TH ro ü M THURSDAY MAIU'11 10, IMT TH® 8PRINGFIBLD NEWS Lane County Farmers Union News O F F IC IA L P U B L IC A T IO N LANS C O U N T Y U N IT raO. 14 Th« Oregon Outlook The Extension Department of O. A <*. says reports from county »(tents are optim istic for 1927. Sixteen be­ ttered the outlook is better than i year ago; five anticipated the oatne condition; one reported a mixed situa­ tion and one a less favorable. An in­ crease In crop acreage was anticipated In 15 counties; six counties were ex ­ pected to remain the same, and a de­ crease was anticipate,! in two Eleven counties reported increase in the Bum bee of farms, seven to remain the sam e and three to lose. Farmers are urged to carefully study the market demands and prices and base their production on these. There will be ample capital for Justifiable loans and the credit situation of the state is generally favorable and indications are that long term loans will increase and short term loans decrease. VMS. P r.-ident W. I. Seats. Eugene. Vter-Preal- • d en t * Betty M Kappauf. Cottage Grove • Secretary-Treasurer. • Walter Morgan. Creswell. Conduc-* tor • 11. H Smith, Eugene. Poorkeep- • • O. I. Clement. Wa tervill«. Chap- • lain * Q \V By S pecial Community News O F F IC E R S O F L A N E C O U N T Y • F A R M E R S ' U N IO N • C orre sp o n d en ts Al!. n CARDEN WAY THURSTON and Mrs. C. C Kellogg, who There was a Rime of tuiskeelhall In been visiting their son and the hull last Wednesday evening tie daughter In South Ikikota since Dec tween Coburg team and the local ember, returned home Thursday learn. Coburg won by two scores Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Cttne and little Miss Mildred ITlce. who ts teaching daughter returned Thursday form at West talk«, spent the week-end Pendleton where they have spent the with home folks past year Mr Cline will he employed Mrs. Cecil Gene hue been quite III , by his father W F Cline on a ram li with an attack of appendicitis i east of Springfield The Junior Sunday classes gave an Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Bogard and son entertainment at the hall assisted by were visitors at the Ftsh home Mon no in hers from E It C. of Eugene last day Friday evening The proceeds am,mut­ C. E. Bailey, Claire and Lola Bailey ed to over >17 00 of Cheshire and Mr. and Mrs. Odell Mr and Mrs. Felix Sparks are Bailey of W endling ere visitors at spending a few days visiting Mr. and I the Jay Ftsh home Sunday. Mrs Arch Slough J. W. Brockbank recently from Bn* Ralph Buss front laike ('reek spell* | land visited with hts old friend Let- Friday night with A. W W eave' A Mam mouth O rganization Mounts for a couple days this week They are old time friends ! Mr Brockbank Is- an electrician and Some of the latest victims of the Co-operative egg handling In the j will locate In Portland flu are Mr Needham. Ray Mitchell. Pacific coast states has made giant Mr and Mrs. J. H Helm and daugh Mr and Mrs. William llenaon and Stride« in the past few years and t h > ter. Virginia, of Redmond. Oregon ar daughter. Betty allied organisations are outstanding de­ rived at the J. R Meek home Fridav Mr and Mrs L. C Yarnell from monstrations of what may be accom­ after spending several days visiting Springfield motored out to visit Mr. plished when producers unite solidly. i in Sunnyside. Washington and in Port and Mrs Ernest Bertsch Bunday after The Pacific Egg Producers Co-opera­ land Mrs. Helm and daughter will noon tive. which is the selling agency for i visit here for sometime, Mr. Heim Stanley Gray from laindax Is til the egg co-operation of this aoast. has 1 will leave in a few days for Los with flu at the hottie of his parents. bandied nearly a million cases of egzs Angeles Mr and Mrs Ira Gray. in the past year, worth more than Forest Anderson returned to school Mike Tennis from N oll spent Suh 110.500.000 for its members. Chicago Tuesday after two weeks Illness. day at Thurston. headquarters have now been opened Mr. and Mr*. G. R. Fish and son. Miss Entitle Caruthers, who Is for the distribution of PEP in that Gilbert moved to their new home on teaching at Cqnary. spent the week section of the country and a publi­ Mill St. in Springfield Monday. end with her parents. Mr and Mrs, cation. "The Cackler.*' has been start- Mrs. Gotdn Keeler and two sons of Sam Caruthers, 04- ; I Portland visited at the home of Frans I Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ednilston and Bailey over the week-end. family spent Sunday in Springfield NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL Mr. and Mrs. W 11, Swager of Ma" PROPERTY the guests of Mr and Mrs M J Me- ’ cola spent the week end with the I Klin, also attended church aervices NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN; That j R Meek family. there. by virtue of an order of the County ( ‘ Mark Bailey and family visited at Court of Lane County. Oregon, duly Mr and Mrs. Fred Gray and family the Frank Bailey home Sunday. aaade and entered of record January took Sunday dinner with Mr and Mrs. The Sunshine club met with Mrs 10th. 1927. In the matter of the guard Frank Campbell. ianship o f Julian F Miller, a minor, Everett Chase Thursday afternoon Alva Zutnult from Myrtle Point Is the undersigned, the duly appointed, I The afternoon was spent in visiting visiting In Thurston qualified and acting guardian of said ; and doing fancy work. The h osteis minor and the estate of said minor, Tuesday evening some of the neigh Despile fashions foiecasts to the served refreshments. will on and after the 11th day of April. contrary, figures! and print silks are bors of Mr John Endicott gathered at The members who enjoyed the after- 1927. offer and sell at private sale for cash to the highest bidder at Eugene getting the call in advanced spring | noon were: Mrs Homer Chase. Mrs his home and rave him a surprise. It models, this prePy dress for street being his birthday. in Lane County, Oregon, all of the W R Hardle, Mrs Harry Chase. Mrs wear being one of the newer sil­ The neighborhood was terribly right. title and interest of said minor houette*. W T Pattison. Mrs H. E. Wylie. Mis., shocked Tuesday monrlng to learn of tu and to the real property described Maude Chase. Mrs. li s t e r Cyr. and Virgil Miller’s death whlrh occurred as follows, being an undivided one- half interest therein; Mrs. Eugene Chase, a visitor The Monday evening In an auto wreck He Lot No. Twenty-Three 123) in Blocg next meeting will he held at the h o » - Is an ex-student of the Thurston high No. Thirty-Three <33> in the Amended of Mrs. Homer Chase. Plat of Fairmont, now a part of the Louis Rizzi Dies school. Mr. and Mrs. I. Cline entertained City of Eugene. In Lane County. Ore- Walter Rdmtston received a tele- with a birthday party Thursday ’n That said sale will take place at th­ UPPER WILLAMETTE gram Tuesday morning telling him of honor of their son. W. F. Cline, who i ia w office of Alta King. 828 Miner resides east of Springfield Covers the death of his son-in-law. Louis Building. Eugene. Oregon. Bunday March 8. the congregation This notice is published in The Rizzi. in Phoenix, Arizona. He has were laid for Mr and Mrs. W F Cline. 1 of the Pleasant Hill Christian church and daughter. Bernice. Ira Cline. Mt Bpringtield News, first publication be been ill for several months. voted by a lurge majority not to ac­ lag March the 10th. 1927. The body will be brought here for and Mrs. I. Cline. Mlssees Leah and . ALICE McC MILLER, Guardian of burial. Services will be Sunday after fla t, Harrfpvton. To mak** his b’eth- cept the resignation of their paator. the Person and Estate of Julian F. Rev. W. A Elkins. Rev Elkins has noon March 13, from the Veatch day more pleasant Mr. Cline's son. Miller. A minor. been pastor of the church for eight Ralph and his family arrived from i Chapel in Bugenee. M 10-17 24-31: A 7: years and handed In his resignation to Pendleton during the evening. C. E. Bailey. Misses Claire and Ln’q take place In June thinking the con­ MBHHH Cheshire of Cheshire visited at th - gregation should have the choice to make a change in leadership. The J. R. Fish home Sunday. DROP congregation are very much opposed The G R. Fish family moved Inf* SAVINGS to making any chunge as was evi­ IN the home recently purchased from O. IN AND denced by the vote lust Sunday. R. Fish Monday. EVERY Now that the basketball season Is SHOP Frances and Emmajane Travis have DEPT. returned to work after a siege of flu. over the young folks of the Pleasant Other members of tlie family who had Hill highschool have turned thetr thoughts to baseball and practice will It are recovering 609 Willamette St. Store No. 11 Eugene, Ore. Mrs. T**wey Ray and little son. begin as soon as the weather permits. The young folks of the Christian Wendell Wheeler, returend home from EARLYSPRING S H O E B A R G A IN S Thousands have profited by the low prices on our enormous shoe stock. Here are quoted a few real values and many more will be found in the store. Drop in and shopt We are glad to serve you. “SEE OUR STOCK FIRST” Children’s Shoes Ladies’ Oxfords Clean up prices are set on these two $195 lots for quick dis­ posal. Patent Leather and Brown o r Black Calf. $2.35 For street wear, for house wear, in fact all service style« in Brown or Black Kid and Calf $ <^45 2‘ UNEQUALED VALUES Ladies’ Arch Support Up to the minute styles in Black Kid two straps and ties, also staple Black or Brown Kid Oxfords. Any style at Correctly fitted assuring satisfaction $4.95 the Pacific Christian Hospital Sunday. The baby being the ,100th child born at the hospital was given a silver spoon. Miss Maude C hase Is earing for Mrs Ray and infant son. Clarence Chase Is recovering from Jhe flu. Miss Edna Pattison has been 111 the past week. Mrs. Homer Chase Is chairman of the program committee of the P T A. this month The next meeting will be held In the schoolhouse Friday even­ ing. • • TIME AND PLACE OF LOCAL MEETINGS • • • • Canary—First Wednesday. Third Saturday, Faruwrs Union Hall. Cloverdale—Second and Fourth Friday,. Cloverdale School House. y c T ic i* n y p iv A L SETTLEMENT i • • • • • • a • Ss»,» Ore»Us, Hsm» Variati««* If thè rannera of a nelghliorheed would gei together and agre«, lo rata» thè sanie hreed and varletles, ihev would l»e In far beth-r sliape 1« aeil for better prie,-s and tu iiiaks II wortli dille for buyer* lo coinè io thom The average fami produce« tuo inaiiy pr*»- duets and too «mali volume of any one Cooperative orgatilgatlons of thè south and middle west centrali»» on thè standard produrla Ihetr locali tles are adaptcl tu; (hev r ju c t tnoat ■triiigenl gradine siandnrds tbey «di o lle c tlv e ly ami thè big buyer« coni» to l tieni ■-> ‘Baby Chick Time’ /S HERE Wo nr,« prepared to furnish you with the name quality, long successful feeds uh in years pant. KERR. CHICK FEEDS with Worm Controller Th«1 Worm (’ontroller will control worms, reduce puralysis, raine vigorous pullets, mulntuin long term vitality and pro­ fitable production. “An ounce of prevention is worth u pound of cure.” Our (’hick Feeds can be bud with or without Worm Controller. Eugene Mill & Elevotor Co. (Kerr Gifford & Co. Inc., Owners) Fifth and Mill Streets Phone 15 And the doctors are right. From our own know­ ledge, the healthiest families are those who eat the most green stuff the year 'round. Our stock supplies many suggestions. Danebo— First Tuesday, Danebo School House. Dorena— Second and Fouth Tues- day», Dorena Churah. Hadleyville — Flr»t and Third Thursdays, Hadleyvllle School. Heceta— First Sunday of each month, Heceta School House. Jasper— Second and Fourth Wed- nesdaya, W. O. W. Hall, Jasper. Lorane— Second and Fourth N< TH E IS HEREBY GIVEN: That • ihn onderslrneil administrator with • th,* „-111 annexed of the estate of B. H. • Wednesday», I. O. 0 . F. Hall. flem ln v deceased, has filed In the Mt, Vernon— First and Third Gfiuntv Court of Lane County. Oregon, I h’s fin d sco,m t as such „dm lnlstrator | Wednesday Braafield Store. o ' said estate, and that the 11th dav ; Silk Creek Meet» Flrat and Third i r * or’l. ’927. at ten o ’clock A. M o f' Thursday at Cedar School House — ' ’ c,.„n .4 |,v th« Court , Spencer Creek—Third Friday, as the time for hearing any oblectlons Pine Grove School House. Ito “Sid re-o-t en ,| He,I lenient thereof. Flr«t publication of this notice be- Trent— Second and Fourth Wed- ln c March im h ’ 927 nesdays. Pleasant H ill H lfk ROBERT W. NICHOLSON. Admin- I School Bldg. Istrator with the will annexed. Secretaries will please send In time and place of meeting and changes of date as they may oc- cur. Clara hlgh acload for the cotniug year and Mrs. Ilaflle lleaver Itiirch as oire of the ässistäni* "FRESH VE6ETABLES EVERY DAY” • Thursday», Farm Union Hall. • • Watch -"pairing done correctly • Work In to,lav—Ont tomorrow. Hovt • 321 Main a t tf • Jim Jerkins M Kelaav Iitille «'lump Harold Kull Sally Grilliäni Gertrude Hell,.y Jenny That, her Helen latrimor Rulli 111,lieber Mary May l.lndlqv Eitle Variteli Has-I Wheeler Vivian Vernon Hegel Kull F E. Cooper of Pleasant Hill haa l„*en elcctcd prlllclpul Of lii» Halila Doctors Say— • Creswell— First and Third Tues- • days, Creswell, M. W. of A. Hall. • Coast Fork— Second and Fourth • Endeavour held a social Friday nlghl of last week. The board of directors of the I ’ll Ion High school No 1 have posted notices for a mass meeting to ho held al Hie high school building Sultirduv March 19 al 1:30 p. ill. Io discuss with Hie board the problems of a fourth leach er, more class room and larger «» sembly The high school building Is crowded now and another large class of freshmen Is expected to enter iievl fall OLnn—Faust a former student of the Pleasant Hill high school visited friends last Sunday. He is now a student at Creswell Mr laiey. who has been mull carrier for 31 years, has been forced to give up his route. Creswell It |, for the present on nreount of Illness Mr luicy has been confined Io his bed for over a week and Is quite critically III The Senior play "Cyclone Sally" of Hi«* Union High school No I will lie given Friday night February 18 The cast Is as follows; Jack Webster Berry Manner Reggie Manners M Olson Be Sure and Ask For O ur SOAP DEAL 6 Medium Ivory ........... 50c 1 I’kg. Ivory Flakes ........ 15c Total ....................... 65c This W eek Special 49c • • » * • • * • • • Here’s Where You Save By BuyingQuality We carry the Sussman ft WorniHser Line, highest quality we can buy. F ine F ood I’ roducts Sister it Visiting—Mary Spaulding of Hood River visited this week with her sister. Fay Spaulding, of the local high school faculty. Phone Phone 9-WHITE FRONT GROCEfii-9