THVR8DAY MARCH IO, H>27 T H « FPRINQFIELD NEWS THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS F ttM ta M «vary Tkaraday at «prtngftaid. Laae Const?. O r a »» a . by T H I W IL k A M K T T g P R C M H . B. M A X E Y . SMItor. rN « ta aa awxwd claaa m attar February 14. 1WJ a t t h . poatofflc*. Springfield. Oragoa M A IL S U B S C R IP T IO N R A T « Three Months —— -75c Year In Advance...—..$1 75 _ . ............. t i o« single C o p y ----------- Be M o u tk i T H U R S D A Y M ARCH 1«. 1937 WHY KICK AT THE GOVERNOR Governor Patterson has just finished vetoing wholesale scores of appropriation bills passeed by th e adjourned legislature. His reason was that there was no money in the treasury for any of them , even for the ones that had merit. Seems like a good reason to us -one that a man might practise in private life in the conduct of his own affairs. Oregon just got rid of one wishy-washy governor: why now start kicking Governor Pai- terson when he has n e n e enough to stand on a business-like platform. It there had been suffi­ cient money to meet these appropriation bills and the governor had then vetoed them there would have been occasion to complain. But now we imagine that the complaints will tall on the deaf ears of the general public. • • • HAVE YOU BOUGHT YOUR WOLLEN MILL SHARE NEW PLAN TO BE USED AT OREGON ST11X IN OCR POCKETS THOSE HANDS ACROSS THE SEA If you don't mind getting hot under the collar, read this. You may thank Mr. C aret G arrett for digging up the facts, and us for passing along the news. News It Is briefly, "tru th about our war loans, or. our League of Debtors." which Mr. G ar­ rett explains fully in the Saturduv Evening Post, issue of February 12. In substance he proves. “ It has gone far enough.” When the war ended we had bought goods and services of the British Empire totaling $2,600.- 000,000 for which we had paid cash. Great Bri­ tain had required good« and services of us to the am ount of $3,750,000.000 which she borrowed from us ami $500,000.000 more a fter the Artnls tlce. in France, our War Department had required goods and services to Ute value of $1,750,000.000 w hich we had paid in cash. France required gt>o«l t and services of us to the amount of $2.000,000.- 000 all of which we loaned her and $1.000.- 000.000 more a fter the Armistice. In all. when the war ended, we had loaned the Allies $9.500.000.000 and had paid them in cash $4,500,000.000- a small total of $13,750.000.- 000. England now owes us $4.250.000,000 and France $3.000,000.000. The present cash value of all the settlem ents, including the one pending with France, is roughly one-half the am ount the debtors borrowed and rem em ber $2,000,000.000 of these loans wen- made AFTER the Armistice was signed. All of this is reply to another sentim ental wave of propaganda which is now sweeping our land for a cancellation of Europe's war debt to us Don’t you think we have loaned with one hand —and ,»aid cash with the other long enough? If you don't, you would, if you will rend Mr. G ar­ rett's complete article. You will then help, w hen­ ever need "he, in that delicate task of removing Europe’s hand from Uncle Sam 's pockets. And it’s high time. • • • Eat More Toast - It’s Healthy U n ive rs ity of Oregon. Eugen», O r . . March 10 - I Special) - K eorganlM - tlon of the en tire academic ayatetu to e«tab|l«h a jun ior college and o rg an lie honor 'roMraea fo r «upwrtur atudenta has been voted by the faculty. Tilt’ new l’rlncess T oaster combines all the qualltlea t»f the fluent toaster. Made of highly pollshiMl nickel, b eau ti­ ful In design und made for long aervloe ami durability. Makes delirious golden-brown tonal righi hi your table. A com m ittee w ill be appointed Im ­ mediately to plan the detatla of the new ayntvni Aa a reault of the faculty'« approval o f the Junior col­ lege plan there -will he a ilefiult-' break In the college euurwe at the end I of the sophomore year. Now Only 95c Down Thia plan w ill not affect »tlidcnl« who are now enrolled In Ihe U nlver «Ity. but w ill govern those entering next (all The tlral two year« the Student w ill take a general cultural courav Then he w ill ruecelve a Junior certificate If he ha« completed the group and grad • requirement«. T he certificate with honors privilege« w ill he granted If he ha« fulfilled the low er division re­ quirem ent and In addition other« re­ quired by the honor» council. $1.60 m onthly with your light hill Total only $6.95 This action on the part of the faculty ha» come as the result of a number of Investigation« and recom­ mendation» made by student com mit tees recently concerning educat tonal conditions at the U n iversity. Free with every Princess T oaster purchased «hiring Mareh. Beginning with commencement In June. 1931. no student shall I»' granted a bachelor of a ria or a bachelor of science degree who floe« not hold a Junior certificate w ith upper division standing or a Junior certificate w ith honors privileges There are still m any people in this community who can afford to buy a few shares of woolen mill stock. It not for the cash dividends then for the benefit to the comm unity in general they should Under the provisions o f the Super­ support this worth while enterprise. There can ior Students and Honors com mittee, be no denying that the benefit of this larue mill which were adopted by the faculty, will be great to Springfield and everyone in the more freedom w ill be given to stud com m unity will profit in some m anner. nets of ab ility and Inclination to do IMMIGRATION LAW There is need of $20,000 more to be signed up advance«) work They w ill be allowed in Springfield. Those who have been overlooked Frequent efforts wen- made during the last ses­ to follow tb e lr own Inclinations, and ' or had not made up their minds when called on sion of Congress to destroy the effectiveness o f th eir work w ill be evaluated by means by the comm itteem en should now come forward the Immigration Acts of 1921 and 1924. Yet it Is of special examinations. • • • stnfwn in an announcem ent by the Bureau of To carry out the honors prngrum a l.abot* Statistics of the D epartm ent of laibor that permanent faculty council on honor Springfield needs a cream ery and it behooves since the passage of these acts the num ber of un­ students, consisting of nine members ! th e Chamber of Commerce and other civic or­ skilled im m igrants entering this country has been is to be appointed by the president. ganizations to encourage this industry. Steps reduced from 41 per cent of the total to 18.7 of This c o m m itte e 'w ill direct the honors ' should be taken to bring someone into the field the total. At the same time here has been a su b ­ work and supervise the privileges ex­ who will reopen the plant here. While cream er­ stantial increase in the num ber of skilled labor­ tended to honor students, although j ies have suffered as the result of chain stores ers am ong the im m igrants entering a fte r the pas­ bringing in cheap stuff from outside sources and sage of the quota laws. Another report from this the specific direction and enrollm ent students In honors work *111 re­ selling it a t a less cost than good butter can be departm ent shows that alien inm ates of public of made, the future o ’ the induntry look*? brighter and penial institutions in the United S tates to ta l­ main. as at present, w ith the various J departments. Someone who knows the cream ery business could ed 111.673. • • • — > • c m ake a success in Springfield. • • • FINE ARTS BUILDING • # The Test of Time. Eighty-seven percent of the FUND TO BE SOLICITED The Eugene Guard has a new publisher from pavement of Multnomah County, Oregon. Is as­ Ohio. It is ith sincere good wishes that Lane coun­ phaltic concrete. U n iversity o f Oregon. Eugene. Ore . I For fourteen years this county has been a lead­ ty will welcome him at the helm of that pioneer March 1 0 — (Sp«M-lal)— Dorothy Hob­ er in salvaging old gravel and m acadam roads. newspaper which has been since its early found­ As far back as 1912, It surfaced old rock m ac­ son of Springfield. has been appointed ing in the hands of some of the sta te ’s greatest adam with a two-inch wearing surface of asphal­ chairm an of a com m ittee to raise newspaper men. funds for the benefit of the Pine Arts , The new publisher comes from a family which tic concrete. After fourteen years of service on building. In Springfield during the J main highways carrying the heaviest traffic, the has conducted good newspapers both in the east spring vacation. It is announced by and the west. He has a good field in Eugene and m aintenance cost on these roads has been negli­ Edith Dodge, general chairm an. gible. everyone wishes him success. The drive Io being conducted under . . . Multnomah County’s experience in salvaging its rock m acadam roads at a minimum of exi>enae the auspices of the Women's League A local young man this week asked a father is of particular interest at this time when the sur­ to raise funds for the building, which for his daughter’s hand in m arriage and when the facing of feeder roads leading into main high­ Is to house the valuable are collect- 1 fath e r said “no,” the young man wanted to know ways, is of prim ary im portance in developing our Ions of the U n iversity. En tertain m en t In the form of ' w hat was the m atter with her. national road system .—The M anufacturer. V Mountain States Power Co Read Your Home Newspappr—The News dances, teas, or sim ilar affairs are be­ ing planned by the various com m it­ tees. W atch re p a irin ' done correctly W o rk In today— O ut tom orrow . Hoyt 321 M ain at. U A Food The Children Enjoy Ice cream le a great food for the children and for grown npe. too. The flavor of the flneat confections, yet full of health-building food element*. The kind of Ico cream Eggimann has cannot be over eaten by the children. Give ’em lota of It. WHERE SERVICE IS A LITTLE DIFFERENT EGGIMANN’S « NOW! You can be the owner of the finest Washing Machine made. ONLY I $5.00 Down They Work Naturally » Balance on liberal terms With the New Eaay you can Wash, Dry and Rinse at th e name time. No w at^r _____'wrttrarden— to lift or carry. For FreshVegetables WhenYouWant Them. One at N ig ht— Next Day B right! they seem to taste better W e have made it very easy for you to choose the rorU you b k ™ £ t Our Sterling Seed Box with its hundreds of packets, illustrated in natural colors, is now displayed in merchants’ «tores near you Northrup, King Ik Co.'s Seeds have been giving satisfaction for 42 years. No better garden seeds are ottered you at any price You will find an excellent assortment ot all the varieties popular in this district By planning your plantings and care- lui choosing of varieties you can keep your garden in produc­ tion all summer and fall. And don't forget the enjoyment you can add to your yard by planting a few packets of flower seeds. It em pties Itaelf. No wrinkles to Iron i i on. And the vacuum principle Y faat washing and large vol­ ORDERLIES A t L ocal D ealers h «- w of waaliing m akes possible 55g*222: VeC out or buttons to are an easy re lie f for constipa­ tion. A never failin g laxative, gen­ tle In action und absolutely sure N ever necessary to Increase the dose. T hey work n atu rally and form no habit. Safe for children as well ns adults. ume without the leaat wear on your machine. Two tuba — One washes while the other dries. Let us demonstrate the wonders of The New Easy Washer 25c Box of 24 M ountain S tates power C ompany Flanery’s Drug Store i ------- I —-»J