PRINTING In t h « liineparttblp companion of arhleve- m»nt. rc f THE SPRINGFIELD NEW TWBNTY-FOUIITH YEAR SCHOOL HEADS 10 BE NAMED EHIDAY V. of o. Library SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY. OREGON. REV. SMALL OUTLINES SCOUTS WIND UP BIG THEMES FOR NEW WEEK ROUND-UP CAMPAIGN AT EUGENE MARCH 15 Themes for (he coming week were THURSDAY MARCH 10. 1927 •Tn« Ksapiea P NEWBPAPCR TOW N X '« NUMBER 9 Natron Youth Dies RAILR0AD asked to SHARE BRIDGE COSTS A fter A uto Crash Tha, the Spr)n,fl- brMw pro(rran: M ILL« S2S.OOO Is experiencing a "slowing up" through 1 announced today by Itev Small, who SprlngAeld troops Nos. It and 12. la conducting revival services at th» Hoy Scouts of America, will have a V ir g il M ille r V ic t im o f A c c id e n t Ananrlal conditions and negotiations with the Southern Pacific was the SprlngAeld Christian church. Th« prominent part In the court of honor Near Douglas Gardens I statement yesterday of County Judge Moodny Session Ends Without auhjerla follow: On Monday by which Lane county scouts will | C. P. Barnard, who was In Portland Eugene Drive For $50,000 Not Thursday evening, "Elijah Under wind up the annual Scout Round up, to Action, But Superintendent Yet Started; Springfield Muet The victim of a mysterious auto last week to attend the meeting of the the Juniper Tree." , be conducted al the Woman's building And Principals To Be Elected mobile accident, the details of which highway commission. Raise $22,000 More If Oregon- Friday eveulng, "A God Who L oess University of Oregon, on March 15. Tomorrow Night, Plan; One Us." will never be known. Virgil Miller. 23. Actual construction of the bridge California Cooperative Lo­ At least two local boys will receive | son of Mr. and Mrs. C. Miller of Nat- Sunday morning. "The Church Dial Asks 9150 Raise. ' will not start until late in the spring. cates Here. Aral class rating al the meeting They ron, died at the PaclAc Christian hos­ Jesus Built." In Judge Barnard's opinion. The high are Peylon Oderklrk. troop 11. and Klecttoh of superlntedent and prin­ pital Monday ulght from Injuries re- Sunday evening. “Ilnw God's Peo­ With the campaign In Eugene not Bill Cog. troop 12, Both local troops | reived when his car turned over on way commission, he said. Is favorable cipals and consideration of a proponed ple Can Gel Tog eth er " yet started, the Woolen Mill subscrip­ to delaying the work for another year admlnlnlratlve change ara schedule! Monday evening. "The Greater will have aeveral candidates for tend­ i the McKenzie Highway at the J. C. but demands by the SprlngAeld and tion Hat Jumped to approximately >20z tor speelal meeting of the H, rinaflrld Works or Do New Testament Heal erfoot standings, who will have a part ; Cooley residence. Douglas Gardens Eugene Interests are expected to 000 thia week, leaving >22.000 yet to he In the tenderfoot Investiture, while hoard of education tomorrow night at Insw Occur Today T" Miller was driving alone, bound for bring about construction this year. raised In SprfngAeld. CommitteemjB others will receive second class 7 30 o'clock at Clark It. W Btnllh's Tuesday evening. "Excuses, Not I Eugene His car apparently struck The Southern PaclAc has promised hare 8'>ent * bn’ f week- and expert standing Fourth Btreot office Reason a." an automobile parked beside the high- an Immediate answer to suggested as- ®ontlnue the drive intensively dnr- Scoutmaster W P. Tyson today I way belonging to 8. C. Sharon of Selection of the arhool heads wan Wednesday evening, “The Peril of Ing the coming week. ■Ixtance by that concern. In view of urged that all parents of Scouts ac­ Creswell, the reason being unkonwa on the bill for a meeting Monday Neglect." * The committeemen assigned to tha the fact that the construction of the night, hut the board niembern went Thursday evening. "Heading the company their boys to the Eugene aa there were no eye witnesses. bridge will relieve traffic from the Eugene drive have been asked by th« meeting, declaring that they will And home late after a lengthy dlacunnl >n Bible t*> As To Understand It." (chart Eugene Chamber of Commerce to Mr. Cooley’s family, hearing the dangerous Second street crossing. without taking deAnlte action sermon especially for new converts i It well worth their while. await a meeting of the Industrial c m - crash, ran to the aid of the youth, "The closing of Second street, If It The Ananrlal situation seemed to he Friday evening, lecture on "Love Plan Thursday Meeting who was pinned under the automobile. COul100.000 to be raised if the Califor­ Bugler Peyton Oderklrk and 8crlbe annually. While the kingdom was yet In pr--- the PaclAc Christian hospital by am- street.” , , nia-Oregon Cooperative Woolen Min« High School Principal A. J. Morgan, pect Jesus taught the people In par­ Ralph Hews. bulance There Dr Rehhan spent sev­ locate on the Industrial tract her«. I One of the chief reasons for the Hoy 8cout diaries will be presented >2000 ables and Acures. hut after Its — commission's favor to delaying the The concern has promised to rato-» Junior High Principal, Otto II ir- ahllshment Agures gave place to facta, the scouts by the Linns club, sponsor eral hours with him In the surgery. Ills nose and Jaw were broken, plan Is the matter of funds, said the >650.000. rhutn. >1350. commands and promises. Jesus com- tng organisation, and all scouta hav The subscription list, with new sub­ there were numerous lacerations and Judge. Building of new piers, he said, Ing been members for one year will Brattaln School Principal Mra. Ora missioned the disciples to preach the deep gashes on his face and body, and will require more money. Until tho scribers listed first, follows: Head llemenway. >1250 gospel to every creature promising receive a gold service star. > 500.« at 10:b6 o'clock that night he died. Southern PaclAc hag submitted its pro- George W. Perkins .......... Raise Thought (A ked salvation to all who would believe and 100 00 The accident occurred between 4 and posal. no further action can be expect- Robert Plrrle ............... While the board wan reticent regard­ obey It He also vouched for Ihelr VENETA DESPARADOES F. E. Clayton .................. 400. M ed. according to the Judge. 5 o'clock in the afternoon. ing dtncuanlon of the school head elec­ Inspiration to guide them Into all FACING MURDER TRIAL Arne Nelson ....................... 100 0« Mr. Miller was known to be a sober tion. It la thought that at leant one of truth, promising them the Holy Spirit D. F Worley ............ ....... .... 100.« MISSION PROGRAM AT young man, and the reason for the the prlnelpala ban naked for an n- In a miraculous way. Charges of Arst degree murder have F. W. Bartholemew 100 0« rreaae In salary When he came on Pentecost, they (>een A led against Albert Brownlee crash of his car with the parked auto­ METHODIST WEDNESDAY H. I . Back . . ........... 100.0« Principal Hurrhum of the Lincoln began to preach as he Inspired them and Dewey Russell, alias Charles Mur­ mobile will never be known. He waa H. Sangathe ............. 200.«« • arhool. he said yesterday. haa aaked —persons -were cut to the heart and ray. accused of holding up the Veneta riding alone. Sponsored by the Woman's Foreign 100.00 Claude Cook....................... the board to boost hla salary to >1500 made to cry out. "Men and brethern. pool hall on the night of February 27 The accident Is the second fatal one Missionary society, a program will be 100.«« a year, and points to hla record of what shall we do’ I'ct.-r ,11-1 n o i i. d l and shooting William Maddaugh. later here within the past several weeks, ' presented at the Methodist church W. L. House ....................... 100« service and the salary schedules else­ them to be horn again Because the fatally wounding Eaton Hooker while the other being that in which Errol . next Wednesday evening at 7:30 A. R. Sneed .................... F. C. Lansberry 1 « .« where In support of hla petition It la lime for Agures had passed. Peter. In­ resisting arrest. I o'clock, It was announced today. E Prker. SprlngAeld, vras killed. 100.« L. K. Page not believed that deAnlte Increases stead of telling them In be born again, The Program After a week's search for the men. W M H am ......................... 100.« were aaked by other principals, but told them to repent and be baptised. Hymn and prayer. Russell was arrested In Eugene last KLOVDAHL SUGGESTS 100 0« T. Nysten ........................... the board la considering the whole To be born or begotten of the spirit Saturday and the next morning re­ Playlette.—"Aunt Polly Joins the Mls- J. Nelson ............................. 1M .W FLOOD CONTROL PLAN Is to he made a penitent believer In ports were received from Walla Walls. situation thia week. 1. slonary Society." Five ladles In W. O. Hughes ................... too«« Bain Has Plan Jesus Christ and to be born of the costume. Washington, that Brownlee had been Three methods of controlling floods Paul Hadley ................... .... 10«.«« Superintendent V. I). Hain has auh water Is to he Immerred In Christ captured by the sheriff there. Brown- Pantomlne.—"O Zion Haste." Seven Emilie A. Smith .......... ..... 1 0 0 « mltted a plan to the hoard suggesting Conversions In "Acts" are model less later confessed to the entire epi­ on the Willamette river In the West young ladles In costume. 1 « .« SprfngAeld section have been suggest Brattafn Land Co. ........... administrative changes, which has cases of the new btrth. They hoard sode, admitting that It was he that ed by Simon Klovdahl, city engineer, Play.—"Unto the Heavy Laden." de­ Oren Metcalf .................... 100.« not been made public. Copies of the the word of God. they believed It and monstrating mission work In It shot Msddaugh and Hooker. 1 « .« I Nettle M etcalf................... who urges that some steps he taken suggestions have lieen given each obeyed It. and were translated out Eighteen women and girls in Sheriff Tayluor also haa taken into to prevent repetition of the recent 100« O. C. Thnrman................... board member, and are being consider­ of the kingdom of darkness Into the tume. 100.« S. N. McPherson ............... damage caused by the Willamette custody Melvin Jefferies. 25. a resi­ ed this week, possibly for action to­ kingdom of God. Silver offering and hymn. R. D. Kercher .................... 100« At the close of the meeting a week dent of the Wolf Creek distrlet. who. freshet. morrow. His suggestions are: i A. B. Kepner.................... 100« It la alleged, harbored the bandits. Blight curricular changes also are from tomorrow. Rev. Small will give 1. By constructing on the rivers FLOOD VICTIMS EXPRESS ' 8. Y. Bartholemew .... 100.« suggested by the superintendent Next his lecture, for which a small admis­ It Is understood that a confession Elmer Sankev .................... ... 100.« from Jefferies has Implicated Russell above controlling dams which, shut year, he suggests that a course In sion will he charged. off during the flood, would hold back W. F. Palmer .................... 100.« to such an extent that despite his •'occupations'- be given the freshmer, 500.« claim of an alibi and refusal to con­ part of the ater until the peak of the Appreciation to those who have as­ F. G. Young. Eugene along with a civics course scheduled. 500« fess. his conviction with Brownlee on river had passed the threatened dis­ sisted victims of the recent West Mrs. F. G. Young ........... It la possible that the board mav MAN INJURES HIS BACK Bprlngfleld flood »as expressed this C. F. Egglmann ................ .... 1 0 0 0 « WHILE BREAKING HORSE the murder charge Is almost certain. trict. take up the matter of choosing teach­ 2 By constructing levees along the week by those who suffered during the 1 L. F. Anderson ................ The new I-ane County grand Jury 500.« ers at Friday's meeting, according to high water. Falling backward off a wagon wit... Is taking up the rase of the Veneta river bank and. 1 Wm. McDonald ................. 200.« preaent plans, but this matter la like­ 3. By deepening the river channel. The flood victims are slowly getting ; J. E. Cross ........................ a rope broke unexpectedly, Clayton robbery, and Indictments are expected 300.« ly to tie left for a later session. The third remedy la pointed to by bark to normal after the high water. W. H. Adrian ................. Alford severely Injured his back In soon. 200.« Mr. Klovdahl as the most feasible, Gratitude »•« expressed experiallv to Geo. Valller ...................... an accident at the Seavey hop ranen 200.« Brownlee and Russell escaped pos­ MRS. C. E. POWERS OF early Wednesday. 500« ses In the Vaughn district by taking the cheapest and the moat permanent. the Red Cross and other organizations D. B. Murphy .................... "From prevailing data," he said, "we which have given time and efforts to C. E. Swarts .................... Alford was engaged In breaking freight trains nut of Vaughn, It is be­ W. SPRINGFIELD DIES 500.« horses. He was pulling on a rope lieved. Brownlee was taken to Seat­ know that from the south line of bringing relief to the unfortunate. B. A. Washburne ......... 500.« Funerei Services lire to he conduct- from the wagon when Is parted, allow­ tle by automobile by Elmer Jensen of SprlngAeld to the north line of Eu­ J. B. Young .............. 500.« ed In Eugene today for Mra. C. E. ing him to drop to the ground. He Crow* Stage, who did not know the gene. below Sladen rapids, there is a Many Have Measles M. J. McKlin .................... 200« PirWera, for mnny yeara a realdent of was brought to a local surgeon’s of- man when he asked for a ride on the fall of about 30 feet, or 6 feet per Measles and chicken pox are replac­ M. R. Adams .................... .... 100.« West HprlngAeld, who di ed at her Ace for treatment. 10« « highway. At Walla Walla he became mile. We also know that this fall ing Influenza Is the chief health dis­ J. L. Lorah ..................... home Tueaday. The servlcea are to suspicious and reported Brownlee to would make such velocity that the turbers in the district, according to I. M. Peterson ................. .... 1 M .« hi held at Veatch'a undertaklng par Bus, Car Collide 500.« the sheriff's office Brownlee's arrest river would scour Itself down many Health Offcer W. H. Pollard. Several Wm F Walker ................ lors. feet In one night If there were not cases have been reported, and sAool Thos. McKinnis ................ 1 « .W and confession followed. Mra. Power'a husband and two chll- outcroppings of bedrock here and attendance Is slightly Irregular as a A. A. Anderson ................ .... 1M .« A Southern PaclAc bus and an auto­ dren survlve. there. We know there ta one above re s u lt W. W. Clover .................... 100« mobile operated by V. L. Rulter of Cascade Resort Opens the Ferry atreet bridge, one at the F. B. Flanery .................... .... 200« Waltervllle Agured In an accident at Food Sale Planned Intake of the mill race, one at Burton B. O. Smith ........................ 100.« the Second street railroad crossing at Methodists Plan Meeting Cascade Resort, on the McKenxIe. rapids below SprlngAeld and one at The Bible Study class of the Christ­ 4:30 o'clock Tuesday. The car crash J. A. Neher ......... 100.« Further plans for the evangelistic ian church will hold a cooked food ed Into the rear of the bus when tho owned and operated by 8loan A Kuhn, the wagon bridge. It la only at those J. C. McMurray ............... .... 1 « .« services to be held at the Methodist sale at the I. O. O. F. building Satur­ latter made a safety stop at the cross will open for business on March 12. places that cutting would have to be Mrs. L. May .................... .... 1 « .« when a large reservation has been made. The Intervening stretches church begtnningi March 31 were out­ S. I. A Ella O gden______ day. 2 M .« Ing. lined at a meeting of the official board made for the week-end. All cabins would take care of themselves.” C. A. Swarts .......... ........ .... 1 0 0 .« Monday night. Four committees to Mr Klovdahl suggests that a sur­ and the restaurant will be opens I at Buys Property H e re B. G. Sankey . 100« George Fish has purchased three Baby Daughter Bern—Mr. and Mrs. tnls time, although the hotel will not vey be made to learn the aggregate have charge of preliminary work were C. W. Hamlin .............. 100.« named. The service will he conduct­ acres and a house on Mill street, be­ Fred Roaeberry, former 8<>rlngAeld open until a little later, But the cabins length of the outcroppings. He be­ F. B. Hamlin ................ 100 « yond the high school, from A. P. residents now living at Tillamook, are will accommodate any who wish to lieves that carrying out the plan would ed by Rev. Henderson. Geo. J. Gerlach ................. 6 « .« Lyons Mr. Flih plana to live on hla the parents of a baby daughter, born Islt this scenic Bpot on the Mc­ cost less than one year's flood damage J. Fulop ................... . . 1500 SH Visit Pollard Home—Rev. and Mrs. W. C. McLagan ................. new property. here March 7. Mr. and Mrs. Rose Kenzie river. All the cabins have and would have the additional adv­ .... 1 0 0 .« berry have been visiting the I. D. been redecorated and repainted as 1ms antage of confining the river to Its Ralph Brown stopped Sunday at the Wm. Vasby ........................ .... l M .o r residence of Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Pol­ M. A. Premier .................... Given Mention Larimer home tor some time. the restaurant, and additional spates present bed. -... 3 « . « lard, Rev. Brown being a nephew of T. V. Ogden ......................... RprtngAeld's work In the wood pro­ haa been made about the grounds to 100 OH Down From Portland—Mrs. Mattie Mrs. Pollard. The Browns were en W. A. Taylor .................... motion program la given mention In Move to Kelaa—Mr. and Mrs. Milton lake care of the large numbers of ... 1 « .« the 4-L Lumber News. What was dona Cyr have moved to Kelso, Washing­ visitors who each season visit this McDaniels and niece, Mabel McDon­ route to New Jersey, where he will at­ W C. Rehhan .................. 6 « .« here In urging the use of wood pro­ ton, where they Intend to to reside resort. The resort Is opening the ald. were visitor« at the W. H. Pollard tend the Drear Theological seminary. Eugene Kester ................. ... 5 0 0 .« They have been living at 9eattle. ducts was outlined. permanently. residence Sunday. earliest In history this year. I