THURSDAY MARCH 8. 1927 TUB SPRlNOm ajO NRW8 ln tha morning and star, the day right by (1rs, planning your 'Work, that you PaMlshag K v .ry T h a red ay a t I will hava tim» lu ruad lim a for 8lgf;*ld. Lans County. Oregon, by i friand* lima fur pleasure. and Ilme T H I W IL L A M E T T E P R I M fur the observance of health and H. K MAXRT. Editor beauty rule«; eating sltiwly. for one It pays to establish a high Ideal; study, work thing, retaking (he musi lea of the hard and keep everlastingly at It, A good school a* MroDd rlaaa matter February 14. IMS at the 'ey«a and the laaly occasionally dur- te a c h e r g ets $3,000 a y ear; th e govern o r o< the poatotflca. SprlngflaW. Oi WHICH TYPE OF WOMAN ARE YOU? r In. the courue of a day's work, brush s ta te g e ts $7,000 a year; cabinet officers get $|t> for that as a necessary pari of It There are many varieties of woman, I Ing the hair night ami morning all M A IL S U B S C R IP T IO N R A T E 000 a y ea r; Tv Cobb» >75,000 a y ear and Babe to be aure. But then« are two out upkeep T e a r In Advance___ >1.75 Three M onth* . T5c R uth com plete re tu rn s not in vet. Begin «»nr day the nigh, before by I of which are very ....... In ke.p standing type* with which we are M o n t h s ____________tl.M Slnale Copy _ _ 5c Halting a full quoin of sleep tie, up) in« alive ihe spirit of jmuth. concerned today, The one who 1» Why should you sq u aw k ? N chuchadneirer .aim . poised, amt efficiently conduct­ ------ ■ . - .. - —— II THVRSOAY FEBRUARY Í4 . 1SÎ7 w as stuck for one of them . too. T h e y ’ve just ting ing the duties to whith «lie Mas been it up in Egypt a vanity cast' w hich one of his assigned. amt the other harried T H E ROUTING OF T H E NEW BRIDGE dappers left w e’ll I k »,, in a phone booth. strained. rushing finitely about, at* W e see no reason w hy th e highw ay com inis • • • i < omplishtng tittle more than wrinkles slo n should be prevailed upon to ch ange Its mind Well, they have taken perjury from th e m a rri­ A E. Roberts, President « from routing the new bridge at th e etui of m ain age cerem ony how th at prom ise of th e b rid es with her poor system of management Invariably the woman who has no \ catalogue, id lin g about o u r S ecretarial. B ookkeep­ stre e t to the old piers. Everyone ag rees th a t the to obey. sort of svstom for her work 1« the ing and S ten o g rap h ic C ourses, sent tree «> any addresa, direct ro u te is the best even if it does cost m ore. • - • • womnn who tluds her days so taken T h e item where th e cost o f the proposed bridge upon request. Very few w om en a te good enough to be king. up with work that she has no time for is m ostly exceeding the estim ate is in th e cost Italy’s king d o e sn ’t try to drive from th e hack M onday Is enrollm ent day. anything else—not a minute to rend of right-of-w ay. If the highw ay engineers will scat. or to piny. She Is the woman, too, be a little m ore liberal in surveying th e w est a p ­ • • • who Is cross and Irritable and wont pro ach to avoid the Kingwell G reen houses more out bv the time night comes that she th a n the value of the old piers can be saved. We 992 W illam ette stre e t Eugene O regon Pilone niiii la too tired to do anything hul go to w ould ra th e r have w bridge at th e end of Main *»BMcacnw bed. Naturally, her looks must suffer street th an synietrical curves for a n o rth am i Tell the average woman that yon s o u th approach to the new bridge. They can have heard of u new cream that will com e later when traffic is heavier and the sta te erase from her face all the linns of and county has m ore m oney for such purposes. worry and you will never know a minute'« rest until you have (old her LET’S GET T H E WOOLEN MILL where it might be obtained. But tell The proposed new woolen mill if built here will NO NEED TO SEND DEVIL TO MARKET a tired, nagging woman that she can put Springfield on the map industrially so that In a b ro ch u re recently got out at Antioch Col future development will be easy. ,t takes money lege. Ohio, referen ce is m ade to th e cu sto m of ihe prevent liny lines trgn creeping Int Is the dls)N,sillon of the pleased cu sto m er to re tu rn to th e to m ake money and it takes industry to bring old-tim e S h ak ers, w ho generally observed the laws her face by adopting a system for her pia e w here he Ims Imen well treated . work, and she will laugh at you. more industries. Woolen nulls and clothing m an­ of C hristian brotherhood, of sending th eir m o s- It may be brutnidlr, nevrrthe less. II ufacturing concerns are bound to come to the unscrupulous m em bers out into th e world to do E g glm ann's Is blessed with m uch good will. People west more and more where the raw products are. th eir trading. H ence originated the saying that Is true that system wins success. The from all p a rts of N ine co u n ty as well as Springfield re tu rn difference between the hurrlers and In the past they have gone where there were th e S h ak ers alw ays sent th e devil to m arket. tim e a fte r lim e to o u r pluee. They like o u r service and we the people who really accomplish big m ore population but with the grow th of the west Ilk»* to serve them . T h an k you! T he im plication in th a t while C hristian living things and htdd to youth and beaut, there will be mills and custom tailoring houses and principles w ere suitable fo r o rd in ary affaiis is In the system established in (he in the west. Springfield should get in on the an d in family life, they w ere not suitable for the latter’* lives. Every big woman who ground floor. By raising $100.000 in I^ine county outside world. T h ere you had to fight th e devil has reached success has f m » it by we can get a $750.000 industry, Let everyone with fire and deal unscrupulously with unscrupul- conserving her energy for the import- do his little bit. Otis people. ant things, wasting nothing on fruit THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Henry Ford is now experim enting in baking a crat kerwhk'it will suffice th at day when Beef, Pork and Itoultry are no m ore; w hich may Indi­ cate that hp has some inside figures on Just how fast the autom obile is killing ’em off. ^liat Price JJeaut^ EUGENE BUSINESS COLLEGE IT’S A GOOD SCHOOL DB. FRAJÍIÍ CflANE SAYS Good Will EGGIMANN’S After 40 days and 40 nights sessions the legisla- , A w m m on idea is th at those people get ture is as far apart a s a federation of wom en’s ° Lg b<’St ^ r l d who do not strictly a d h e re club convention It seems since prohibition there ,h * n,.o ra’ law’ have to be crooked enough Is no common ground that men can agree on as U! a," ’**! a ,»d Jet not «rooked enough to fall they once did when there was a bar across the ° f th,‘ ,aw . . . « re e l from the capitol building where the aolons . u° ° ? n.e just and Upright in all things may o c c a - lumber ha* been unloaded there. Now PrOi’" ," '" n '• M • • A to w v h o ro otrn »xxxiw e ie bu, »» » rule «na .n ru n 11 I)a J 8 - u u j knO “He can can LmL look any man square in the eye and tell him to go to blazes.” ( AC&ue&láneJ, NEW’ SPIC AND SPAN SPRING 1 9 27 MERCHANDISE ARRIVING DAILY! .............. , ................ there Is only 1.000.000 feet of flr nn«l hemlock; all the rent hax been sold an.i delivered an.) par, of the . feet . . in storage _____ .__.___ has been sold 1I1(| lM »aith.g shipping orders "Since the public lumber terminal bach landed ,.«00.000 fee, of fir at Ihe Wlvgln terminal late In November as Ihe Initial cargo, the business has re­ mained on n normally quiet winter basis. Harry H. Wlggln. the promo­ ter and general manager of Ihe enter­ prise. showed evidence that the new facility has already shown Its value by absorbing temporary unsold sur- i phis of west coast Inmber and thus , restrained the owners from throwing 'distress' lumber on forced sale to void demurrage costs." TOAST It is healthy and you like it. Make that delicious golden* brown toast right at your table with the NEW PR IN C E SS Toastover Toaster, made by Hotpoint. Beautiful in design and made of highly polished nickel. Toasts two slices of bread at once. One side toasted •ust open and close the bread hplder a n d your toast is turned. Only 95c Down $1.50 monthly with your light bill. Total only $6.95 .Silver plated bread tray -‘ REE with every Princess toaster purchased. Only a LIMITED supply of toasters on hand Get yours Today MOUNTAIN STATES POWER Co ■ssaBMMiMWMggnNninn s'Bobolini N ew ‘RobolinR’ Price, Per Pair — Of Pure Silk Thread — Of Same Even Quality — Same Guarantee (Another Pair Without Ques­ tion If Not Satisfactory) — Silk Over The Knee — A Shade To Harmonize With Your New Sprint Wardrobe— 20 All Told -—Here arc the attribute«, Eiffel Quality Ravel S to p - Spring Needle Knitting No Shadows a t Ankle T hree Seamed Back Mercerized Well Narrowed Foot —Snug Pitting Ankle Plated High Spliced Heel and Double Soles. \ ou needn f get several pair at a time before you are given a guarantee- here you need only purchase but one pair and the guarantee accom panies the hose. If any adjustm ents, th ey ’ll he made a t the hosiery departm ent. -the “Good Fellow” Our Best Tonic Jiiat about tbla time of year everyone n e e d s a tonic to brace him up af­ ter the rigors of Winter. PEFTONIA It’s pleasant to take. Will not d i s t u r b the stomach. Gives you strength and pep. Will enrich your blood. An extra large bottle for $1.00 Flanery’s Drug Store XL Ate— who goes broke You have w e n them loia of Ilmen- perhnp» you a re In ih e sam e fix yourself those ch ap s w ho alw ays w anted to pay for every­ thing, who sp en t < h eir m oney rig h t and lefi as fast ns th ey could. Look at them now where a re all riie “ pals’’ that hung aro u n d so close when th e pocket hook was wide open? W hat lias becom e of th e “good-fellow ” him ­ self? Yon know th e story as well a s we do. All of us like to b( good-fellow s Io a certain ex ten t, to pay a little m ore th an o u r share, and to be g dnerous to o th ers. Doing som e­ th in g for o th e rs is one of th e g re a te s t pleas­ ures in life But never forget to do som e­ th in g FOR YOI 'R SEI ,F nt t he sam e tim e. I hit som e of y o u r m oney In a savings account then you will not be laughed a t as th e foolish fellow who gave ev ery th in g aw ay. C an ’t you save a little of th e m oney you are being u good-fellow w ith today? Protected by Electric Burglarly Alarm System A GOOD BANK IN A GOOD COUNTRY Commercial State Bank Springfield, Oregon .