The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, March 03, 1927, Page 6, Image 6

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    T illH ISPAV M A lie n .1, 1027
Brief Resume of Happenings of
Otegtm monthly pensions have been
granted as follows Katrina Neale,
Portland. $50; Janette Casey. Port­
land $30; John F Smith North Port­
land. $25; Hiram Barker. Roseburg.
$65; Frank B. l.ytel. Charleston. $30
The recent flood has doue consider­
able damage to broccoli In Douglas
the Week Collected for
county, according to G. R Green, field
manager for the American Fruit
Our Readers.
Growers for Oregon
The previous
estim ate ot 350 carloads front that
Nor* than 1890 persons from 19 dif­ section has been cut to approximately
fer« nt states and foreiam countries 150.
attrnihsl an annual get-together meet­
Retween 13 and 15 per cent of the
ing h e ld a t S a le m .
More than 12« 000.000 » a s spent In
Oregon by the federal government
daring 192« it has been revealed by
figures niade public.
Judge Eakin at Astoria dismissed
66 cases and threatened to throw out
66 others unless the persons Interest­
ed appear within 3d days.
An Increase of Id per cent in the
use of water meters in Baker between
M i l and 1916 it shown in a report by
the city water departm ent
A mysterious explosion in the home
of Oscar Maki at Astoria demolished
the cook stove and wrecked every­
thing in the kitchen at the time.
Mrs Mae Wadley. I I years of age
and mother of six children, committed
suicide at her home near Hasel Green
in Marion county, by drinking poison.
Willard Galloway, wanted by Lane
county authorities to serve out a sen­
tence of JO days wnd a fine of $250 for
a liquor lew violation, was arrested in
Los Angeles.
The steam lumber schooner Mary
Moore struck on the breakwater
at the mouth of the Coquille river and
sank in ISO feet of water about two
miles off shore.
During tha past year a total of 1.-
100 ««Os» pounds of pyrotol. converted
government explosive, was purchased
in Oregon through offices of the vari­
ous county agents.
Work will begin at once on logging
off a tract of timber land four miles
southeast of Rainier, which is reported
to contain approximately 4,000.000 feet
of standing timber.
R. L Fromme. supervisor of the for­
est. reports that there are 51? miles of
trails and ’•ways” in the Deschutes
national forest that were cooatructed
at a cost of $21,367.
Six hundred and seventy cases of
influenxa were reported in the state
last week according to a bulletin is­
sued by Dr. Frederick D. Stricker,
state health officer.
Louis E Louden. 2$. who burned a
home in Marshfield with the expecta­
tion of obtaining insurance money, was
s«mtenced by Judge Kendall to three
years in the penitentiary.
Governor Patterson named John L.
May. Jacob Kanxler and Harold C.
Jones, all of Portland, to rep’-esent
the state on the national army and
navy preparedness committee.
Methodist pastors from all eastern
Oregon points from Pendleton west,
were in Hood River Saturday and Sun­
day to attend the second annua! mid­
year institute of the Epworth League.
Dorothy Pui't. 16. narrowly escaped
death when th Robert A. Puitt farm
home near Bond was destroyed by fire
of undeterminc 1 origin. Flames were
■weeping across her bed when she
Freight rate on fresh berries. In
sugar shipped from Oregon and Wash­
ington points to Los Angeles for can­
ning were ordered materially reduced
in a decision by the interstate com
mere« commission.
Harry N Burnside of Corvallis, a
private in the Oregon national guard«
has been appointed to West Point mil
ltary academy upon recommendation
of his regimental commander, the war
department announced.
Henry T. Barker of Payette, Idaho,
has filed with the state engineer ap­
plication to appropriate waste water
from i he Payette-Oregon slope irrlga
tion district for the irrigation of 40
acres of land in Malheur county.
The state supreme court affirmed
the decree of Judge Walter Evans ot
the Multnomah county circuit court in
the case of John Butchek of P o rtla n d ,
who is under death sentence for Blay
lng his wife on the night of January
14, 192«.
Stormy weather has prevented much
activity in the halibut fishing indus­
try off the Columbia river since the
opening of the season February 15.
One boat reached the banks and fished
for a short period but returned with­
out a fish.
Two million young silverside salmon
were released into the north fork of
the Klatskanine river from the state
fish hatchery. The fish are about
seven inches long and bad been in
the hatchery ponds for approximately
16 months.
Edward F. Averill, state game war-
tjejh received a telegram from E W.
Nelson ot the blolngteal survey with
headquarters In Washington, suggest­
ing the necessity of reducing the num­
ber of ducks killed annually. Mr. A t -
•rill telegraphed that he would not
agree to shortening the open season
hot would suggest that the bag limit
he reduced
Tulley Is Visiter— M erritt Tulley.
funner Springfield resident no-» llv
Ing in Wallowa, was here Saturday
visiting old frlende
■ spec* Dr- Plietteplaee
Dr Carl I’helteplai.e. who has been
In New York City for several weeks.
Is expected in return In Springfield
March 6, uetainling io word received
In Dr W C. Ilelihali
Dr. Phi-tteplace atudied ihllilreli»
tllaraaea and obstetrics al the New
York Lying in heepllal during Ilia
visit In Gotham He ru tie In Spring
field recently from Marshfield, ami
established otfi«-*» with Dr Rebhan III
the First National hank building.
-, i
. „i.,— i
III At Home— W A Moline, resident
H a ttie M itchell Belie
of Springfield for many yeara, le 111
ai bla residence al Seventh ami G
Hattie Mill-hell, daughter o f M r. an!
Mr». Mason In— Mrs Frank Mason street. It Is reported.
Mrs II T M il. h e ll o f S p rin g fie ld ,
of Marcóla was a visitor here M o n d a y .
s a ile d recently from 11« Iglum for the
Visitor From Portland— Will Mosli B e lg ia n C u tirte a h e re she Is engaged
Remodel House— Mr. and Mrs Marion
Adams are remodeling their residence 1er. son of S tl. Mushier of Hayden 111 m la s lo n w o rk fo r th e C h r is tia n de
Bridge, was a visitor here over the nomination
week end with relatives, lie returned
Miss Mitchell returned last year
Go To Roseburg— Mr. and Mrs. G to Portland, where he Is temporarily on furlough after spending some time
11. Turner motored to Roseburg late residing, on Wednesday.
lu the Congo on mission work.
<>n prices on pla'e ami other work if
last week.
Lse C’srk III— Lee Clark la ill al
his S or'tl? field residence,
1926 Vmatilla county wheat crop is
still in the hands of the growers, it is
Here From Cushman— Mrs K E
estimated This is a smaller percent­
age for this time of year than for Brat Is in of Cushman was a v is it o r J
many years, wheat buyers said Pros here Saturday.
peets for the 1927 wheat crop are
Has Pneumonia—G C R ic h a rd s o n ,
resident of West Springfield. I» aufer-
Sheepmen, both range and flock tng from an attack of (neumonía.
owners, ot Vnion county, organised the
Platt Here— George I'latt. Thurston
Vnion County Wool Growers associa
lion at a meeting at La Grande 8. E farmer, was a business visitor here
Miller. Vnion. was elected president; Monday.
T. B. Johnson, i-a Grande, rlee-preai
Jasper Resident Here— Miss Thelma
dent; H G. Avery. La Grande, secre­
Wallace of Jasper was a visitor here
On (he ground that a school election
Brewer In Town— Roy Brewer of
held August 26. 1926. was Illegal. 20
taxpayers ot Canby filed suit in circuit Fall Creek was here for ■ short time ,
court against the directors ot Vnion Monday.
high school district No. 1. Canby, re
Visit From Creek—Mr» D W. Gias
straining them from purchasing prop
pey of Fall Creek was a Saturday visit- ‘
erty from George Brown and building
or In Springfield.
a school house on this land
Donna Woman Here— Mrs Dick
Three indictments were returned by
the Lane county grand Jury against Kelly of Donna spent a part of Satur­
Henry Bergman and Miss Harriet day visiting in Springfield.
Weatherson. president and cashier, re­
Coburg Man Here— Henry Bricker
spectively of the Lane County Stale of Coburg was a business visitor in
and Savings bank of Florence, who
Springfield Saturday.
were arrested a few days ago at Btrm
inghain. Ala., and who will be brought
Is Recovering—Mrs. G. VV. Hobson
bark at once. *
of Springfield Is at the Mercy hospital
Vpon request of Representative recovering from an operation.
Crumpacker of Portland, the house
Jasper Man Here— James Aubrey of
rivefcs and harbors committee agreed Jasper transacted bustness in Spring
to report a resolution at the present field Monday.
session of congress authorising the
closing of the east Swan Island chan­
Here From Grove— Mrs. Carl Eetepp
nel in the Willamette river and desig of Cottage Grove spent a part of Mon­
nation of the west channel for navi­ day here.
gation purposes.
Thurston Man In— Bill Parke, farm ­
It would be for the best interests of
er of the Thurston district, shopped
the fishing industry in the state of j in Springfield Monday.
Oregon to replace W. T. Eakin and
J. S. Hayes as members of the state
Here From Jasper—Mrs. Mark Sel-
fish commission, according to a report bring of J as tier was a Springfield
issued by members of the senate com visitor Monday.
mittee appointed recently to conduct
Here From Marcóla— Mrs. J. O.
an investigation of the aftBlrs of the
Marcóla, spent a part of
fish commission.
Monday visiting In Springfield.
An additional $52,000 has been made
available with which to complete the
Here From Hill—Mrs Ralph Laird
present dredging program on n i l s of Pleasnt Hill shopped In Springfield
mook bay. where channel improve­ Monday.
ments are being carried out between
Stevens is Visitor— Bob Stevens,
the entrance and Garibaldi, according
to information received by Russell Fall Creek farmer, transacted busi­
Hawkins, president of the port of Bay ness here Monduy.
City commission.
Visits at Grove— Mrs. A. R Saeed
There were three fatalities In the visited during the week-end with her
state due to industrial accidents dur brother at Cottage Orove.
ing the week ending February 24. ac­
Walterville Man Here— T. W. Car­
cording to a report prepared by the
state industrial accident commission ney. W altervllle resident, spent a part
The victims were: R. T. Miller, Grants of Monday transacting business in
Pass, laborer; William Bllkowski. Springfield.
logger, and
Man is Fined— W. Cannon. Eugene,
Broadback. ripple rigger. \
paid a fine of $9 In police court here
Investigation of the purchase agree­
Monday, following his arrest for .
ment between Fred Herrick, Idaho
speeding by officer A. 8 Currie.
lumberman, and the forest service, -
covering Malheur forest timber In
Bicycle Stolen—Jesse Sumner re- :
Grant and Harney counties, was con­ ported to police Monday that his
cluded by the public land sub-commit­ bicycle was stolen In broad daylight ¡
tee which has been conducting It for from in front of a local bowling alley. !
two weeks, with prospects Indicating
Here From Portland—J W Strelt
a report favorable to Herrick.
of Portland came down Monday to
Pendleton's automobile park will
I visit with Mr. and Mrs. M. 11 Huntly. i
not be sold or leased and will continue j Mr. Strelt Is an old-time friend of the |
to be operated as a municipal con­
cern, It was decided at a meeting of
the- city council. Plans for the im
Notl Visitors Here— Mr. and Mrs. ;
provement of the park to me<jt Indi­ Sam Montgomery, Notl, were visitors ,
vidual competition Includes the build t Sunday at the Fred Frese residence i
ing of a number of cabins and con­ , here.
struction of a community kitchen.
Moves to Eugene— W B. Rivers
Approximately 40 members of the
this week from West Spring-
Portland chamber of commerce tjere
guests at the Oregon Linen .Mills, Inc., , field to 1497 Franklin Boulevard, Eu-
at Salem, when the looms for the man gene.
ufacture of linen cloth from flax fiber
Here From Grove—Among out-of-
grown In Oregon were placed In oper­ town visitors here Monday were Mrs.
ation for the first time The visitors . A. F. H a m m o f C o tta g e G ro v e a n il
later visited the state flax plant at Mrs. E. J. Bollen of Creswell.
the penitentiary and the Miles linen
T o O re g o n C it y — M iss H lllle B e rg ,
iftcreases were noted In production a c c o m p a n ie d b y M r. a n il M rs . E. K.
of lumber, new orders accepted and I’ y n e , m o to re d to O re g o n f ' l l y S u n d a y
shipments made for the week ended r e t u r n in g in th e e v e n in g
February 19, according to the reports
received by the West Coast Lumber­
Mrs. Craft Here— Mrs. May Craft,
men’s association from 72 mills, as who Is spending some time with her
compared to the reports from 73 mills parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. ('. Trotier^if
the week previous. Production was | Waltervllle. was a business visitor In '
speeded up last week from 74,173,627 Springfield Saturday.
feet to 78,189,050 feet, new orders
booked were increased to 69,012,020
Smith Returns R. W, Smith, Just- .
feet and shipments were increased Ice of the peace and clerk of the local
from 69,368.863 feot to 74,287,037 feet. school board, returned to his office
The annual report of the Tillamook Monday after a wee|j spent in Port­
County Creamery association shows land visiting at the residence of his
a production In 1926 of 7,477,576 daughter and family.
pounds of cheese, as compared with
6.782.026 pounds In 1926. The various
Drive From W ashington— Mr. and
factories affiliated with the associa­
Mrs. f>an Cooper of Elma. Washington,
tion received 67.027,796 pounds of milk
drove to Springfield Saturday to at­
last year. Receipts from the sale of
tend the funeral of William Cooper.
cheese were $1,836,718.57 and from
■alee of cream $64,611 I t The avera««
Drive From Wlnberry—Mr. and
price received for cheese was 34.64
cents per pound and the average prioe Mrs. Harold Barney of Wlnberry were
to patrons tor butter tat was in Springfield on business Monday. Ac­
companied by tbelr family, they drove
$6.17. eeata.
to town.
For Ford and
A tire with the famous, road gripping Good­
year All-Weather Tread redesigned for Bal­
loon Tire use.
— a tread now that assuros long and even
Wear against the “cupping" and uneven
wear so common to ordinary Balloons.
— a tread that will give better traction under
all going, in addition to far longer and more
satisfactory wear.
Come in and see it.
29x4.40 . .$12.85
W. H. ADRIAN, Prop.
Special Sale dedicated to those who wish
to remain young by escapirg crccJgcry
The N E W
Only $5.00
• Down
Two tubs--the small tub dries while the large tub washes.
Wash, dry and rinse at the same time.
No water to lift or carry,
Empties itself,
Never a wrinkle to iron out.
And the vacuum principal of washing
all combined in the New Easy
If your old washer is worn out, turn it in.
A liberal allowance for it.
Mountain States!
a Power Company