PRINTING In t h e Inseparable companion of achieve ment. TW K N TY-K O tJR TII YEAR THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS FOUR-L HAS PROGRAM VOTES SCOUT MONEY _____ _ . < q O. flPRINOFlELD, LANE COUNTY. OREGON. THURSDAY MARCH 3. 1*27 f lo o d SuffeTCTS . il I Bryson Resigns; D illard Is Clerk Believe It or Not— A re Gwen Help Teaches Sui. / School Ali approprlathin Ot »25 tur Spring­ field I»«y Scout Work wa» voteli by Springfield Giving Generously III» locai utili nf Ih« Loyal Laglnn of In Relief W ork; Damage | LoM*r» ami Lumbermen a l a bual Being Repaired D .o K ie D44i uesa «eaalon whlcb precadod a publlc •TM Paopi»e ('•H*" A L IV I NEW SPAPER IN A L I V I TOW N NU M B ER 1 mOlEN KILL LISI SHOWS PROGRESS County Clerk To Go Into Ab­ stract Bugineee Purchased S t o c k Sold Passes $25,000 By Him Mark; Eugene Chamber of R. S. Bryson has resigned hts posi­ Commerce Give« Authoriza­ tion as county clerk to go Into busi­ tion to project; Emil Koppa ness for himself and the county court generous. has appointed Walter Dillard to fill Board of Southern Pacific Off!- ........... „ |h„ w o w ,IBll ciala And Two Looel Men i | 1 M o l l i l a ) n ig h t. Wllh at least ten fam ilies needing Claim Railroad Company Not Paul Frc»c, Marnami Sktivlan. Immediate assistance, Ihe flood relief Responsible Fer Crash of Feb. Naomi ami Ruth fa r Itoti and Charlea work bus been pushed steadily thia Nadvnmlk were responsible for muai 12. Fatal to Local Boy. week by the Red I'roes, represented In cal aelerlloas presented during the out the unexpired term. Mr. Bryson With an endorsement of the Eugene has purchased the I-ane County Ab­ Employees of the Southern Pacific stract company business from John Chamber of Commerce supporting were absolved ot responsibility In Ihe Bell, state senator from Lane county, their effort». Welby Steven» and Al accident on February 1», which proved who has been conducting the business Perkin» are engaged canvassing Eu­ ratal Io Errol Parker, Springfield gene for sublcrtptlons to the »100.Odd for a number of years. <<«ith, by a board composed of officiate For some time Mr. Bryson has felt stock quota to be raised In Lane coun­ of the railroad company and J. F. that the pay of county officer« It too ty for establishment at Springfield of Kelela, druggist, and C. E Kenyon, low and he takes thia step because the Oregon-California Co-operative hank cashier, In en Inquiry sponsored be A p ects to better himself. He 1» woolen mills. by the Southern I’aclflc Tuewlay Additional subscriptions this week now serving hts third term which morning. would expire in 1*28. Mr. Dillard la showed that Springfield has raised The Inquiry was conducted by the an experienced clerical mn and has over »25,000 toward the fund, and the railroad company In compliance with comm ittees here are still working. lived In Eugene man years. Ila rules, wllh L. C. Gram, assistant In retiring from the office of county A partial list of the new subscribers superintendent. « • " £ ’ LOCAL RESIDENTS AT is given in The News this week, and clerk Mr. Bryson said: local people were called Io describe “I regret very much to give up the the complete list will be added later. the »accident as they witnessed It. | ALBANY CONFERENCE Springfield Interest« believe that the work as county clerk, as It has been members of Ihe Sotuhern Pacific crew agreeable In every way. and I have rapacity here la for »50.000 of the fund, on Ihe train which struck the l*arker I Reports of Ihe Hprlngfield delegates enjoyed my relations with the county and the other half la to be raised In automobile were examined ' '<» 'h" Albany conference of Ihe Am court and the other county officials." Eugene, the committee hopes. The Tralnno n who told their version of erlean leg io n auxiliary will b~ hc--d said Mr. Bryson last night. “But I endorsement given by the chamber of the accident were Engineer H. L. I at a meeting to be conducted Frld y have felt that sooner or later I would commerce at Eugene Monday night night, according to Mrs. M B. Hunlly. Parker. Fireman C. A. Vaughn. Con- have to begin to look ont for my own was In effect an authorisation to the duqfor M C. Hamilton and llrakeman . chairman. personal Interests. 1 have been con­ Springfield committee to canvass Eu­ Mrs. Hunlly drove to the conven- G ‘Jl Shoush All claimed that they sidering for some time the matter f gene for additional stock-buyers. 1 lion, taking with her Mlaa Pearl bad had legal rest before going on Upon their return, the Springfield getting Into business for myself. Snook. Mrs. Emma Olaon, and Mrs. duly. “1 greatly appreciate the confidence delegation expressed their apprecia­ I) W McKinnon. The report for The repost. In part follows: the people of Lane county have re­ tion of the courtesy and gratitude for "Investigation develops that Ihe en­ . Springfield was made by Mrs. Hunlly. posed In me In continuing me In of- the interest of the Eugene busine»« Among prominent Legion and auxl- gine whistle sounded one-fourth of a fle and I have always sought to show men. the confer mile weal of ihla crossing and again llary workers present I — -------- Of especial interest was the talk this appreciation In conducting the enre were Mrs. Ilershener. depart- when within 400 feel of Ihe crossing office in as careful a manner aa I given by Emil Koppe, of the Eugene menial president, of Hood River, Mrs. and engine hell was ringing by »utm would my own business." he continu­ Wbolen mill, who declared that' he mntlc ringer An automobile ap­ Mabie Mclnlurff. secretary-treaaurer would welcome another woolen mill ed. from Marshfield. Mrs Oarlock, dis­ proached from the left on Second "I am acquiring the business of in thl» district. Among others who trict commit lee woman from Medford. street whleh crosses Ihe Routhern Lane County Abstract company which spoke were D. B. Shiel, Klamath Fall» Pacific track at an angle of 115 de Kenneth Kooper. head of the veter­ I will continue under the same name. and Glenn Hord. Portland, woolen mill ans bureau In thia section, and De­ frees. (Crossing Is planked and In 1 hope to retain the business and good promoter». C. F. Eggimann. Mayor O. good condition, protected by a stand­ partment Commander Murphy of will of all the company's former pat­ O. Bushman. H. E. Maxey. Al Perkin». The surface was badly washed on of th, American Legion Frl- Portland. ard crossing sign and automatic wtg rons and assure the public careful Welby Stevens and. Charles Kenyon. the western approach to the Sprtog- , < > f weeK according to wag bell which was working as train attention to all details of the business. President Marion Veatch of the Eu­ NEED OF D E F IN IT E GOAL . t field bridge, and thio roadway still 1» announcement of Commander Commander John John approached crossing. feel that my experience In various gene chamber pf commerce presided z s r r u i o r c i i c v In had condition The railroad bridge "When engine was within approxi­ Will. The meeting will be held at the TOPIC OF EVANGELIST hM h„ n by So,uh, rn lines of public work and legal train­ at the session. ____ mately 50 feel of croaalng. ihe fireman W. O. W hall at 7:30 o’clock. ing quality me to give to the public All speakers emphasised the Bel "God put eternity into th . heart. «“ and neither bridge nor observed Ihe automobile approaching The public la to be Invited to the excellent service In the abstract busi­ that the woolen mill ts In reality • by th* fl00d' from hla aide of the track at a speed Man was made for Immortality.' d . » « • “ ' Legion dinner, and the funds will be ness and by rpison of my confidence Springfield-Eugene project, and if eatlmated by film as »5 miles an hour. dared Rev. James flmall of Kansas. . used for replenishing the Legion treas­ In the prosperity and continued established will be a valuable benefit He Immediately called to the engineer evnngeltat. In hla sermon Monday M ERRY MAID MARCH TO ury. Chicken a la king w ill be served growth of «thia county I am entering to both communities. .. a _ emergency ___ _ a .» , H B,Kht _ l l l i . n i .. i w i l V church, . I I W I V a . . , _ where _ a_______ » who applied brakes In at B, « I , I be Christian ! W in » a y p ilV M w . — ——- — IR U l « IT » — In thia business with pleasurable anti­ BE G IVEN MARCH 2 3 by members of the auxiliary. The subscription list now Include» once, and brought the train to a atop b olrU Ixm|ple of Springrtv-lrt ACCIDENTS AT MARCOLA W. Hancock --------------------------- of automobile from seeing and hear» Ford." E. E. Kester _________________ , Higrt, School on March 33. CONFERENCE OFFICIAL Ing approaching train and warning "Every man should know w here he , Th,g (g gn eyeBt Bnd much Danner Motor Company ------- ----- M# Falling limbs caused painful injuries TO SPEAK AT M E TH O D IS T H. B u rgh er--------------------- ---- la going." he declared, "for Ihe road 1 ,, taken by the girls to two employes of the Fisher I arm be r signals , "It la the opinion of this board that Is not easy and It Is full of curves. , (n |hg plans. Only mothers of tho company at Marcola Saturday, it was Lee Burgher ---------- ---------------- Rev. J. B. Coan, superintendent of responsibility for the accident resta School Is one curve, marriage Is an- memberi( ()f th„ leBKUe wlH Invited learned at a local physician's office F. E. Clayton, Vida hospital work In the Oregon confer- entirely with the driver of automobile other, and trade or profession an- Pitts .... ....................—.......- - 1* ’ Bt, end the affair, wlhch will con- where they were treated. ence of the Methodist Episcopal “ for failure to use ordinary rare In ap­ other. They must all be watched Huntly D e lic a te sse n ----- slat of special stunts and skits with The most serious injury was sus church, will preach at the local proaching railroad croaalng at grade. "Every highway Is marked and map ex(.,u, , T, ly feminine casts. A march talned by Myron Craig. Craig was E. E. Pyne ...................- .... church on Sunday morning, according No responsibility on part of Huothern pod Keep to the right! To do other- 11# # , eB,ure. hurt while working In the woods, the to announcement by Rev. Gabriel N. A. Rowe ............... ....... Pacific or It» employes." wise leads to danger and death. There ________ __ ___ Lulu M cPherson------------ Itmb falling from the top of a tree are detours — sickness, disappoint-I At the evening services. Rev. Sykes ! £®rl J ....... .. Baby Daughter Born and striking his head. A gash six ments and trials. There are fillllng FEBRUARY POSTOFFICE will preach on "The Truth as It Is In H ----------- ; Inches long was sewed up here. stations. There are others besides John W Will A baby daughter was born to Dr. RECEIPTS SHOW JUMP Henry I-anders sustained a severe Jesus. '' prayer, but thia Is the most Import­ and Mrs. W. C. Rebhan yesterday at C. P- Clover ----- Special evangelistic services are to bruise to his left shoulder In a similar A. L. Roberts ..... noon, weighing 7H pounds. The new­ February postal receipts showed a ant. s’tart on March 31. with the Rev. Above all watch your breaks. Put , comer was borts at the Pacific Christ­ accident Philip S a u l------- gain of 14 per cent over those of the Both men returned to their Marcola Thomas C. Henderson of Oberlin, R. P. Mortensen corresponding period a yer ago, an a break on your hell-born Impulses. ' ian hospital. Both mother and baby homes. __________ Ohio. In charge._____________________ Wright ft Sons, unusually high Increase, according to Poor breaks are responsible for most are doing well .. -a a B a -M B S H -a a — W. H. Stearmer Postmaster F B Hamlin. Receipts wrecks." Mrs. L. K. Page for the last month were »601.58: -By A. B. CHAPIN Wm. Thurman .. JUNIOR S K IT W IN N ER - IN THE WAKE OF THE NEWS- those for February. 1*2«. »524.3». The January receipts showed a gain C. F. E g g im a n n ------------------ lOOO.Od IN “ LAUGHTERESQUE" of 6% per rent over Jaunary. 1*26. A L. F. Anderson ----------------- 500.01 substantial Increase oVer the figures The Reign of the Royal Ghost, a Wm. McDonald -------------- 200.01 for the quarter la anticipated. take-off of Hhakespcare's Hamlet, cap- Cross _______________ 300.00 J. E. lured first honor» at l-aughteresq «. j H. Adrian _____________ 200.00 W 8cbool Board To Meet Springfield High school's annual laugh 200 00 Geo. Vallter -------------------- The Springfield school board will provoker, presented last Friday night. Murphy .......... — 500 00 D. B. meet Monday night at the office of The winning skit was presented by E. S w a r t s .........................- 500.00 Clerk R. W. Smith Further discus­ the junior clkas. and will count In the A. Washburne -------------- 500.OO B sion of the union district plan, sug­ Interclass rivalry »cores. - • 600.00 J. B. Young ................. gested some time ago. Is scheduled Other »wards were given as follows. McKlin .......... *----------- 200 00 M. J. for Monday's meeting. The board Is Second. Seniors, Romance of Piff-Paff M. R. Adams -------------- ------- 100 00 considering, a plan for consolidation I,and: Sophomore. "Yhe Pictorial Re­ '‘l o r j to p e J. L. Lorah .......... — ...........— 100.00 of several surrounding district» Into view." and Freshmen, "To Be or Not * * WAV 4 ) / g V a -p tA L Peterson ________ - 100.00 I. M. • union high »chnol dl»trlct to »olve to Be." ' F. Walker ___________ 500.00 Wm. financial problems growing out of «4 The glee clubs and high achool Thos. McKInnls -------- ------ — 100 00 t vas tendance of »tudents from these dis­ »indent» gave apeclal »election» be­ A. A. Anderson ------------------ 100.00 trict» at the local high echool. tween act». W. W. Clover ------------ - 100.00 200.00 F. B. Flanery --------------------- Prlaelll» Meeting OLD RESNDNTS PASS Smith ------- ---- - ......... - - 100 M B. O. The Prtacllla club meet Friday at 100.00 AT SPR IN G FIELD HOMES J. A. Neher ............. - ............ - the residence of Mr». Trubert Hend- McMurray ------------ ----- 100.0« J. C. erson. »pending the afternoon In sew ­ 100.00 Funeral servtres are to held this Mrs. L. May ...... ing. The next meeting will be on S. 1. ft Ella Ogden — ............. 200.00 afternoon at 2 o'clock for Mrs. Amelia March 11 at the residence of Mrs. 100 00 8mtth, 88, Lane pioneer and resident C. A. Swarts _____________ Jack I-arson. Sankey -------- ------------ 1A**oWiYlA/G — 600.00 Paul Brattaln family, which moved Geo. J. Gerlach ..... - ....... - ...... Mrs. Riley Snodgrass, Mrs. Norman •> 1500 0« here 60 odd years ago. Several rela­ J. Fulop .............. ..............— Howard, Mrs. Hownrd Freeland, Mra. 100.00 tives survive. W. C. M cL agan ......... .............. William Curtis, Mr». John Tomseth 100 00 Another old resident passed when Wm. V a 8 b y .......... —.................. and Mr». J. C. McKey. 300.00 William Vincent, civil war veteran, A. Premier M 100.00 died. Mr. Vincent was one of tho Ogden _ T. V. Vlsltlng at Wendling—Miss Blanche first to answer Lincoln’s call for vol­ 100.OB Taylor W. A. Hornback Is spendlng the nveek vtslt- 600.0B unteers. He Is survived by many re­ W. C. Rebhan Ing her slster, Mrs. M. A. Dorsay. of 500.00 latives In this district. The funeral Eugene Kester Wendling. John Henderer — -------- 100.0« was held last week. R. V a s b y ------------------- ------- iOO OO % Visit Handsrsr Homs—Mr. and Mr«. Frank I-o g a n --------------------- 100.0B Mov» to Eugen»— Mr. and Mrs. H. Jack Henderer were visited over the A. 8hannon have moved to Eugen» S. Ralph Dlppel ----- ------------ 200.00 week-end by Mr. ’ and Mrs. Frank '^ /A /G -- Into their new home at 1648 East 24th ' ' Your», SO.UA'*" Continued on "page five) Thompson of Portland. Ou.u « . e n 1QW4 C street. program The Mask and Dagger club, dramatic organisation of the Eugene High _ achool. . _ gave a short skit "Not Quite Much a Goose," and the Eucene- ana presented other teaturea of the program Refreshments were served at the close of Ihe program with Mrs I). W. McKinnon and Mrs. M. A. Neet In charge In the absence of Chairman N. Dillard. George Cox presided ' a( the session i ------------------------ Springfield by Mrs. M 11 Hunlly. Moat of Ihe relief work has been done In Weal Springfield, where the flood was at Ila worst, and needy families are still being supplied with clothing and furnishings for their damaged homes. Five beds. food, dishes, rooking utensils, brooms, and clothing make up most ot the articles turned In so far for the flood sufferers Springfield people have given generously, and the home of Mrs. Roberts In West Spring- field ‘has been made a distributing point where flood sufferers can come and look over the donated articles. Repairs of Ihe damage Io West Springfield properly are being pushed this week, and highway and road work In thia district Is well under way. Buildings are again on their old foundations, and moat of the ser­ vice stations and roadside groceries on the Pacific Highway are again do­ -WU r IW_______________ Francis Mildren, ol Zcigfeld's n< .< ing business. chorus, dances during the week bu J. W. Seaver of Beaver's auto camp, «very Sunday mom teaches a boy« whose large camp store went careen­ Sunday School class in New York ing down Ihe Pacific highway, has de­ She admits her favorite mend is a cided that the new — site chosen by the young minister. • -------------------------- flood waters Is more advantageous than the old. The flood left the store LEGION TO M EET FRIDAY standing approximately at the point N IG H T ; PLAN DINNER where the MrKensle highway Is to branch off from the Pacific when the Plans for a chicken dinner to be new bridge Is built. All necessary now Is for Seavey to turn the afore . given at the Woodmen of the World about, and build up the foundatlona. j ban March 11 will be completed at a r A ---------- --