"Mi r o c k TH U R SD A Y MARC-H 3. 1827 . « T H S SPR IN O FU H J) NKW 8 County Farmers Union k • RESIDUE REPORT ISSUED « • < • • p BY E X P E R IM E N T STA TIO N • officers or lank county • • FA R M ER »' u n io n • < J p y ^ > f c lA U ^ V U tC A T IO W LANK CO UNTY u R l t »>O. U - - s e a s s a s s e FARM R EM INDERS CLASS IN HAY GRADING SCHEDULED AT 0 . A. C. e e e e • • • • • • • FStrcing of fattening feeds are harm • O. A C , March 3 A tint hr r hay- «0. A. C.. March I.—A dilute bath of • C W Allen. Vida. President fui to the birds during the breeding trad I n t «chool. rnvrrln« more work hydrochloric acid has been found | • W I. Baals. Eugene. Vlce-Praal * season, according io (he poultry turn than that of a year « » Mathews. college and experiment slat Inti on flrlal« of this und other «tat«»«. Aa alee experiments with many chemi com meal. y>0 ehch of meal scraps, Mr Minin' from Marshfield visited Klger Island near Corvallis are being thH 1« the only ««bool of Ita kind cals under varies! conditions and with bran, middlings and ground oats. This made, reports the vegetable ganten west of Kansas t’Hy and as Or »Ml on mechanical cleaning devices as well mash should be fed with green feed. his daughter. Mrs. Bert Weaver issi ing department of (he stale college has adopt«*! the f«'«leral trades, con* The latter were found to he more or In the absence of green feed add 5 Thursday lloih the overhead and the gravity nldvrabl«' Interest In the work here less injurious to the fruit and ineffei-t per cent of alfalfa meal to the mash Mr* Martha McKinney, who has system s are being used II Is planneu h# (|„ >„|,ip,M| ire in reducing the residue to the re Feed a good scratch feed along with some time with relative, here. , to extend the area In lie watered by q aired tolerance. Hydrochloric acid the mash Skimmllk or buttermilk h*" return«l to California Two O. A (' Graduate« wlM lie in William Weeks from Eugene was the gravltv system A centrifugal charge of the Instructional work. has been found to be both cheap and also makes a good addition to the I a caller in Thurston last Sunday. He | pumr. raising the water 33 feel from Waller Morgan. 17 graduate, at pre»- effective and absolutely harmless. It feeding plan. i reports the birth of a new baby hoy a driven well, supplies the water for «•nt federal hay supervisor for ihe arlll also remove copper and lime rest- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ In his home, He formerly resided ¡gravity irrigation. The water is dis l*a< lit« roast will lie assisted liy iron due Machines for itp use are report- i There were 339.000 more head of I tribute«! In open ditches leading from alii Hill. '25. now instructor of farm ed to be in process of manufacture to livestock on farms in the Cnlted here. A. W Weaver motored Io Junction u 3 Inch is-rmanenlly laid pipe V«-g« crops Mr Hill look work In the he sold at a reasonable price. States on Jaunary L 1937. than on City last Monday where he bought tables watered by this system Include Kansas City school ■ »»y J, 1930. according to the De- a holsteln cow. before he arrived sweet corn, tomatoes, celery and mel­ Gaorge T. Swearinger, of Tren­ Plymouth Rock. Rhode Island Reds. P*rtment of Agriculture estim ates home, he broke his trailer down and ton, 3. C., la “Cotton King,“ win­ ons. while (he overhead system s Alfalta Is not «uro-ssful when «eed and Wvandotte hens, and in fact most The number of sheep Increased about had to unload his cow and drive her ning the crow» and reward for I used for early rnbhuge, spinach, ed too early in Oregon, «aja the ei» bens of the general purpose breeds AMS.OOe head, and of swine 4S1.000 having raise.! more cotton per acre home early lettuce, peppers, and early root jieilinent «tallon Planllngs In lato in 193« than any o’her planter in make good mothers. The heavier h‘‘*d- b“‘ th** ■ » » « * ' «< • » •’“ ’>* d“ Mrs. Gregory Mitchell at Westfir Is the stata. i vegetables. sprlng have nlnays glvrn beiler ro. class, or meat breeds, such as the creased 1A37.000 head, and horses Milk « « ’decreased 1,1 • * “ > Pn-umonla Melvin suita than fnll or early Sprint pinni Brahmas and Cochins also make good t>6l.0©0 head Xeedleham brought her two children Transplanting of early ^cabbage and Ing li is essenitnl to get ihe »»ed gitters, but are likely to be clumsy on 334.000 head during the year, and took In the Washington und Ore­ down to Iheir grandmother's. Mrs. lettuce lia n t. In « r e ç u will begin as ...... fr„ . from W(.r(, , wr„ „ , , |e4 the nest. Leghorns seldom get broody, _ _ _ _ _ _ Taylor Needham, lost Wednenday. gon game Saturday night. Those who so«in as weather anil soil conditions for alfalfa and are not very good for hatching Tf” ' highest yearly record for milk Mrs. M ura H ailey an aunt from . couldn't go in got ihe game by radio. an- Muliubl»-. says the vcget.-ibl ■ garden x I production is about 37.00« pounds, or Hadleyvlile momred over last Saiur- Th«- Pleasant HUI High arhtwil |ng department of Ih«' «laic colli g Pinner «having« «« filler« for bt»«« _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ’ some nine or ten times as much as ,jav ant| toog the haby home w'th her. baskeiball team won lhe «ouniy d a ss By sellin g planta oui In late February nmnk»»r« 1« r«»t< ta tK'hool Hou««. • choke of white, flesh, Maude Russell, who Is attending _ ' _ Jasper- Brad In • A cooking club has been organized won the silver cup’ for I-ane county April and lhat former governor In this community with Mrs. J R • time and place of meeting and • last Friday in the tryout ot the Y M Nathan Miller of New York (atxive) _ . . . . Fish as club lender. The first meel is Io take his place al $3110,000 a year. • changes of data as they may uu- • C. A. In Eugene after a hard earned • Ing was held Saturday forenoon at (h< • cur. a victory over the Walker team. Fish home. The members will d«> There will be an entertainmen' their cooking In their own homes and given at the hall next Friday evening. discuss food cooked and ask questlo is by the Junior Bible School class there . ,. , _ , . . . . a t their meetings- This week member« will be several numbers put on by will learn to cook rice, oatmeal, cust­ e r i lin amps students of the E. B. U. from Eugene. ard ami cocoa. Thcere will be a small admission The club will be called Garden Wny charge There will be home made Cooking club and the following are candy and pop-corn balls for sale The charter meipbers: Gertrude and Helen proceeds go toward buying heaters Haugen, Lucille Monday. Virginia for the class rooms at the church. Chase, Charllne Florence Bell pnd Alma Fish. UPPER WILLAMETTE Mr and Mrs. James McKenxIe and Miss Doris Caldv/ell of Eug<’ne were Jerry Kebler. Annetta Matzan and visitors at the Thomas Maxwell home Th» Ima McPeek, delegates to the Cor­ Sunday. Forest Anderson ha been quite III vallis educational exhibition gave their rejiorta :.t the high school Mon­ the past week. Wonderful progress I h being n u d e In medical «cl- day Of tills week. These three with I. Cline Is building an addition to the ence and new remedies are cunstantly being dis­ prlnc’enl Kilpatrick went to Corvallis house occupied by the Harrington the Friday before the high wnter and family covered. This creates new problems for the I returned to Eugene too Idte Bunday Mrs. Dorothy Cyr, who has been III liharmat^Hl. and m akes It lm|>erallve that your to get home and were thus marooned has recovered. In Eusene until Tuesday night. There A. W Ferree was obliged to Inst ill was no high school Monday and Tues an new electric motor for his water to assist us in giving you the most up-to-date day of last week. system, the old one being ruined by Although Mrs. Jeanette Clark prln the flood. Valve Grind on your engine possible to obtain he filled by those who are wholly competent and ! clpal of the Pleasant Hill public Ralph Haugen Is recovering from anywhere. who have these newer remedies on hand. Your school, was marooned in Eugene Mon­ the flu. day and Tuesday of Iasi week, the Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Curry and daugh­ physician will he pleased If we fill the prescrip­ j school was not closed. Mrs. C. E. ter and Miss Wood of Philomath were We are now in position to grind your valves tions Which he writes because he knows that we I Jordan substituted In her place. visitors at the Frank Bailey home better and at less expense than before with the Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Phelps and two Sunday. have everything prescribed und th at our com­ old system. children of Swisshome spent a few The H. K. Chase family were visit­ pounding is done with skill and care. j days (he fore port of this week at the ors at the Ev'-rett Chase home Sun Come in and talk it over and let ue explain this j home of Mr. and Mr». Swift day. Let Us Fill Your Next Prescription new system. ' Quite a few at Pleasant Hill are still Professor Long, horticulturist of O. having the flu. A. C., demonstrated pruning In the H. The first fruit blossoms, that of the E. Wylie orchard. About thirty men Vesuvius plum, made their appear­ were present. After his demonstra­ ance at Pleasant Hill March 1st. tion here he left for the Roger orch The Pleasant Hill high school was ard near Santa Clara to flemonstrate .' dismissed last Friday and many at­ on sour cherries. W. H. ADRIAN. Prop. tended the basketball conference In A. Vlk. whose motor ws 'lamngeil 1 .Eugene. Many of the older fans fol­ by the flood, was obliged to purchase j j lowed the team during the conference a new one. rv New Gowns and Chemise Hand W Gi v t Vz G DibtovM Si ANNOUNCING to Automobile Owners Our New Service PROGRESSIVE PHARMACY We Have Bought a Universal Valve Face Grinding Machine — ---- Springfield Garage PRESCRIPTIONS Ketel’s Drug Store !