon! $9.99 to $14.75 — JQ Dentists warn women that exces­ sive smoking brings on “Vincent’s Disease” also called “Trench mouth.” Thia disease which at­ tacked soldiers that had nothing to do but smoke, while waiting In the trenches, is painful, attacks the tis­ sues, destroys the gums, causes bleeding. However, if women want to smoke dentiste won’t stop them. This writer tried it in vain, twenty- five years ago, by warning women that smoking makes their hoses red, and mal« - theii moustaches grow. Still they wouldn’t sto > Here From Marcola—Among Mar- cola residents visiting In Springfield Monday were Madeline Miles and Mrs. C. M. Miller. 9aby It Burned—The small child of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Miller was painfully burned when a holler full of hot water overflowed and the water fell on the child, scalding the head and upper port of the body. The child was ¡treated at a local physician's office. Mrs. Thompson In— Mrs, Dnvton Thompson of Thompson’s resort was a visitor here Monday. Go To Roseburg— Mr and Mrs F II Hamlin were visitors at Roseburg late Iasi week Mrs. Kincaid Here— Mrs Ray Kin- raid of Vida was a Springfield visitor Friday. Here From N atron— Mrs Vert! Stewart of Natron was a Springfield visitor Monday. Motor to Corvallis— Mr and Mrs. F I B. Flanurrv motored to Corvallis for a i visit Sunday . Down From Portland— Mias Maude Gorrle visited her parents here from Portland over the week-end. Mrs. Curry Ix*aburg was Monday. Here— Mrs. Curry of a Springfield visitor In From Notl— Mr and Mrs, Frank Parrish of Noli visited at the K W Collins home Sunday Mrs. Osan In Town— Mrs. O. Dean, resident of Goshen was a visitor here Saturday. Callieon In—W. C. ('allison. Fall Creek resident, spent a part of Sat­ urday in Springfield. Edwards Pays Vlalt— Paul Q. Ed­ wards, Jasper resident, paid Spring field a visit Sunday Kast In Hospital—¿William Kast was operated on at the Pacific Chris­ tian hospital Monday. Remove Tonsila— Mrs Henry Sch- wlnd of Marcóla underwent a tonsil operation at a local su rgeon s office Monday. Visita Here From Marshfield— Ed gar W. Collins and wife of Marshfield were visitors Sunday at the realdenc« of hts parents Mr. and Mrs E W. Col­ lins of Springfield. Returns from V ancouver— Harry Jones is bark from Vancouver. Wash­ ington. where he spent some time visiting friends. Has Operation— Mrs E. A. Denny Wlckopee underwent an operation at the Pacific Christian hospital late last week. I BOY IS SAVED FROM DORW NING IN RIVER , AT McVEYS CROSSING The efforts of three men brought Frank Mason la —Frank Mason of life hack to little Karl Lloyd John» u Marcola was here Monday son of Floy I Johnson of Eugene, when Aubrey In—Jam es Aubrey of Ja« he sill ped and fell Into the Willamette river at McVey’» crossing Sunday. i per was a visitor here Saturday It was I.. K. Simmons. Eugene attto- Thurston Resident Here — L. S mobile dealer, who heard the cries of Hunter of Thurston was a visitor in the boy’s companions as the t-yaar Springfield Saturday old was carried oul Into the current, Jasper Resident Here— Elms Wsl throwing himself Into the river Mr Is«-«« of Jasper was a visitor here Sat Simmons found It Impossible io reach (he lad. so he relumed to shore and urday. ran ahead to a shallow Wendling Man In— IL G Stowell, There he was able Io drag the un­ Wendllng resident. spnfit a part of conscious child out of toe river Ralph Sunday In Springfield loilrtl. Pleasant Hill farmer, being told of the eplsiale by his daughter, Darr It Vleltoe—W E Darr of ran out Into the stream and took the Route 1 was among out of-town visit child from Simmon's arms ors here Sunday. iaiird ran to the Pacific Ihstiway. John Lamborty Hare—John lattnb hailed an automobile, and rushed (he Here Dr W C erty and family of Albany spent Sun­ child Io Springfield day visiting his mother, Mrs N. A Itebhsn spent an hour working over hint finally bringing hack life Dr. Rowe of thia city Rehhan said the child *as as near Thurston Man Hero—George and death as any person he hart ever seen Walter Platt of Thuraton -were busi­ resucllaled ness visitors here Monday Scouts Plan Mooting Pleasant Hill Mel»—Lawrence and P 1 N I a ini. Pleasant Hill farmers, spent St Patricks day party will be held a part of "Monday transacting bust at the Chamber of Commerce rooms by the Girl Scouts on the night of n ets In Springfield March 18. according to plans shaped W altervllle Residents Hare— Mrs at a meeting of the Scouts Saturday Fred Easton of W altervllle and child Committees In charge of (he event ren were here for a short tint Mon­ are day. Evelyn Harris, history; Jean Scott. Barbara Adams. Louise Archer, d e­ Return from Browniyllla — Mrs. Jam es laixton and grandson returned corations; Adeline Perkins. Evelyn Saturday evening from Brownsville, Harris. Mnluths Read, entertainment; where they had vlalted for a few days Dale Daniels. Mary Elisabeth Menen way. Melba llrrls. refreshm ents. Fay « with relatives. - Stratton. Martha Miioa. Audrey Dan Man is Injured— Fred Wald, an em ­ I iela. receiving ployee of the Fisher lumber cnmpanv at Marcóla. Injured hts back while Kensington Meeting working Friday and was rushed to a An afternoon of sewing was enjoys t local physician's office for treatment by members of the Kensington club lie was taken to the Pacific Christian Inst Friday Present were Mrs J C. hospital. McMurray. Mrs Levi Neel. Mrs Jack tleiiderer. Mrs. Paul Basford. Mrs Annie Knox. Mrs Mary Kessey. Mrs. J. C. Qoodale Death came last week to J C C E Rwarls. Mrs D H Murphy, Mrs Goodale. 57. of Portland, a brother- H It Dlppel, Mrs A J Morgan Mrs In-lew of Welby Stevens at this city laswrenre May and Mrs C E Kenyon nnd a son of J. C Goodale. Sr., of Coburg. Mr Goodale was well known CLINGAN LEAVES FOR • to residents of this district RANCH NEAR KLAMATH Funeral was held Monday In Port­ land at 10 o'clock. Internment was After many years spent 1» Spring- In the I O O. F cemetery at Snletu. field. Fred Cllnean. formerly a part The deceased la aurvlv d by one ner of E E Morrison In the local brother. C. C. Goodale of Astoria and Farmer's t'nlon store, left Monday for a niece. Helen Stevens Moore of Eu Klamath Falls where he will engage gene. In farming on a ranch recently ac­ quired by him. Five H undred Meets Cllngan has a ranch of too acres An evening c f cards was spent by the It Is partly devoted to potatoes and Fl7e Hundred rlub last Friday at the partly Io alfalfa. Ills experience In home of Mrs Grare Roberta. High the marketing business hern la eg- score for women was won by Mrs, peeled to stand him In goral stead In William D hwsoii and for men by .Mr. his new venture at Klamath Falls. Dawson. The next meeting will b<> CALL AND SEE Dr. N W Emery held at the Dawson home on March on prices on plate and other work tf 18. 4 » A f'fu t y o u r EUGENE BUSINESS COLLEGE A. E. R oberts, ¡»resident, Things You Should Know A catalo g u e, te llin g 'a b o u t o u r S ecretarial, B ookkeep­ ing a n d S ten o g rap h ic Course», He nt free to an y address, upon req u est. M onday is enrollm ent day. IT’S A GOOD SCHOOL 992 W illam ette S treet I’hone 666 Eugene, Oregon by John Joseph Gainas, M D THE ABUSE OF PRIVILEGE I wonder if my readers some­ tim es pause to think of the bound- lens privileges that men and wo­ men possess? There is nothing In o f on this big, round earth—no, nor in the skies above, that is not ours to lay hold of, and use as we please, so long as we respect the rights of our fellow-men and wo­ men. i • Yet, man is the only created being that abuses his divine per­ mit, well knowing that he must suffer by so doing. Like the spoil­ ed child, he sprees, does excesses in everything debauches his diges- tivp, eliminative, n- vous and sex­ ual system s— then i . no privilege that he does not abuse—and the penalties are as ». !? as today's sunset) Tlje abuse of privilege Is man­ kind's most outstanding sin; wa ought to be ashamed of ourselves, — blessed as we are above all ani­ mate species, and defiantly indulg­ ing our appetites as it we were damageproof. Who among us has ever observed one of the so-called lower animals violating the natur­ al law? Violating the law of right living? They are seldom ill, and usually live out the full expecta­ tion of life unless man interferes. Excesses In food and drink; ex­ travagance in our output 'of ener­ gy; prodigality in things which are sacred; intemperance in so- called luxuries; defiance within the orchard of forbidden fruits—all these are producers of suffering nnd unhappiness, curtailers of life itself. I am not sermonising,— I am arguing for temperance in ALL things, and against the violation o f our God-given privileges, know­ ing that life health and happiness are the sure rewards. Right liv- ; ing will, in time, do away with j the doctor and his gripful of “pel- ' lots.” There is nothing that we ; may not use; the danger lies In abuse. W e G ive G r e e n D iscouni SfAMPsl When Baby Throws The Bottle th e re ’ll probably be an Im m ediate dem and for a new one. F o r tbi« reaso n you should keep a sup- ply of NURSING BOTTLES on hand. A n p ed al pric.e will be m ade on one dozen. We curry all of th e w ell-know n m inting bottle», b u t we enpecinlly recom m end th e »hajie w hich perm it th e b o ttle to be easily and th o ro ­ ughly cleaned. E v ery th in g In con n ectio n w ith th e bab y ’s feeding^ should be strictly san itary . We also have a complete line of Nipples, Bottle Fittings, Tubing, Etc. Ketel’s Drug Store lai r - -, 1