s Week College a-la-Spud I I L u (e n e • Newest £ Department W HERE DECENCY HERE AND TH EM . SHAW'S BABY PRICE. SPIRAL, NOT JAGGED. greatest sacrifices to make. Child labor cheats grown men and women of work and cheats the next generation of ita chor.ce In life, to say nothing of mocking Christ’s warning, •'Their angels do always behold the face of my father, whieli is in Heaven.” Cl "d labor sends plenty of little aneels to verify that text. ~ ~ ~ s University of Oregon. Rugene. Ore.. March 3— (Special*—Paul Tracy, of Springfield, senior in the school journalism, won the second prlie of $11*0 in the Murray Warner contest, according to the findings of the Judges j issued Wednesday. Phil. T. Bergh. of ttoseburg. senior in business adminis­ tration. received the first prize and an ward of $150. Tracy's subject was “Must China Turn to Force?" Bergh wrote on “Under the Cloak of Disorder" and Walter Butler, Creswell, who won third prize of $50. wrote on “The Gods of East and West.” The general subject used every year , for the basis of the essays is any ! question that tends to improve condi- j tions between this country and the ' Orient, and each writer discusses a differenct phase of the topic. France builds dozens of tiny air­ planes, sms est in the world; every French sub uarine will carry one. One of these submarine airplanes rose from the water nine seconds after the submarine reached the surface, went up 2,000 feet, de­ scended and went aboaru the sub­ marine again. I A fleet of submarines coming up near a big city, discharging its swarm of moscuito-like airplanes, each carrying its gas or explosiva bomb, could make the next war In­ teresting. $24.75 to $39.75 Because in Spring u suit Is the smart thing to wear, we expect this fine prea- eutation of the very newest to go quickly at the above prices. Trig little tailored suits in novelty mixtures, so attractive for the young miss, are of­ fered you. Don’t neglect cold«, but don’t be panic-stricken when told that Europe’s influenza epidemic may come here. A wise doctor has said, ' The best thing to take for a bad eold is two days,” which means two days of complete rest in bed, at an even temperature, drinking n u c ’i water, eating as little as possible. r« REBEKAHS W ILL HOLD • D IS T R IC T M EET HERE District convention of the Rebekah lodge will be conducted in Eugene April 4. it was announced at a meet­ ing of the local lodge Monday night. Plans for entertaining many visitors from Eugene. Walterville, CTeswell. Cottage Grove, and several other points are being perfected by a local committee. Mrs. Mary Magill of 8pringflebl is president of the district convention A public chicken dinner Is planned by the Progressive Twenty-Two’s, drill organization of the Rebekah lodge, for tonight at 6:30 o'clock at the I. O. O. F. hall. At Hospital—Jess Wallace under­ went an operation at the Pacific Christian hospital this morning. Why It is to your advantage to buy a used car from Pettyjohn's. 1. A good selection of standard cars. 2. The lowest possible prices. 3. Laraway's Another big shipment Just received which completes our color range, and we have them all Yard •2M. •a. ». - 19c Laraway's. Daisy Outing Flannel 19c 27 Inches wide. Yard Ladies' Full Fashioned Other White Outings 10c to 15 yard. All good cloths. Silk Hose 98c IN all colors and sizes, pair Laraway's. Ladies' Pure Silk Hose In all the late colors and a complete run of sixes, prlr ....----------- 69c Laraway's. Misses' Sport Hose We have Just received a wonderful line of Misses’ Sport Hose. Csuallv sold at 69c to 75c pair, our price. pair _______ —■—~ 59c Laraway’s. Ladies' Collars Vestees and Bcarfs. everything new and up-to-date and are reasonably priced. Collar and cuff Seta 69c to 98c Authentic garments—a wondrous selection! 'inese models will meet with your individual needs and will come within •what you expect to pay for a new coat __________$ 1 2 .7 5 $ 1 2 .7 5 _________ The New Gloves Black and White Fascinating new fashions of beauty and brilliance, are our Black Satin and Kasha Cloth Coats trimmed with while fur. The materials are of the best and our prices are right. $ 2 4 .3 9 $ 39.75 For Spring are feaclnstlng with their clever little ruffs and beautiful combi­ nations A beautiful showing at these low prices. 98c. $1.49. $1*98 Laraway s. Laraway's. Vestees .......................—...... 98e to $3.39 Bcarfs $1.98 to $3.39 Supreme Crepe Laraway’s. A lingerie doth In all colors 36 Inches wide. Powder Puffs Gainsborough sizes, from Powder 79c yeard Puffs In all Bags and Vanity Cases 10c to 50c each A dandy new line. Silverware $1.98 to $7.50 26 piece set of knives, forks, spoons, and tray— $5.75 New Braids and Appliques New Dress Flannels 15c to $2.75 yard In plaids. Just the thing for sport suits. 54 inches wide. $3.98 yard LOVELY UNDERTHINGS Plain Colored Flannels Dainty Lingerie in Clever New Stylings Spring Undies from 98c a Garment Up Our prices are very reasonable for such lovely, fresh, new lingerie as we have just received. We have a complete stock of Gowns, Chemises, Step-Ins, Bloomers, Vests and Slips. Laraway’s. For dresses, come In all the late shades. 27 Inches wide. Reasonable term *. Our today's offerings consist of the following good used automobiles: I Studehaker Duplex Rdstr.. late model. ( Hudson Speedster, Jewett Coupe, j Buick “4” Rdstr., fully equipped. Aid Give* Program The Ladies Aid gave a program at Master Buick Rdstr., 1927 model. the Baptist church Monday night, ! Chevrolet Tourings, Ford Tourings. postponed from the previous Tuesday ■ Chevrolet Coupe, late model. I Oldsmobile DeLuxe Coach, late model. on account of the flood. Mrs. J. Garber had general charge Nash "4” Touring, new duco finish. of the evening’s entertainment. A ; Overland Coupe, Overland Touring. skit was presented in which Mrs. Dodge Touring, Gardner Touring. Alice Hawke, was George Washing­ Dodge Coupe, late model. ton, and Mrs. Tobias, as Martha This is an exceptionally fine selection Washington, bad leading roles. The of good used cars. You have to see playlet had a political charcter and them to appreciate their value. F. W . P E T T Y J O H N CO. was full of comedy. One of the largest crowds to attend a Baptist 7th and Olive Streets, Eugene, Oregon Open Evenings nattirtalnmnt beard the presentation. $9.90 to $29.75 Jap Crepe Lumber News Out—The 4-L Lumber News was distributed at the Booth- Kelly mill yesterday. 3 Good Reasons Frocks For All Occasions A brilliant array of Spring s newest frocks are being shown In our Ready- to Wear department Faithful to ths mode. these frorks are successes for Spring, and priced right. ? ¿ S í o ’ Lara way's. shows with photograph* ÍM times faster than morion pic­ ture cameras, that the lightning bolt Is a spiral. That inte .esta those who know that the spiral, as op­ posed to the circle, is the emblem of progress. Our earth, accompanying the sun In its journey through space, trav­ els ahead toward the star Vega, we going around it, following it, take a spiral course. You are many Mi­ ltons of miles from the spot in tjie universe where you were born, and probably never will go back. Ladies’ Spring Coats HIGH SCHOOL TODAY Cottage Grove and Springfield high school girls are competing in a typing contest at the local high school this a'ternoon. Much interest has been shown in the inter-school typwriting event, and plans are made for a re­ turn match at Cottage Grove two weeks from today, according to Mrs. Rice, instructor. The Springfield girls who will use nimble fingers in the contest this afternoon follow: First year class: Naomi Carlton. Audrey Danner. Jewel Roden. Hannah Shidler. Second year: Maxine Snodgrass Dora Wagner, Arrilla Thompson. Mary Lee. 7/ { ¡ I k Spring Suits Mads their bow her* this week TYPIN G CO NTEST AT Th<>~ are fine women m 'm er- ic. 4»’**- dk a, of California, too.- up swimming "to reduce.” Last week she swam the Catalina Channel, her eleven-year-old boy crying out to her, ‘‘Come on, Mamma, don’t give up.” When she finished the swim, the thirty-year-old mother was delirious, partly paralyzed and had been bitten four rimes by sav­ age barracuda. Too bad that such a woman should waste her marvelous vital­ ity on a battle that pleases the morbid but does no good. The na­ tion could afford to pay her to have twenty-one children instead of swimming twenty-one miles in icy water. Bernard Shaw says mothers should be paid for having children and adds, “I would not have a baby for 1 »ss than 110,000.” He underestimates it. If he were a woman, with only a man’s courage, and had had ONE baby, he ouldn’t have another one for a million dollars. Priced The people of Eugene and vivlnlty are beginning to realise fully the Important place that the lairaway Department Store Is tilling In this community. Thev tind here at all times merchandise of the highest possible quality at the lowest possible prices, and a service of the highest order Highly trained experts prepare the merchandise for your easy selection. Our buying Is systematized and is done when conditions are favorable and prices moderate. Insure the merchandise you wain at prices that are the lowest obtainable Laraway's Department Store of al!__fee ¿ding States that had the Reasonably New Frocks A Store Full of New Spring Merchandise Lowest Prices Compatible With High Quality Miss Carnei Holman Mt Ay . la . has worked her way throu Simpson I la ) college by peeling p latoes in a dormitory. "¿000 busk.- - of them in 4 years.” she says When she leaves in lune a gold potai, to be awarded her by the school • SPRINGFIELD STU D EN T W INS CONTEST PRIZE la C O N F ID E N C E You’ll lint! this whole store full of new Spring inerehandlae the Hnest ant, new est of sm art apparel, yurtl gooda. house funtlxhiuga. aceetutorlei. In short, every de,*urt inent Is having a Spring opening of It« own. Kret4h new slocks complete to the smallest detail. Arranged for your convenient choosing. Specially trained salespeople are at your service. latraway’s Department Store There is no question of a third tens for a man who has only been Montana’* Senate last week favor of the Constitol Amendment acaiaat Child T h s a rn e n d m e » may ba loot, ——- labor being profitable, and profit» hard to give up. But It la com­ forting to see decency here and there. In the end, of course, tho amendment w o r d help every State, just as *e end of sis ry helped M EETS Merchandise New Suits about third term . Q U A L IT Y Laraway’s Shopping News Store nominated and sleeted once. ___ U not President Coolidge, WHO 1st the Bspuhliesns t That qeoe- Man Interests Washington. Three Interesting tbs wise are Mellon, Seeretery Hoo­ ver and Frank Lowden, stf DUaste Secretary Mellon, older than the i* young enongh to THURSDAY MARCII 3. 1027 THS SPRINGFIELD NEWS PACB R IG H T $1.65 yard Printed Soisette In a »wonderful range of snappy pat­ terns. 49c yard Printed Rayons A beautiful cloth 79c to $1.29 yard Phone 2233 Sheets 81x90 Seamless Sheets 98c each Pillow Cases 42x36 Inches L A R A W A Y ’S 25c each Damask Napkins Department Store Dinner size. Utraway Bldg., 966-968 Willamette Street Eugene, Oregon --- -r- — — —- — urq-a , rs- A dandy $4.98 dozen ? — -¿3r Phone 2233