The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, March 10, 1927, Page 5, Image 5

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    THVIWDAY MARCH 10. 1 »27
About IfouK
Thine* You Should K now
by )ohn Joseph Osine*. M O
fond outgrow
»tag» of bring a do
- 'Ó
SJ! 5 * „ * Ä
»ting lea*, and very delirino*.
n ß i l Ä S S f « ’’Î - j Ï Ï ’ J
....... ................ < « î I « “
b crnatixi for various forms 01
even lx* tie r an far aa flavor ia con-
that fond on the m arket Not *<>
bug ago. tomatoes gn-w in old corned aa it cornea from the outer
fashion») garden* a * “love apple*," portion of the pineapple, nearest
tho ahell and thia shell ia nearest
k> be looked at but not eaten, latter the aun.
It was discovered they were good
The juice ia pure juice of tho
to e a t The first tomatrn*« ranned
were a delicacy. but today, torn* pineapple, unsweetened ao th3t it
toe* can be bought in wm» doarn can ln> mixed with other liquid* In
different form * — ranging from aundaea, pudding aaurea, etc. I t
contalna all of the rich mineral
whole tomatue* to tomato past«.
Pineapple used to grow in royal properties and vitamin* which
gardens under g tau . When it wa* make pineapple ao vital a part of
discovered that Hawaii could grow the health diet.
Pineapple ia put on the market
better pineapple in the open fields
and »hip U, sun-ripened ia can«, in various size cans. .They are:
pilH apple waa a delirary. Today, Huffet can, containing five slices
with the dnwwvwry th»t pineapplo of pineapple or nine ounces of the
b a rompleatost to meat and vege­ crushed product; No. 1’«. a slight­
table«, it b known, alao, that it ly larger flat can containing six
contain* valuable food element». larger alicea; No. 2. a tall ran, con­
I t b aat osJy a delirary but an taining ten alicea, or one pound of
Inqiortaat food product and ia crushed; No. 1, a tall can, contain­
kad tn a variety of forma, rang- ing nine alicea of pineapple, or
frum sliced pineapple to the eleven ounce* of crushed; No. 2 *4
can, containing eight large alicea
pineapple Juio*.
The most popular form* In which of plneanpl* or ona pound flva
Hawaiian pineapple is available ounce* of crushed pineapple.
are Hired, crushed. “tid -b ita " and
Pineapple tid-bita and pineapple
broken allrne. and pineapple juire. juice are obtainable in No. 2 tall
Both sliced and crushed pineapple cans. These tld-hlt* are especially
may be had in what la known a* suitable for salads or any dish in
"fancy," the rhoiceet
set pack, and which small place* of pineapple
"aCatMlard," »Imisit a* com
nice but are needed
District Organiser Stella Blakaby
was present at last night s Wiaxlcrnfl
meeting, anil announced that the dis­
trict convention will be conducted at
Itundon June 6 and 7. Mr». Josephine
Arthurs was Initiated
At the next
meeting Mrs. Iona Bryan and Mr».
Daisy Pugh will be Initiated.
The last basketball game of the
season Is scheduled for tomorrow
night, when Springfield tackles Le-
bun on on ihe Strawberry city floor
Tuesday night, the elocals lost to
Vulveralty High. 11 to *5, at Eugene
01 rl Scouts Working
i Thee Olrl Scouts are collecting
'clothes for distribution to the needy
! through the meedlum of the Red
Cro«« Garments may be eleft with
Adeline Perkins, chairman of Ihe
' committee, at 603 Fifth street.
Mothers havo been urged to come
nnd see the work being done by the I
girls. Visitors at the last meeting j
were Mrs. 8. D. Read and M erntret I
i Jarrett.
Royal Neighbors Meet
M ill Men To Dine
Employes of the Booth-Kelly Lum
er company will gather for an In-
»rmal dinner at the Drop Inn on the
venlng of March 14. according to an
ouncenient. The edlnner will start
t 7 o'clock, with I) W. Crites us
imtter of ceremonies.
A meeting of the Royal Neighbors
was held at the J. A. Morelock rest
dence yesterday. Pins were shaped
| for the district convention at Marcol i
March 21. The next meeting will he
April IS nt the residence of Mrs. D.
W. McKinnon.
Return* — Dr.
Phet teplace has returned to his prac­
tice here after six weeks spent study­
ing obstetrics In New York City.
OH B A L »—Payroll sheet*, print»
and In Mock at the News offios
Form suitable for road, ronstrnctlor
work, sawmill*. etc., with table ta |POR SALE— Carbon paper ln larg»
compute workman ■ compensatloi
sheet*. *6x39 Inches, aullante fot
and deductions No employer shorn,
making tracings The new s Office
be wlthnn» these t *ras when they
We have some young Herford beef this week of except­
ional quality. We know Ibis will please you.
T ry a nice Juicy tender steak cut from this fine meat.
Phone 63
Sprlnrliold, Ore,
^nd in matters of
buying, as well as in affairs <yr the heart, most people like to be “asked.”
Often, indeed, they insist on a proper invitation.
He is a wise merchant who keeps the welcome sign constantly be­
fore the community in the form of advertisements in T H E NEWS.
everybody sees it— for the advertising is “the light directed in the right
Speak up.
Light up.
Hundreds of good customers are listening
for your message and watching for your welcome light in T H E NEWS.
People Shop W here
T h ey Feel Welcome
New Goodyear Value
for F o r d a n d C h e v r o l e t O w n e r s
Goodyear has developed a Balloon Tire
tread which matches the Goodyear Balloon
Carcass of Supertwist Cord.
It is the famous Goodyear All-Weather
Tread scientifically redesigned for Balloon
Tire use.
The sharp-edged, diamond-shaped blocks
are placed in a >emi-flat design. These
blocks grip the road and retain their useful­
ness longer than any tread heretofore of­
Long, slow, even tread wear is assured.
“Cupping" and uneven wear, so common to
many Balloon Tires, are practically elimi­
Come in and see this new Goodyear Balloon
Springfield Garage
Young Beef i h at’s Delicious
Hb nnd Main
“Nobody asked me b | A »aid the coy maiden.
Vial» F r e m Silverton — Grover
Brown and family of Silverton visited
over the week-end with J. H. Hickson
and family of Springfield.
Birmingham. Alabama
When thag
returned this week In sheriff* cm-
Two charge*, one of embezzlement tody. Mrs. Bergman waa at the tram
of more than *13,000 and the other of to meet her husband and there
making a loan when the bank’s re­ evidence of affection In her greetis
serve waa below the legal lim it, have
been preferred against Mias Weath­
Correction Made
erson. Another charge, involving the
An article In last week's issue off
theft of the automobile In which she
The News regarding the closing a t
and Bergman drove to California on
the Lane County Consolidated Cream­
their recent flight across the conti­
ery was misleading in that It stated
nent. ia being held In abeyance.
k e creamery shut down when uw-
The Bergman-Weatherson case has able to meet a mortgage held b-
attracted widespread Interest since Commercial 8tate bank.
W hile a
an alleged holdup of the bank In mortgage was held by the bank, i t
January, followed by the disappear­ was its inability to meet other obli­
ance of the banker and his cashier, gations. that brought about the clow­
who were traced by detectives to ing of the creamery.
The W elcom e Sign
A potluck dinner will be en)o>ed by
members of Ihe Neighbors of Wood­
craft at the next meeting to be held
March *1. The families of member»
have been Invited, and member* are
asked to bring Individual sandwiches
for the families and one covered dish
A committee In charge is compeared of
Flora Streamer. Ida Bwarta. Elsie
l-ambcrt. Mrs James 1-aslon. Nellie
Hildebrand and Mrs. Hurbutt.
•Miss Weatherson was released to­
day on fISiOOO bond, *10.000 of that
The large bowel, the colon, I*
the principal sewer of the human
body. I f the main sewer of a city
become» obstructed for long, its
tributaries are soon over-loaded
with impurities, stagnation result«,
and the health of the town is seri­
ously endangered. So It is with
the human body; the health and
vigor of the entire being are un­
dermined, when the main sewer is
not functioning. W'e call such a
condition constipation; I wish I
could think of u term tliat conveyed
more of a warning to the victim
of his own inattention.
I believe I am safe in saying
that, if the colon be kept in proper
condition, eighty per cent» of our
chronic ailments would never ap­
pear; Isn't that sort of reward big
enough to he worth contending for?
Isn’t such a prixe worth the effort?
The chief cause of constipation is
neglcrt. What ip-.cics of neglect
Is fraught with more danger?
Where is the profit, if we gain a
fortune and !o«e tho health?
Do you drink ut least six to eight
gla-se« of water dally ? Do you
ike the ncccss;.. y active exercise?
Do you drink two or three gla
of wuter ns ..«on as you leave your
, -»
• ’d each morning?
Do you eat
plenty of fruits, green vegetables,
coarse breads, anil cereals? I f yi u
do. you are cutting out over fifty
per c.‘ . of your do tors bills. You
are p onging life by the best
.« >>»u;-
' • ’ ” <1
JOB --
bo.'y in the by.-t
to revifft ir & r t :e i, - j»»» ■1
If i «
vou supplement y.«ir
V *• n-
duct with plenty of
sleep. 1 wonder if you i h. i-.l
any of the above regi i. •
your New Yea n-sobitio;
T i n s FOOD i s PUT U P IN A
Miss Harriet Weutherson today
chose a separate course from that
at her recent fellow-fugitive from )us-
tlce, Henry L. Bergman, when »ho
pleaded not guilty to charges of em-
buxzlemeot of the funds of the Flor­
ence State and Having« hank, of
which shu was cashier and Hergman
president. The latter pleaded guilty
to charges in grand jury indictment*,
and will hear sentence Saturday
morning at 10 o'clock.
amount being raised by her mother.
She alao gave *10,000 security.
W. H. Adrian, Prop,