irxy* THURSDAY MARCH 3, lW t IT »Art LANE COUNTY CREAMERY CLOSES IT8 BUSINESS Kffnrta <«ara bring mad* thia Born* Ing Io d ear up nrrounta of Ihr la in . County Conaolldalrd t'renm.ry. which rliMad Ila doora Ihla weak whan un able In meet a mortgage held by the Commercial Mate bauk. The creamery haa been operated recently by Milton Cyr. whoae partner- with Roland Moahler In the rrvamary was dlaanlved a few month* ago Cyr and Moahler began operation of the creamery aeroral years go and at onn lime ran a branch In Eu­ gene, M arriage Llcanaaa laauad During the paat week marring« lic­ ense» have been Issued to the follow In» couple» ley the county clerk I'eter C Kirk, Han Framlaeo. and Nellie Conklin, Kugeno; Clarence Welborn. Eugene, nnd Kila Walker. Maliel. Charlie Nickell ami Emma laitt, both of Milverton. TUB 8PRlNOnKLD NKW8 Woolen Mill List Shows Progress Continued from Page John Wlnaeareld ... . . ....... R. W fkmlth ........., .............. J. M l^raon ................ ........ F H. Walker ........ ...... ...... II W U'-of I. K M o l t I. D. Larimer ............ ............... J. A. Heavey ........................ Mra. Mary Kenney ................... Welby MteVeua .......... A. J. Perklna . Harry M Stewart Fuel Co...... Ilarry M Htewart M M I U. 0 . Bushman II J .. 100 00 H. K Maxey 100 00 S u perior In design and 4 0 0 .0 0 cooat ruction. 200 .00 2000 00 2 000 00 BOO 00 BOO 0 0 I B00 0 0 ! 200 0 0 i 100 0 0 I Co» $ BOO 00 Qarratt'a Old Time Dance Dreamland Hall. E ugene, Every Tueadey N ight Next to I. . O. F. Bldg. T ick ets 76c. lasdlea 77 E 9th St. Eugene, Ore. The store where you serve your se lf and save Endicott Johnson Shoes foi the whole family WOMEN S FOOTWEAR CHILDRENS FOOTWEAR T h e first cost is reason­ able. HOUSEHOLD REMEDIES G iv e long service w ith ­ out repairs. Boyond the queation of a doubt, there ore many old* fashioned meth­ od« of dealing with acute disease* that xhould be perpetuated. .Water applied externally will reduce fe­ ver temporarily, and will contribute much to tlie patient’» comfort, if applied with judgment. It should be applied warm — «ponging — unlexa the physician ia present and order» otherwise; it is free from d e p le t ­ ing effect, which cannot always bo suid o f drug» that reduce fever, Muitard planter« should be k~pt In the home, or at leant the mater­ ial for making them. By irritating the akin, wo may parti„lly empty a congested or inflamed part be­ neath, thua relieving pain. The surface should be vigorously igorou " red­ dened to secure the beet rew uita. The “ fly-blister”, once a family tncasum, xhould fte dixmlxaed ax a hounebi ld resource; it might do exceeding harm. Caator oil ia almost too well known to mention—a very valu­ able agent, Mtt.l should be kept in every hornet I may say here that I have found It an excellent appli­ cation to the skin in irritations that do not heal easily. It haa cured eases for me— one a badly fl ured lip wherein the patient and hit- p iiy c ic ia n suspected cancer; the doctor had applied caustics to kill the t.i'":f, thua keeping up th e “an- '' in it; a wceli'x constant ap­ plication of pure caator oil cured Turp* n inc. In there days of order, should never be Idnev !•'. a dote of turperC “to stimulate the kidney pcatlns i» a valuable i . remedy, but ix dangcrou ignorantly. 96c . $1.46 ■ $1.69 - $1.98 - $2.46 MEN’S FOOTWEAR $1.98 * 2.96 ■ $3.48 - $3.96 - $4.98 r .id ed BLOOD HOUNDS T R A IL POOL HALL BANDITS BOY’S SHOES $1.98 - $2.46 . $2.98 Every Pair Guaranteed Serve your self and save Community Dance Stevens Hall, Tuesday, March 8 ORIOLE MELODY MIXERS Snappy, Peppy Dance Music • by John Jueepb Ualnea, M O given ititernaily w i t 'r . , it an'« advice. I once saw a fatal ending in a B rir'.- ease, tw e r’y ' $1.96 * $2.98 ■ $3.46 ■ $3.98 - $4.46 - $4.98 • Bridge-Beach “Superior” Ranges Are Preferred Thing» You Should Know 509 00 100 00 100 00 100 00 100 00 William’s Self Service Store CENTS 25c LADIES FREE Bloodhounds were aet on the trail this morning of two bandit» who on Bunday night held-up a pool hall at Veneta, seriously wounding William Maddaugh. the proprietor, and on Mon­ day night when restating arrest fatal­ ly wounded Eaton Hooker. 21. Veneta. Crew» from sawmills In the Veneta district are joining the sheriff's posse which la scouring the Wolf creek hills in search of the pair, one of whom Is believed to be Albert Brownley, an 1 ex-convict. In the exchange of shots with pos- semen Mdnday night, both men were believed to be wounded. The trail of their retreat In the hills Ia marked with blood, and bloody clothing waa found by officer» late yesterday. The men appear to be lost. Between 26 and 50 heavily armed posseiueu have now joined the man- tUljik' kwd officer» say It la only a ■ matter of time before the bandits will M a d e o f sup erio r cast iron —famous for its dur­ ability. Phone 9 PHON a new day 1» the demand for food. We handle the famoua Carnation Butter. Our Butter, Eggs and Cha>se are always fresh. * M aklng'lt easy for the housewife t o find menu change»« In our 24-hour Job every day. We’ve done well thia week. F ine Fooi P roducts Soap Deal io p & o ............................. 50c 1 Carton Q u e s t................. 00c 2 Medium Ivory ....... 20c Total ................ $1.30 spec ia l ............ Phone 96c We carry a complete line of the Well known a. & W. Canned Goods. Phone NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE ON EXECUTION IN FORECLOSURE Notice Is hereby given that by vir­ tu« of an execution and order of sale in foreclosure Issued out of the Cir­ cuit Court of Lane Clunty. Oregon, on : the 23rd day of February. 1927. in a suit wherein on the 18th day of Feb­ ruary. 1927. In «aid court Phlllaa Blair, plaintiff, recovered judgment against the defendants Henry O. Young and Martha Belle Young for the sum of $601.79. together with Interest there- ! on at the rnte of 8 per cent per an- | num from the 18th day of February. 1927. nnd the further sum of 27B.OO attorney's feoa nnd the further sum of $18.25 coats, which Judgment was enrolled and docketed In the Clerk's ' office of said Court In said County on the 21st day of February. 1927. and I said execution and order of sale to me j directed comandtng me In the name of the Sta.o of Oregon, In order to satisfy said judgment. Interest, at torneys fees, costs of suit and accru­ ing costs to sell the following des­ cribed rent propelty. to-wit: ■ehc East one eighth of the South wesl quarter and the W est half of the j Southeast quarter of 8ection Twenty- ' six Townahlp Nineteen South of ' Range One W est of the W illamette Meridian, containing 109 acres of land. ; r” —e or less, In I^nne County, Oregon. Now. therefore In the name of the State of Oregon, In compliance with said execution and order of sale and In order to satisfy said Judgment. In­ terest. attorneys foes, coats o f suit and accruing costs. I will on Saturday the 2nd day of April. 1927 at the hour of one o'clock In the afternoon of snld day. at the Southwest front door of I the County Court House. In Eugene, l ane County, Oregon, offer for sale end sell fdr cash, at public auction, subject to redemption ns provided by law. all of the right, title and Interest of »aid defendants Henry O. Young and Martha Belle Young, and all per- ons (daimlng. by through or under them or any or either of them in and to said premlaes. FRANK E. TAYLOR. ShertfT of Lane County. Oregon. M 3-10-17-24-31 Why you should Select a BRIDGE'BEACH SuporiorRemge Easily operated. R e a d y fo r c o o k in g as soon as fire Is started. Respond in s ta n tly to arait control. G ive healthful, odorless w a r m th d u r in g th e winter months. P e rm it free ventilation o f kitchen in summer— breezes do not affect the P ro v id e large cooking surface on which to keep foods warm. H a v e la rg e w a rm in g - oven to keep food and plates hot. Room y oven th a t bakes perfectly. P a te n te d u nb reakab le oven door spring. Produce p le n ty o f hot '• S u p e r io r ” Enameled Ranges are unrivalled far Safe ia th e hom e w ith children— cannot upset — use fuel th a t cannot spill, leak or explode. M a y be used for open fire broding and toasting. Afford a sense of cheerful c o m p a n io n s h ip t h a t m a k e s th e k it c h e n a pleasing place to work in. M a d e b y a fir m th a t has b ee n e s ta b lis h e d nearly 90 years. a: ja It’s the range with a reputation — the one that has stood the test o f time —the most popular range in America—and justly so. No other range is so beautiful in appearance — none other will give you such perfect service and satisfaction. Prices---$65.00 to $125.00 W e urge you to see our splendid showing o f Bridge- Beach “Superior” Ranges—that you may appreciate their beauty of appearance and many points o f superiority. ^/ETHERBEE - pO W ER g The Art of Using Printing is More Dif­ ficult to Master than the Science of Buy- ing Printing. Watch repairing done correctly Work In today—Out tomorrow. Hoyt 321 Main sL u As regular as the dawn of äm , 9 . Let Us Show You How to Use Printing Effectively. The Willamette • I Press 3