The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, March 10, 1927, Page 3, Image 3

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T H U R S D A Y M ARCH 10, 1927
Sepällä and Togo
A narrow escape from dealt) by
burning waa experienced by Mia Al
Montgomery, formerly of Hprlngfleld
when the oven In her lx>a Angeles,
California residence exploded recent­
The gae fluiu« In the oven apparent­
ly went out. leaving the gun eat aping |
When Mr». Montgomery opened the
oven door, the gun Ignited from one
of the burner» above, and flashed Into
her fare.
One aide of her fare waa aeverely
burned, her hair and eye-brown were
»Ingod. and her clothes narrowly ea-
coped Igniting
The Montgomery» now live al SOBA |
Regie alreet, let» Angelo». They ex­
pect to return In Hprlncfleld this sum-
mar- They have been In lx*» Angelo»
tor »lx month» for hl» health
Springfield W inner
Hprlngfleld girl typists proved their
Anger» more nimble than those of
Cottage drove girl* when team* of
the two schools met In competition
here last week A return meet I» to
be held at Cottage drove March 17.
Maxine ttnodgraa» and Arrllla
Thompson. Hprlngfleld girl«, tied for
first place In the meet, each making
61 work» a minute.
Leonard Hepalla and his lead
dog "Togo" of Nome fame again
proved their elaa» by winning with
eass the Poland Spring«, Maine,
annual »1*1 classic last week.
Dinner la Postponed
The chicken dinner, to have been
held by the American Legion on
March 10. a» postponed Indefinitely,
according to announcement by Com­
mander John Will of the local post.
The business o f
To make money is the ultimate goal of all
business. To have money is the aim of all
people— not for the money’s sake, but for
the comfort, education and happiness that
it will bring, and as a reserve against emer­
Every wise business executive creates a
sinking fund or reserve to guard against the
unknown. A part of this fund should be in
the form of a savings account at this bank
— it will be immeditely available if needed,
can be used as a loan security, and it will
earn a good rate of interest.
To the far-sighted manager of finances we
offer our advisatory services on the right
way to handle such a fund. It will be a plea­
sure to any one of the officers of this bank
to talk it over with you.
P ro te c te d b y E le c tric B u r g la r ly A la r m S y s te m
Commercial State Bank
Springfield. Oregon
Can You Imagine
A Finish Like This?
RIVE your car all day in a blistering sun,
take a long trip on stretches where road-
tar is encountered, sand blown against the
body, mud spattered and dried on the hood.
T he effects of such severe usage will positively
affect your ear if finished in the ordinary
manner. With a Proxlin finish, however,
these unusual and extreme conditions have nc
effect whatever. Proxlin is the modern lac­
quer cnatncl that everyone is talkingabout. Itis ‘
applied quickly, gives a beautiful finish when
applied, and, remarkable as it may seem,
improves with use, the constant wiping of the
surface actually heightening the original beau­
tiful finish. Drive in and let us tell you more
fully the story of Proxlin and how you can save
money by having us refinish your car now.
Casey’s Service
7th and Main streets
Springfield, Oregon
M arriage Llcantas Issued
Laatki Hookar. $1. of Veneta waa
*<LM after PoD?
shot In the head on the Wolf Creek
County Clerk Writer Dillard has la-
road, 14 miles below Veneta and about j
sued marriage licenses to the follow­
80 miles from Engene, by a man be I
ing coupler during tha pa-it weak:
lie veil to be Alfred Brownley, ex con­
Beldon Babb. Eugene. and Isabel
vict. suspected of the holdup of the
Hawklnson. Portland; Cecil Minchan
Brief Resume of Happenings of Veneta pool room and the shooting of
and Beola Pearl Sml.h, both of Eu-
(be proprietor, William Madnaugh.
'gene; James Roberts and Ruby Prlca,
the Week Collected for
Abolition of the death penalty in
both of Marcóla; Howard Caldwell.
the slate, appropriation of $350,into for
Our Readers.
Noth and Violet Dorthea Burrow, Eu­
the establishment of the first unit of j
a model prison, and elimination of vlr- -
Sixteen carloads of broccoli have tually all forms of punishment In the i
been »hlppeil from Roseburg up to penal Institutions, was proposed In an
WHEREAS in chapter 127. general
the present time.
Initiative petition filed In the offices
laws of Oregon, enacted In 1918, it la
Construction of a breakwater Io pro of the secretary of state at Kalem
declared to be the duty of every per­
tect the wharf of Port Orford harbor
son. Arm, copartnership, company and
The net Income of the Sumpter Val­
corporation owning, leasing, occupy­
waa disapproved by the war depart ley Railroad company for the year
ing. possessing or having charge of or
1928 Was $40.740.57, according to the
dominion over any land, place, build­
Receipt» of the Halem postoffice ex annual report of the corporation tiled
ing. structure, wharf, pier or dock
I which I» Infested with ground squlr-
reeded »11 corresponding high record» In the offices of the public service
i rets and other noxious rodents or
In February with an aggregate of 119.- commission In Salem, The operating
j predatory animals, nr as soon as the
revenue» were $434.704.22. while th e 1
« s e .it.
presence of the same shall come to
R 8. Bryson. county clerk of l.ane operating expenses were 3317.988.13 (
his. their or its knowledge, at once
proceed and to continue In good
county for the past nine year», ha»
Governor Patterson signed house
faith to exterminate and destroy sock
resigned the office, to take effect Im hill 53. Introduced bv Representative
Here is the newest star to join rodents by poisoning, trapping or
Collier, making operative a proi>osad the staff of thia newspaper, G M. other
Payne, originator of the mirthful
means: and
There are now 802 prisoners In the constitutional amendment prohibiting comic,—"S-matter
WHEREAS gray digger ground
Oregon state penitentiary, which la the use of "Blank A" on election rt-o
will appear regularly every week squirrels (Cltellns donglasli) are nox­
the largest population In the history Under the proposed amendment nt
now. Get acquainted with Pop, Old-
ious rodents In Lane County, Oregon
person would be allowed to vote on thner, Wiltyum and Ambrose—the
of the Institution.
Now. therefore, all of such persona,
little hafd-heiled egg from next Arms, copartnerships, corporation»
Clyde V. Johnson of Portland was
and companies owning or having
appointed deputy state real estate previously registered.
every week. ’
dominion over land In said t-ana
A warrant waa Issued by the Jack­
commissioner to succeed William A.
County. Oregon, are hereby required
son county sheriff’s office for the ar­
Mullen, who resigned.
to take steps to exterminate said
Faculty Appointm ents Made
rest of Rev. M. L. I’etelle. pastor of
digger ground squirrels (Cltelloa
Pour and one-half Inches of rain fell
within thirty days from tha
In Fiend In February, establishing a
date of the first publication of thia
new precipitation record tor the charged with possession and trans March 10— (Special)— Fnrtynine re­ notice. If such steps are not taken, a
portatlon of liquor, found In a sedar I appointments to the faculty, five
month In that section.
person or persons appointed by tha
tipped over on the highway in the leaves of absence, and two new ap­ county
court of said Lane County will
Oregon Normal school won the Wil­ Siskiyou mountains. Petelle fled when .
pointments were made by the board enter upon said lands and proceed fa
lamette Valley conference basketball the officers approached.
exterminate said gray digger ground
of regents at Its meeting Monday.
championship at Albany, when It de
squirrels (Cttetlus douglasll) and tha
Oregon monthly pensions have been
Harold Blum, of the University of cost of said extermination will ha
feated Albany college. 28 to 28.
granted aa follows: Clarence E Os
against said lands.
George E Davis, »lata senator and borne. Portland, 320; Frederick L California, was added to the staff of levied
The county agricultural agent here­
a resident of Vale, Malheur county Bears, Portland. $30; Mary P. Wit
by designates Monday. April 4th, aa
was appointed atate corporation coni llama. Portland. $30; Emma E Barton ant professor. As a teacher and In­ a day to be known as "squirrel poison­
ing day” throughout the said Lana
mlsstoner to succeed W. E. Crew».
Portland, $30; Hannah A. Martin ordinarily fine record, according to County, and it Is hereby recommended
Percy Varney, formerly state pa Portland, $30; Cleon Emery Barloe.
Dr. A. R. Moore, head of the depart­ that poisoned barley, as prepared by
role officer, has been appointed chlet $20; Gene M. Simpson. Corvallis, $20;
the undersigned and representatives
ment. Mary Mitchell Moore, a scient­ of
the Bureau of Biological Survey a t
Inspector for the automotive depart Manly T. Bartholomew, Charles, $25
ist of International reputation, was ap­ the United States Department of
raent of the public service commis­
Two children. George H. and .»me- pointed research associate in zoology Agriculture be used for the purpose
Neal, aged 21» and 1 year, respective without salary.
of such extermination. Such poisoned
W. A. Smith and J. Huddleston ly. sons of Mr. and Mrs. George W
In order to do advanced work. In barley may be secured from the un­
have been appointed a» deputy fish Hilliard, were burned to death and most cases for the doctor’s degree, dersigned at his office In Eugene,
warden» for the lower Columbia the mother waa aeverely burned in at Ethel Sanborn, botany. H. G. Tanner, Lane County. Oregon at approximate­
the cost of preparation.
river by A. W Franklin, master flab tempting to rescue them, when the chemistry, Alice Henson Ernst. Eng­ ly Date
of first publication of this no-
family's tent-house home at a Cros lish. Dr. Wilmot C. Foster, medical ttce March 10th. 1927.
Governor Patterson »»toed houee sett-Western company logging camp school, were granted leaves of ab­
County Agricultural Agent.
bill 294. Introduced by Representative 35 miles southeast of Astoria, was sence.
M 10-17-24
Lewis, providing for the creation of an destroyed by fire.
additional circuit Judgeship in Multno­
County assessors from all parts of
Oregon were requested to meet in
mah county.
Ground was broken at Tillamook Salem Tuesday to discuss a bill ap
for the construction of a factory for proved at the recent legislative ses
a new veneer manufacturing com­ tlon giving to the slate tax commU j
pany. which expects to be in opera «ion additional powers In maklni -
property assessments. Officials said
Don by May 15.
The government would provide $70. that the operation of the new act
000 to aid the state of Oregon in erect probably would Insreaae the prop
ing a statue of Theodore Roosevelt on erty assessments in Oregon approxi
Hattie rock. In Port Orford harbor mately $250.000.000.
W. C. Bart ram. flax field agent for
und<T a bill Introduced by Senator Mc­
the state penitentiary, announced that
Industrial accidents totaled 482 In he had obtained the right to purchase
Oregon during the week ending 100 pounds of the famous J. W. S
March 8. according to a report pre­ pedigreed flax seed. The seed is now
pared by the slate Industrial acci­ en route to Salem. Purchase of this
dent commission. There were no seed previously was refused by the
English seed control committee. The
strain of seed waa developed by Dr
A new irrigation project was born Eyre of the linen research association
at Klwnnth Falls when owners of 4200 at Lam berg. Ireland.
acres of land lying on the south side
A. B. Carter, aecretary of the Ore­
of the Ashland Klamath Falls highway
west of the city voted to form the gon state board of engineering exam
i inera. has demanded that the Coos
Keno Irrigation project.
! county court release W. A. Gilbert,
Nineteen measures concerning qn county roadmaster. saying he was un
gllng, hunting and commercial fishing unlicensed engineer and therefore not
were passed by the Oregon legislature eligible for the work. The court has
during the recent session, according made no move as yet to discharge Mr
to summaries made by the state game Gilbert, holding him to be one of the
and state fish wardens.
best roadmasters in the state and hav­
Secretaries of chambers of com ing received fine service from him.
merce In Oregon and some other
Portland's new $1.200,000 federal
states will meet tn Eugene in the building has been set back a year
seventh annual conference of the Asso­ by the senate's failure to approve
ciation of Commercial Organisation the public buildings appropriation
Secretaries March 21 to 25.
bill carrying a $382,000 Item for pur
Darrel D. Johnson of Corvallis was chaae of a site and commencement
Injured fatally when the sedan he was of construction there, 'white other
driving was struck by a northbound sums badly needed in the Pacific,
Southern Pacific train where the Pa northwest have been lost for the cur­
clflc highway crosses the tracks Just rent fiscal year through failure of
outalde the town of Clackamas.
the second deficiency bill, which also
Mrs. Leon Lester, 30, of Kings val fell victim of senatorial stubborn
ley, waa drowned and her mother. Mrs. ness.
Joseph Klxer of Brownsville, was
Another hearing of Importance, to
seriously Injured when their automo­ be held In Portland on March 14, In
bile plunged from the road six miles addition to the two others already
southeast of Albany and overturned scheduled to be held there by officialr
In a dl»ch rilled with water.
of the federal government during that
One hundred and ninety-six heart week, was ordered by tha Interstate
of cattle Infected with tuberculosis commerce commission, which has dele­
have been found and destroyed in gated examiners to take testimony on
Clackamas county under the recent the application of the Northern Pa­
state law requiring that all cattle be cific, Great Northern and O.-W. R. A
tested, according to Dr. C. H. Sea N. railroads for continuance of their
Joint passenger service contract be­
graves, county herd supervisor.
The Ray-Brown company capitalised tween Seattle, Tacoma and Portland.
Governor Patterson completed th<
at $300,000, will have completed at
Woodburn, on a 12H-acre tract a $258,- task of lopping off appropriations ag
000 cannery of the four-line type in «regaling $1,335,310 approved at the
time to handle the berry crop of the recent session of the legislature. The
section. Ultimately It will be a nine- largest appropriations to fall under the
line plant. Construction wilt begin veto were those of $175,000 for the
construction of the proposed new li­
Allotment of $52.000 out of the 1928 brary at the University of Oregon and
rivers and harbors fund for work on $175,000 for classrooms and library at
Tillamook bay and bar was announced the state normal school at Monmouth.
by the war department, which approv­ There also was eliminated an appro­
ed a recommendation of the chief of priation of $150,000 for a new dorml
i engineers for use of that amount. The tory at the southern Oregon normal
new allotment is expected to be avail school at Ashland. Other appropria­
able June 1, the beginning of the next tions In excess of $100,000 which were
fiscal year. It brings the total allotted vetoed by the governor Included $120,-
1 to the Tillamook bay and bar project 100 for the erection of state armories
by the federal government above $750.- and $100,800 lor the support 9< WMF
j 000.
ty fair*.
. m AIIM