I T H I'IIB D A Y MARCH 3. 1927 PAGE SEVEN THE SPRING FIELD NEWS Classili dÁds (BUYING OH SELUffi^ GET RESULTS) TRAIN SCHEDULE „ , CHAMBER SECRETARIES TO MEET AT UNIVERSITY Cascade Ulna _____ Southbound, laavaa Springfield. University of Oregon, Bageua. Ore., 7:80 A. M Dally, , March 8— (Special)—The Association Northbound, Springfield at 1:4* P. of Commercial Organisation Secre'V - lea will hold ita seventh annual meet. M Dally Main Line— Bun connections Here. Ing on the Unlreralty campus here Southbound California trains, Eu­ March 21 to 28. ft waa announced by K. ('■ Robbing, dean of the acbool of gene at 1:26 A M 1:48 P M., 1210 hualoeaa admlnlatratlon, today. P M . and 8:08 A. M Daily. The membership of the aaaoclation Northbound California train«, Eu- la made up of the secretaries of the g" * h lfh »hall be for 280 80 you, of which you are the owner aa COUNT« ohjeettona to aald report and for the appears of record, situated in said Said bond* to bear Interest at the IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE finul settlem ent of the estate of aald W W Branstetter, Plaintiff, vs. A. P. rate of all tier cent per nnnuni. »uh I STATE OR OREGON IN AND FOR! County and State, and particularly deceased. • Valine, Defendant. jet t to redemption at any M-tnl-annual J LANE COUNTY bounded and described as follows. . ELLEN M RICE, Admlnlatratrlx. Intereat payment period after being In'Law rence Prlne. Plaintiff, vs Sarah To A. P. Valine above named de- to-wlt; A. E. WHEELER. Attorney. fendant. force fur on e-y ea r, by paying the Prlne. Defendant, Lot seven <7i In Block Nine (9) !n F 24: M 3-10-17-24 face of bond with accrued Intereat.! To Sarah Prlne Defendant, IN THE NAME OF THE STATE Sladden’s Third Addition to the City Blonde Beet Opines Each bid muat he accompanied by a' IN THE NAME OF THE STATE. of Eugene as the same is platted and I OF OREGON: certllled check In favor of the C lty |C F OREGON: You arc hereby re-j And alno remember, Archibald Juat . N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S . You are hereby notified that W. recorded in the office of the County Recorder, for at leant three per c e n t, qUlreri to upiionr and anawer the com- because a man may be of very high Branstetter. the holder of Certifi Clerk and Recorder of Lane County, Notice Is hereby given that the of the purchuae price ua a guarantee plaint tll««l against you. In the a b ove' calibre, doesn't aay he's a big gun. undersigned has been appointed Ad­ cate of Delinquency number 2138 is­ Oregon, all in Lane County, Oregon. of the good laltli on the part of the entitled Court and cause, on or before, - notified that . said 1928 . . . You ministrator of the estate of J. M. sued on the 8th day of January. „ . . . are . . further . bidder. No hid will be considered | the expiration of the time prescribed RU hey deceased by the County by the Tax Collector of the County of W. W Branstetter has paid the taxes Gold Medal Flour (No Ad) for less than par and accrued Interest ! In the Order of publication, to-wlt: Lane. State of Oregon, for the amount on «aid prem ises for prior or subse- BlUinga—Why does Arthur rail his Court of Lene County. Oregon. All of (211.03) Eleven and 03-100 Dollors, quent years, with the rate of inter- Said bouda to he dated March 1st, On or before the expiration of six persons having rtafms against said: 1927. and date of cloalng bids and of week» from the dale of the first put»- girl Gold Medal? estate, s . required to present them, opening the sealed blda. March 14th. Ilratlon hereof, and If you fall to Fillings I suppose It’s because duly verified as by Jaw required, to RATE AMOUNT RECEIPT NO. DATE PAID YEAR TAX aunwer for want thereof. Plaintiff will . . , . . 1927 th - undersigned Administrator, 828 apply to the Court for the relief pray- ,M " ‘ *“ r,,n* h ,he mUL 12% 29407 810.53 Jan. 8, 1926 2nd % 1922 I M. PETERSON. Recorder Miner Building. Eugene. Oregon, 12% 29597 $18 »2 Jan. 8. 1928 ed for In the Complaint which la In — — 1923 F Sin-17 24: M 8: within six months from date of first 12% 28378 $19.17 Jan. 8, 1926 substance us follows to-wlt: for a de And Time to Think It Over 1924 publication of this notice hlch Is $18 46 cree of this Court dissolving the con 30276 12% Jan 8, 1927 1925 •"I hat's a good gag." exi lalmeil. the | jrr^rnary 24th, 1927. tract of marriage now, and heretofore: be stuffed h.s »'ci n i s i ALTA KING. Administrator. NOTICE TO CREDITORS You are further notified that said Oregon, for local improvement« for existing between Plaintiff and Defend- ro'” '< r, 828 Miner Bldg., Eugene. Ore. W. W. Branstetter has paid all city prior or subsequent years. with the Noth«- la hereby given that Granvel »nt. and for such other, further, and 1 mouth, assessm ents levied on said property rate of interest on said amounts aa L I’rlndel has been appointed Admin different relief aa to the Court mar by the City of Eugene. Lane Caunty, follows: Istrator of the estate of Hiram M seem Just and proper. That's Fair Enough Inefficient Prlndel. deceased, by the County j This summons Is served upon you. Visitor—What Is that historic look- RATR RECEIPT NO. AMOUNT IMPROVEMENT DATE PAID Upland—Does Jack make a good Court of lame County, Oregon. All by publication thbrenf In the Spring- $359 21 12% 4353 Sept. 20. 1926 Pavement policeman? persons having claims against said field Nnws. Springfield. Oregon, o n c e j d w e l l i n g . 12% 4567 $143.64 Sept. 8, 1926 Sidewalk estate are hereby notified to present each week for Six Consecutive weeks, Native of Trenton — That's the Down—Shucks, no. He condn't even 12% $2406« 4643 Sept 13. 1926 Grading th ' same to the undersigned, at the | persusnt to an Order of Hon. G. F. house at which Washington would arrest your attention. 4644 $ 53 19 12% Sept. 13. 1926 Skewer office of W»dls A Well». Bank of Com- ~ ’ Bblpworth -C ircuit Judge.of the abovej h , „ )ppwl „ he h. (, come down merce n id g. In Eugene. Lane County, Court, made and entered January 25,| and costs against the land and premi­ Said A. P. Valine as tbe owner of Oregon, within a ll months of the first 1927, the first publication thereof Is this street. A Tough Babee the legal title of the above described ses above named. January 27. 1927 and the last publica­ publication of this notice This summons is published by order A m iiderful swimmer named Mark I property.»» the same appears on re- I)ale of first publication Feb 17. 1927 tion March 10,1927. Not May Be. But It cord, and each of thé other persons ; of the Honorable C. P Barnard. J ad gw M G HOGE, Attorney for Plaintiff, I “You needn't look so disgusted." Wcnt swimming one night in the above named are hereby further notl- of the County Court of the State of ORANVEL L PRINDEL. Adminis­ 882 W illamette Street. Eugene, Ore­ trator. Dark. fled that W. W. Branstetter will apply Oregon for the County of Lane, and said the Joke to the Editor, “ For you gon. WKLIJt A WKLL8, Attorneys. to the Circuit Court of the County and said order was made and dated th is A splash and a Swish may be old yourself some day." J 27: F 8-10-17-14: M 8 10: F 17 24 M 3-10-17 State aforesaid for a decree foreclos­ 21st day of February. 1927 and th» And oh the poor Fish ing the lien against the property here­ date of the first publication of this 'Cause Murk is Inside of a shark. Oh, Oh, Irene I in described, and mentioned in said summons is the 24th day of February. certificate. And you are hereby sum­ 1927. Irene Green. Just seventeen. moned to appear witntn sixty d a y s , AU processes and papers in SUM M O NS Wore filmsy frock of crepe de chine after the first publication of this sum proceedings may be served upon th s And when she walked upon the scene. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE mons, exclusive of the first publics undersigned residing with the State More Irene than de chine was seen. «TATE OF OREGON FOR LANE tlon. and defend this action or pay the of Oregon at the address herpaftac COUNTY. amount due as avove shown, together mentioned. , Geo H. Ditto and Anna M. Ditto, his with costs and accrued Interest, and SMITH * EVANS. Attorneys for The Official Count Mrs. Arthur Saylos wife, plaintiffs, vs. A. L. Stearns In case of your failure to do so. a Plaintiff. Address 434-6-8 Miner Build­ Part of a report handed in to the and Jane Doe Stearns, his wife, or decree will be rendered foreclosing ing. Eugene. Oregon. Teacher of Plano WBtchwaicallt W eekly: "A lively de­ If deceased, their unknown heirs, the lien of said taxeR and assessm ent« F 24 M 3-10-17-24-31: A 7 Northern Counties Investment Com- - bate was held on the subject of fools. Mrs. Leland Svarverud pany, limited, a corporation, and ■RHBBBKJMMMBmHMMBMnHBHHHHB There were eighty present at the Also all other unknown parties who Teacher of Violin 228 Main SL Residence 126 C St gathering. have or claim some title, estate. 62 J 62 M 132 - 7th St. B. Hen or Interest In the property des­ SU M M O N ? cribed In the complaint herein. De­ Full Auto Equipment Margaret White, Plaintiff, vs David fendants. Franklin White. Defendant. Lady Assistant To A. L. Stearns and Jane Doe To David Franklin White, Defendant _ . . Will Supply Your W ants With IN THE NAME (IE THE STATE t if deceased .' their unknown heirs. Northern Coun-i W M. G. HUGHES OF OREGON, You are hereby re­ ties Investment Company, limited. F IR E A N D A U T O IN S U R A N C E quired to « P P « » ' c o 7 p o « H o m " a n d 7 l's o “a ii olher"‘par- NOTARY PUBLIC GEO,. N, McLEAN entitled suit on or before I , , » 1, , or )ntpregt )n Jh<> Office at Automobile, Fire and Life from the o f T ' in the 8prlngfleld New», a w eek ly' answer or plead wl'hin said tim«*. ««m e "U ,tfinJ*h^ c o,ar^ - ( . To acquaint you ! newspaper of general circulation, pub- the plaintiffs for want thereof, will in all Its branches with Acme Quality, i Itshed In Springfield, Lane County. Ore-1 anply to the above entitled court for we are making a ...................... .......... / 1 ' C o n , by order of Hon. C. 1>. Barnard. | ’^ f<”- ,n ,h *>lr ’ “W : 312 Main Street «pecial offer for a ............................................ C o u n tv Judge of Lane County. Ore- i complaint, to-wlt dr . n . w . emery abort tim e o n ly . * — ....................* I gon. which order bears date the 26th j » «lecree in and by which nil , DENTIST i day of January. 1927. and the date of adverse ela ms of sa d defendants and the first publication of this Summons '»”'«> «"<’ »he follow ng Phone 20 J Sutton Bldg. DR. 8. RALPH DIPPEL Is January 2l. 1>27. described real property situated in Residence Phone 153 M POTTER & KING Attorneys for Ehne Countv. Oregon, to-wlt: All of D E N T IS T Plaintiff. Ilesldende anil Postofflce A«1 that P «rt of Lot« number Fifteen (15), Springfield, Oregon Sixteen (16) and Seeenteeen (17). ly-i dreBB, Eugene, Oregon . t Phone 43 Ine west of the railroad rlght-of w »»< J 27: F 8 10-17-24: M 3-10 in the Block numbered Ninety Three First N ati Bank nidg., Springfield (93» in Wnehbnrno’s Subdivision of General Law Practice Acme Interior Gloss Finish is a dependable product of cheer­ S U MMONS the Springfiehi Investment ahd Power- ful coldrs. Easy to wash. No glare. Covers the surface like IN THE CIRCUIT CUORT OF THE Company's Addition to Springfield,: I. M. PETERSON a flat paint. STATE OF OREGON FOR LANE Lane County. Oregon—shall he fully Attorney-at-Lnw COUNTY. determined, and declaring and ad­ We recommend Interior Gloss Finish unreservedly for in­ John E. Frey. I’lantlff. Vs. Audrey E. judging that the plaintiffs are the City Hall Building terior surfaces —walls, ceilings, woodwork. It is the perfect Frey, Defendant. owners of the above described real JEWE3.EK ,o Audrov E. Frey, Defendant: kitchen finish does not absorb grease, dirt or moisture.. SprlngfleK. Ore. property; that thi* defendants have! Itepaii'ing a Specialty IN T1IE NAME OF THE STATE no estate, right, title or interest, ! flF OREGON: Anu arc hereby ru- whatsoever in and to said real pro- Springfield, Oregon .«uircil to »ppcnr and answer the com |H,r(y or Hnv part thereof; and also,' FRANK A. DE PUE ■ Ip'nt filed against you in the a b ove’ (,)at ,,1P ,|,,f,.n(innts and each of them, , entitled suit on or before six weeks t.e fnrevt.r debarred from asserting ATTORNEY AT LAW | from date of first puhtcation or tnli ,lnv c]a|nJg whatsoever in and to said NOTARY PUBLIC summons, or for want thereof the rpa| prOperty or apy part thereof, ad-! ¡plaintiff will take Judgment against verse to the plaintiffs, and tor such l All kinds of gravel for con­ von and will apply to the court fnr'other and further relief herein as to Springfield, Sutton : the relief proved for In the complaint cour( niay Heem equitable. crete or road work. We Oregon. Building | on file herein, and for nnnullment ofj This summons is published pursu- Let us tell you more about it. And be sure to see us before make a specialty of crushed the marriage contract and for a do- ftnt to thp or,|pr of the Honorable G. you tackle any paint problem. Our estimate and assist­ rock and rock sand. Bunk­ I cree of absolute divorce front you. P Sklpworth. Judge of the above en- ance will probably save both money and time for you» er« at foot of Main on Mill Thls summons is publlshqd i titled court, duly made nnd entered I each week for six consecutive wee*« on the 18 (1ay of j anuaryi 1907. The M. G. HOGE street ! in the Snrlngfleld News, a wi'eklv ¡trsi publication of this summons will H EN R Y W. CHASE, Prop. Attorn ey-at-Law newspaper published at Sprlngfle:d,' h„ made on the 20th day of January. ! lotne County. Oregon, hy order (if' 1927. and the last publication thereof Practlfie U. S- and State Hon. O. F. Sklpworth Judge of the wtll be made on the 3rd day of March. Courts OR 8 A LB — Payroll sheet«, print» above court made January 18th. 1927. 1927. nnd It will he published six con­ and In atock at tbe News offloa Eugene, Oregon This summons first publshed on Jan­ secutive weeks In the Springfield Form «uitable for road, conatrueUoa uary 20th. 1927. News. work, «awmlll«. ate., wltn table ta WHITTEN SWAFFORD Attorney I M PETERSON, Attorney for compute workman ■ oompeneaUoa for Plaintiff, Residence and Post of-! I'lalntlffs. Postofflce Address, Spring- FOR SALB—Carbon paper In larfe and deduotlon«. No employer ihonuf floe(address: Eugene, Oregon. j field, Oregon. •beeta. 26x39 Incbee, «utiabla far 1 J 20-27: F 3-10-17-24: M. 8: ba without tbaaa f -nu trhae they J 20-27: F 8-10-17-24: M 2: making trMjBgi, Th« New« Offlc«, { B U S IN E S S d ir e c t o r y W. F. Walker Funeral Director Douglas Garden Dàiry Wholesome Milk and Cream Clip the Coupon I Brighten the Kitchen with A cm e I nterior G loss F inish D. W . Roof SPRINGFIELD GRAVEL CO. ACME QUALITY Paint*odVarn ish Wright & Son